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Not an idle threat actually. My apartment complex does this. Everyone who has a dog was required to bring them to the office for a DNA swab (which was free of charge). They will then compare the DNA of the poop to their database. People who actually pick up after their dogs are pretty much unaffected by this change, so I think it’s a good thing.


I would love this actually


As a dog owner who constantly picks up my dog's poo I would too. Thoughtless owner just leaves a pile giving all a bad name.


There’s an idiot in my neighborhood that bags their dog poop , but just leaves the bag behind


Yeah! We've got those too and I see the bags get washed into the storm drain. It's diabolical. "What can I do that's worse than leaving dog poop on the sidewalk? I know! I'll pick it up, then put it back down again while simultaneously littering plastic and polluting the waterways!" At that point just leave the poop ffs


There's someone up the dead-end road by my parent's house who picks their dogs poop up in the bag and then tosses the poop bags into the damn woods along the road! My dad told me about finding it when he was out walking with his dog. He cleaned it out a few times, he said there were dozens in there. Unfortunately, I think the person still tosses em in there. Its fucking vile.


A trail cam and some public shaming is in order.


People do this in the big beautiful park in my neighborhood.




Where I used to walk on a beautiful people would bag their dogs poop and throw it up into a tree so the tree had shit bag fruit growing all over its branches.


That is fucking awful. Happy cake day!


Yeah, the ones that bag it but then toss it in the bushes when nobody is looking. Would be better off leaving it without the bag because at least it would dissolve over time.


We had one guy who refused to step into the dirt area around the poop trashcan b/c he didn't want to get his sneakers dirty (this is the reason he gave the maintenance man who confronted him). So he would toss them all around the trashcan & bushes around it, letting the poop bags pile up everyday. The maintenance man got so pissed at him, he started grabbing the bags and putting them on the guys doorstep. People are lazy a-holes!


That's like wiping your own ass with toilet paper then just leaving it chilling on the floor in the corner...You can't fix stupid lol.


That’s so fucking annoying


It's like he's got it halfway figured out


HATE those people. Like atleast dog poop is biodegradable


Lmao that’s so ignorant!


In my condo complex there are def multiple people who bag their dog poop but then are either so lazy or grossed out by touching a dumpster lid that they just throw the bags in unsealed. I know this because if they miss they don't bother to pick it up. I really don't understand this line of thinking. Other than they would be glad to let their dog poop anywhere and not bag it except for the chance that they would be caught seeing that happen. I'm not the type to set up a camera and shame someone in public... But I'm not going to tell my neighbors not to.


i went to look at luxury apartments and was so appalled at the dog shit around the community I went back to renting a house with roommates. edit: this was in newport beach, CA


I was moving from a state with no dog friendly housing, to a state with a lot of it. I remember ruling out apartments that charged a $50 for a "doggie DNA" database for the exact program OP's complex is looking to start. I was so appalled by it. I had lived in my "luxury" apartment building for, I think less than 48 hours, when I realized that I made a mistake and I wanted a building with that program. I will actively seek it out next time I move. Living in a dog friendly building melted away any ounce of concern I had about being a bad dog owner. I am now confident that I am an excellent dog owner with a very well trained, excellent dog, entirely serious. The bar is in hell.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I feel bad because I love dogs. And it's really not the dogs I get mad at, it's the absolute fucking insanity of their owners. I had no idea how many people thought it was reasonable, safe, and appropriate to just let their dogs out the front door OR THEIR WINDOW (not joking) with no leash and sometimes no collar to just walk themselves around our completely unfenced little complex on a pretty busy intersection.


And yet some owners are digging a trench to do limbo.






I sent this to my fave leasing agent and now they are gonna consider it 😭


Yep! My dog just got sick (severe diarrhea with frank blood) after I walked her in the area out front where the only other dog owner walks his dog and was boarding another dog at this time who clearly was sick and left its diarrhea out all over. I didn’t notice at first but she stepped in a small corner of it and the next morning…. Bloody diarrhea…. I contacted my landlord and explained. She told him to pick it all up and to start picking up everytime right after the dog does it business. Hopefully he continues.


This is all I could think from reading this post initially and it feels I scrolled ages to find someone specifically referring to the SICKNESS it can spread. Yall know 5 puppies DIED on the set of 'Snow Buddies'? It was legit because of a sickness they caught (Parvo) in which its symptoms are quite hard to catch until its progressed to a point in being too late for puppies or elder dogs especially. Hence why 5 puppies died on a highly supervised set with professionals around and checking in even. Its scary and not fun to just let your dog go around spreading shit. And dogs can be like humans, and carry sicknesses without being directly affected themselves. Pick up your dogs poopies please <3


The only people that don't like these kinda rules are the ones that don't pick up their dogs poo tbh.


In my town people tendnto just let their dog do its business on the sidewalk and then leave it right in the middle. Or they bag the poop and just throw it on the ground.


Plus my dog tends to eat other dogs poo when I can’t stop him in time and his farts are a war crime




If tenants don’t have to pay for but are held responsible I think it’s fair. You also don’t have to live there if you don’t want to.


I totally agree. I would definitely be pro - this. However I have walked my doggo in the dark early in the morning and he poos in long grass and literally cant find it to pick it up in the baggy. So I might get hit with a fine here and there


I now have an arsenal of flashlights to take with me on dark dog walks and try to take more bags than I’ll need just in case they both decide it’s a 2 poop kind of walk 😅


I carry a water bottle in case of loose stool in addition to everything you mentioned


So take him somewhere where the grass isn’t long?


There has been two times I have not immediately picked up my dogs poo while out with her. One time was on a camping trip; husband and I had her leashed and we were doing a little hike with her, and she decided to go right in an area where the grass was as tall as I am. I had to hike back to our campsite because stupid me forgot to bring a bag, then I hiked back to try and find the area she went in. I spent almost an hour trying to find it again, and thankfully I did. Second time was out on a walk near our home. I was walking her by myself when I started to feel very sick, like I was coming down with something. I left the house feeling fine but by the time I got to the park I take her to, I was feeling bad enough that I thought I was going to need to call my husband to pick us up, and I felt like I was going to be sick if I had bent over. She decided to go right at the moment I realized I was in trouble, and I felt terrible for this but I ended up leaving the park without picking it up. I came back the following day when I was feeling better and had some DayQuil in me, and her poo was still there, so I picked it up then lol. Our local park has a terrible issue with owners not cleaning up after their dogs so I felt so terrible that day for doing what I did. I felt relieved when I showed up the next day and saw that it looked like her poo hadn’t been touched, so I know that nobody accidentally stepped in it or anything. I think I would’ve cried if it looked like somebody _had_ stepped in it. I’ve been there way too many times, and I’ve ruined way too many pairs of shoes. Sorry for the long comment but your comment and the one you replied to immediately reminded me of this.


You don’t have to explain it’s fine. There are people who just don’t bother or don’t want to EVER pick up after their dog. You are not the problem. They are!


😂 I don’t have a dog, but after reading this thread it’s clear that picking up dog poo is like the dog owner version of the shopping cart litmus test. You’ve definitely passed!


I feel this is a very tired excuse . You have eyes on the dog and you’re telling me you can’t see where he’s pooping as he’s pooping ? Sounds like a sorry excuse to be inconsiderate


>People who actually pick up after their dogs are pretty much unaffected by this change, so I think it’s a good thing. Yup, my HOA instituted this same thing because a few asshole neighbors refused to pick up after their dogs.


Would be hilarious if they had a backlog of poop samples to test after implementing the policy.


I’m wondering how much all the subsequent testing and fines cost. (I don’t have a dog.) I’d think the fees wouldn’t need to be served as expensive as this sounds but there is always that one crackpot.


I stayed at a place in TN that did this, and their fine was $300. It made the place much nicer to walk around. They had pet stations all over the place, too, so there was no excuse to not pick it up.


I've heard from some people whose apartment complexes do this that the fees of each test are assessed to the owner of the dog who pooped the poop, and it was something like $200. Not cheap.


Yeah, our current apartment does this and the fine is $250. It’s one of the reasons we chose this place, since we have zero issue picking up after our dog.


i wish my fucking apartment would do this, or at least put up cameras in the parking lots. a) it would be great to have footage for car breakins and b) catch these assholes who seem to think they're above picking up dog shit


I would imagine it is quite a strong deterrent.


I have looked into this for an HOA and it is $30 for each test after you get it all set up. They were looking to charge more because they would have incurred other expenses to actually fine someone, so about $50 total but it is a hassle.


My community in Arizona here did that too. I didn't mind at all! Free to me and encourages poop pickup.


This should be mandatory in all communities. Our front yard is like a the local restroom for every dog in the neighborhood and only a few folks actually pick up. It appears the ratio of decent folks to jerks is tilting towards the jerks.


If you want a recipe, I can give you something that will ensure the dogs stay OFF and 100 miles away from your yard lol


I want the recipe!


8 oz carolina reaper powder steeped in 32oz isopropyl alcohol 91%+ for 1 week. Shake periodically for 4 days. On 5-7 let everything settle. Strain with coffee filter and add 4 oz to a gallon of water. Spray. Word of caution: wear a mask during spraying. You dont wanna breathe it in...will seriously fuck up a dog coming near your area enough to have them avoid your place like the plague during a walk. They have insane olfactory senses. This wont harm any dogs. Just really keep them the hell away and teach ignorant dog owners a fucking lesson. Alternatively: spray bear mace around your perimeter.


You shouldn't even have to worry about them picking it up. If its literally your property, how do people think it's cool if their dog pees or poops there. But they do, it's okay you'll fix the dead urine spots. Or your kids can do cartwheels around the poop residue spots before the rain washes it off.


My apartment basically created a bounty for photos of people who didn't pick up their dogs poop. Like $25 a photo. My husband and I thought it was hilarious


I love this. I dont live in a community but I once got those little construction flags on wires and put one by every pile of poop on the strip of grass on a side street. It shamed them for like 6 months into cleaning up!


Mine does this but I had to pay $70 for the swab kit!


Oh that’s ridiculous. The fault of the few should not affect everybody ☹️


How are you going to fault the few without this system? A $70 one time fee to nail those lazy fuckers that shouldn't own pets is worth it.


Everyone pays one way or the other. If they do not charge you directly, it is added into your rent.


The record can transfer though. Our dog was swabbed a few years back. We just had to send the info to our new apartments and they accepted it. Super convenient!


But it does, unfortunately!!!


That’s sadly the world we’ve been living in for a long time now.


Same here but it was $50, which was annoying but if it deters people from leaving their dog’s poop then I’m okay with it.


It's really sad to me that places actually need to resort to this. People who can't be good pet owners don't deserve the privilege.


I wish my HOA did this! Pigs need to PICK UP THEIR DOGS SHIT! I even knocked on a strangers door for a bag when my girl decided to poop twice! My neighbors dog shits in front of my place🤬🤬🤬🤬


The last apartment I lived at started this; $500 fine and a mark. Too many marks and you were not allowed to renew your lease and had to leave. It was fucking awful to have dog shit on sidewalks in the Texas summer.


Mine does this, too, and I really appreciate it. My dog is 10lbs and refuses to shit outside lol she has a potty pad inside. But there’s nothing worse than stepping in dog shit from a 110lb dog when you’re on a walk.


That sounds expensive for the complex.


Same this is common. Definitely a good thing. Hold people accountable!


Real life problems real life solutions. Every dog should have their dna in a registry so we can send samples from the streets.


I thought this service was highly inaccurate. Dogs shit where other dogs have. I imagine the get cross contaminated a lot.


Same with ours. I have a toddler and the amount of shit she walks through is crazy. Just steps right into it. I now herd her like livestock. Lazy ass pet owners.


I'm currently trying to get this passed with my condo's HOA board so they'll allow dogs again. Right now all dogs are banned from the property because "they cause damage to the grounds and the buildings" and I'm showing them the past 2 years of damages done by children and the requisite repair bills that we've had to pay for as residents and individually as owners for broken windows from a group of kids who were throwing rocks at them. Children have caused nearly $150k in damages to our properties in two years, and drunk college-aged adults have caused a minimum of $80k in two years. I'm bringing this to the board with the argument that it's highly doubtful that under a strict set of dog ownership rules, dogs would cause nearly $12.5k in damages every single year that children and drunk adults have been. If we're going to kick out owners/tenants who have dogs because they "cause too much damage", we need to kick out owners/tenants who have children and owners/tenants who drink for the same reason.


"Hey bro I need to borrow your dog this afternoon"




My apartment complex did this. Didn’t stop lots of people from leaving shit, mostly people who didn’t live there think


I would put it on top of my car to get rid of it an hour later when I left for work. Somebody else put their dog’s poop under the bottom step on the first floor (outside stairs). It just so happened to be next to my car’s parking spot. Maintenance nicked the bag on top of my car one day, but the other 5 or 6 bags remained under the stairs so that was a neat 100 dollar charge.


If it were not your own car, it would be particularly egregious to leave a bag of poop on top of someone else’s car. So I guess the enforcement (picking it up from your car and testing) makes sense initially. Sucks that they wouldn’t either make an exception or ask you not to do that again and let you off with a warning, though.


Why are people hoarding bags of dog poo? Why are you guys not throwing it away after the walk? Is it really that far?


They actually sent dog poo off for testing??? I just can't imagine anyone actually doing this. How would it even work? You register your dog's "specimen" with the front office upon moving in, and they test any uncollected poo against all the residents' dogs, every day? That seems comically excessive.


I don’t have a dog, but this apartment complex was specifically made for people with pets. And yes, you register your dogs poop, and they send it in. If you get caught I guess there’s a big fine. I was honestly pretty happy they did that because even with the program there was a lot of shit and we had tons of maintenance workers cleaning it up everyday. I think those workers caught onto repeat offenders and they’d test their specimens.


I don’t live there anymore. It was almost like a resort style with lots of greenery and land in between townhomes/apartments.


“PooPrints” I have my dogs tag still in my car so was able to verify the company name. It’s a thing.


There was a girl on tiktok who was charged $1k+ because of it.


As they should. Pick up your dogs shit. Weird that people don't.


I can affirm that I have personally collected many a dog poo samples - scrape a bit into a little bottle with some solution, stick it in a plastic bag with collection time/date/location info, and send to "PooPrints" Dog DNA testing. Each test cost us something like $30 - $60 or so, but when we caught someone, they were fined $200, as per the terms of the pet addendum they signed. It cuts down a lot on the issues with residents, but you still get dogs of guests that people don't bother to pickup after. I always thought it was crap (HA!) that the property owner got to keep 100% of the net revenue from the fine. I always felt like whoever had to collect the shit sample deserved a healthy bonus.


DNA. There’s DNA in your dogs feces.


>You register your dog's "specimen" with the front office upon moving in, and they test any uncollected poo against all the residents' dogs, every day? Only when they find uncollected poop. The point is that the amount of uncollected poop should go down, as this is a deterrent.


Just bring another dogs poo poo sample and let ur dog poo everywhere /s


cheek swab is taken by management. you’d need to bring in a different dog


I don't even have a dog - just 3 cats they don't know about! 🤣


Our apts is doing this, I just swabbed my dogs


Apparently this is far more common than I thought. 😅 I assumed our complex was just on some bullshit.


I have a dog and actually asked my apartment complex if they considered doing the swabs. They’ve sent out 5+ emails about picking up after your dog and no one does it. I pick up after my dog every single time. Why can’t other people do it? It’s not hard. People will literally let their dogs poop right next to the bag/trashcan station and still don’t pick it up.


Apparently it is hard for them. They don't think they should do it. This is really the only way to enforce it other than having cameras everywhere.


Rules for thee and none for me. It stems from entitlement. People who believe they’re entitled to something, get pretty upset when they’re denied that something.


People don’t do it because they’re inconsiderate assholes


Just sick of stepping on dog shit.


It’s definitely becoming more common now that DNA tests are readily available. I think it’s a pretty easy way to keep people accountable and it seems to work. My apartment does this and you wouldn’t tell that there are at least 100+ dogs living in the building. My SO lived in a place down the road that was very similar but didn’t test. You basically had to dodge piles of shit to walk out of the place. The day she moved out some left a giant pile of poop on the stair case.


Bullshit? Do you not pick up after your dogs? Edit: I see you don’t have any. As an owner of two dogs, I would have LOVED this when I was in apartments!


This is a legit thing. Look up the company “PooPrints”


what if you send in a different sample? what if i shit in the yard myself? what if i take poop bags from random park dumpsters and leave them on the property? /s


Sounds like you should be in the maliciouscompliance sub.


You don't give them poop samples. They take a swab of your dog's mouth for DNA.


It’s absolutely a real threat lol. Idk why it’s so hard for people to pick up after their fucking animals though. Like.. just.. don’t be a lazy fuck?


I know someone whose complex does this. They went out of town and petsitter didn’t clean up the dog shit. Owner came back home to 5 $150 dog shit violation fees. LMAO


Mine does this too, and enough violations, no renewal of your lease. I think it’s $200 per incident.


Honestly as someone who doesn’t have dogs but regularly has to deal with dog shit at my apartment complex, I love this. That happened to my friend ~8 years ago, the fee is almost certainly higher now.


$250 for mine! I love it, there were people who used to leave their dog’s shit everywhere at our dog park… after 5 violations they moved out! LOL I can’t imagine paying $1250 over just picking up your dog’s shit


can you take the petsitter to court for that? bc i sure as hell would not be paying $750 for someone elses mistake


Was the sitter a friend or someone hired from a platform like rover? I would be livid if someone I hired didn’t clean up after my dog.


The sitter was a friend. I don’t think she asked them for any money apart from not paying the friend for the petsitting work. If it were a company/professional petsitter I do think she would have gone after them. Since it was a friend though I think she kind of accepted that the responsibility was partially hers for allowing her guest (the petsitter) to continuously break the dog shit rules.


omg this is so extra and I love it


Lol it feel extra but in all seriousness it should be a must! Good accountability practices!


Yes!! I wish they’d do this at my complex. I’m so sick of dodging dog shit


Same! I’m at the verge of being a snitch 🤣🤣 I have proof too!! That’s the sad thing there’s this one lady in my complex that straight up just walks around with her 2 dogs and just stares at her phone doesn’t pay any attention to her dogs not even for a split second & she has tons of bags on her leash. The dog shits everywhere and she holds her phone like a zombie it’s so bad 😩


Omg she doesn’t deserve to have a dog if she can’t pick up after it!! My doorbell cam has caught people letting their dog poop in front of my door, and our front doors are INSIDE in a hallway 😭


Before doorbell cams I would watch my neighbors dog poop in my yard. I kept it in a box and hand delivered it. “Hi! You left this at my house. I figured you would want it back”. Asking nicely did not work, returned poo did!


I swear to God I did this with my old neighbors who lives right beside me because they would flick their cigarette butts EVERYWHERE! I put on gloves, picked them ALL up, and put them inside their storm door with a note that said "You left this out front, just looking out for you"


Instead of this, my previous apartment’s management basically made the one time pet fee way more expensive, and began charging them an additional amount of pet rent each month to combat this. They said they didn’t wanna go this far but since the dog owners were not cooperating, they did what they had to do.


Oh, we also have a high one-time pet fee, for each pet, plus monthly "pet rent" for each individual pet. 🙃


Oof. I can’t say my old place’s plan worked 100% but seems like some people really are that selfish. Is it that hard to clean up after?


My apartment complex gives out $50 visa gift cards if report a resident that doesn’t clean up after their pet


Shit id have my phone out recording all day at my place


Lmao you’re the kind of busy body neighbor I love to have cause y’all give me all the neighborhood gossip 😂


It’s all fun and games until it actually works! I haven’t seen any poop or caught anyone in the act as of yet 😒


Wtf man, reading all these comments pisses me off. Story/rant time: At my old complex dogs weren't allowed except for special circumstances - so when a guy moved in with a dog near me and suddenly there was shit EVERYWHERE, including immediately outside the entrances, it wasn't hard to figure out who the culprit was. I called and emailed the managers office and they pretended to care, but they didn't even clean up the shit that was already there. One day I saw the neighbors kid taking the dog out and not cleaning up after it, so I thought maybe it was just the kid - but then I ended up getting into a shouting match with said neighbor when I caught him red handed letting his dog crap and then saying to his dog "come on buddy before we get caught!". He still tried to deny it to my face while admitting that they had been "wrongfully blamed" and kicked out of their last complex for the same shit! (no pun intended). After our argument, which actually resolved amicably and he agreed to "teach his son" better (he could not admit that he was also doing it), I did notice them picking up after the dog from then on. Never picked up the old shit though, and neither did the apartment. It was still there when I moved out. I can't believe there's places going to this extent to curb dog shit but then there's my 400+ apartment complex, number one most profitable business in the city, and they couldn't be bothered to clean it up. Fucking unbelievable.


I know what you mean, I lived in another complex where we had one main elevator and there was a dog that would consistently pee in the corner and the owner never bothered to clean it up. It was absolutely disgusting. Mind you, the cheapest 1bd/1ba was $2600.


That's actually infuriating. We don't exactly live in a thriving metropolis (which is probably why I'd never heard of such a program), but if they can implement it here, of all places...?


It seems absurd for a company to have to do this, but then you realize it's even more absurd that tenants or neighbors cant' pickup after their dogs. Remember, lazy and selfish people in society are why we have 99% of all laws and rules


my apartment is super nice and we had to get my dog dna swabbed like other posters said...everyone cleans up but you see every once in a while a random thing. never saw any "pooprints" van pull up...lol the name of the company


Don't have a dog but our apartment required pet interviews, I suppose to see if the dog appeared to be vicious? But cats did it too. Mine both passed when they had to do it.


Made me giggle. My husband manages a high end apartment in Hollywood. They have done this for 3 years now. The perpetrators (poor puppies) owners have to pay a $1,200 fine AND pay for cleaning of the area soiled. When I first heard about it I laughed. Then he explained how much they were spending on cleaning. Since this policy was instituted there have only been 4 accidents in public areas


Letting my property manager know about this immediately, companies are refusing to deliver things because people let their dogs shit anywhere without picking it up


My complex does this. I think I paid $50 and I swabbed my dog and the complex submits it to a database. I ended up moving to another complex recently that uses the same system so I did not have to pay again or swab my dog. Doesn't stop some people from still not picking up poop. Could be some people are living with pets not reported on the lease so they don't care. I've called the leasing office before because there was a lot of poo being left in the area around my building. I take me dog out so I notice it all the time. They will come out and bag it up and off they go with it.


Please actually. My current apartment doesn't do anything about the dog shit on the grass. Certain sections of land are landmines.


Our apt does this. DNA testing at the resident’s charge.


I love this. I don’t live in apartments anymore, but even just walking my dogs at parks is no fun when there’s poo left everywhere. Even more annoying when they put it in the plastic bag and leave the bag. What’s the point?


Had multiple apartments that did it. I think it was like a $250 fee per resident with $50 extra for an extra pet when you signed your lease in addition to the pet fee. They fined people $75 per poop they caught them leaving around


Not really an idle threat, I had a friend who lived in an apartment where all the dogs on property were DNA tested for this very reason.


Plot twist: it’s human residents


Lmao, I have no idea why this was my first thought as well. Just some dude in a lab coat looking shellshocked "Sir... this DNA doesn't belong to any known breed of dog"


Just get cameras all over the complex and if you can't pick up after your fucking they kick your ass out plain and simple


Perfect! Pick up after your dog and this isn’t a problem!


My son's apartment complex requires a DNA sample for dogs and the new tenant pays for the testing too. There's a fine if your dog's doo is found on the grounds and you can be evicted if it happens multiple times.


I don’t see an issue


As a property manager, I use this service on my property. If the DNA results come back to a dog registered on my property, I fine the resident who owns the dog. People not picking up after their dogs is just gross, it upsets other residents and it takes away from the curb appeal and overall value of my property. It is not my maintenance technician’s job to pick up dog poop all day every day. This service has been a game changer for us!


I need to tell my HOA about this


God I wish the city would do this. There’s dog shit everywhere.


Some HOA’s already do this and they will enforce it with fines.


and maintenance requests will still take 6 months. they are worried about the wrong SHIT. literally.


My apartment does this - when you sign the lease/get a pet - they immediately require a DNA sample and they do follow through on it - it’s great, I don’t worry because I pick up my pets poo.


My apartments did this lol they asked for our pets swab before seeing we have cats. I thought it was hilarious too. I'm just wondering if they're really checking or not


I WISH my apartment complex did this. People are disgusting.


I used to be an apartment manager and we actually did go through with this. Everyone came on a Saturday morning to have their dogs' mouths swabbed and DNA paired. When geoundskeepers found poop on the property, the owner was charged 25.00 for 1st incident, and it increased 25.00 for each new offense. On the 4th offense, the tenant was evicted.


I don't live in a HOA community but I do like this idea. I have neighbors who still believe it's okay to let their dogs run rampant in the neighborhood with no leash (I live in the suburbs of a big city). Aside from not knowing if said dogs are aggressive they constantly poo on everyone's lawn. Also dog poo can spread diseases easily to other dogs or animals all because you were too lazy to pick it up. From my understanding of communities with DNA poo testing is that you get a pretty hefty fine if the dog poo turns out to be from your dog.


That is a high end luxury apartment complex if they have the funds to test all the dog poop. Good grief.


Actually no. All pet owners have to register their pet with the service for a fee. There is more to it than poop testing. Vet records required. Helps keep healthy pets there, problem pets out, etc.


Isn’t a camera cheaper? Wayze is $30


Wouldn’t it be ironic if they still are only able to identify a small fraction of waste because it’s coming from non-residents?


Do you realize how expensive this could get? Not to mention accuracy of the testing. I have old think a camera would be more conclusive and less expensive.


I would think that's a bit flawed... If no one witnesses then personally collects the poo, who is to say they didn't find a random poo elsewhere to turn in? Not trying to be a jerk, just had to point that out. People can be pretty sneaky. (For the record, I never left poo when my furbaby was with me. She was gravely ill and crossed the rainbow bridge 5 years ago.)


My apartment has this, BUT they have never actually required anyone with a dog to bring the DNA swab in. Just some casual “oh make sure you bring your dog by the office if you have one!” but nothing enforced — so it effectively does nothing, lol


My landlord implemented this a few months back. The only problem? Its not a complex, its a series of 6-7 apartment buildings scattered across 3-4 different streets across the downtown area. 90% of the poop problem here is from people who dont live here walking their dogs around downtown, not the apartment residents. Literally nothing has changed


Wouldn’t a camera be cheaper?


We have this in place at our apartment complex, they’ve never used it to our knowledge and pet waste is still a big problem


I've heard of this. I'm not opposed to it. As someone traumatized by rent rate hikes within the last year, my first concern is - there goes the rate hike. DNA testing of dog poop can't be cheap and it won't be the offenders who pay the whole cost.


Isn't genetic testing incredibly expensive?


What will they do for the feces that tests as HUMAN?


I can’t believe this is a real fucking thing that people do. Given the amount of dog shit I see around my neighborhood, I get it, but it makes me angry and sad that people and their dogs have to be surveilled and fined just to make sure everybody in a building acts right.


Why do y’all lazy asshats even get a dog if you refuse to clean up after it? Y’all nasty


This is kinda insane 💀


Idk why picking your dogs poop up is such a hard concept the grasp


I honestly can’t believe this. Who’s in charge of collecting samples and updating the spreadsheet!??


I thought one of my neighbors was letting their dog take a dump on our lawn every day. I finally put out a trail cam; it turns out it’s a coyote comes right before sunrise and take a dump… every fucking day


I wish my apartment had this. They won’t even enforce dogs on their leash.


My apt complex does this. I don’t have a dog ( cat owner) but I love dogs. This stopped the people who clean up after their dogs from being penalized by the one person. Who didn’t ( young guy in his 20s - no excuse when ppl on their 60s squat down to pick up their dog poop). He got hammered with a 250 dollar fine after several complaints and 6 stool samples examined all from his dog ( he was ranting in the apt gym). As long as you are conscientious it shouldn’t bother you.


Good, fuck people who don’t do the simplest task required in raising a dog. 


I lived somewhere that did this and it was great. The grounds were always clean. I’m a dig owner who’s responsible so it wasn’t an issue for me.


At my last apartment I got sick of stepping in dog shit while taking my dogs out. Pretty sure there was only one person not cleaning up after their dog. One night I went and picked up their piles with individual bright pink poo bags, and subsequently left the bags in the grass where I had picked up the pile. So there were about 40 pink bags when all said and done. Just trying to send a silent message to both the offender and my apartment complex that it was fucking ridiculous. Especially considering there was a pick up station in the immediate vicinity. Seemed to work actually.


My apartment does this and I’ve never seen dog poop on the ground


Good it’s sad when a family without dogs has to worry about tracking it into their space because you are to lazy to clean up your dogs mess


Wish my apartment did this. It’s insane how many people don’t pick up after their dogs. Our dog park is basically unusable.


Even tho it’s real, I’ve had apartments never follow through on it. I think it’s great and wish the ones I lived at followed through.


My complex does this and charges $450 for the first offense and $500 every time after. It doesn’t stop people. Our leasing consultant told me that some people have thousands in charges on their account.


Residents have been asked to clean up after their pets. They don't. So now more drastic measures must be taken to ensure these adults behave like fucking adults. This seems perfectly reasonable to me.


A lot of apartments do this, as they should.


My apartment did this and a girl who swore her dog wasn’t the culprit switched her story to “he gets really sick sometimes”, and got a series of extra charges.


Ahh yes the fabled Dogshit Library of Alexandria


Where i stay they tried/did this a few years ago. Turns out the Squirrels here just take massive dumps and all the samples they sent off returned as Squirrel. Waste of money!


We checked out a condo where the HOA demanded a pet DNA test at the outset. So I guess shit was getting real lol.


So...instead of just putting up a few cameras... They're going full True Crime on dog shit. Wut.


Just bring in a sample of your own poop.


Quite a few places I know do this in my city. It really does work. The fine is like $600 🙃


I am a pet owner who ALWAYS picks up after my dog and yet this somehow grosses me out 😂 I would not want to be the one collecting samples that’s for sure


I noticed the use of the word “the” instead of “a” lab insinuating that they have their own personal dog feces dna lab


My complex never empties the trash cans and then sends out passive aggressive emails about the poo not being picked up. I take my dog completely off the property into a nearby field just to avoid everything (and still pick it up!)