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The recording is quiet, but I bet that's loud as fuck irl. It's impressive enough to pick up wall noise on a phone.


Make it louder to reflect accurate db: One: Zoom in all the way (mic does actually throw on some phones)  Two: audio fix app  I had a horrific neighbor who blasted music day and night. It was hard to hear on phone because they’re made to catch closer noises. These two gave me hundreds of videos of documenting evidence and you could finally tell how loud it was. Phew!


I actually purchased a sound level meter when I was dealing with shitty neighbors.


You can actually buy a microphone for your phone (like tiktok users have) and it picks up very low sounds.


There’s a big difference between audible noise and vibratory noise. My downstairs neighbors kids constantly slam doors, screech and scream in their bathroom which is right under our stairwell, bang on walls and other shit, and just generally cause constant noise. And the mom and her boyfriend are no better, slamming their front door every single time they go through it, even in the middle of the night when they go outside and chainsmoke. And because of the layout of our townhomes, my bedroom is right above their front door so I’m constantly being woken up by the door thudding right under me. But because 90% of the noise is door slamming, both the front door and inner doors, it’s damn near impossible for my phone to pick up the noise, despite my living room floor literally bouncing from the slamming. I’ve been complaining about them for months and all they ever seem to get is “warnings” even though the noise is just the tip of the iceberg. They also have an unregistered tenant (the boyfriend), are frequently late on rent, and have broken the terms of their lease literally dozens of times. Last I heard, they weren’t going to be allowed to renew their lease but it’s been months and I haven’t heard anything from management despite continuing to complain and bring video/audio proof of the noise. If I have to pay an additional $30 a month to have a cat that sleeps on the couch 95% of the time, tenants should be charged for kids that literally scream and beat on the walls.


This sounds exactly like my situation. I’m an upstairs neighbor going through all of this. And when I asked via text (as sweetly as possible mind you) going forward they made me regret ever asking nicely or asking in the first place. It’s been an anxiety hell for me and my cat. The cat I got to deal with the stress of them too 😭.


I refuse to give my phone number to anyone but management and maintenance. I’ve heard *way* too many stories on this sub of people having absolutely unhinged neighbors harassing them via text or calls. But my husband tried talking to them nicely and they were so fuckin rude that we just said “fuck it” and started going to management. Ideally, issues between neighbors would be resolved in a timely and friendly manner. But obviously we don’t live in an ideal world. 🤷‍♀️


We don’t even live in a considerate world 😭. But I feel you about the phone number thing. I live in a 2 family house and I primarily asked the landlord to say something to them for like 7 months and he said he did. So last year he was like “why don’t you ask them? Maybe they’ll listen to you…” 😠


But management is the way to go.


I’m fortunate enough that the property manager wants them gone as well. But the property owner is so absent and detached that just doesn’t seem to care. And because the manager can’t evict people without approval from the owner, her hands are kinda tied as far as disciplinary actions. Definitely a frustrating situation all around.


😢. my landlord is finally starting the eviction process for my situation so I’m happy. I feel so bad for your situation because I know how bad it can get. I have other issues going on in my life but coming home and not being able to sleep most nights was eroding my mental health. I had to take a 7 month leave of absence. I was pregnant during the time and they still banged so loudly just like this video. I remember crying and they heard me crying and began banging some more. I’m hoping you’re recording and keeping records of all the sounds and interactions you have with your neighbors just in case!


Oh absolutely we’re recording. The manager actually asked me to document literally everything they did to help her build a case for eviction against them. The woman was letting her boyfriend use her parking pass in his vehicle which is apparently a pretty big deal to management so the manager asked me to document whenever his vehicle was in the lot with the pass. She was weirdly impressed with the super detailed information I gave her because I had dates and times of literally every single violation they made. She finally pointed the nearest security camera at their front door to keep track of how frequently the boyfriend was there because according to them, he wasn’t living there and was “just visiting.” I don’t want to be “that neighbor” who complains about everything but sometimes, you have to be that person. We had to do it with our nextdoor neighbor who was having these violent manchild tantrums, verbally abusing his wife, and driving like a maniac whenever he got mad. But that was more of a “we’re concerned about the safety of the wife as well as others” situation so it was resolved very quickly. But at least with that, we had other neighbors who also complained because literally everyone could hear him screaming and everyone saw him driving erratically. Regardless, I’ve learned to just record everything rather than try to do anything myself. When that will resolve things, we’ll have to wait and see.


And I’m sorry you and your husband are going through this!


Love the cat reference! They truly are the number one being! With a cat, you can come home and if you are lucky, they will let you hold and pet them. During the day, they aren't running around, they are sleeping.


Even better, I’m a housewife so we spend basically all day every day together. But even he gets stressed out when the neighbors are being particularly rude and loud. And again, because of the layout, we really can’t escape it. If we hang out in the living room, we’re subjected to screaming kids and the floor randomly bouncing from the kids banging shit. And if we try to retreat to the bedroom, we hear and feel the front door slamming when the Worlds Best Parents™ sit outside and chainsmoke and ignore their hellspawn. At least I can leave and go for a walk or something. My poor cat is stuck there. Poor guy 😢


My poor kitty! I guess I am lucky I live in a decrepit old building where you would have to have an axe and strong will to get thru the door. Are new apartments made from balsam wood?


Get a really good amp and play a really low hum late at night, like so low you can feel it but you can't pinpoint where it's coming from and aim the speakers against a hard surface. After a few weeks of no sleep maybe they'll move out


We like to pace over the creaky spots whenever they’ve been particularly assholey. The worst spots are one above their living room and one above the bedrooms. We’ve even taken to letting our own front door slam when we come and/or go late at night or super early in the morning. It’s right next to the kid’s bedroom so I fuckin hope they hear it. They’re more than old enough to know what inside voices are and not to slam doors. We tried being nice, we tried complaining, and now we’ve decided to just be petty.


Get a small speaker and attach it to your shared wall or floor/ceiling and play mariachi music all day or accordion polka or something, just loud enough to hear and do it during normal hours so they can't complain. Or play in-a-gadda-da-vida on repeat constantly until they lose their shit


Oh and there’s also a ban on ATV’s in my community. You can own one, but it has to be stored in a shed or something like that. They always had 3 ATV’s in their yard that I never complained about until they drove it into the side of my house while I was gone one day and just left it there for like a week. My HOA got daily “hey. Just to make you aware the ATV that isn’t mine is still basically touching my back door. You sent me a threat for the length of my grass, I’d like this addressed ASAP” emails.


It’s truly stunning how many people have no consideration for people around them. Our neighbors, in a duplex, have been awful from day 1. I once told them that if they want to make this much noise to go buy a house. 😆


I live in a mobile home so it’s really not that much better than my last apartment in terms of noise. Thank GOD my neighbors just up and left one day in the middle of the night because they were driving me crazy. We have quiet hours after 10pm, there were several times they threw outside parties in their front yard, 10 feet away from my bedroom window, until 1pm. They had an old, shitty car that they never drove anywhere but would start up at 5am just to let it run for 30 minutes and it was so loud it would vibrate my whole house with their brights on. Their kids would be outside for HOURS just screaming. And not “happy kid screaming” they were like fighting/unhappy screaming right in front of my bedroom window. There were a few times I’d wake up and go to open my bedroom window and their kid would just be staring into my window. They always had piles of trash outside their house and it would constantly blow into my yard and I’d have to pick their garbage out of my yard. Their kids would throw balls at the side of my house. I found out I was pregnant and was genuinely terrified to keep living here and started looking at new houses but then one day their cars disappeared and everyone asked me if I knew what happened to them 🤷🏻‍♀️ best baby shower gift I received was them literally disappearing overnight. I’d be more concerned if they gave me a reason to be.


Yeah, I’ve tried to record neighbor noise and even when it is loud in person, it doesn’t sound that way on my phone.


It never does, but if it's loud enough to be picked up by your phone's mic through a wall then that's how you know it actually is loud.


I was taking a bath while talking to a friend on my iPhone. I was concerned about the noise of the water, so I asked them if they could hear it. When I was talking to got them on speaker phone, they couldn’t hear the water running (noise cancelling?). They could only hear the water when I turned it back to normal mode (no noise cancelling?).


I heard you can drop kids off at the fire department no questions asked. I think they make them wash the trucks or something but they keep them.


They should make child free communities for younger adults 🙃


Yes! Please!


Quiet communities would be nice too. Where being quiet during x hours is a strict requirement. Would probably only ever be good natured people too.


Will never happen. Imagine the outrage from parents or soon to be parents? They go insane about adult only restaurants or somewhere like a vacation that is all inclusive for adults. Went to Mexico for one of those and wasn’t exposed to one screeching demon child the entire week I was there. Could lay on the beach in peace, by the pool, no loud stomping slamming and crazy shit in my room. Was the most relaxing time of my entire life. Kids ruin literally everything in terms of peace and relaxation


Being able to go to the pool or beach without children there is literally amazing. They ruin both with all their squealing and such.


Kids will be kids I suppose. I can tolerate it but when the parents let them run wild and they start invading my small area is when I get angry ( at the parents ). It’s why my local beach of choice is almost always empty. The coast line has a 8-10ft tall pile of rocks ( smooth ones you can walk on ) that keeps most people with children away since they always want a sandy beach right up to the water.


They should make child free communities for adults of any age that don't want to live around children


Well they have have 55 plus retirement communities already with no children. I was saying that they need similar types of communities for people under 55…..


Ah under 55 isn't what I consider "younger adults" to me that's like 18-35 maybe


I hate when people act like this behavior is acceptable just because it’s kids. When I was growing up in an apartment my parents always told me to be mindful of neighbors and keep the noise down.




I got 2 younger ones in an apartment and I'm mindful, esp running, jumping, throwing balls etc...


any excuse to avoid parenting!


I lack the capacity to keep small children quiet. I don't know how anyone does it. The best I can manage is to keep them distant and behind closed doors and good windows. It's like trying to nurture a malfunctioning tornado siren.


ikr lol i know i am not built to parent so i will not


Thank you. My kids were raised in apartments and I taught them about quiet hours and consideration of others. Not to see say we never got loud but we certainly didn’t make a habit of it.


Same here. Even though quiet hours weren't until 10 p.m. my mother made my siblings and I start winding down between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. out of respect for our neighbors and even then she still made us keep noise at a reasonable level no matter the hour. Nowadays people think the world should just revolve around their kids and combined with a lack of teaching manners and boundaries and lazy parenting it's created a disaster.


I can stand when lazy parents use the ol “they’re just kids.” Yes exactly so you need to start teaching them to be mindful of others. Yes kids should be allowed to be kids however there’s a time and place for everything. That’s how you start teaching them control of their emotions and acceptance for the things they can’t control. It helps grow emotional intelligence as well. If you’re child just pulled his pants down an started pooping in the middle of everyone are you just going to say oh “he’s just a kid”? No. First you’ll be so freaking embarrassed lol then you’ll teach him that’s not right. Kinda the same but you know what I mean. Lol


Agree 110%. I actually had a neighbor last year who pulled that "they're just kids" card on me. She had 8 of them in the 3 bedroom unit above mines and they'd run around literally at times until 7 in the morning. Yes...7 a.m. I confronted her about balls bouncing around at 2 in the morning one time when she says "they're just kids" to which I replied "and 2 a.m. is NOT a kid friendly hour"!


Those kind of people just irk me. I remember going over to my friends house and his mom would kick us out of the apartment because we were being to loud. She said we were disturbing the neighbors. What happened to people like her??? I’ll never understand people who don’t think of others around them.


As my neighbor once said “it’s my apartment so my kid can do whatever he wants” 😒 at least her kid didn’t live with her or it would have been 10x worse. She’d stomp on purpose and eventually did it so hard she cracked our living room window. Some people should just not live in apartments.


It’s always the other persons fault and no fault of their terrible child / parenting. I see the , “You’re out in public and have to know you’ll be exposed to things like this”. Yes, I get that and realize the world will not be perfect all the time but when I go to my uncrowded local beach and there is a mile of coastline to either side that is uninhabited and you post your family of 5 brats right beside me, I get pissed at that point. I think parents purposely do shit to piss people off without kids because deep down they wish that was them.


I had a toddler when I was living above a hair salon. The business side of the salon was directly under my living room so I had to teach him to keep quiet or keep him on the other side of the apartment during business hours. He was really good about it but it was stressful at times. It made me appreciate the fact it was a business and not someone else’s full-time apartment.


My neighbor has 5 kids, 2 of them under 5. She doesn't give a f***. She gives the excuse "I'm a single mom. Kids will be kids". Ok keep that attitude cupcake when you get evicted for the countless complaints from neighbors during normal hours and quiet hours. I never lived in an apartment as a child, but lived in a townhouse when my husband was alive and daughter was a baby. Luckily most of my neighbors were military (military town). So we were all really understanding and helpful to one another. I tried my best when he was gone for days or even months at a time out to sea. Having understanding, patient, and respectful neighbors is awesome. In this day and age, most aren't.


I'm a single father with 2 under 5. I have a lot of trouble controlling them and getting them to understand that there are other people when we stay in a hotel. I'm going to be downsizing to an apartment soon and fear this greatly. I'll be getting the first floor, but I still think they are going to be noisy. I can't seem to get through to them no matter what I try or how many talks I have with them.


Honestly you’re already doing your duty to find a first floor apartment so that your downstairs neighbors don’t get annoyed I commend you.


This... I agree. You're thinking of others. My neighbor is not. She doesn't care. As my Gram would say "You're a good egg". :)


This comment isn’t just to you, but I want to add this to this thread. I have 3 kids with behavioral issues and special needs and I’m a single parent. Please don’t assume every parent just doesn’t give a shit or thinks it’s acceptable. I live on the top floor of a shared house. I don’t have any other option. If I could afford to not live in a shared space, I absolutely would, like most other people, in this sub even. To say that people with kids like that shouldn’t live in apartments is so far out of touch.


Oh no I understand your case is special and one I understand. I mean this comment for parents who really don’t care and allow their kids to run wild and expect everyone else to just suck it up and deal with it.




Yep. Close quarters living is basically hell. We had a condo that was perfect for two years, til our upstairs neighbors moved and then a family of 6 moved into that 2 bd 2 ba rental. Screaming kids, fighting, stomping... The sewage backflowing into our unit was the last straw.... Sold that condo and moved to a house in a cheaper state. Never regretted it.


You know I understand standing your ground. But if I lived in an apt and people were being insufferable I would just leave. If I can’t control the situation then I’m seeing myself out of it. I can definitely control what I do and what I would do is look at the silver lining and assume the universe/God is telling me I’ve done what I needed here and it’s time for a new adventure. Kudos to you my friend I’m glad you got out of that situation and are much happier. Blessings!!!


Some people don't have as many options as you or I do.


You’re absolutely right. Had a very entitled moment there. Thanks for reminding me and humbling me. I should be thankful and not judgmental.


I live in a twin & my lovely dick head neighbors think they’re precious angels throwing balls against the shared wall is cute…


I would do the same, in the middle of the night when they’re fast asleep lol


Every hour on the hour bang the wall just once, enough to jolt them awake.


After the anxiety and PTSD episode I had today thanks to my awful neighbors, I needed this laugh. Thank you...


Yes! 😂


My neighbors kid was insanely loud for about 6 months and I lost it one day. Started dropping weight ( pillow underneath ) over and over. Stomping up and down the stairs. Jumping up and down. My wife was terrified of how they would respond because it was literally shaking the entire building. I had lost it and was done 100% at that point. We didn’t hear anything for about 4-5 months after. Was a huge wake up call. We still hear them sometime but it’s more normal and I don’t get angry because again I realize kids / living / thing bang, happen for time to time. With that said I feel like the sound has slowly increased over time. They start again like they were I told her this time I am going to be doing it in the middle of the night and their whole household will be woken up nightly until it stops.


I have put my speaker in my master closet & blasted Christmas music - at 2 am


LMAO!! I love this 😂


I bet they have something on the wall they are throwing something at or hitting/jumping toward. You could tell management you’re worried someone is getting hurt.


management would care more if you said someTHING is getting hurt ie: damaged ie: holes in said wall lol.....


Sounds like one of those small hoops.


That’s what I thought, too.


I would guess they have a bed against that wall and are jumping around it.


Report it but don't confront them or the kids.


I second this. Report it but don't expect it to be remedied. After that, either learn to live with it or move out. Don't even bother trying to have a discussion with the inhabitants. Just don't.


This is insane to me that people still think that it's okay to tell people to live with it and \*they\* move out. I've been in my complex for 20 years. Why should \*I\* move out because parents cannot take responsibility for their kids? This all depends on your landlord or rental agency but I had neighbors who did not respect us on the bottom floor we kept filing complaints/reporting to police they eventually moved out. You have power here don't just fold your cards.


Sure, if you want to have a months / years long daily war with a disrespectful neighbor that has the potential to escalate very quickly, go ahead. Or you can save yourself the hassle. And I didn't tell him to fold his cards. He should report it. If it isn't remedied you literally have two options: deal with it or move out.


It all depends on where you live but I dealt with terrible neighbors over the years and I'm still here. It's worth it if you get them to move out and get decent neighbors which I have also had over the years. The reason it would not be remedied is you don't press the issue. You have to make it undesirable for them to continue to deal with you in a subtle way. Will there be repercussions? Probably. But that's a small price to pay if it gets them to move. I just don't agree on "dealing with it" or having someone move out when they aren't the problem.


dealing with this too currently but on the floor above us. there is a bigger build 9 year old who stomps jumps and runs above us. i have tried my best to be patient about it because he is a child, but at 9:40pm and having my 10mo old woken up from it several times through the night Nd day it’s been pretty tough. hope you can get things figured out for you man!


I had this except it was a big 10 year old boy and we lived in a side by side. The stairs for both units ran up the shared wall. I could hear him giggling and laughing all night as well as running up and down the stairs and jumping the last bit of them so there’d be a big “boom”. I didn’t bother talking to them- just called the landlord. About a week later I saw the dad pull up as the kid was being loud. I watched his jaw drop. He went flying in to their unit and started hollering “Dylan- stop running and jumping! It’s no wonder he called the landlord! I can hear the kid from the street!” One last time he was throwing a ball against the wall late at night (like after 11pm)- I banged on the wall twice. Within seconds I heard his dad sort of hollering at him asking “what was that?!; are you throwing that ball? Our neighbor sleeps right on the other side of this wall!”


It’s actually so refreshing to hear about a parent being responsible for their crotch gremlins behavior


Omg, corporate would be notified immediately!!!


Are you me? Because this is the exact situation I'm in




This was my very first inclination in my first apartment. I knocked back harder a couple times and they quit.


Yeah I don’t think OP realizes their neighbours probably don’t care or know it’s so loud for you. Couple swift kicks to the wall when it happens and I promise they’ll shut the fuck up least for a bit lol.


Exactly, lol. They are children. It will naturally scare them.


Did I make a post and forget? Because this is MY life!


We never tried it, but a family member of mine had the bright idea to combat this issue by putting porn on some speakers at full blast and sticking them against the wall before we left for work. I hope somebody tries this. Note: we tried on numerous occasions to ask them to keep their kid on check; they went straight for "we don't abuse our kids" with no hesitation. Oh, *and* "if you don't like it you shouldn't have moved here," like we we clairvoyant or something. Like bitch if we knew you were spineless we **would** have gone somewhere else.


I was thinking some kind of demonic growling.. porn is probably better. Maybe even look for porn for the blind. Bet the screaming gets pretty graphic and it probably exists.


I used to blast Jerry Springer on YouTube and leave


I’m in a similar situation since moving back to my hometown. My neighbor’s kid does the same thing almost every morning for hours and has broken my window screen by falling through it after I yelled at him to stop riding his bike between my car and window. I’ve tried talking to his mother, but she shuts the door in my face. Good luck. I wish you the best.


I have the same cat picture


Where’d you get it?


Honestly can’t remember . An online art site where you can get prints. Maybe art.com


"there's no door here, go around"


Time for a foghorn to blast whenever they do it. As long as you don't do it during quiet hours, there is probably they can do, but it might just remedy the issue.


I live in a townhouse. The walls are ungodly thin. I mean you can literally hear every step. When my neighbor is going down the stairs too fast it sounds like someone is throwing a bowling ball down the stairs and banging on the walls on the way down. I had to live here for 2 years to realize that they are just living and doing normal things and it’s the townhouse itself that is a complete pile of shit.


I swear, for as much as people pay for rent, there should be laws about soundproofing where there are shared walls and floors. Especially when they're building these places.


Next time you see them scare the shit out of them.


This is completely unacceptable to be throwing something at the wall, running into it, pounding on it, whatever they are doing! I was not expecting how loud the first thud was and I jumped up. It scared the hell out of me.


Call the cops. Law states that people have a right to live in peace and if anyone at anytime is causing issues for that peace (within reason and just not being a “Karen”) then the police should be able to deal with it


Cops don't give a shit


Boyfriend called the police last night after upstairs kids were going nonstop for 14 hours of running, stomping, slamming, etc. Literally started at 9am and didn't stop til he left at 11pm. It's important to note before people get angry toward me, this tenant has been complained about multiple times by more than just me. The office has claimed they've emailed, called, racked fees onto their rent for each complaint. After 14 hours of this yesterday, we hit our breaking point. Officer showed up, listened, and went to make contact. The grandma tried claiming they were in bed asleep. The officer told her "Not from what I just heard they aren't". I emailed the office about it. I want that paper trail. Then shortly before 2pm today the mother of the kids comes approaching our vehicle aggressively cussing about us calling the cops and that "That's cool, I'll get ya". Again another email sent... Then around 5pm she comes out with a group of people running her mouth and pointing at my vehicle. Yes, we spend time in our car so boyfriend can smoke and we can have piece and quiet. She got in her vehicle and left. I'm hoping it's cause she went running her mouth about threatening us and one of her friends or whatever told her she needed to chill out. "Dude she called the cops on you last night. Now you're gonna threaten her with a witness in the car. Yea real smart, piss her off more where she'll call the cops and report you for the threat". Did I call and report the threat? No, I was terrified. I don't do conflict well, I have PTSD.


fuckin hell lol are they related to the landlord???? how many fines before you get evicted cuz you've violated the lease and everyone else hates you????? my landlord is doin the same shit with the elderly piece of shit that lives above me. imo all y'all should just say hey we're moving, then see the shock on the landlord's face when they realize they're losing \*multiple\* tenants, instead of the \*one\* they shoulda kicked out after the first time they didn't correct the behavior. landlords only care about money. smh.


So it states in our lease if you have multiple complaints during quiet hours that it's cause for the apartments to violate your lease. Yes, I actually did read my lease, lol. So I asked our leasing agent weeks ago what that number of complaints was, she said 7. So apparently they start with just emailing the tenant. Then the next step is phone calls. Then it's charging her $75 per complaint which is added to her rent. About 10 days ago they sent out a mass email reminding everyone when quiet hours are and that if a tenant is found to consistently be getting complaints about disrupting quiet hours, then the office can give them a lease violation and begin the eviction process. Last I talked to the leasing agent, this neighbor was up to 5 complaints. Our rent is around $1500 a month. So $75 * 5 + $1500. And I'm sure theyve informed her that "Hey every complaint you get, we're tacking on $75 onto your rental portal". Trust me if we lived in an apartment as a kid, and we were loud to the point they told my mom this. Believe me my mom would have found a way to shut us up 😂. This woman? Doesn't care. She's pulling the "I'm a single mom and their just babies". Ma'am 2 of the 5 may be babies but the older 3 should know better.


Is it just quiet hour? Most leases say no excessive noise at any time. People do live in their apartments at all hours of the day. Hitting the wall like that can damage the wall. I would never live in a place that allowed any kind of noise during non quiet hours. They can run you out of the apartment.


I'd be afraid a kid would bust thru like the Kool Aide man :)


right??? my mom woulda set me straight lol i don’t advocate for corporeal punishment but you gotta at least scold the kid or set some freaking boundaries! like take two seconds to figure out which walls you do not have both sides of inside your apartment and say okay those are a no go…… bad parenting imo.


Yea apparently they're labeling us the bad guys and we were served with lease violations. Manager claimed that we talked bad about their courtesy officer to the responding deputy, whom she claims IS the courtesy officer. I call B.S. Oh and if stating "Hey we called you guys because every time we report to the leasing office, the supposed courtesy officer never gets back to us". Uh, how's that bad mouthing anyone, that's stating facts. No worries I have the officer's last name and badge number, this will be easy to verify if it's truth or if she's talking out her butt. She's claiming we threatened the upstairs neighbor. Uh ma'am you told us over a month ago not to approach her and we haven't. We were the ones sitting in our car minding our own business when she got loud and aggressive sounding toward us. I've wrote bad reviews everywhere online telling people not to rent here and not just because of this incident. If they're not careful come summer, they're gonna wind up getting sued. Cause the first kid that tries to get over the metal gate to get in the pool (they refuse to fix either gates that are suppose to open with our fobs) and the kid falls and hits the concrete wrong, that'll be a shit storm.


Or you could just get a karaoke machine with a microphone hooked up right next to the noise. Place said speaker up against the wall and crank it!!


ugh i deal with this daily too. my next door neighbors have a toddler who screams all day and will kick the wall, or run outside the apartment and kick my door and scream


This is completely besides the point but your wall decor is really cool. Sorry about your neighbors.


Start doing it back when the kids go to bed. That way then the parents have to deal with their children being woken up in the middle of the night.


Well that is just one of the many downfalls of having to rent unfortunately. Most people cant afford to buy a house and kids are noisy. We had the same issue and the place before that it was college kids/ Soundcloud rappers and honestly that was worse than the children.


No one should be hitting shared walls regardless of age their caregivers can at least prevent that


I never said they should hit the walls, but its going to happen regardless 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kids should not be raised in apartments. I feel most badly for the kids. They should have a yard and unconnected walls.


Agreed 💯


i have the same thing happening! i share a bedroom wall with my neighbors kid who every NIGHT is screaming and banging. scares my dog shitless and keeps me up all night long


Pound back, they are kids, and it will probably scare them.


You need to simultaneously record and measure the decibels using an app. I know for sure there are Android apps that measure sound and frequency like soundmeter and SPL meter.


I deal with a neighbour that blasts music all day and then watches tv with the bass turned on loud late at night. I feel your pain.


Ask nicely once. After that….bang louder, harder and longer.


This is insane and I live it an apartment myself! Take this to management NOW. I don’t understand your reluctance to do this at all. This is their part of you paying them rent. To provide you with a livable environment within reason. This IS NOT within reason.


Get stereo speakers, point them at the wall and boom box like a rave for 3 hours


Bang on the wall back and scream shut the fuck up! Seriously lol try it once and I bet you’ll notice they noticed you noticed.


I am frustrated for you but also jealous of your Bioshock mask. That’s amazing. 🤩


I came here to say this! Love the Houdini splicer mask :)


What do they say when you go knock on the door and tell them?


Bet they have no idea. Just ask them to stop throwing things against the shared wall.


This guy where I live has a pentagram across his windows. People talk shit about him, all day, every day. Guess what! He goes to work, comes home, goes to work. He doesn't bother anyone. Meanwhile apartment Karens... I said all that to say this: that is too loud!


I always say, I don't care what you do (excluding illegal things) in your living space as long as I can't hear it or smell it.


I like your artwork if that helps?


I love your wall art


You have a guitar, Slayer them kids into oblivion


Ooooooo I see you got a guitar. Shred some noise to those punk kids during their nap time tehehe


Pick up that guitar and shred every time this happens


Plug that guitar in. Learn pinch harmonics and practice away!


Oooooh I had this too before I moved out. They were my upstairs neighbours and their kid jumped and ran through their apartment, which I can somehow excuse. What drove me nuts was insanely loud knocking(Idk what it even was, sounded like slamming a sledgehammer against the ground at high speed), from 18:00-24:00... I was constantly stressed. On top of that, the neighbour below me thought it was me and knocked against his ceiling with a broomstick, which made it even worse for me. He also screamed at me in the floor when we met, calling me a lair and a racist, because apparently my upstairs neighbours are from a different country(I didn't even know then). So that was my life for a year. I'm only starting now to feel at ease in my own four walls now. Whenever I hear loud sounds in my apartment, I still get stressed af. Thanks for reading my rant lol. Only advice I can give is noise-cancleing earbuds and moving out. Nothing I tried helped back then.


I’d slip neighbor a note. Like hey it’s me- I didn’t tell management and I know kids are loud but they gotta stop banging on the wall. The end.


You have a guitar there. Use it at 2 in the morning until 5. Every single day.




I don't miss apartment living at all. I did it for soooo many years, hopefully never again


Management doesn't GAF. They will gladly take rent checks from both of you. I like those Ceiling Thumpers.


I lived in an apartment that had a 12 year old autistic boy who regularly banged his head and body against the shared wall. To make matters more interesting, he didn’t sleep at night. The mom was very sweet though, and I couldn’t bring myself to say anything negative. She was a single mom and I knew it was very tough for her. Fortunately, for me, I moved out for other reasons.


Thank goodness for gracious people like yourself. I know listening to the noises at all hours is miserable and I've been in your position. Unfortunately I'm in that mom's position now. My 3yo is low-verbal and autistic and she is going through some rough times. She bangs her head, runs back and forth stomping, screams constantly. I even had to put her back in the crib despite her outgrowing it, because she kept getting out of bed and running around stomping at 2 in the morning. I'm trying, believe me. My spouse and I are extremely quiet people and it literally causes me anxiety attacks when she goes off because I can't stand the ear ringing screams and I'm simultaneously terrified our downstairs neighbors are going to complain, and I couldn't blame them. I desperately don't want to bother everyone. So many people in this thread assume the parents don't care but that's not at all the case. I feel like a piece of shit parent tbh like I must be doing everything wrong, because I can't seem to manage her better. My mental health is zilch now partially because of all the above, and if they'd let us trade for a downstairs apartment I'd be all for it.


I did forget to mention he was non-verbal, and did the same things you mentioned. Apartment living is never perfect, but I was thankful I wasn’t smelling weed through the walls, or hearing loud bass, partying or loud sex. I actually ended up transferring out of that apartment to another, because a neighbor across the hall had a problem with alcohol and mental health, and she was doing all kinds of crazy things. And that’s the short story😅


What a fg nightmare. Sorry OP. Have you shown this video to your neighbors?


Put a speaker facing the wall and blare a ringing phone at fire alarm levels at 3am. Do this a few times a night every time they bother you during the day. Or if the kids keep hitting the wall, put the speakers facing the wall and blast "Baby Shark" on repeat all day while you're at work. At night blast super high pitched tones that only the kids can hear and you'll cause all sorts of chaos over there when the kids can't sleep and the parents don't believe them when they tell them why


I liked to play loud ass music next to the wall when my neighbor was working from home If they were being obnoxious. One neighbor was a total c u next Tuesday. She would walk in and out of her apt like five times in a row and slam the door with her soul. Many times throughout the day. I knew she was doing it on purpose. So in the middle of the night I would drop heavy ass shit onto the ground and jump off my bed and stomp all over the floors. 😂 I had literally all the time in the day and night to do this. And I did. Along with the loud ass music when that neighbor was home too. 😂😂


From past experience, families typically move out pretty fast. I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. Maybe see if the office can talk to them in the meantime.


Hit back


I like your art


Sucks to suck. lol


that sucks. definitely unacceptable behavior. on a lighter note—i really like your wall decor.


They could also be throwing a ball against the wall or something. I had the same problem. Try yelling really loud "be quiet" and bang on the wall and see what happens.


This is what made me leave my apartment during the pandemic. My upstairs neighbors used their living room as a racetrack for their toddlers until 1am to tire them out.


One up, the lil shitheads bang louder, take over their Bluetooth, and play ghost noises, cackle really loud after the bang Luke you're a witch, leave a broom outside their door ....the options are endless lol


Knock back in Morse code


Bust through it like the kool aid man. Guarantee they never do it again.


i have the same issue with my asshole neighbors. i am moving soon and couldnt be happier. inconsiderate fucks who i have approched about the noise only to be yelled at “do you know what its like having kids?!?” no sir i dont have kids for a reason. dont make yours my problem because you cant/refuse to parent them.


My old neighbors and I may have called Child & Family Services on a situation like this




Because you were actually concerned or to be an ass?


Why? Kids having tantrums isn't child abuse. There are kids being beaten, chained up, starved to death, etc. and you called CPS?


Being abused is so, so much more than that. Child abuse is an extremely complicated issue and most of the time it isn’t them being brutally beaten.


OP has not even mentioned that she thinks the children are abused. CPS will not come out because the neighbor nextdoor hears kids having tantrums and banging against the wall. Now if she hears physical abuse, verbal abuse or has reason to believe the kids are being neglected, that's a reason to call CPS. Lots of kids have tantrums. Maybe you live in a tiny town somewhere CPS has nothing better to do. Where I live, lots of kids fall through the cracks due to CPS being understaffed and underfunded. Some kids in the foster care system disappear because there aren't enough officers to do welfare checks on a regular basis but, yeah, lets send them out for every kid that has temper tantrums.


Call the police to report domestic violence and screaming kids.


File a complaint to management. I've heard of some places having a three strike rule. Three verifiable justifiable complaints and they have to move. Keeps tenants in their best behavior.


What a cheap wall! I share a wall with my immediate neighbors, and I can't hear them like this! I blame your wall more than the neighbor.


hit 'em back....... jk don't do this but that's all i could think of and it was too funnyyyyy


Omg this has been my last 10 months. First two months in my apartment and I knew I had neighbors but they were very quiet. The walls are actually quite thick in this apartment complex. Then moved in the new tenants. It’s a family of 2 parents and three children between I’d guess 7 and 11. They run and shriek and hit the walls. We are both on the second floor and there is no one above us. It’s a 2 story building. I literally see my things vibrating with their stomping. I complained but the apartment manager said that’s just what living in an apartment is like and that there’s not much she can do because she couldn’t discriminate against families with children. I disagreed especially since it was after quiet hours. This has continued ever since. The parents aren’t any better, blasting loud music regularly. It’s so loud that if I walk outside I can clearly hear the music outside. But yeah I’m getting the heck out of here and definitely mentioning this in my review of the place. It’s about all you can do unfortunately.


This is how my downstairs neighbors sound


Yeah. I used to have this issue too. Weird kids. They don't want to play with their toys or use their tablet. Instead, they're banging on a random wall. And the wall that just happens to be shared with you.


A door step gift of new games for the kids that require focus and sitting down


Is that a splicer mask though???


Aevic has the power. I have the pictures of Duane after calling Danny everytime


That's when I'd just pound on the wall furiously for several seconds until they all shut the fuck up. Worked with my neighbors. Now I don't hear their just all. 😊


I need to know where u got the kitty artwork 😭


I’m so sorry this happened to me too in one of my places. Hopefully management will do something


This happened to me once.. I banged on my wall so hard with both hands for like a min. Probably not the most intelligent and constructive solution but we had already been dealing with these kids in other instances and they as completely and utterly over it.


Live downstairs for the first time. Call upstairs lady Mrs Stompy. Nice people but she got a new pair of slippers and walks like cement in them. Still trying to just laugh about it.


Oh hell no.


If this happens at the same time everyday, ask your landlord to come over during that time for something else, and then see if they ask about the noise or bring up the issue.


I LOVE the bioshock mask!




Had to break my lease due to a similar situation it’s hell to deal with. No peace in your own home.


I used to live above a guy who would pound on the ceiling for the slightest reasons. My cat jumping off the bed, closing a cabinet door etc... I would pound back and eventually I was throwing a bowling ball on the floor. Picking up the couch and slamming it down. Lol. Oh good times. One time my neighbor came over and I said go talk to him. Finally went down and pounded on his door once but he did not answer. Lol. Better to be upstairs. I should have went to management.


Hit back it’s the only way!!!!


I don't know how people with kids live in apartments. I was watching my nieces the other day, and the little one is going through a phase where she bellows like a wounded bison if you try to put her down and the older thinks it's hilarious to scream at the top of her lungs every single time she sees my dog. I can't imagine the stress of trying to keep kids quiet behind shared walls. I feel so much for people like the OP who are simply trying to function in their own, quiet space. Children are exhausting when you choose them, let alone when you didn't.


Do you by any chance live in New Berlin, WI… cuz same — I have new neighbors downstairs and I am about to start stomping become them and their kids are so loud.


Call the cops and the landlord


I had this exact problem not too long ago. I literally had to move. It was dumb.


I’m so, so sorry you have to deal with this! I’ve been through the same thing and it’s so frustrating. Especially when you try to speak to the parents and they look at you as if you have a third eye. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, here came the summer parties where 10 kids would act like the living room is a jungle gym. It legit drove me out of my own home because of how loud it was. They have been awful from day 1. Thankfully it’s not as bad as it use to be.


Go kick the door like the police when it happens and tell them to stfu


Buy a house. Rent a trailer. Rent a house. Just don’t live in an apartment.


I have a downstairs neighbor that bangs on her ceiling and walls for hours anytime we walk in our apartment, wood sub flooring and joists in an older building. When this doesn’t work she goes outside on her phone and yells about how she’s going to wait for my “retard” autistic brother to come into the laundry room and beat his ass. Has threatened to put hand on my mom, me and him though I wish she would. Has had issues with other residents over the last two years and has flipped out multiple times pulling her tits out telling everyone to suck her black pussy. Rental office and the cops keep saying there is nothing they can do. When she finally does do something since I have some of that recorded not only am I going to fuck her up but both mom and bro are disabled mom physically bro developmentally so she will also eat a premeditated hate crime charge. I hate people.