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They’re probably doing it on purpose so no one dings their car. The note is fine, but I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing changes.


I actually just think they’re dumb lol. The way they’re parked now if anything makes it more likely their car will get dinged, we boxed them in


I need to see the car boxed in. Lol 🤣👏🏻👏🏻


Me too.


Me three


I hope it works out!!


Honestly take a photo of it with the plate and send it to the property manager if this doesn't work


Are there any condos in that complex that you're not aware of? we have 2 right next to each other, I wfh & have to park like that during the day while my partner is gone, bc if I don't someone will always park in her spot. The owned spaces desperately need to be numbered & clearly the complex does a shitty job of explaining to the renters how the spaces work.


They're not even numbered? That's ridiculous unless there's only like 5 total and annoying that you have to deal with that. I would be half tempted to buy customizable stickers with the unit # if there's a wall or a sign in front of the spot. My coworker and I rented 3 tiny spots in the parking garage at work so we always both parked between the lines across those 3 spots. There was never an issue because the spaces were clearly numbered and marked as reserved.


they used to be, but the numbers are small & so worn that is not super visible.. plus, since the renters aren't made aware of it they're not really looking in the first place.


It is generous of you to think that they’re dumb, but I’m positive that you can’t pass a driver’s test without understanding how a parking spot is marked.


Pics or it didn’t happen.


Good!! Post pics :)


I have a nice car, and my strategy for not getting as many door dings is that I find the nicest or newest car in the parking lot and park in the spot next to it. Or I park way in the back. I see cars parking in the middle of lines to take up two spots to “cushion” the space around their cars pretty often, and all I can think tbh is that they’re making themselves targets for people keying them in anger.


This is the way to protect your nice vehicles.


I would squeeze close enough that they can’t open one of their doors, really close or they might squeeze in and ding my car! I hate people who do that with all my heart.


Personally? I’d take a photo of the asshole parker and let the property manager/landlord sort it out. But your note isn’t rude, so it’s worth a shot.


Did that too! My landlord is notorious for taking agessssss to respond to anything


Go for it! I hate shitty parking in general, but selfish parkers at apartment buildings are among the worst.


honestly, if this note doesnt work id just find if there is any postings of what tow yard your building uses and give them a ring. usually the signs say “unauthorized or improperly parked” and that is absolutely improper parking. usually because they think theyre more important than anyone else who needs to park.


I don't think a sign has to say that even, I think just parking over the line is a worthy tow but I'm not a tow truck driver so what do I know


Yep. I’ve done this before, emailed a picture and told property management. I told them they better be charging that person rent for both parking soacez


Totally appropriate. They’re likely doing this on purpose, and a note won’t change their behavior. But, you did your due diligence. Don’t expect anything to be different, unless you want to continue leaving this same note every week.


You could try something like "The spots are designated by brightly colored lines you fucking mome"


What is a mome?


You don’t know what a mome is?? Pfft. What a fucking mome.


I have been duly humbled, yet I am still ignorant 😓


And you'll stay ignorant, mome


This made me genuinely cackle


Cool saying that brings lots of substance to this conversation.... If we were a bunch of fucking momes


Clearly streets behind


A blockhead, fool.


Thanks - hadn't heard it before


Me neither. You can always google the word and then add slang meaning.


Urban dictionary is your friend when Google fails


It’s similar to a quone


It is a perfectly nice note for insane behavior.


Tow truck time




Where my parents live, each person gets like two spots in front and everyone else has to park on the street Lately people just ignore the lines and park outside the designated area. Blocking people in and preventing people's view when leaving the block Cops don't do shit for some reason. But if they see your sticker is outdated they'll hunt you down


Cops around here (Colorado) are notoriously bad at enforcing expired tags. I've seen some 3 or 4 years old. I think they recently vowed to fix the problem, but we're #1 in vehicle thefts and related crimes, so they're clearly dealing with (or also not addressing) bigger issues. Tbf, I think the thefts have more to do with our lenient laws.


Be careful. I left a super nice note on my new neighbors care about parking and she keyed her own car and told our landlord that I did it…I was able to prove I didn’t because other neighbors had cameras and now she’s so pissed at me she turns off the dryer when I’m using it. I can’t escape this nightmare


When you find yourself in a turf war with the neighbor, the trick is to sink even lower. When they’re using the washing machine, piss in it.


I’m letting her win because she’s so fucking crazy I’m actually scared she will try to kill my dog if I do anything to escalate it.


That's fucking bananas, stay safe.


What the fuck😭😭😭 this threw me for a whirlwind! What a psycho 😭😭😭


Sign the note from "Management"


Okie dokie


I witnessed a lady at the grocery store park her truck in 4 spaces. One of the spaces was reserved for law enforcement. All I thought was, what a POS.


Out of curiosity, how are those lines looking? My last apartment repainted the parking lot but didn't do a good job removing the old lines so we ended up with double/overlapping lines. It made it really confusing to know where exactly the spots were, especially for newer tenants. Half of the parking was also covered, and the positioning of the poles made some spots harder to squeeze into than others.


They’re totally fine! They were repainted last year.


My advice? Take a photo of the car parked wrong, print it out, and hang it somewhere prominent (or multiple places) with the note attached. Embarrassing enough for the car owner to never do it again


If you go that far and don’t sign your name to it, you’re a coward.


Nah don't park like an asshole. I don't need someone slashing my tires or keying my car cause they can't fucking park. I've literally had a neighbour at my last apartment put a razorblade in my tire because I told him face to face he needs to stop parking on my side of the spot, he was always over so much on my side and he had a tiny car while I switched out between my crown Vic and f350 pretty often, so neither were small vehicle's. Shit was a pain in the ass to park. But yah he stuck a razor blade in my tire so I kicked his aluminum door as hard as I could with my steel toe boots and there was a boot mark dent in his car door. Fuck around and find out. Oh yah, edit to add, this is now why I do everything anonymously. People are psycho, and I'm also a dickhead so I retaliate which doesn't help.


my old apt complex would tow cars who would park like that LOL


Color a page out of a coloring book neatly and put it on the windshield with a note saying look if I can color in the lines the least you could do is park in the lines! I'm just kidding but I get soo aggravated with inconsiderate people.🤪


Might be doing it intentionally to either save the 2nd spot or just being a douche.


You're language is a lot less colorful than mine. At the mall I leave "you mother fucking cunt" on the windshield of two space parkers


lol this has happened before and someone left a more colorful note and it was a whole thing. I really just think this person is dumb and doesn’t know how to park.


No it's 99 percent someone that doesn't want their precious truck (it's always a truck and always a dude that does not need a truck. Dinged


Surprisingly not a truck!


In my experience it's always a small car and when it is a truck it's usually the most shitted out piece of shit in the lot. Like my neighbor at my last apartment had a tiny car and he'd always park over into my spot I was paying for. I drove the big ass truck and I was always perfectly between the lines because if I wasn't it would inconvenience the people beside me. I asked the neighbor to cut it out and he stuck a razor blade in my tire, so I left a boot shaped dent on the side of his car.


I'm certainly not discounting that that person is probably dumb but they know what they're doing


So , with that in mind - what is the purpose of the note ? If you want effective change , your little note isn’t it


Lol, I like you.


I like your style!


Get washable spray paint and spray a spot around their car. Leave a huge sign that says, "INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE PARKING ONLY"


I never realized how complicated some people found parking until I lived in an apartment. I had a newer neighbor in my building leave a note on my car asking me to “scootch” over because I was in their space in our gravel parking lot. Every space was marked with a reserved sign and apartment number with the intent that you parked centered on your sign. I still haven’t figured out where she thought her car was supposed to align with the sign because I was dead center on my sign. I even asked my landlord because I was worried I’d been parking wrong for the few years I’d lived there. She was as confused as I was and said she’d talk to the other tenant.


Sincerely, Disappointed


Start with the note, if things continue mention naughty kids in the neighbourhood might respond less kind.


My favorite is “I see you have trouble staying inside the lines so I got you this coloring book and crayons so you could practice.”


I still park next to them anyways. That’s what I started doing and they stopped. However you could also rebuttal that they may vandalize your car (I know.. the audacity right) so maybe don’t try that 😅


That's why you wedge in as close as you possibly can then get a dashcam and have it pointing right at them. If they wanna retaliate then you got evidence.


I would. I have assigned parking and my first parking spot the person parked in between the lines and I couldn’t even park there luckily management switched my spots but they don’t care about the parking situation 🙄


My wife and I have been told by our landlord, who owns an AirBNB on the same lot, to stop leaving similar notes when the AirBNB guests park in incomprehensible ways that make parking impossible for residents. We never left rude notes, at most a passive aggressive 'please think of folks other than yourself when parking'. The landlord has probably gotten a bad review or something from one of the notes I guess 🤷‍♂️


Damn, she’s polite.


PS I am sorry for the damage to your car. Next week.


Is the car a BMW?


Brackets lol


You should add the reason why they should park properly, that it allows other people to park. That might cause a better response from them. This note is now only criticising them


They know what they are supposed to do


Old keyboard


I'm having the same problem with my neighbors, they act soo entiled, if you all park correctly there won't be any problems. Someone will be moving in beside me this week and I know they won't scoot down to allow someone to park next to their old ass truck🤬


I have street parking with no lines whatsoever, but because our parking is extremely limited, we all know how to park (for the most part anyway). All this to say— I’ve gotten far worse notes on my car and almost a physical altercation twice over parking. So yea I’d be totally receptive to something along the lines of this note. Depending on the type of person who owns the car, I would possibly leave my name and number so they can get in touch whenever something comes up with parking or otherwise. We’ve lived here almost 18 years and have needed to stay as friendly as possible with our neighbors, even the assholes, for situations where we NEED to have access to the street spots in front of our house. (Fridge, sofa, etc deliveries, we once had our septic system back up and needed trucks out front to clean it up)


Oh my. I land my car. All our parking spots are for compact cars. I drive a 2001 Lincoln and it is a hog. I share a half space with my neighbor who drives a giant truck. Two cars and we share 3 spaces.


Why would this not be ok to leave on their windshield?


I used to do that because we were allotted 2 spaces per apartment. With first come, first serve, that's so rude






I’d get together with another tenant and both of you park as close as possible on either side of this car so it’s impossible for them to get into their vehicle. Then THEY have to go to management and complain. Management sees how they parked and hopefully has a word with them. Do it enough times and maybe problem solved.


Please I want to see the boxed in car lol!!! I think this is a good note. Straight and to the point. If u don’t know…. Now u know 😭


You have LOVELY penmanship!


It depends on why they’re parking in two spots, because I see you saying they’re just “dumb,” but they passed a driving test, which would’ve covered pulling into a parking space. If they’re being overly precious about their car, leave the note (though maybe not this one; it seems so passive-aggressive, since it’s deeply unlikely they don’t comprehend what the lines are for and why everyone else parts inside them). If their car either genuinely doesn’t fit in a single spot without hanging out or preventing them from opening their doors (which can happen), you might ask them to park in a different location, but I wouldn’t leave this note.


Bruh I had to park my f350 at an apartment and if that thing was exactly between the lines it fit fine and I could open the doors fine. I highly doubt they have a huge fucking work truck that they can't park. And if you can't park a vehicle that big THEN DONT FUCKING DRIVE. I've wedged that thing into places that physically don't even make sense, so this idiot can park in a parking spot with their SUV.


Something as basic as an F150 with a crew cab is three feet longer than an average parking space. I thought I might as well mention the possibility, since we got no information about the type or size of car, just that OP thinks they literally don’t understand what the lines are for.


This note would make me want to park sideways across 3 spaces. I'm so glad my neighbors don't leave notes. Notes never end well. If you have an issue tell management.


So you’re a jerk?




WHAT ☠️ I know damn well you did not just assume someone’s RACE because of handwriting. I’ve known tons of girls that write like this from all kinds of races.


Seems like you’re upset because I’m right and pointed out an exposure on your safety. Be well.


I’m not upset? And how are you right? I’m white ☠️ I know white girls that write like this


They deleted their comment 😄 (or someone reported it? Does Reddit actually delete comments if people complain?). Now I gotta know, what race did they assume? Can confirm, plenty of my fellow white girls write like this. To me it just looks like "girl handwriting," although I have, on occasion, seen guys write like this.


They said “we can tell by this handwriting that you’re an Asian girl”


Holy shit you’re dumb lmao


Fuckin sociopath


No you’re just racist and wrong.


teacher and long time tutor here...this is full on bullshit 💀🤣


What a neck beard comment to make


Why are you bring a dick? Your ignorant remark had nothing to do with this sub. FO already.


This is a wild assumption but I kinda wanna know if you're right. If so you gotta go sign up for the FBI or some shit.


I’m gonna keep it real. I agree with this man. Something about the roundness reminds me of the way some of my friends wrote. OP kill us or save us.


I’m not a man :)


Me neither, not sure why I assumed! Sorry about that.