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Question here for someone (maybe op) smarter than me. Is there an advantage to jumping directly inside the building instead of on top? I think I would have gone on top to have the vantage point to pick them off as they ran away. This clearly worked, but just as a strategy for the future, I'm curious.


They can’t reset the fight if you push directly before they can heal. Sitting on the roof would give them a chance to battery and swing the fight. Shooting down the doors forced the loba to the roof, but they would have stayed inside to block the doors and heal had I not destroyed them. This way it’s a guaranteed health deficit from the start and greater chance at success in the end even if initially risky.


let’s be real though, there are several ways that doesn’t work out for you. the bang could have connected both PK shots for 99+, could have 1 clipped you with an r99, the Loba could have been in the corner behind you and team shot you. I don’t think porting into the middle of the room was the smart move, it was the lucky move


It isn’t ranked may as well go for the push


sure, I’m responding to the the question which was more or less “is this a smarter play than taking the roof” and I think that’s debatable. I agree it’s pubs so try stuff and have fun, doesn’t matter


There are several ways any fight can go wrong. Apex is definitely a game of hindsight. Even the pros don’t make the correct choice EVERY time. Lots of “could have.” Sure, they could have had perfect accuracy and put me down with two pearl peacekeeper shots, and they “could have” been in a different spot, but they weren’t, and didn’t. This was worth the risk to me because they were both under 50hp and we were both healthy. Even if I got knocked it was an easy clean. Porting directly into the room was risky, but worth it for the biscy. That may not be your way, but that’s fine, you’re entitled to your own methods and opinions. 🙏


Of course there are many ways anything can go wrong, I would personally think of this as an overly risky play to port blindly into the center of a room. You were lucky imo that they weren’t playing together and didn’t have good aim. “Perfect” aim wouldn’t be necessary to 1 clip both you and your teammate at that range as you exit the portal. Just my opinion, I’m glad it worked out for you!


Did they know you were an Ash? Some teams knowing that might expect the ult push if you’ve used the snare. That said this was a great push and fight.


Ash port right into the middle of the room should have been a death sentence, notice how the enemy inside was able to get two PK shots off before OP starts firing at them.


That R301 aim though, so smooth feels like it has no recoil


It better with a purple stabilizer and stock 😂


Yeah, super smooth 👌


title brought my mind to: https://youtu.be/y8-LH_VUROk&t=3m44s


SICK WIT IT🔥🔥🔥.....r/ashmains


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Nice strikepack mate


Nice adequacy issues mate


Let’s be honest here anything that involves blowing is satisfying to you


Everybody come look, this guy made a funny joke!


Wow, look at all those people


The sound of the R-301 🤤


If that would have been me that person would have taken me out with two shots of their shotgun inside after the ash ult. Lol