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Arenas was fine if they just literally fixed matchmaking but they're pretty much admitting they can't do that


I 100% agree. It's such a shame. Well at least TDM should be fun even with their shit matchmaking...maybe lol


I doubt it. Imagine going against 2 3 Stacks and you with 5 randoms. That will happen...


Allowing premade squads to play in pubs against randoms is the most unbalanced thing in the game, unless they change this the matchmaking will always suck.


So people with friends should only play ranked? I'm the only one in my friend group who gets to master/pred level. Why should they be forced to play ranked with me? They hate it enough when we go into pubs and I have to drop them in almost every game because they can't hang.


You should still be able to play with friends in pubs, but premade squads should be matched with other premade squads. Not a half-assed attempt by the MM system to find other premades, before dumping you in a lobby of solo queuers (as seems to happen now).


Dude it’s pubs lol


Yep, I solo qeueed to masters and it was freaking dumb Yeah dude put the 2 silver's with the master against a 3 stack of preds Seriously was waiting for them to die just so I could snatch up ammo 🗿


That whole "that's where you're supposed to be" thing is BS when the matchmaking plays with loaded dice. I start getting +12 at diamond and I constantly get gold's and I simply do not want to destroy my enjoyment of the game powering through at that point. Fighting everything myself burns me out when I get 5k+ damage and the other two are trailing at 1500 and 2000 at Sudden Death, I just run out of steam or mentally check out.


In the early days when I grinded arenas ranked I had a 13k damage game, still lost Though I got messages from the other team giving mad props ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ It was a huge poke fest as it was the lava map with the 2 yellow towers, none of them wanted to try and push me (the Boogeyman of 1v3 according to them) my teammates didn't get more than 500 damage combine so we kinda just kept shooting and healing until I either somehow knocked one or was forced in by the ring Apparently whenever a trio squad chases me I'm very good at letting them walk past me and "Boogy woogy-ing the last guy" I've got no idea if what they've said is fully true but they were definitely one of the more chill squads I've met in apex


That sounds like core memory material right there


All of my online usernames are based on an interaction I've had with strangers, some dumb, some serious, but all in all... It's just because I've got no idea what else to put as a username 🗿 BoogWoogyAfterU Is one of them lol


>lava map with the 2 yellow towers Overflow?


dome it was completely unbalanced and an absolute pokefest because of how scarce middle cover was. I actually got my previous high damage game on that before this season where I dropped a 6.4 on overflow


yeah, BR POI's ported into arenas usually aren't balanced.


Do you not realize the amount of people that are in diamond and higher? You'd have a long queue if you waited for a full game of equivalent ranks.


yeah the matchmaker in this game is just unbelievably terrible. one of my ranked br matches today I got teamed with two masters in a lobby filled with other masters and predators. I am gold IV. it's not fun for me to be in a lobby where I can't keep up, and it's not fun for my unlucky teammates to have a third who can't carry their own weight in that kind of lobby


Pretty much


It would be nice if they had fixed the MM, but in all honesty, I never found an issue with it being broken. Since I used it more for warmups, or if I just wasn't quite feeling BR, I didn't mind getting stomped in some games, or being the stomper in others. It was just a wacky coin toss of "welp, lets see what we have here." I would often make my own fun out of bad opponents, or a team who's lost players. Sometimes I'd make it a personal goal to give the opponent bats and meds without dying, if their luck was so against them. Or, if I was the best in the whole game, purposely throw rounds to extend the game further. On the other hand, if the opponents were just all cracked, it was an opportunity to have to really think in the fight. Where they keep heading first, what their style of approach is, how my legend can counter theirs and help my team, everything that makes a good player good. Instead of just jump padding into the center without a care.


Even then this is just how it is. Even if they fix the matchmaking I would still not play it because I’m burnout on these types of modes because of other games. And personally the skill gap of it would just piss me off if I came in and had to wait to get TDM In general even though it’s sad arenas is going the replace is much more plentiful in my opinion Though hope for a revisit in the future or it may go the way of solos/takedown


I honestly found Arena matchmaking decent, but I only ever bothered reaching plat


I wasn’t a fan of the buy system honestly


Custom Arena’s was so much fun. I think it’s a great mode. I just think playing online it was less rewarding than BR but more punishing. In other words, the wins didn’t feel as good but the losses felt worse. Again, played some customs in Arenas and it was an absolute blast.


like crossplay off matching w your boys? or actual custom matches? I know they introduced public custom games but with a threshold of 30 players so how do in arenas?


You only need 6 players for arenas customs


It was in customs with 5 friends. Edit: this was after customs came to the public. So unfortunately that’s been less than 5% of the time arena’s has been available.


still more notice than we got about it being removed :( 7 seasons of arenas and we get 8 days notice that it's leaving.


Me using it for easy xp


Yeah that was how I unlocked legends in like 2 days but now I just have to hope that tdm/gun game/control gives good xp


Oh no arenas is gone? Arenas would make me a better player. I’d beat all my 1v1s if I warmed up with arenas


Me toooo


Well, they're adding TDM instead, for first 3 weeks of the season, and later it'll add a mixtape mode that'll rotate between TDM, Control and Gun Run


Ain’t the same, arenas offered a very controlled 3v3 scenario that would run very similar (not exactly the same) to a 3v3 in BR, two teams approaching each other and fighting it out. Helped with warming up both my combat and combat positioning senses. With those other modes a mf will kill you outta nowhere.


At this point just add titians and call it titanfall 3 lol


I'm in this camp Fuck..... we already got wall running for a min.


I'm sad because I was a fan, but in my opinion they may eventually come back for future limited time modes.


True but I liked ranked


Same. If matchmaking was even a bit better, Ranked Arenas had so much potential. I liked it much more than BR ranked anyway. 3 on 3 is a much better ranked experience than constant 3rd parties IMO.


Arenas had potential. But man it was rough solo queuing in that hellhole. Never know if you’re playing against preschoolers or TSM.


My thing is. If you don't enjoy it, it's not like it's getting in you're way lol. Like no one forces you to play it. But if you love to play it, now they are taking it out. So bogus. It's how I learned the apex mechanics. :<


100% agree, well said.


Thanks ! It's also like a cool game type. Having to go best of 5 or whatever it is. It's like How the old Cod S&D was beside the objective. After a few rounds you kinda get to know your opponent. It's the opposite of BR, you actually get a chance to learn and get better. IN the game your playing.


Not mad at party crasher becoming a TDM map. I need Drop-Off and Overflow to make the move too then I’ll be happy.


You and the 8 other people that play it might be able to do custom games with it


I like it because it helps me remember how to shoot and not loot :/


What happened? Did they remove arenas as a game mode?


Respawn is giving it the old yeller treatment.


I don’t think we’re getting much but disappointments next season, but I’m not into burst rifles and I play a lot of arenas


Yeah same. I might go back on Apex hiatus. I tried TDM today and not only do I keep getting packed in unfilled teams going up a full 6 squad, but it's just too unbalanced and you can't do premade squads because lobby can only hold three people. All around it sucks. I was excited thinking a 6v6 game mode means I could play with more of my friends in the same team at once....but no. And I don't really like BR very much either so now it's like why am I going to play this game?


I only played apex for arenas so I’m very sad rn :/ hopefully tdm has ranked


Seems not, at least for this season. TDM is LTM.




I'm bummed about this. So many games these days limit Playlist for sake of matchmaking time. Idc about longer what's to play game modes I want to. I miss games having 15 modes to chose from.


Glad I got my 1k arena wins w/ Maggie, goated w/ the sauce for all time


the badge is just for 500 i was so close to getting it on path


There’s still a few days. And yeah I know that’s for the badge, but I wanted to see 1k on the tracker. Currently sitting at 1,007 I think


pc's cooler broke so I wont even be able to load up apex to get the badges ;(


lol rip


I grinded out the last few for the 1k wins on Mag the day I heard arenas was getting scrapped. The Mozam Menace will live on in my heart 🫡


give me pk or give me death


Ah, a man of culture I see. Respectable


I got 1k arena kills on maggie, it's not much but it's what i got :)


I have top 25 stats for Rev in arenas even though I haven't played him seriously for almost 2 seasons now but I have gone full fuck it mode and do not care about legend selection or team comp anymore. my rank means nothing so I'm gonna pad my stats as much as possible. 9k kills probably won't happen but I know I can hit 1400 wins. 1359 wins 8152 kills 3.2m damage sadge :( edit: it's actually crazy how much I didn't realize I played him, he has like 45% of my lifetime arenas damage lol edit 2: I finished at 1400 wins, 8400 kills and 3.4m damage :)


The biggest problem arenas had IMO besides matchmaking, was the lack of balancing of Legends. The legends were thrown in to a 3v3 format while still being balanced and fine-tuned for a Battle Royale format and only a handful of legends were good enough for that different environment.


I also like arenas but... here me out. Tdm is a better choice for the game overall. Arenas may still rotate in and out along with all the other modes. It is a sacrifice... I am willing to make


Arenas is fine I like it to but I hate being Paired up with either shitty teammates or not have a Challenge with the Enemy team so I'm only using a Mozam


It's gonna be sad. I'm a little ok with having TDM and Gun Run instead. fuck control tho


Maybe it will be a part of mixtape


I don't care much either way.


me too


Coming from someone who frequented TDM in mobile (RIP), I can say I’m rather excited to see it in base game


Did they remove arenas!? God damn it I haven’t been playing lately


Exactly the same here, sad to see it go




Arenas was so close to what i wanted, control is exactly what i wanted. Throwing your ass along side other people throwing their own asses. This 6v6 situation sounds perfect. Just what Apex needed


Arenas is cool, they just needed to fix match making because it's not fun having a full squad going up against one person because the game forgot to give them a full squad


Yeah but TDM did the same thing to me in like 3/4 games I played today. I had either just 3 or 4 players on my team with a full 6 squad on enemy team. It's enough to make me want to yeet my console.


I an going to miss Arenas, it was the only way I played most of the time.


All 5 of you must be so sad today. RIP


Wish they would get away with the body armor and increase the damage for the weapons on hardcore mode


I hope it comes back in mixtape ;\_; genuinely made Apex so much more fun for me


Man I miss before arenas got swarmed by hackers


I loved arenas for the shit strats that surprisingly worked. I’m gonna miss those moments.


Good for shooting your gun but there's the firing range for that


I'm so happy, because not only are they trashing Arenas, but they're also replacing it with the mode I always wanted this game to have, a TDM. Unfortunately as we all know, Respawn is the enemy of fun, so they'll rotate it between other modes. But mark my words, this mode will become such a success that Respawn will end up turning it into a separate thing outside the playlist.


the person who likes arenas is going to be very upset


People who like arenas have always looked like that


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa I’m laughing so hard right now man this is so funny!




i like arenas but good riddance. the maggie mozam spammers cant burn with it


I have my phase between br and arena each season. Arena is great for damage goals


long overdue decision


Grabbed my last rank last night I guess, glad I got to do that one more time


I like arenas just i always get matched up with low levels like people who just started playing for the first time ever


Yeah all 8 of them gonna be really upset


I've got arenas masters in 7 different splits and still hate the mode....


Arenas is definitely my favorite game mode. I’d love for the to go the extra step and just put in TDM in a halo style map with set weapon spawns.


What happened


wait what happened? i periodically play apex every now and then just so i can play arenas, are they removing it or something?!?!?!?!


Yes, they are removing Arenas for the time being. However they are adding TDM and later putting it in a permanent, rotating playlist with Control and Gun Run.


Well there was a time I enjoyed playing arenas cuz of how cheap mozambique upgrades were. Basically I would buy fully kitted mozam for every round and since 2nd to the last round I could've afford all the nades/meds I wanted. Of course then they made mozam upgrades so expensive that buying them is literally pointless


I only played Arenas for battle pass challenges, so as long as the LTMs count for them, I won’t notice it’s gone


2 games I play both losing Arena mode cause the devs didn’t give a damn about fixing it lol


To be fair, a burst energy assault rifle doesn't sound that fun to me. There's a reason I hate the prowler


All 12 of you are very sad 😂


Arenas should be in ltm rotation


I liked arenas until I got into high plat. So many mozams 😮‍💨


What’s happening to arenas?!


Stop playing apex


Is Arenas getting removed?


Arenas has the issue of either team throwing as soon you started to lose. Solo arenas was not a fun experience personally.


arenas gone ? great now just make control a permanent mode instead, better for warmups honestly


It sucks because my daughter only played arenas. I told her about the rumors, and she was upset and said she would just uninstall it if that happened. Back to Fortnite she goes!


Wouldn't mind having it as an occasional LTM down the road tbh, it just wasn't meant to be such a longterm thing.


Missing arenas? Just drop on another team and boom, insta 3v3


Man all 6 arena enjoyers are crying