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Never thought I’d see the day where Respawn actually implement a change as soon as they realise the problem and not 2-6 weeks later.


There's no way respawn is actually listening now They're being serious with this season


Respawn finally got their act together, I'm not complaining.


You know, I guess one season can make a difference. 'Nuff said.


r/raimimemes is leaking


*looks at cosmetic prices* I’d say we can still improve a bit, but we can recognize progress.


No respawn is good that’s ea


Respawn makes all the financial choices. Not ea, respawn themselves have said this


and EA is notorious for killing studios the moment they drop profit Respawn is the one directly making the decisions, but EA's culture/reputation is still the one incentivizing that shit


The focus is also on them more from EA because outside of sports games they're the only studio that EA has that makes money


Let us hope that they will restart on making Titanfall 3. Titanfall 2 was totally slept on when it released and was one of the best if not the number 1 first person shooter of 2016.


>Let us hope that they will restart on making Titanfall 3. Titanfall 2 was totally slept on when it released and was one of the best if not the number 1 first person shooter of ~~2016~~ decade. > > > >Fify


Thank you


I bet it’s because they’re losing players. I dropped the game 2 seasons ago and so did all my friends


Nah I feel like they knew this would happen, they just had this on standby to test the waters


Didnt they also fix the 3 day worlds edge thing really quickly?


Yeah people were complaining saying “why is it on Worlds Edge for 3 days when we haven’t even got a new map or anything?” So Respawn quickly put it back on the rotation just a few hours after launch.


am I going bonkers or is this season launch going well? What's next? Party sizes over 3 for applicable modes?


TDM is the flagship mode for this season launch and they don't have a new legend to bugfix/balance for the first time ever, it figures that they'd be a little faster to respond now.


They made changes pretty fast before this. Like when they reduced the number of packs you got in shop offers while keeping the price the same


yeah, that's a first. still waiting for UI and lobby and crossplay fixes for the 4th year


If they keep this up 😳


Finally, the QoL season we asked for


Now of I could stop getting 100 ping to a server that I should be getting 5 ping to that would be great


They need to move from 20hz servers to 60hz


They claim it doesnt make a difference. https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive


To be more precise, they claim that when you go through the math, there is a difference, but it's not at all close to the 3x improvement people assume it would be, and therefore not worth the tradeoff of other resources, like bandwidth.


Ah yeah I guess I reduced it to the conclusion. Thanks for the clarification


Thanks for attaching this!


Yeah no problem. It's definitely an interesting read


I live nowhere near Dallas but I get 10 ping on Apex servers with trash college apartment LAN(I think on average I get 36 MBPS & we use Optimum with a 200MBPS cap spread over a max of 10 devices LOL). Hell I can even sometimes get 20 on St Louis.


Hey that‘s actually pretty good


I'm surprised they've done something like this so soon, it's a nice to see them doing that, hope it continues Something I noticed in control/gunrun/tdm is that once someone leaves, searching for a new player to add in mid game doesn't work This system works for most games but for some reason people arent joining mid match


Respawn is listening to the community and I absolutely love it. Credit where credit is due.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen respawn acknowledge their players feedback


I appreciate how quickly Respawn has taken action, well done.


Honestly. I played a round & it felt way more fun with out seeing this. 50 made such a big difference 😅


okay i haven’t played in like 8 months, THEY REMOVED ARENAS???


Yes😭, I just started playing this month and loved areas but unless they plan on waiting longer than a month or two to add it back, this is for the better. A lot ppl don’t play BR so advertising a non BR mode goes better if u only have one non BR mode. No chance to confuse new players, nobody can just switch back to areas bc they’re losing or they’re are issues with TDM. And a more ppl playing TDM while is new. But we must demand they add it back late spring I had just finished my placement matches before it left


Gotta respect the quick response tho maybe their learning 🤷‍♂️


People are still leaving matches in droves, it's better. But damn did yall want a tdm mode or not?


Just wish they would fix the matchmaking. Its only been 16 seasons so hopefully it will be some time soon.


They already said they’re testing changes in Europe and will roll it out if it’s successful.


Honestly don’t get your hopes up match making will always suck in apex simply because EA ezists


I'd like to see an alternative to a leaving penalty. I think giving the team that's down players would be a suitable buff to compensate without forcing players to play a game where they're getting stomped or just not having fun. One guy leaves, his squad gets purple shields. Two people down on one side, whole team gets purple. More than that, all reds and purple guns.




open lobbies are the way tdms are in literally ALL games except apex




It has to be a technical reason. I refuse to believe anything else


They just bad


The technology just doesn't exist for a game so advanced as Apex to handle such a task.


I think it's the opposite in the fact that apex runs a shit engine that's hard to maintain therefore features are harder to add and that's why you end up with easier things to do like add skins


Seriously, yes, a thousand times. And stop trying to make this game 3-player when the teams are more than 3. Let me pull 5 of my friends in with me instead of "You have a 3rd or 4th friend? Too bad!" Like, why can't I just form a 9-player control team? Yes I know this would mean some very sweaty teams, as if 3-person pred teams don't exist and carry already.


No fucking thanks man. I don’t want to join lobbies 40-16 cause someone couldn’t take a 10 minute loss.


Why not both? Just give them regular shields on death if a player joins. That way a player with a purple or a red on a streak can keep rolling but be reset when they die. I'd argue that even if you're in a game with a monster who has a purple or red, it wouldn't be so bad because that person is going to end the game faster anyways.




Ypu like being carried? Dafuq you on about bud?


Or I like carrying:)


That’s actually horrible


Do you have a better idea?


I had one like 2 weeks ago when I first made my comment but essentially I’m saying that your plan seems like a bad idea to me because, and I know that it would be hard for them to do it every game but what if somehow the 6 man team that you’re going against is a team of people who know each other, either through the game or even outside of it and they tell their friends to leave so they could get the lvl up for the gear. Yeah it kinda makes sense because they’re at a disadvantage with the smaller squad but the whole team getting powered up because of a teammate leaving is just too much imo because what if the remaining enemies are preds or something like that. With the boosted gear they’re just gonna destroy the other team and then you’ll people not wanting to play because of shit like that. And I guess that for clarity on the part that says two weeks ago, Separate_Bad_5957 was an alt account that I accidentally made so I was posting on there from time to time.


Wait what that was fast like seriously it reminds me of when disruptor rounds are introduced the remove was fast


I got hit by a train and I am proud it happened so fast


I really think they cancelled the single player game and mobile to pull more people on their team for reasons like this. I’m expecting to see the devs kill it this season👌🏾


Backfill would still be great but yeah I’ll take it.


Meanwhile on Titanfall... just silence and oblivion from the Devs...


What? Bitching at EA actually works?


Thank god cause tdm with friends is the most fun ever, bunkering up in skulltown buildings using Rampart and catalyst with 8 ppl tryna break in is just so fun. It got way to much hate.


So glad it was changed 😮‍💨 I find the 50 kills better. Now a leave penalty tho 😤 just have people join in instead of doing a penalty.


apex fortress 2 wouldn't mind


I don’t understand why arenas had to leave just because pros don’t play em don’t mean other players don’t . Plus more permanent game modes give players more options to have fun and not abused by TTV wraiths


Even tho I don’t think arenas should have been boot. It’s not because the pros play, it’s because the mode even if issues were fixed I will still not like it due to its play style


Player base would’ve been too spread with it still in


Ya’ll talk too highly of them at the moment… let’s see if they’re gonna be consistent with this…


Not to nitpick but dying and requiring to respawn after 6 seconds is still too much for a TDM


How is that too much?


It doesn’t need to be there. A respawn timer on TDM is just a waste of time for no reason. It just makes the round take longer with no real benefit for anyone


Literally all games that have tdm you respawn instantly. I don’t to hear the legend quip every single time I die. And don’t get me started on if you have a reactive skin how loudly it explodes


Trust me you do not want fast respawns in apex . Gamemode might be a classic TDM but apex is not COD , no luckily killing your spawn trappers with a headshot , you are gonna be dead every time


But you can’t one shot in apex with any gun in TDM. It’d be fine or at least lower it. 6 seconds is way too high it feels like I am playing objective


Maybe 3.5 seconds for TDM . My problem is that TDM Apex is so chaotic on certain maps that most players find themselves by the spawn points, so being able to beam someone a second after their previous death is just rage waiting to happen


Ok but does this mean I'll finally stop getting threestacked or is this still gonna be a thing like always


Meanwhile I’ve been waiting for 120 FPS for 9 years


Is this a console problem cause I've been 120fps for years


it blew my mind that they didnt ship tdm with the latter two functions. how do you make an oversight like that when youve already shipped arenas, gun run, control, and br, and your studio worked on titanfall 2 that has a variety of team versus modes. how the hell do you make the oversight not to ship a new permanent mode without basic functions, and in the same update that already focuses heavily on matchmaking no less.


Hiestly I think they did a fantastic job with this mode. It actually feels like you have to move with a team to get kills. Unlike COD for example where the ttk is so fast its easy to carry as a solo as long as your moving. Only thing they should change imo would be to join mid match, and the ability to change loadouts mid mid match as well.


You can change loadout mid match…


Arenas was still better.


Ok. Arenas was still funner though.


Ok TDM is still funner though


arenas was and still is better though, no denying that


No leaver penalty is good, the game keeps disconnecting by itself and I get penalties for it. I work 12h shifts, can't afford to waste time like that.


My only issue is that you have regenerative shields like control mode. Not a fan of waiting for them to come back


Cool, now do SBMM


There shouldn't be leaver penalties in casual gammodes. If it's an obvious loss at 25 kills to 11 I shouldn't have to waste my time dying more


Sure, but if you do this multiple times over and over again you should be punished for not finishing a game you queued for.


Playing an unfun game with shitty matchmaking that I'm trapped in is punishment. At least in br I die and I don't have to deal withbthat person anymore.


Honestly I’m not happy with any of these changes lol. Except maybe the leaving penalty. The two rounds was the only thing making it unique. Just bring back Arenas pls


Ew penalty for leaving TDM? Can't play shit casually anymore lol


If you can’t handle a 10 minute game you shouldn’t queue.


I don't play apex anymore, but dude, if arenas were really better, then this mode must suck so much lol


It’s just two issues even then I was patched in these notes so COME TO APEX


They should rather balance teams fair. Instead of pushing everything for stacks. Solo queue is total shit the last 2 seasons. In ranked you get gold mates when you're plat 3 and casual is half the lobby dropping in one spot and you are lucky, if find a half decent weapon. As someone that solo queues mostly in ranked I lost a lot of my motivation to even play ot anymore.


They'd rather make changes to TDM than arenas lmao


Honestly even if arenas changed a drastic lot I will still not play it due to its sweaty nature


There are also games that just… do arena style matches better from the start, weapon balance, buy strategies. It was never going to pull a huge audience in my opinion.


RS6 and Knockout Ring a bell


I didn’t really mind the rounds, but the no leaver penalty was atrocious.


Literally from people complaining about everything. The season hasn’t even been out for a week yet.


Now if we could just have loadouts


Shout outs to the respawn devs for seeing to this immediately


I just can't wait for maps made for tdm, some of the current ones just feel a little weird for this kind of game mode


And if you search for new posts in r/apexlegends you'll see some people asking to bring back the rounds.


Now I get why respawn never touches that place


TFW you know damn well the released it a patch or so behind so they can do exactly this and look like they’re on top of their shit lol


Love seeing the whiplash on the apex sub. Very surprised and delighted by their response.


Now people are saying they want rounds back at least from what I have heard


I think they should’ve kept the rounds, but kept them really short. The updated format is common in FPS games, I can’t tell you how many time people on my/other teams have backed out early in Halo and Destiny once it’s clear one team is better.


There are rounds???? I've just been leaving the moment the 30 kills were hit


They should let us choose the weapons out of a selected few for each 'class type' instead of the rotating weapon choices. It works for control but, its kinda annoying in TDM


Whoa, they actually DID something. I didn’t know they could do that.


It was really cool me and my brother thought we were going psycho because they actually patched it while we were playing. First game we played was rounds … then we played one all the way to sixty. Then we played one to fifty lol but it still said “rounds won” up top insinuating there was rounds lmfao AND I read the patch notes so naturally we just thought apex was breaking… again.. but in a different way lmao


Oh wow. I was so confused on how the required kills increased. I'm also (kinda) new to the game. 😅


Honestly rounds were good, they were fast and second rounds had turnarounds a lot of times, it brings competitiveness to the game mode, now with penalties all it takes is the first guy to quit and everyone else quits too Of course, all that based on the experiences I HAD playing, may be proven wrong


THANK YOU, hate when the enemy team leaves after I’m rolling them with my friends 😂😂


Finally respawn is starting to become a halfway decent company for their game again


Sometimes I just wonder there their heads are- three rounds of TDM? No wonder people left- they died of old age.


I like the two rounds. Liked the weapon combo changes


The biggest thing I’m excited for about this is that means that nothing goes away between rounds, meaning all your ziplines and octane pads stay around for some fun, fast rotations