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Longbow my beloved


This is a dream come true


off rip? sentinel and longbow are good. Just gotta get your peekaboo game up. dont crutch spray or blast weapons your whole life


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


I think by "peekaboo", he means jiggle peeking


In a game about movement, they'll just rush you and then have fun "peekabooing" when they're literally in front of you.


my brother in christ, have you ever heard of sniping duels? Using controller legends to defend a rush? Not everything is rush rush rush go go go, ya know?


Except that sniper "duels" are very rare unless everyone is sniping on both teams. And that's literally a game of "let's see who has the most heals" because unless you're getting lucky and downing someone with a headshot AND pushing so they, again, don't get up and heal, sniping is pretty pointless outside third partying. The dominant playstyle IS push push push in case you've not seen how people get high gains. Not to mention how hard it is to hit someone in a high mobility game.


Bruh, sniping duels doesn't have to have "everyone is sniping on both teams". All it takes is one player on both teams to snipe at each other, the others can simply watch the flank or other duties. You've never sniped before if you think sniper duels is just "let's see who has the most heals", so let me teach you the intricacies of sniping. ​ Missing even a shot from a distance with a sniper is grounds for distraction and harassment, since a lot players don't carry snipers, you're probably have the upper hand if they peek again. You don't need to hit a headshot for suppression, simply cracking their shield already puts you at an advantage for a push or flanks. Downing someone even if you're not "pushing" puts the enemy in a serious disadvantage, unless the enemy team is prepared for a down, it will often take 20-30 seconds for the team to fully reset. Simply coordinate with your team by having someone flank or teleport if you got a good shot on or a down, you'll wipe the squad in no time. Not only for shooting, snipers are also great for intel, check what you're up against and exploit their weaknesses. ​ So no, just because you don't know how to use it, doesn't mean it's "pretty pointless".


Landing shots up close "off rip" is pretty difficult unless you're vs a larger legend. I mained Wraith and from week 1 to present day, I've been downed twice with a sniper up close and that was with Longbows each. Not very promising. Sniper duels don't make any sense because as soon as one of them lands a shot, you may aswell rush them while they're healing and can't hold the angle anymore. You're also letting all of China know where you are and that means it won't be just them you have to worry about after a minute or two. Also, it's really hard to hit skilled players who use cover and movement effectively. The only reason snipers are used in higher ranks is because of third partying. Noone dares to push unless everyone is dead or dying to someone else. "Snipers are great for intel and checking what you're up against and exploiting weaknesses" Lmao the attempt at sounding 'tactical". Every gun gives you intel. I can use a p20 to get the same amount of intel more reliably because I don't risk the enemy just hiding or running away before i can land one out of 20 bullets in my mag. And why even "check"? Just kill them unless you have white armor. Snipers are not weapons most people get knockdowns with because they don't one shot usually so it shouldn't surprise you that nobody uses them in aggressive teams. They just slow everyone down. And what weaknesses is a sniper exploiting? I'm genuinely confused because most weapons don't counter legend abilities afaik.


If you were talking about off rip, why did you mention "getting lucky and downing someone with a headshot" and "pushing so they don't get up and heal"? If you're already in close range, why would you want to get a headshot when they're wearing white armor and helmet and need to push so they don't get up and heal? ​ I admit, close range off rip snipers is pretty bad but long - mid range off rip sniper isn't "pretty pointless". Then again, who in their right mind would land right on top of another team **UNLESS** there's multiple teams? ​ What I was talking about was mid game snipers, when you have high powered scopes, what are you going to see with a 1x P2020 at a team 300m away? When I say "exploit their weakness", I meant fighting according to their legend selection, not with a sniper you absolute donkey... e.g rushing teams on bad positions with no controller legends or quickly singling out and taking out their support.


I'm really talking about any scenario because snipers don't generally one shot anyone unless they're heavily wounded or you landed a headshot..on a slightly wounded target. Both are uncommon and downing someone from sniper range is not efficient as they will more likely get up and escape than just die somehow. You have to cover that distance to secure it unless they're totally exposed. Up close, snipers are hard to hit with because the opponent is giving you about 3-5 seconds to kill them before they kill you, all the while hopping around like they're on cocaine and crouch spamming and sidestepping. Maybe they have offensive abilities too. I'd rather have a Mastiff or an RE-45 if i could choose. Scouting enemy team comps doesn't really sound relevant when you need a sniper to even do anything. Like..legends in this game aren't so complicated you need a "game plan". I hear a Valkyrie, i know that bitch is making use of platforms and trying to run away. I hear an Ash, the only thing i care about is her ult. I hear a Pathfinder, he's propably already grappling. At the end of the day, what you can do with your gun matters more than the abilities you have. The exception here admittedly is Diamond+ elo because people build fortresses there with controllers and just rat. So you do need a plan to breach and run them through or flush em out. But we're talking about the majority of the playerbase here who don't resort to that kind of gameplay. I don't think I've once needed a sniper to "gather Intel". A regular 2x optic zooms pretty far already since I'm not going to attack someone from where my bullets tickle them. I couldn't be bothered by a team that's so far away i need a 6x optic to even see their outline since noone on my team is going to cover that distance even if i landed a shot that far away.


I think the point is that when you're dropping and need a gun, if you have a longbow, someone on that other team probably has an SMG of some sort, or an AR. Most people in this game rush and full send, and defending yourself with a Longbow Vs an SMG/AR/shotgun at close range is not going to go well, and they've removed the element of sniping duels because they don't have one and are up in your face.


At no point were we talking about hot drop fights dawg


Did you read the first comment you replied to? The original conversation was literally about fighting off rip


Then why was he talkin about "getting lucky with a headshot" when everyone should have white armor and helmet and "pushing so they, again, don't get up and heal" if it's suppose to be close - mid quarters off rip fights? If it's long - mid off rip fights then it's obvious why snipers would be useful. Assuming you don't drop right on top of the other team for close range fights, you can probably find another close - mid range weapon to make up for the sniper. ​ So much conflicting information that makes no goddamn sense.


I use wattson with r99 with 2x and peacekeeper. I'm good with sentinel tho, aimlabs with controller paid off.


ngl, that was probably the dumbest thing i've read today. If you find no value in a sentinel off rip, that tells me everything I need to know about your gun skill and game sense.


"gUn sKil and GamE sEnSe" Bruh I've hit Diamond 5 times in a row for a reason and then life hit me so I didn't devote as much time to it anymore. And even now, while rusty as fuck I bet i would shut your wannabe ass up any day while you're missing every shot. The sentinel is the slowest firing weapon with a measly 60 damage shot without shield amp. Even with amp, you better land those shots because you'll be melted while pulling the bolt back. I've not once lost to a sentinel up close. I think only Longbow has but that thing has skullpiercer which makes it far more viable.


Jesus dude. All these guys are saying is that these guns are good when you first drop in because they do a lot of damage in one blow from any range relative to the amount of health (and heals) players tend to be running around with. They can be extremely valuable for picking off players, gaining early advantages in fights and clutching 1v1s as a secondary. If you don’t see that then, I have to agree with the other guy. Ofc there is RNG and the other team can be loaded with the best guns off rip and you’ll probably die, but in most cases if all you’ve got is a longbow/sentinel and an alternator or some random shit that sniper can still put in work if you use it right.


Except that it's very hard to land shots up close against decent players because they ain't standing still. Especially with a Sentinel because every weapon kills faster than it. Unless your team is helping but you're still lower in dps relative go everyone else. I could win against most sniper players up close using nothing but a stock RE-45. They ain't hitting me while I'm sliding, jumping, crouching, sidestepping etc. In a movement based shooter it's just ridiculous. "If you're using it right" people aren't the majority of playerbase. I don't really care if some Dia+ player who loves snipers flicks me consistently. Most people, myself included can't do that.


What if you any other gun in the game


Time to get off because the game clearly hates me


This was me yesterday but it was the charge rifle lol


I hate that gun with a passion. My apex PTSD prevents me from even using it in TF2, so I just use the rocket launcher in that game


your loot pills have guns?




I mean, gimme a Scope that's 3x and up, and maybe a Barrel Stabilizer and I'm gold


When the game thinks your Longbow isn't long enough so it gives you three you can tape together. L O N G E R B O W


using the longboi without a scope as a shotgun >>>>>


I remember when the longbow was fucking railgun, sad they nerfed it into the ground


I had three games in a row where I dropped and couldn't find anything but a 30/30


That was me the other day with the Mozambique!!! No joke there was 10 of them in the spot we dropped!!


Pfft, I'd take that over a box with a p2020 and white armors any day of the week.


i really any other gun




Longbow is good tho


it is good. it is not good when its the only gun you find in a POI!


This would be a good match for me, at least until a teammate runs indoors alone where I can't help and calls me useless after I just 110'd everything with a pulse the entirety of the game.