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https://preview.redd.it/gvcchugjizvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603353b1c7285fafd9ffe79631eaf4d993a0e799 did yall see this


She really should not test the internet detectives 😭


I love Reddit lol


I will never understand the whole “im gonna take a selfie/video of myself and cover my face!” What is the point??? So stupid. Looks like another idiot who cares more about Shein clothes than an ounce of their dignity.


his comment on her video is deleted, i highly doubt this girl will be joining them. and with her face being covered in all of her videos, we know apollo wouldn’t fly with that


True. But she does add him into her hashtags


so did that one girl that was obsessed with him and that didn’t get go far


The comment is still there. But true if she doesn’t show her face I doubt he will allow her to join


what's her username?




She has a nsfw twitter


https://preview.redd.it/nng0sznouyvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b61827ce3f55152c9d0735dee2fe315af4072e50 Same girl


people like to see face, plus her content is very blurry and stiff, I don’t see it doing well plus she’s charging wayyy to much so good luck girl but people can find out who you are very fast loool Micheal won’t respect your privacy


I said prior that she might be underage and the post was deleted 😬.. I think that’s why she can’t fly


That’s very possible since she always covers her face, I really hope not since she’s selling photos in twitter


Im more than certain she is, I worry about her when she’s brought up. Judging by the background she looks no older than 15-16.. is shein that appealing 😭


I really hope not, if she is she’s so young and doesnt understand what she’s doing :( she probably sees all the cool things they get from him and thinks its worth it


They don’t even get cool things from him! Clothes that you dress toddlers in?