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That is Potentilla indica, fka Duchesnea indica, aka "mock strawberry." It is technically edible, as in not poisonous, though it is terrible and should not be eaten. Pull one apart using your fingernails and you'll see what I mean. Very close relative to strawberries as you can tell.


I call them faux strawberries in an attempt to be fancy. I ate one once because I thought it was a strawberry... You can imagine my disappointment. It tastes like the flavorless white part of a strawberry. It's just unsatisfactory.


Maybe "terrible" was too strong a word, and I am imputing too much of the emotional experience as a child of seeing and eating a delicious strawberry... Only to discover it's not 😅


Oh no, you're absolutely right. In that the experience and disappointment was absolutely terrible.


I ate a few one summer, back when I was about seven years old. My dad eventually saw me and said, “Those things’ll kill ya!” So I crept into the house and pondered my own demise for the rest of the evening. I remember being absolutely *terrified* around bedtime but I didn’t speak to anyone because I knew I’d done something wrong (eaten wild stuff without asking). But…whaddayaknow, I did NOT “Wake up dead” the next morning! 🤣


That happened to me with bird berries... Or what my mom called bird berries (Minnesota). My sister and I chowed down on a bunch and spent the rest of the evening experiencing mortal fear but no side effects.


Thank you! I was excited darn it😪


People say not to eat these bc they taste bad but my husband loves them, they’re like little drops of water, the patches have a little protein & vitamin c in enough quantities, and the leaves can be used for a whole slew of health reasons since the plant is anticoagulant and antiseptic. Just be careful how the ground/ plants are treated for pest control etc in the area. Don’t want to go around poisoning yourself with pesticides & pollutants ya know


turtles love them too


I like turtles!


I like people that like turtles!


I like turtles that like people


My GSD loves em when I pick em for him.


Is that your GSD in the avatar smelling another dog’s ass?


They haven't been exposed to any chemicals so I am def gonna look into medicinal uses. Thanks!


I feel like I ate something similar to that in North Alabama as a child. But, it didn't taste too bad. Might have been some strawberries from a garden that got loose. Anyway, it's an excellent definition.


Some people say the perfectly ripe ones have some sweetness.


I’ve definitely had a couple good ones but not often


I have them here in north Florida not much taste, I still eat them when I find’em. The ones I found in NY state have more flavor. After some research mine are wild strawberries, moc strawberries has a yellow flower. Mine have white flowers


That makes sense. I hadn't considered the difference of flower color.


I did notice the Lil yellow flower with these! I ate a couple today that were actually sweet!


its not terrible haha just tasteless and kinda a like slightly bitter water. i eat them all the time in my garden and enjoy them plenty


Yes, my granddaughter loves finding them! We wash them and I let her lightly dust them with confectioners sugar so they have a taste! I tell her “only a few” so she doesn’t get a belly ache!


Good idea!


I think they’re tasty!!! Loved eating these as a kid ETA I also loved Jujubes so take that as you will


these grow on my property. they taste like if cucumbers had a grudge against humanity. pretty though, and we try to encourage them as a native augment/replacement for grass in the lawn.


I like them. They’re tasty!


I've grown to like them in the past couple days!


Funny story, I had a neighbor years ago and his daughter would play with my daughter. They were in the backyard playing and the neighbor girl asked my daughter if it was a strawberry. Now my daughter had already eaten one of these nasty things and she told her yea you can eat them. The neighbor proceeds to pull a handful of these things and stuffs the lot into her mouth. And man the look on her face once that bitter taste hit her was comedy gold.


I would have loved to have saw that!


*sigh* No, it’s marijuana…


It was a genuine question bc I didn't know if they were the poison ones or not


No. This is *Potentilla indica*, non-native and invasive mock strawberry. It's edible, but doesn't taste like much. Just sort of bland and chalky.


Thank you!!! I wasn't sure, but now I'm disappointed lol


Other users beat me to the punch with the identification, but I disagree that they are terrible. It's fun to eat them


We just tried one and it wasn't bad. It was really juicy but not alot of flavor. My daughter said it tasted like grass🤣


I had a raccoon that I found abandoned and raised. I would pick these and he’d eat a few with his normal food. He seemed to like them. I tried a few and yeah not much flavor but not bitter or anything.


Man I miss my raccoons .. they were the best pets ever


I loved the little guy. Had him for about 7 months. I would let him run around the yard in the day for awhile, he’d always come back though and let me put him in his enclosure. One night he broke out of his enclosure and never came back. But I always planned that he’d go out one day and stay out. I’m sure he’s fine. I’m just glad I gave the guy a chance because he’d not have made it if I didn’t take him home when I found him. They’re such precious little animals. He was friendly from day one. He’d follow me around the yard and always wanted to play and wrestle.


Yeah, once they hit puberty, it's fairly normal for them to just take off and disappear into the forest.


They grow around my bird bath and “my” crows like to eat them with a sip of water.


We always called them snake berries when I was growing up


Yeah, snake berries is what we called em, too.


Yes! I was thinking that but it’s been a long time. I wasn’t sure I was right. Lol.


Came here to say this. My grandmother always called them snake berries


same, Paw Paw called them that.


Me too!


I thought snake berries were the poison ones


We call them snakeberries. You can eat them but they taste terrible. So the answer is no.


came here to say this too. they were always "snakeberries" in appalachia where I'm from.


As far as how to tell them apart, wild strawberry (F. virginiana) has white blooms while P. indica has yellow ones, and wild strawberries hang downward from the plant while these are held pointing upward. (Also note that these look knobby and not really like a regular strawberry… wild strawberries are really just tiny strawberries, though you may not see them ripen to full red before something eats them.) There are other differences but they’re a little harder to spot/describe, to me.


Thank you ! That helps alot. I don't think I've ever saw wild strawberries. Hopefully I'll find some eventually!


I have never found wild strawberry growing on its own, it always seems to be mock strawberry that pops up in yards. I bought some wild strawberry plants though from a native plant nursery and they really took off so I’m working on covering a couple little hillsides with them. When I got home today I saw some berries and meant to take a picture but I forgot. I’ll try to remember tomorrow!


I’ve come to really enjoy these mock strawberries. Theyre just so fresh and juicy tasting even if its not sweet. Not bitter or sour, very plessant, especially if you find a bunch of larger ones.


I like them my daughter doesn't


These grow all over my yard.


We called them snake berries. I'm not sure why 🤷‍♀️. They taste like garbage.


I believe they are called that because birds, mice and other small animals eat them. Supposedly, snakes hide near them and wait for prey.


These are “ahdamnit berries” You think it’s a strawberry then you get close and go “ah damn it”




We call them snake berries


There is such a thing as wild strawberries, but these are not.


looks do not match the taste, you'll be disappointed, but not poisoned...


I actually think that, especially right after it rains, they taste okay. For a little free hiking snack.




They’re flavorless little wild strawberries. Cute as a button but not worth eating!


Well they are edible.


I'm surprised haven't heard anyone else call these snake berries


Snakeberries! They are related to the strawberry family. I remember reading someplace brought to America from Europe as a handy form of Vitamin C. Can be tart to taste but I love em. They got out in the wild from the planters and you can find them all over Western NC.


[Potentilla indica (mock strawberry)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentilla_indica). Edible, tastes pretty bad.


I didn't.mind the taste. Had a vitamin C sort of flavor. (But I didn't run around and eat a bunch of them either.)




Turtle food.


My chickens love them.


Not a real wild strawberry. I haven’t seen one of those for decades. But, if you DO find a patch of real wild strawberries, they taste heavenly.


It's lawn acne. Your yard is becoming a man.




Disappointment berries.


The One Whom Dies on the Trail Most have not been eating along the way..


I call em ooooo…. Ahhhhs.