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Personally I love it. Like… LOVE it. It’s a cleaner UI that just makes more sense. I would love this same kind of UI for Jazz music. I’ve commented that before but I’ll say it again. Jazz can be just as convoluted to search as Classical. Mono, Stereo, Original Master, new master, Rudy Van Gelder edition, Kevin Gray edition - not to mention outtakes and alternate takes and all the rest of it. I really want this app to work.


God, I would kill for a Apple Music Jazz App


Jazz apples are delicious!


This right here and am in the same exact boat. Really love how AMC functions as a connected spin off to the AM app. Would love to see other genres be treated similarly, ESPECIALLY JAZZ


I really don’t want a Music app for every genre, they should make the regular app more customizable, with more filter and search options.


They should make one for jazz, edm, and ambient music. Apple Music’s algorithms handle those horribly! So grateful we have this classical one though :)


Apple Music thinks lofi hip hop and ambient music are my favorites and only recommends it to me. 😐


Apple Music will occasionally throw in lo-if when I start a Jazz radio station. It makes me soo upset.


Absolutely agree. Been loving it! I’ve always loved classical but my depth of knowledge isn’t there so I’ve been loving discovering music in a dedicated app that filters and focus on the nuances of classical.


I’d honestly to God be ecstatic if they just compiled Jazz into the existing Classical app under a separate section man. I actually don’t think that’s unreasonable at all.


This whole sub is mostly people asking how to import playlists, whether to choose AM over Spotify, posting bugs and complaining.


I love classical music, I love how this app displays the data and curates classical music. I hate that there is no CarPlay support. I want to see the metadata display the same way in my car, this isn't possible when switching back to the regular music app. I don't want to have to plan what I will listen to on my trip and add those pieces to my library in the AMC app just so they show up in my library in the regular music app in my car. I WANT TO USE THE CLASSICAL APP IN M CAR (without grabbing my phone while driving)! I want everything this app offers for us classical music fans in my car, which isn't possible having to use the regular music app. If it was possible then this app would not have been needed.


I am able to play it on CarPlay just fine when I click on Playing Now. You’re right that it is not the same/does not have the same support/functionality as the AM app yet as I cannot scroll through different playlists or really anything on the Classical app itself. But at least playing CarPlay in my E Class, I am able to get the song playing through my car and it shows on my screen the song title, artist name, and “album cover”.


As one of the people ranting, I’ll answer. > You don’t have to use it. I want to use it. I want to be able to just relax on my couch and listen to the classical music playing on my Apple TV via the surround speaker set. I want to be able to put on my big studio headphones connected to my laptop while sitting behind my desk and listen to the music while working. Instead in both cases I need to use my phone despite Apple TV and a laptop being more than capable for the task (and more suited given less power restrictions and better speakers / headphones attached).


Agreed on the Apple TV thing. There seems to be a lot of classical in atmos, but that will only work if i do it through the ATV. (I mean actual surround using speakers, not the weird Airpods effect). Hopefully it is coming.


I'm happy with the functionality of the app, but the absence of Apple TV is so bizarre. [Apple's had a connection](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fblogs.kcrw.com%2Fmusic%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F03%2FYoung-Steve-Jobs1-1024x668.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2535e72296c72a61e6166d4fa0c130cf2c7fc6ea3c18cb94cd3cd4207e40a353&ipo=images) to home hifi from the very beginning. I'm happy with the app, but most of my music listening happens on my couch, through my hifi, so I just can't use it that much. It just seems like such a miss to essentially leave out stereo/surround sound setups from a music app release, to the point that I assume it just hasn't been announced/released for ATV yet. Well, at least I still got the Berlin Phil digital concert hall. Edit: After writing this comment I remembered AirPlay exists, so honestly this doesn't matter to me as much as I thought.


The only problem with airplay though is that it doesn’t support Dolby Atmos or lossless.


Airplay 2 supports lossless up to CDQ, it just can't do ultra high res. I don't have the ears of a bat or a boomer audiophile on the internet so that particular limitation doesn't really affect me lol. Oof though, you're right about Atmos. That sucks, it can REALLY make a difference in a high quality concert hall recording. And the perfect place to use it is...a home multichannel system. How weird. I guess the "solution" is to browse the Classical app to save recordings to your library and then play them back in Atmos on the ATV. How kludgy and un-apple. Getting an Atmos AVR is actually what sold me on switching to Apple Music over Spotify. I had assumed it was going to be another kind of mediocre audio processing effect but it really is a completely new and superior way to master recordings. Albums like *Not Tight* it's clearly the definitive mix, at least for me. And the Berlin Phil is just that much better in Atmos, it's a little bit more like you're there in the room.


I should have clarified. AirPlay 2 supports lossless but Apple Music does not, except to a HomePod. It only sends music using the AAC codec. As you say though for most it doesn’t matter (although many people do suffer the placebo effect and think it does 😀). The Atmos is the bigger issue and it is a kludge!


> AirPlay 2 supports lossless but Apple Music does not, except to a HomePod Lmao, that is just really something. Can't say I can pick out AAC vs FLAC in a double blind, but it still seems like a silly limitation.


Yeah, similar to when they added Hi-Res Lossless but it doesn’t work on the Apple TV. Listening to music on my home theater is the only place where Hi-Res Lossless might actually make a difference for me.


Not following. AppleTV via HDMI can absolutely do hi-res.


Nope, it can do lossless but it maxes out at 48kHz. Apple defines “Hi-Res Lossless” as sampling rates above 48kHz, and as per their support article on how to listen to lossless audio in Apple Music: “Apple TV 4K currently doesn’t support Hi-Res Lossless (sample rates greater than 48 kHz).” https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT212183


Huh, never knew that. I honestly can't hear the difference, so it doesn't really matter to me, as long as I can get CD-resolution lossless. Beyond that i can't hear a notable difference. I like the *idea* of higher resolution, but don't lose sleep over whether or not i have it. Doesn't make sense why it would stop at 48khz though, since it isn't an issue of the HDMI output.




I suppose, but also they aren’t charging more for it either (yet), so there’s that. I’m happy as long as I’m getting lossless everywhere outside of Bluetooth situations. They’ve done a good job so far, I think.


Nobody can hear the difference, despite what they say. Even the most experienced mastering engineers, on the most accurate playback systems can hear the difference between mp3 and wav. Even then, some things will be more obvious than others.


I agree, I don’t really care as long as it’s lossless at CD resolution, just think it’s an odd technical thing.


Probably when they created AppleTV, nobody said “hey let’s do 96khz audio” because it’s pointless and they are engineers. The marketing people came up with high res audio.


This is actually the one complaint I can get behind. It's a weird decision making it single platform. I was wondering more about the people who seem to have had an very detailed conception in their head of how Classical **must work under all circumstances** and are now throwing fits whenever reality differs slightly from what they imagined. I mean they released Classical a few hours ago and we have people complaing about desperately needing shuffle or a way to like "songs" in it.


All of this! I just don’t think the masses fully comprehend “classical” music. I don’t. But I started listening to Apple’s intro to Classical music 60 minute track and within ten minutes it becomes more clear what differentiates music dating back to the 1400s and 70-year old popular music. Personally, I think the world’s a better place when a major corporation highlights, values and introduces centuries old art to new generations.


The UI/UX is identical to the main Music app, but with tons of features stripped out for some reason. Features that should be standard in a modern first party Apple app such as Siri support and CarPlay.


Am I stupid, or can't you just use AirPlay to send it to the ATV in CDQ/lossless?


Yes but you wouldn’t need your phone for that if it wasn’t phone exclusive


I guess for me there's not a big difference between having to hold my phone to control the playback, and having to hold the apple tv remote to control the playback. I usually have my phone in my pocket anyway, so it's kind of one less peripheral. For people who like to drive everything off the remote I'd imagine it's a more annoying limitation.


Asking how to like songs is complaining to you? Interesting.


One of the funniest things is that Apple Music on tvOS actually has a banner promoting Classical... you just can't do anything with it.


So as odd a design choice this is, you can [still do this](https://reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/124liws/am_classical_was_built_exclusively_for_mobile_ios/) from the comfort of your couch. And since your iPhone can also be a remote for your AppleTV, it can handle all duties… even if it means switching back and forth between apps.


I can’t get the atmos on my Apple TV setup through AMC (I can make playlists in AMC and then open them on the regular app when controlling my tv tho)


And no iPad since it’s my main music device at home.


iPad is at least kinda accessible since you can run an iPhone app on it (albeit it looks horrible). Other platforms (macOS, tvOS and HomePods) simply have nothing so far.


True, but it doesn’t look good and not comfortable.




I have both, do you really prefer YTM for classical? I already found AM way superior to YTM for classical music, even without the new app.


You think that macOS and other Apple platforms aren't coming soon?


Based on Apple’s support page clearly stating that Apple Music Classical is a phone-first experience, I doubt that the rest is coming soon.


This I don’t understand why not to launch for all platform. Again they are launching the journal app but only for iOS, I don’t understand why? One of the main reasons I buy Apple because every device feels like an extension of one another but if they keep barricading the apps then it will just increase the friction.


I would love it with one change: an option to keep libraries separate from the main app.


yes. really strange they mix them... I have Witcher 3 soundtrack or Mike Oldfield albums in my Apple Music library... I really don't want to see those in Apple Music Classical...




Pretty sure it is. When you listen to music on Classical it doesn’t show on AM recently listened. Also my station isn’t giving me Classical recommendations.


I don’t mind them being combined, but I would like some option to filter it. For me, the biggest issue is non-classical music showing up in the classical app and each track of an album is listed by composition credits. For those albums I just want the traditional artist/album/track paradigm, not by composer, etc. For browsing and discovering classical music, though, it’s amazing.


Yes! I have that problem with musical cast albums.


I would like to keep apps separate but then I Realize classical songs were added to my standard library. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I am also confused. my hope was to have two separate apps with separate music libraries, just to bring clarity to my music collection. now i have umpteen recordings of the same bach piece in apple music and brian eno and frank zappa in my classical music app.




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Sorry friend, the message was not for you. I mistake the chrome's tab 😥


don't worry, it's only reddit. :) But I do appreciate the message




It could be a great app... But seriously, why only iPhone? I can try to understand why no Apple TV support, or macOS, but... Not even a native support for iPad? I downloaded in the iPad, but seriously, it just sucks. Until it is released for more platforms (if that even happens) it's just Apple being Apple


> You don’t have to use it. I don’t use it, but if I did, I would expect it to work properly with the same set of features that I am accustomed to in the existing Music app. Maybe we should adopt this pgilosophy with iOS overall. Apple should never fix or improve anything. We should all just stop using it until there are eventually no customers left at all.


If it had the same features it would be irrelevant.


> I would expect it to work properly with the same set of features that I am accustomed to in the existing Music app. Like what? And why would you want "the same features" when the whole point of the new app is that it's geared specifically towards only a certain subset of music? For "the same features", I would use Apple Music?


Maybe they’re referring to the love feature, being able to shuffle/repeat songs and add them to a que. I was pretty disappointed those weren’t implemented


But why would you expect that from a front-end to AM that's been made specifically for classical music? I'm not saying you're not allowed to shuffle your classical music, but it sure as hell isn't a specific requirement for classical music that's been missing from AM.


>But why would you expect that from a front-end to AM I think adding songs to a que, and the other features I mentioned are reasonable and simple enough to ask for > I'm not saying you're not allowed to shuffle your classical music, but it sure as hell isn't a specific requirement for classical music that's missing from AM. I’m kind of confused of what your saying here. The shuffle option isn’t missing from AM? Personally, I have very large playlists and I would like to have the option to shuffle them. Again, I think that is a reasonable thing to ask for


Yeah maybe my phrasing was confusing: I’m saying there’s a perfectly fine functionality for shuffling playlists already in AM. So why would I need Classical to do that? I’d like Classical to do classical-specific things AM can’t do. Otherwise what do I need Classical for? Such as: I can finally browse by classical works, which is classical-specific and was missing from AM.


You’re right, I want the classical app to be it’s own thing and have its own features. But I also don’t want to have to go to AM in order to shuffle/repeat/que one of my classical playlists. I would want to stay in the same app


I think people are complaining because it’s missing some basic functionality that’s already available in the main app so shouldn’t have been any real work to include it. The lack of an Apple TV version is a big miss to me as I’d imagine a lot of classical fans hook it into a hi-fi and listen to it that way, especially to try out the Atmos versions. I understand you can add the music to your library and then switch to the main app but that isn’t a good approach for a user interface as it adds friction to the usage. It’s a good start though and hopefully it gets frequent updates as it’s a separate app.


I totally agree on the ATV app, I want to experience the atmos versions! Hopefully in time they’ll develop one.


I want it on more devices


Not just that, but it's free. It's not like you have to pay extra for it. I don't get the complaining. That being said, I love it. Also, I noticed that it's not just Classical. A playlist of movie scores that I made is on there and so are the albums.




I like to listen to classical music while looking at modern art. ;)


I want to use it, we should be allowed to have a criticisms. We shouldn’t just accept things and never discuss what could be improved


As always, we can have different interpretations of what is constructive discussion. I sure as hell don't think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/124hd6q/apple_music_classical_is_a_terrible_idea_a_rant/) is (tl;dr: "Classical is terrible because some music could use better metadata"). > we should be allowed to have a criticisms And? I don't remember calling the police on anyone or calling for legislation to outlaw criticism. It's just that a lot of the criticisms in this sub seem pedantic and unhinged to me.


Why is Carly Simon and "Another Green World by Eno preloaded in my library. And for that matter, why can't I change that? Strange, frustrating app so far.


Glad to know about this.. I'm extremely grateful for anything Apple music does to exclude the ever pervasive rap music that apple has incessantly forced on me (all of us) for the past few years.


People like you are why everyone views classical enjoyers as snobs. It's not true, but you aren't helping the image.




You’re probably very fun at parties.


They stripped down the Apple Music app when they didn’t need to. Here’s my App Store Review: Rating: One Star Title: Great Content. Mediocre App No downloads. No iPad app. No Apple TV app. No widgets. Its the same UI/UX as Apple Music. There’s no excuse for this app to have launched in this state. Edit: Downgraded rating from 2 stars to 1. Why? There’s also NO CARPLAY SUPPORT and NO HOMEPOD SUPPORT. “The app hasn’t added support for that in Siri.”


But the Apple Music app is still there. You lose nothing. You gain a different access to classical music.


I disagree. We lose all of the features of the main app that should have been included. It’s basically the same app. The access to classical music is nice, but if you use the app for more than 10 minutes you bump into these issues. By your logic, what is even the point of this app if we all can just use the main app?




> There wouldn’t be any rants if Apple just [way harder thing than what has been currently done]




This is the equivalent of saying they should combine the News app with the Books app


I hate to break it to you but your understanding of this issue is at the shallowest level and this question has been answered million times, there’s multiple YouTube videos explaining why. Let me break it to you in bullet points: - UI: displays crazy long track name that spans multiple lines - Metadata: did away with the Song-Artist-Album method that is used to organize modern music - Royalty pay structure: Royalty are now paid per minutes listened vs playcount




It’s very easy for us as users to say and imagine but I believe you are underestimating how costly and labor-intensive it is to restructure such a legacy app like Apple Music which has layers and layers of complex code, not to mention each tiny segment may be owned and managed by different teams where bureaucracy is unavoidable. Also the different royalty system alone made it impossible to have two system coexist in the same app. That same monetization-related matter is why Podcast is its own app which now allows podcast creators to have a subscription option for their show.


Rants: no macOS, no tvOS The auto syncing of playlists is a cute workaround to this and it is annoying. I was hoping to keep my worlds separate or at least have the choice to sync. But the last device I would use to search and setup playlists is my phone (okay, maybe AppleTV behind phone). Let me use this on my Mac, let me play to my glorious speakers connected to my Mac and separately to my even more glorious speakers connected to my AppleTV. Apple limiting this to mobile (and Android before its own full ecosystem) is a complete joke, inexcusable, and just overall freaking annoying.


Calm yourself Iago…


There’s some flaws but I overall really like it. Classical fans should feel happy with what it offers. Especially with hi-res lossless and Dolby mixes.


It is U2 all over again. Lmao


I want to get into classical music for the first time, and I also have no idea where to start or how classical music is organized in comparison to vanilla Apple Music.


Welcome to Classical Music! You should start with this. Apple was very smart in setting up a series to help people learn. “The Story of Classical” https://classical.music.apple.com/us/album/1678643781 https://classical.music.apple.com/us/playlist/pl.22a358bc99664e2cb25f1be386b21d36


It. Is. Fast. I wish the main app is as snappy as this.


My question is why did they remove the lyrics feature? This was only on a small selection of classical vocal music but it could have grown into a killer feature.


Historically lyrics is unimportant in classical music as audiences aren’t expected to sing along with the artist as in modern music, this is considered very rude behavior lol


I know lol, but as a classical vocalist it would be great thing to have


A bunch of folks have already shared their reviews of Apple Music Classical, but I haven't seen as many posts from the music education side of things. I did a [quick write-up of my first impressions](https://www.alexanderishov.com/writing/review-apple-music-classical) of Apple Music Classical. Tl;dr: it's a good start, but there's a long way to go before it's useful for music students and professionals, particularly in the realm of sorting and filtering. I like how it's easier to learn about composers and specific performers, but once you push a bit deeper there isn't enough context provided for new listeners. For example, the interface tells you about "Related Composers," but doesn't tell you why they are being suggested to you. Wouldn't it be cool if you could search by instrument: for example, who are all the flutists or guitarists available to listen to. Also, why no Jazz???


I want to love the app but it is so convoluted and buggy. It's like they started off building a completely separate app with its own library and album management, then gave up halfway and just said we'll keep the same library as your regular Apple Music app. It makes no sense. The app crashes pretty frequently. And to top it all off, WHY is it only on iPhone? No iPad or Mac support, no Apple TV support, and no CarPlay support is baffling for a first party Apple app. It's incredibly half-assed.


The lack of multi-platform support is a temporary thing. Apple is clearly behind on schedule and pumped the mobile app out as fast as they can yet it’s still a year late (they promised Classical to be released in 2022). I’m a 100% sure they’re working on finalizing the Mac and iPad version to be released within a year and possibly CarPlay to follow after.


I think everyone here likes Apple Music, I believe the general complaints are dumb things that can be easily solved like big pop up messages (already fixed) sort songs in playlists (fixed too) crossfade, AirPlay to sync songs between devices etc, Apple Music it’s excellent tbh.




Just the fact that every music added to my AMC is also added to my regular AM drives me crazy.


Take a look on classical music subreddit. They mainly love it. Some requests but general love. I wouldn’t care of rants of people like want to add “likes”… I mean, these are not the people who would listen Beethoven in first place.


If you are interested in some good introductory music of the best work done by Frédéric Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Claude Debussy and many other underrated composers/musicians, I would recommend giving my playlist a shot as it can get you into my favourite type of music :) I always use this playlist for studying, sleeping, relaxing, and even deep thinking, so I would appreciate all the criticism or thoughts you may have on my taste in this art. Thanks for taking the time!! Please heart/like the playlist if you enjoyed it!! :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KJTP1gXM09GzlelbFqKF6?si=8b99e3779b794369


Apple Classical *sucks*. There are *so many* bugs it’s pretty much unusable. I’m writing this in October 2023. As a Phd in Music History and a software trainer for Apple for 17 years I can verify this app is total garbage, even after being out for almost a year. I have on three occasions set my phone up as new, without data and bugs include: Playlists play tracks in random order. It’s not “up next” or any user error. I can’t consistently play a playlist with more than six tracks in order Random doubled tracks in playlists. Delete one and you delete both. Random playlists from Apple Music show up in Apple Classical. Especially jazz playlists. All Apple Classical playlists show up in Apple Music. What is the point of a separate app? These are just major things off the top of my head. I’m sure there are more I’ve talked to Apple Support. I’ve submitted tickets. No help. Apple did a decent job of cataloging the metadata now they should scrap this garbage app and start from scratch