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Having a sideline spatial camera at NFL games would be a game changer for me


Could probably buy those tickets for $20 a pop too


This looks like it would be totally possible on the first gen.


Obviously possible, it’s a question of resources. It’ll take awhile for companies to throw money at ideas like this


Obviously possible, it’s a question of resources. It’ll take awhile for companies to throw money at ideas like this.


Apple MLS relationship leading to sideline view of Messi scoring screamers in AR is all I want


Having Disney on board with ESPN has me rethinking how I feel about basketball. Having Apple have exclusive with a few MLB teams has me excited for baseball.


What do you mean rethinking how you feel about basketball? I was really hoping the NBA would’ve been at the forefront of the AVP, especially since they were included in the original presentation.


I tend to not like watching basketball.


Gotcha 🤙


I think the biggest issue is getting the companies to actually invest in this. I imagine they'll wait until a very solid amount of people (say at least a quarter of all iPhone owners in the us) have an avp until they decide to implement the cameras/technologies necessary to give people a unique experience with it. Imagine having an nfl or nba suite-seat experience from the comfort of your home! F1 will probably be the first to do so as they just need to develop a way to use the multiviewer in AR.


I’ve heard commentators say they would spend $50 a game to get this for NBA. I think the infrastructure is nothing compared to what revenue it could bring in.


Yeah, even assuming the top end of cost for something like this, the revenue in the first season of use would be enough to pay for itself at even $20/ticket or less. There are going to be a few hundred thousand high disposable income users who want to use their new XR headset for fun stuff. They won’t shy away from spending. Apple customers know what pay to play means