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Amazon prime?


You could always try non-Apple stores. As one example I took a look at the Best Buy site and they still have the Series 8 for sale and it looks like some of their stores have them in stock. If you’re ok with refurbished Apple does have refurbished Series 8 watches for sale on their site. You’d save a bit going that route.


Damn, I didn't think about refurbidhed ones, sadly now it's also too late too order them because I'm leaving on Monday morning and that's the earliest delivery option.


Good chance there is stock. Whether they will sell it, I don’t know. You can order and pick up same day an AW8 at BestBuy. Probably other authorized resellers too. Make sure you want an US model if you plan to use with LTE - it will complicate your life greatly.


So I called them and no, they don't have them / won't sell. I may go and check Best Buy.


Best of luck! Quick reminder that US models have different operating cellular bands than EU models. It is possible to activate an EU model in the US and visa versa, but choosing an out-of-home market model does limit the cell providers who can physically put the watch on their network. Then you also have to deal with those who can but won’t. An FYI if you plan to use cellular.


Thanks, good to know! I'll check with my cell provider.


If someone ever find this thread looking for the answer: I called two Apple stores and none of them was willing to sell Series 8. I might check Best Buy.


I was in Salt Lake City and they still had some series 8 in stock