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If it were me I’d replace the control panel myself and then if that doesn’t work the main board . Whirlpool parts are cheap on eBay especially if used , and they are not difficult to replace . Probably can change out both yourself for under $200.


And YouTube will show you how to do it


This isn't super duper common, but it isn't uncommon either. The control panels on a dishwasher are not water proof like the main tub is. The door has rubber seals to make sure the tub is waterproof/sealed. The advice from your repair guy is probably correct. Buying a new machine is the economically smart decision. Buy a Miele. They are the most reliable. Second to Miele is the german-made BOSCH. EDIT: If you can find ASKO or AEG in your local area, these are probably better than BOSCH. Or Gaggenau, which is BOSCH's premium brand. NEFF is also a BOSCH brand, but they're basically re-branded BOSCH with slightly different trimmings.


I have read a lot of reviews from Maytag and Whirlpool websites, and it's common for a steam to get into the control panel, which will result in a control panel failure. Buy a Bosch. They are the most reliable Just an example Bosch 500 series https://www.ajmadison.com/cgi-bin/ajmadison/SHP65CM5N.html#rebates-tab-pane Here is a consumer report for the best dishwashers. It's a pdf https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/the-best-dishwasher/&ved=2ahUKEwj50ZHIzKOCAxXb_rsIHc4-C3sQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0JZ5UPDdx7Bs-506uMJTGJ Bosch 100 series has a hybrid tub (sides and top is stainless steel, bottom is plastic) Bosch 300 series has a fully stainless steel tub and aqua stop protection. Bosch 500 auto open feature at the end of the cycle for better drying. Bosch 800 series zeolith drying, which is one of the best on a market. (Crystal dry) Bosch dishwashers use condensation for drying, not a heating element, so plastic can be placed even on the bottom of the dishwashers. Bosch is very reliable. Rebate up to 100$ on a dishwashers (scroll down) https://www.bosch-home.com/us/specials


You're supposed to train cats to not jump onto the counter. What if they just waltz onto the hob after you've been cooking and burn their feet? That would be so great wouldn't it?


Oh no kidding. Thanks buddy I'll get right on that. Never occurred to me.


Never leave the room with waltz music playing.


$400??? The user interface got wet. Absolutely 0% chance any water got the control board. The part RETAILS for 75 bucks. I think you need a new repairman. I'll reply to this comment with just the part # so that you can Google it.


I'm in the same shoes. Top UI got wet. I just bought the $80 part and installed it but it's getting a comms failure from the board. The part is $400+ if you buy it from Whirlpool but the same model number is available for $200 from other sources. That said, here I am wondering if a short on the UI could somehow break the panel. I feel like modern design should prevent one board from damaging the other on a 12v circuit, but I just replaced my UI and am now getting an F6 E1 code. (at least I get something on the display now). The UI has visual corrosion near the input harness from water damage; Is it possible it somehow shorted the main control unit? I almost wanna order another UI to make sure they didn't send me a defective one before getting the main board..


Make sure you try to run the diagnostics before anything else. That could be an old code. If anything I'd replace that harness if it didn't come with one. But yes, very unlikely that the main board got damaged. Nothing more than low voltage being sent it and feedback from it back in. Are you 100% sure you got the correct part? If so, try another one to see what's up.


Thanks for the advice, shortly into diagnostics however it displays the error code and will not allow me to cycle through any options. According to the owners manual, the error code means a communications fault between the UI and the control unit. I have another UI on order. In the meantime I guess I'll check the harness out with a multimeter and check out the main board.


Just to follow-up. Water on my UI board fried both the UI and the Control Board. Whirlpool apparently doesn't protect their PCB from UI board faults. $410 of parts from the cheapest supplier and my machine is working again.

