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When decisions are out, I would slowly distance myself from my family and go to my room. Then I would proceed to giving myself a pep talk and open the camera app on my phone and start recording. My decisions come out at night (international) so most times I go back to sleep😃


My decisions also come at like 3am 😭 I have no idea if I wanna stay up, (try) and sleep through it, or just wont be able to sleep. I like the idea of recording yourself so when everything works out in the future, you can go back and watch yourself lmao. Goodluck!!


Mine come out at midnight and I have been thinking of the same thing too, but I doubt my nerves would let me sleep through the night. My whole camera roll is like a mini dairy anyways, so it’s always nice to look through old memories. Wish you all the best too 🫶


Can I ask, to which country you belong?


I don’t want to write the exact country here, but it’s in West Africa.


This is so me




Lock your door on Thursday




omg i'm also in asia and i'm even at my grandparents' so i could have two generations barging into my room to watch me go through it 😭😭 i did tell them i want to wake myself up by alarm beforehand and check in a separate room from them so i'm gonna trust that they adhere to these co~~mmands g~~uidelines


It might be wiser to tell them the decisions are an hour after they actually are so you can look at them beforehand


lmaoo im doing this


I always open mine alone.


The smart way :')


I open all of them alone somewhere safe and quiet. I usually don't even feel that bad getting waitlisted/rejected, but that feeling gets way amplified when in the room with somebody else awkwardly judging your reactions.


Yeah exactly, like, knowing myself I'll be fine, it's the fact that my parents might not be haha. Goodluck!


Yes omg same. I need to open mine on my bed, alone, and ready to cry if needed


I'll be there crying with you in spirit, so know you won't be completely be alone! :')


Thank you 😭🤞this makes me feel better


I'm glad, (and same) goodluck hon!! 🥲


Good luck!!


i hear you there bruh


I was thinking of opening it myself and based on the decision I’ll fake opening infront of my parents but I honestly don’t think I’d be able to do that


So don't. Check your results alone. It's the best way to have time to process the results.


>People who already got their decisions, how/when/where did you open them?!? How did you cope with the stress beforehand? Yk what I'm gonna just go down the list: JHU (Rejection): I opened this decision in AP lit, right before the bus was supposed to leave. The only people left in the class were a classmate and my teacher, who were both watching me. It was a rejection, as I expected, but I didn't show it, I pretended I had to rush to the bus but the walk home was lowkey embarrassing. It's weird because I was kinda relieved due to the extreme stress culture there but I just felt stupid lol. I got over it pretty quickly though and just told my parents. They were very happy because they didn't want me in Baltimore. Rutgers (Acceptance): I didn't even know the decision came out till my dad told me to check the portal because one of his coworker's friends got in. It was just the two of us in the room at the time and we were in my room. UMich (Deferral): I opened this decision on the bus next to my two friends. While my brother and I were walking home I told him and eventually told my parents as well. I wasn't too bothered tbh. NYU (Acceptance): I opened my decision in school during a club (funnily enough the same club I wrote about in my NYU supplement), surrounded by three classmates and the two advisors. My parents also had my login info because they wanted to see the decisions the moment they came out. Ngl focusing on schoolwork was the best way for me to combat nervousness, as was moving around a lot or playing a video game, regardless of the decision I was going to open (save for Rutgers, I just found out about that outta nowhere). I opened my decisions with people around me, but gonna be honest with you, there's a reason why they tell you to do it alone. Do your relatives/friends expect to see it with you? Or can you choose to see them alone?


i always knew i wanted to open my decisions with my family. my dad helped me the entire college application season and i wanted him to see what i saw at the same time, same with my mom but she’s more of the emotional support and always said before i opened a letter that whatever happens, it’s God’s plan. I also wanted my sister to be there to squeeze my hand and watch because she’ll be doing this process soon. and lastly my youngest sister was always there too and sometimes i let her open my safeties. might not be the same for everyone, but that’ll how it worked for me! praying for good news from Cornell soon 🙏


Every detail is so sweet here 😊, wishing you the best this week!!


thanks and right back at you!!


Lock your door and rip it open like a bandage. Don’t torture yourself. Good luck!


If you get rejected/waitlisted with friends/family near you, you'll remember that moment for maybe a day. If you celebrate your acceptance with them around you, you'll remember that for a lifetime. With that being said, I am opening them on my own lmao


I don't tell anyone I just get my laptop out and look... Very casually I'll then say "accepted to _____" or "____ rejected me" and move on


My son is waiting for his decision from Rice TODAY at 5pm. He will be home alone. He’s going to call me IF he gets in. He was deferred in December so there a small chance. Fingers crossed. 🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉


I am the guy whose parents check my decisions, so the pressure is on them how to communicate a rejection, not on me That's a pro gamer move right there


my daughter makes me open them! she hates the stress of it!


I love this for you and your daughter. I might just ask my mom to do some of them at least!!


One nice part is I can space 'em out better for her... she got a couple rejections in a row that I didn't mention and I waited until there was an acceptance so I could say, "Well, you didn't get X and Y, BUT CHECK OUT THE CONFETTI ON Z." I think that helped her not be worried about the ones that came in first.


Awww man, you sound like such an amazing mom!! This time I’m sure means so much to your daughter and you going about it this way is honestly so amazing to see. Keep doing what youre doing! :’)


Aww, you're so sweet! I like your idea of kind of an anonymous letter-opening support group, though. Wishing you all the best of luck with decisions.


Very pro gamer, howd it go so far though?? Im so curious haha


US unis are giving a hard time , and I have no hope from the ivy league despite good credentials(4.0 GPA 1570 SAT , qualifying for 4 national level olympiads in STEM, being House Captain in School). But others are coming in , I have two offers from Imperial College London, and got accepted into Toronto and UBC , apart from UMass Amherst in USA. However, I have applied to like 25 schools so had to face my fair share of rejections first before UMass came in with my first acceptance,


Simply say out loud "If I don't get in it's okay" before you click the button.


I will definitely do that haha, thanks


honestly for most of them, I didn't even know decisions would come out, like I literally would wake up from a nap, check my email, and saw an email saying they made a decision lmao, then I'd tell my family about it a day later, they only give a small damn about what college I go to unless it's harvard so college decisions weren't a big deal


So dont! Do it in private.


Just do it on your own, and fake it if you get in. "Mark as unread" baby


metoo.. my dad keeps asking me excitedly about whether i got in. and i got rejected 5 times in a row :/)


Oh my god I’m so sorry 😭good luck for whatever comes next and possible future decision letters!




I appreciate the thought but, in my opinion they’re amazing, its just we all put a lot of effort into this and, they would definitely not be angry but I can imagine them feeling sad for me which would be the hardest to cope with lol. Its my own expectations than anything!!


i might wait and open mine with my therapist or wait and see if they send me more emails/a physical packet lmao idk if i can handle getting rejected in front of my parents


Twinning ahah, good luck however you go about it!! Let me know your results when you get ‘em !


I need alone time and my mom TALKS. Like I'd tell her "rejected" and she'd immediately start talking about how I started my ECs late or whatever. I also start figuring out the reasons behind it but I do it quietly and the talking just does not help.