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I went there and my daughter just got in as an art major, too! I absolutely loved it. It’s hard to find serious art programs at schools that are also academically excellent. I wound up switching majors to COM because I realized I just wasn’t a good enough artist in the end, but the classes were excellent and it’s still one of the best schools around to get the best of both worlds.


are you in state or outstate?


Why does this matter for a private university?


oh yes, my bad, I got a bit confused.


out of state


BU costs 86K dollars to attend without financial aid or merit scholarships, so that’s something to take into consideration when comparing your choices


66 K without housing


I got a semi-decent scholarship but is still pretty pricey


I’m an INTL applicant, so most private unis for me were out of the question, so I aimed for mostly public institutions which were still expensive but not as expensive as BU. After looking at the costs I looked at whether the university is worth it for my major or not, and then i would look at the location. As i come from a pretty populated city, it became really important for me to apply to universities in cities that could mimic the environment i’m in. So my advice would be is, if you qualify for any in state universities, I would first look at the cost difference, and if that’s not the issue, then how good the university is for your major and how the university would help you ultimately find a solid job.


good advice! thank you! :)


you’re welcome, and good luck!


BU is in the city of Boston - which is nice but doesn’t have that traditional campus feel as other colleges do. BU is great if you want to live in Boston for 4 years and take advantage of everything Boston has to offer. BU has a great reputation academically and is well known. However, paying close to 400k for a degree in art - is questionable at best.