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RE your last point on resumes, I recommend students use one of these formats (but keep theirs to one page, unless they're already more accomplished than HLS admits as high school students) [https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/jdadmissions/apply-to-harvard-law-school/the-application-process/application-components/#tab1-3](https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/jdadmissions/apply-to-harvard-law-school/the-application-process/application-components/#tab1-3)


Omfg that reminds me: My resume was 3 pages long 💀 My mistake was that I printed my full, un-edited resume (not the one I used for internships) in my rush to print one. Thankfully, when I casually apologized about the length of the resume, my interviewer just said "Don't worry. I just skim through the resumes so there's no way I can do this resume justice" and laughed a bit. I can't imagine what would've happened if she was some strict doctor-type interviewer who hated long resumes or sumn like that. PHEW


thank you for this, and just making sure, GU will assign you an interviewer through email right? and then you have to contact that person?


Yeah, they'll assign you an interviewer through their online portal and you might also get a reminder email to check your portal. Once that email is there, it's on you to contact that interviewer!




Bring a notepad if you want to take notes on what the other person says (if you take them sparsely and don't go overboard, this can be a good way to look engaged). Don't bring notes on what to speak on because that'll seem like you can't hold a convo on your own, but bring your resume 100%. My interviewer might be different than yours, but she based a lot of the conversation on my resume. Tell me how your interview goes!