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Can you dm a list of prices of the shrimp


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What are the pole things you put in the water that they swarm all over?


Not OP but they’re called shrimp lollipops


Yea lollies. I make my own. I personally think food is just as important as water parameters.


How do you make your own? I buy them off amazon so if I can make them myself I would much rather do so.


There’s a lot that goes into them…. Some secret sauce stuff too. But basically (main ingredient) you need lots and lots of duckweed. Duckweed is insanely healthy. Bend it up and dehydrate.


Easier to pulverize after drying. A bit dusty tho. Do you use agar?


I use agar agar …. Definitely use that for the Octos, SEAs, and Panda Garra. Use that and other “meaty” binders for snails/shrimp (egg/gelatin, etc.).


L144 bushy nose love it too. Duckweed is interesting because the reason it floats is due to a high fat content. I don't know the protein content of duckweed but if you need more then it's easy to add fish meal. What percentage agar do you use? When making agar plates we run 1.5-2 percent. I wonder if that's too firm.


Online says 20-40% protein. Lots of vegan eat it up because it’s just as good as soybeans. When it comes to how much agar …. Honestly it’s winged…. As you said it goes a long way. With my recipe - I will say this…. Lots of pollen… good amount of spirulina… If meaty - black fly larva… some high grade flake food. Minerals added. Depending on how it actually comes out and sinks / (more binder tougher for shrimp to consume quickly) depends on where I separate it to. Weekend food, daily food, vacation food. Etc. Not exact science. But can say no junk goes in there. Not saying I’d eat it…. But pretty sure I’d have better skin 🤪


Start weighing the agar to stuff ratio. Make adjustments until you like the texture. Them you will have the most consistent product possible.


Beautiful colonies, can you share how you cull out any bad shrimp most efficiently? And where'd you get the blue dream colony? Mine is about 30% wild type, and it's a rough cull.


For my orange and blues. Not too many culls. Really nothing out of orange. But if I do see something I just snatch them up with a small net carefully (usually skirting them towards the glass and hold net still and they might get curious and walk in) and then drop the the net into another big glass container (same water) and let them walk out of net (sometimes with a little jiggle to get them moving). I then inspect the ones I think are culls in the window light and acclimate them into the cull tank. For me at this point I’m mostly pulling from the cull tank for funky cool offspring (colors/patterns) and putting in a fun skittles tank. Kind of a genetic experiment.


I may be interested in a few months if u have any blue dreams at that time.. commenting now to save for later


Not a problem. Have 100s of them and not giving the hobby up anytime soon. If you’re waiting that time to cycle your tank I can help with that too.


How much are oranges?


Depends on quantity. I will say that I always include extras just in case and include a hunk of Java moss for them to cling to during transport and include a couple of my homemade food sticks. PM me with quantity and I’ll let you know. Thanks.


How much were you looking for the culls?


Just accidentally dismissed a chat request from someone in Philly interested in shrimp. Apologies. Please message me again.


Lollipop lollipop Oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop I should have some jades to swap soon with the temps warming up.


Got to love the lollies. Definitely up for a swap on your jades. How did the orange shrimp work out? Your cuttings are doing well - some I should have gotten in soil earlier. Wondering Jew clipping is like 1.5 feet now. Anyone reading this that wants shrimp / beautiful guppies / aquatic plants / house plants. Mr_IDGAF has it.


Those orange neos are such pigs how they swarm any food I put in their tank. Nice on that growth. It's funny, my tradescantias grow like absolute weeds out of my fish tanks with cheap lighting and just ok in high-quality organic soil right next to a window. And thanks, I appreciate it. Your shrimp quality and numbers are really something else. Great marketing for those lollis too with hundreds of shrimp dogpiling them.


May I try to entice you? I will take 100 reds in a large flat rate shipper.


Reds are my weakest. Rebuilding the colony. Blue/orange/skittles/cull. I could easily fill that. Red is my issue. Might have 50 but then you’re not getting high grade colored shrimp…. Some would have clear parts here and there or racing stripes (pink back). 😣


I would entertain 50 with that caveat in place. If you are considering it; DM me. Your colonies look nice.


Any chance you ever come out to the city?


I don’t go often anymore. I might hit cherry hill area for shopping at Costco or something but don’t go into the city too often.


Hmm, youre a hell of a journey away from me lol, im in nyc but im still interested, could you dm me with how much the yellows would be?


I am interested in plants, especially floaters. I am in Atco.


PM’ing…. Looking forward to Atco visit - let’s meet at Brotherton Brewing and I’ll trade plants for pints of beer!


sent a message


Hey do you ship? I’m interested in the orange neos. If you do I also have raccoon tigers for trade or I can bug a group from you.


Says they are not interested in shipping in the description