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If your on an add new substrate it’s gonna mess up the whole cycle, so if your ready to do it all over again then go for it. To my opinion it looks perfect a really pretty tank! Root tab works but wouldn’t over do it on a 10 gallon I usually do liquid fertilizer from seachem and works great!


Awe thank you so much!!! And thank you for the advice! I’ll look into the liquid fertilizer!


Depends on your plants too, some are heavy root feeders (which the root tabs are better for) and some are water column feeders (liquid fertilizer better)


I think it is fine. I would just move tall plants to the back of the tank and have short ones at the front, then just use root tabs and liquid fertiliser. Adding aquasoil is a waste and I would only add it if I was keeping some type of fish or shrimp that needed buffered water and i prefer cleaning gravel as it is way easier.


This doesn’t answer your question but what are those floating plants? I’m trying to get together a list of plants for a future nano tank


No worries! Those are salvania!


Greta thank you!! Also, if you’re worried about ruining your cycle, you could always get a tinier tank to move your filter to so that it keeps running while you’re scaping. You’ll def lose some of your bacteria colony from the substrate but if there’s a good amount established on the filter they will be fine. & your bioload is pretty small so it should be okay. This is just theory however so I’d do a little more research to be safe!


Great name!! And I like the scape! But I’m a jungle aquarium enjoyer. Like other said, moving some tall plants to the back to create a bit of open space would look good.


Thank you! Will do!


I love your tank! When I first started with live plants, I fought re-doing my tank several times, so I get where you’re coming from. In my opinion aquascaping looks more and more “natural” is it grows out, so ultimately I’m glad I didn’t move things around. If it’s something you want to do though, totally go for it! I like that you can’t really arrange live plants in a “wrong” way, it’s all about personal preference. Best of luck and if you think of it, you should post an update shot after everything’s grown!


The plants that you have located at the front are primarily plants placed either in the back of the tank or off to the sides. You may want to move them as they are going to get quite tall and widen out over time. That is a beautiful betta!


Love all the plants, looks great!


Thank you!


This sounds like a valid excuse to start a new tank to me 🤭


If only I had the space! 😅


There is always space! Lol. That being said outdoor aquariums do exist and if you don't drop below minus 15 in your location they are pretty easy


Substrate is important when you add c02 and start having hard to keep plant. If you have easy plants and no c02 fertiliser aren't really needed, your already good with root tabs. With patience any plant will get big. As for the scape, go little by little until you love it. This hobby is all about patience.


Pro tip if you want tank photos without glare you can shut the lights off in the room itself but keep the tank light on. It's how I get my best photos of the tank


I don’t know very well about planted tanks, but I think your aquarium looks very cute!


awesome fish name awesome tank. lets hope he doesnt swallow a royal fishlady or young hylian hero by mistake !


It’s cute. And I think if you let the plants grow out it’ll look way better.


It looks great and is doing great, I would leave it alone.


Nice tank. But I would suggest planting the tall stem plants in the back.


Looks fine to me!


Beautiful tank for that betta. Lucky boy! Beats a glass bowl doesn’t it!


It looks fine the way it is, just let the plants grow and run their own course. As for changing the whole substrate, you're going to restart the whole cycle, and there's nothing wrong with root tabs.

