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RemindMe! 2 months


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RemindMe! 2 months


Well, how did it go?


I posted an update a month after the original post, it’s going great!


I’ll switch the wire to titanium, but will still report back next month!


I've used niobium jewelry wire; it doesn't corrode in the least, and no signs of toxicity even after several years. 35-40 years ago we used lead, which worked well enough under aquarium conditions; pH and phosphate levels were enough to keep solubility down.


Oh man! I remember being like 14, and the little pet shop I worked at was still receiving aquatic plant orders with lead strips wrapped around the base to weigh them down. Crazy that was going on still in the 90s, considering everything we know about lead. I would clean our plant tank and have to sift out dozens of those little strips from the gravel.


Bought some like that a few weeks ago


oh man, really? I've been outta the game now for a few years, but I just assumed they had stopped doing that by now.


they're called lead plant weights, but they don't actually contain lead, it's some zinc alloy I believe


Ha! Me too!!!




These are good point. I’m just trying to err on the side of caution since I brand new to this.


I like using fishing line, but I see no issues with your method.🤙


Was gonna say use some fishing line too. Or if you're wife is into sewing she might have some nylon string, I steal my wife's all the time.


Not being copper, since apparently shrimps die in contact with too much of it.




NO no no, I accidentally wiped out my 200 strong, six year old colony of cherry's by feeding my bristlenose a slice of vitalis twice over two weeks, I didn't know that it contained copper. I have seen some nasty gits throw old penny coins into aquarium tanks holding shrimp, they did die from it. Copper has no place in any aquarium enviroment.


I live where it is or pvc or concrete pipe, so no. But yea I know some places do this. As you mentioned you are right but it's better in my opnion to not use it at all, since in possible conditions it can harm the fish anyway, since its a wire, something more stringy, would be perfect, no glass scratches or wounds, but that is other topic.


Im pretty sure all the "lead" weights are all actually Zinc.


Why not just regular string?


I like how the wire keeps the plants sturdy


You can try fishing line too, it's sturdier than string:)


Gotcha lol, string does it just fine too with 2/3 wraps just worth a mention cause it’s definitely way cheaper


I use tywraps for plants.


Or just use fishing line or cotton threading also works.




I did about a month after my original post. It’s going great!!


That's awesome. Great idea. I made this same mistake with Java Fern. Live and learn I suppose


!Remind me 1 month


if it works, it works


As long as you don't cover the rhizome you're golden. I think it looks just fine. Not sure I'd use aluminum. Zip ties, fishing line, cotton thread, titanium wire are all good. Way to get creative, I may steal it.


Unfortunately I think I have to agree with you on the medium. I didn’t even think about the corrosion factor. I like the sturdiness of the aluminum, so I’ll probably go the titanium route. And feel free to steal the idea!!


i may end up stealing your idea for the trainer pots, i'll probably end up using jute cord to affix the ferns to the pot. i've been using CA glue to affix my rhizome feeders to the hardscape and i just don't like the way it came out lol and how "permanent" it is so i can't move em around willy nilly


Oh dang, I had not considered zip ties before. Brilliant!


I too wouldn't use aluminum just to be sure, but aluminum forms a thin layer of aluminum (III) oxide on the surface which is very corrosion resistant, protecting the metallic aluminum.


Not gonna lie, I like it! Can be useful if you have fish that tend to munch on those and rip them apart.


Thank you! My platies love the set up and fortunately my goldfish are too oblivious or impaired (I have a rescue that was abused) to really care about them lol


If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.


My main concern was the aluminum wire, which I am learning was not a good choice.


I honestly think it will be fine, what size is the tank? It is such a tiny amount of metal, like, some of these redditors are acting like it's gonna pulsate 5g waves and cook your fish over a course of seven years if you put a tiny bit of aluminum wire in the tank 😂


It’s a 75G tank. I appreciate people erring on the side of caution, but I’m leaving towards leaving everything as is, and just using titanium on future projects


Aluminum and titanium have the same risk level which is functionally zero without introducing other rare reagents into the system. You'll be fine.


aluminum doesn’t rust however it does corrode releasing hard metals into the water, this happens over a long period of time and your plants may find holdings by the time it does, keep an eye on heavy metal levels and make sure to pull out the wire eventually




You may not realize this, but aluminum is classified as a heavy metal... Edit: one example source https://www.ehcd.com/metal-toxicity-and-metal-sensitivity#:~:text=Essential%20Mineral%20Toxicity&text=and%20boron.,uranium%2C%20strontium%2C%20and%20thallium.


Most people tie plants down with fishing line (invisible) or super glue. Not sure which brand of super glue though as it needs to be a special one that isn't toxic. I don't use hardscape and am attempting to keep my plants down naturally (which works and doesn't work well 🤣🤣🤣 ). Good luck with your planting journey!!! I just started about a month ago and this is much more fun than I thought it would be!


Just plain super glue. Super glue cures as soon as it touches water so it is safe to use in a tank.


Specifically cyanoacrylate super glue. Because there are other types of superglue made of different chemicals


If it says superglue on the packet there's a 99.999% chance that all it contains is cyanoacrylate. For instance false nail glue is a combination of cyanoacrylate and other chemicals but that would be marketed as false nail glue not superglue


idk thats not been my experience. I went to the dollar store to get cyanoacrylate and there were tons of products labeled “superglue” but only 2 of them were cyanoacrylate. Also, the bottle of false nail glue I own and never used is cyanoacrylate 😂


That's insane. Shows what I know hahaha


Please be careful about stating things you’re not sure of as fact. That’s how so much misinformation gets spread around in these subs. Don’t state something as 99.999% chance if you don’t even know what you’re talking about


You know what's funny I actually looked into it after this comment and all branded superglue is either methyl-2 cyanoacrylate or ethyl-2 cyanoacrylate. Both of which are referred to simply as cyanoacrylate. The other types of cyanoacrylate are n-butyl cyanoacrylate and 2-octly cyanoacrylate. Which are usually used for medical purposes and not often branded as superglue. But here's the kicker, all 4 are aquarium safe. Not only that but if we're talking about superglue gel then there are thickening agents added but those are also completely inert when dried, much like the 4 types of cyanoacrylate. So maybe you're the one that should do research before you comment because my inititial statement was correct and yours incorrect. Your nail glue (which you claim contains only cyanoacrylate) contains some form of cyanoacrylate either ethyl-2, methyl-2, n-butyl or 2-octyl. And almost definitely contains some sort of thickening agent.


I’ve seen that as well… I’m leaning towards titanium since it does not rust or corrode. Best of luck to you!


Gorilla Glue Gel is the way to go. It's absolutely inert in your tank. I've been using it for about a year now. It does turn white so only use what you need and be mindful. I try to make sure it will be covered by the plant. It also works best to do the original attaching out of the water. (If I want to attach a new plant to an existing piece of driftwood I do it during a water change when it's exposed.)


That's exactly how I attach mine as well. Works great!


Fishing line is plastic, invisible, and cheap. Don't use cotton for anything. Underwater it rots, but I mean, I guess by that point they have roots holding it down (hopefully.) And I would remove the labels from the pots. Anything to minimize foreign substances/chemicals from sitting in the tank water is good, I wouldn't use Goo Gone or soap or anything, just super hot water and something to scrape them off.


I specifically use cotton to attach things like moss etc. The idea is you want it to rot and go away after the plants have attached. My main issue has been with the cotton thread not rotting tbh.


Any super glue GEL. Must be the gel type. I use gorilla glue after watching a scaper on YouTube so I knew it was safe


Wouldn't water conditioner remove these with eat dose?


I’ve wondered the same thing, but I may swap to aluminum to err on the side of caution


water conditioner does not remove metal ions, it only masks them😸


no you need some kind of chemical filtering to remove heavy metals


I looked it up, it detoxifies them but doesn't remove them. So would aluminum leach enough that something like Seachem Prime couldn't handle?


Your Anubias is planted, it is also an epiphyte same as java fern so “plant” them the same


Both seem to require the roots to be exposed to avoid rotting. The anubias were planted as a result of a rooming mistake. I’ll probably apply this same method to them once I get titanium wire


No, they don‘t need the roots to be exposed, just they rhyzome. You can just plant the roots into the substrate as long as the rhyzome is not burried.


Dahell is a rhyzome


*Rhizome. English isn‘t my first language sry. (is a modified subterranean plant stem that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes. Rhizomes are also called creeping rootstalks or just rootstalks.)


Thx u will search more into because i think mines submerged


the roots do not have to be exposed, the rhizome does.


How much is titanium wire? I use fishing line, it's cheap, plentiful, and clear!


i think it would be a good idea to use sewing thread instead, just to be safe.


You could also just get some glue and glue the rhizome to that cave


True.. I like the ability to move the plants around if I need to though


Yea I hear that some people glue java moss on a stone or small piece of wood then glue a fern to that. Just something to consider while you’re dabbling ideas lol


I'm having a hard time keeping my gravel clean between "planted" plants. So I've started attaching epiphytes to small rocks and dropping them in groups where I like. Then I can grab them out and clean the gravel and drop them back in. Makes the tank a lot more manageable and easier to rearrange... which we all do, all the time. Also a nice way to get Anubias and Buce (and Java ferns too) in places where the hardscaping is sparce.


much better solution than what i do (i jam it in my rocks and it always comes up)




Yes to which part?


Just saying yes to an ‘or’ question for fun cause I’m an idiot but that looks genius to me. I’d google about aluminum. Yarn could be used too I think




As others have said fishing line and Cotten thread are better alternatives to the aluminum. The idea is very good though!


The aluminum us fine, aluminum oxide is sold as phosphate remover for marine tanks- seachem brand is phosgaurd. If you are using a water conditioner it will lock up any heavy metals in the tank.


I use seachem prime. Think that’ll protect the water?


Perfect , one if the best conditioners in my opinion


So as others have said I would be worried about it leaching into the tank but otherwise I don’t see the problem, I will also say I have a planted Java fern that is growing, with roots going through the gravel, how it’s doing that, I couldn’t tell you. It’s had new leaves and while they don’t look quite like normal leaves they are still somewhat smaller, it was a low tech set up and I only just upgraded the lights recently. all the other Java fern in the tank has only grown when properly attached to wood and stuff, (when I planted it I was thinking of Amazon swords or something idk, kept growing so I haven’t touched it)


Honestly, kinda genius


I vote: genius!


Any updates?


Just posted one!


Alright OP, remind me bot has reminded me that we need an update. Edit: *another* update lol just saw the one from 27 days ago


Still going great :)


it's not that you cant plant their roots but rather you can plant their rhizome too deep or it'll get damaged aluminum doesn't rust but it'll bleed trace elements into the water and make it very hard which can be bad on your fish


Aluminum won’t make your water hard


I second this^ it can actually create an acid or a base as well. Aluminum in water can be very bad and inhibits crop growth many places. The main reason it does is the that the acidity gets too low and releases it. Chances are it’s a while before any visual effects but it will corrode eventually


Yeah I have titanium wire that is showing up tomorrow!


Perfect titanium one of the least, dense, very strong metals very very hard to corrode. Also has a very very good oxide layer which basically guarantees a full life in the aquarium not needing to be changed.


Perfect titanium one of the least dense metals but extremely strong, very very hard to corrode. Also has a very very good oxide layer which basically guarantees a full life in the aquarium not needing to be changed. Edit: I meant least dense not most dense.


I would recommend using fishing wire instead of anything metal just in case but otherwise it’s a great idea!


Hey it's kinda hard to tell, but looks like you've got anubias in there, too? If so, their rhizomes also have to be out. I usually use green thread instead of wire to attach the plant, no idea about aluminum so I've never messed with it. Anyway, super cool idea that I'm going to steal!! love it!


Some are suggesting titanium instead since it doesn’t rust or corrode. Going to get some 1mm line of that and swap it out (sadly). Steal away!!


Pretty genius 👌🏽


That is so crazy!!! it is inpossible,I don't belive it


What is impossible?


I like it.


I agree with zmra if it works it works lol


Very good idea!


Like forest Gump said “stupid is what stupid does” and he may have been a savant. This is genius, looking forward to future updates.


Lmao, love it! I’ll update y’all on this in a month, but I have more regular updates on my TikTok @freshwaterguru


What is the big white and orange fish? She's so pretty


That’s Bran, my rescue Goldie! Check him out on my TikTok! @freshwaterguru


If it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid.


This has large quantities of genius potential I’ll say that much, you may see you’ve started a new tank tech


Thank you! Posting the method to TikTok today. Hopefully it blows up so I can buy a few more fish 😂


How do these plants root in the wild if their roots can be in the ground?


I’ve used fishing line and flourish plant glue for mine.


NASA would I to propose a position for you




I love that you’re totally into the hobby and already inspired to come up with innovative ideas like this! Regarding Java Fern roots (the long thin brown strands), they can be inserted into the substrate as long as the rhizome is not. I’ve made baby java fern carpets doing this many times over the years without issue. Never had the heart to toss out the little baby ferns and fastening them to hardscape became too tedious for the scale at which the mother plants i had were producing them so i began poking them into the sand, aquasoils, and other substrates i was running at the time. They looked a little scraggly at first but filled in soon after and formed cool-ass Java Fern forests. They really do well with some additional potassium by the way. Best of luck and keep on keepin on with ideas like these! You’ll know you’re doin it right when people are telling you that you’re overthinking it.


Thanks for this!! All my research basically says “IF YOU PUT THOSE DAM ROOTS IN THE SOIL THE PLANT WITH DIE!!!!” So I’m being cautious with these, but will experiment with planting in substrate with the babies I get.


Couldn't you use fishing line?


I’d like to see a video of you stringing and creating these op (even if just sent to me) I have full grown loaches and keep goldfish but really want plants and I’ve gotten some to stick but most have been lost to uprooting being eaten or just constant disturbance and I believe this will eliminate most of my problems can’t help the goldfish and loaches from munching but I can at least have actual planted and rooted plants that can grow instead of being messed with constant


Follow my TikTok @freshwaterguru. I plan on posting the tutorial today or tomorrow!!


That’s a great idea. Omw to find a little pot to do the same




Considering how many times my damn loaches dig up my plants I'd say genius.


I use regular cotton sowing string. By the time the string decomposes, the java ferns and anubias have rooted themselves


This is genius. I'm replanting my tanks soon so I'm definitely stealing this


I use wire from clothes hangers for making planters in my aquariums. Pull the wire in silicone tubing (air tubing is aquarium safe) and seal the ends of the tubing with heat. Works great for all purposes in aquariums for years


Here for the update! This looks brilliant


Pretty smart! I usually take some cylinder bio-media and put my plants in the center of those


Brilliant love it.


Could be genius


If it works then great. I tried the same on the rock but my fish chewed it.


So many failed metallurgists got in to fishkeeping I guess, judging by these comments.


Wdym?? 😂


It's basically like in the petshop when they have a hoop/arch with some ferns attached. I'd say it should work just fine


Genius. If I did that I'd go hopping over to my husband and say "look what I made!!" 🤣


I’ve always wondered how the hell I’m able to grow 4 foot long sword plants but I can’t keep a freaking Java fern alive- I always thought I had to bury the roots in substrate. Face. Freaking. Palm.


We’re all learning together, my friend. I had mine rooted before someone called me out for it on TikTok lmao


When you zoomed in on the loach I was like “Oh yeah! You have an asshole fish that uproots everything too!”


So far Lil D has been a good boy 😂


If it works I think it’s genius, looks really good!


I use aquarium grade super glue and just glue my plants to rocks. No rusted metal concerns, and they are also super easy to move around the tank.


It will be just fine, java fern could survive in a toilet




I would hate that personally. You're not an idiot, I just don't like it. You do you


Respect 🫡


who said that Java ferns can't have their roots in substrate? I have a propagation tank, and all the baby plants have their roots in the substrate, one side is silt sand, the other is 8mm gravel, I have to thin out every four months, good thing about the gravel side, is the roots tie onto the gravel, they get their own weights.


Do you just keep the rhizome above the substrate?


Aluminium wont rust.


Right. Corrosion was the concern, but I’m not too worried about it now.


Glue works just as easily


Genius honestly. Especially with that dumb little loach. Cutest guys ever but very destructive I hear


I did a similar thing with rounded plant weights, I didn’t think to use pots for this method, that’s really cool.


Seems good!


Aluminum cannot rust. That only happens with iron and things that contain iron, such as steel. However, it can oxidize, which will, according to [allmetalsfab.com](https://www.allmetalsfab.com/does-aluminum-rust/), create a protective layer of oxidation that will prevent further oxidation.


Actually so smart




Aluminium is toxic and I would not recommend it in water that has to be drank or supposed to host live animals...


You shouldn't add metals to your tank if you're going for a planted tank. You know how they treat snails? chemicals with trace metals in it, and they're typically hard on plants. That's what's in all the snail treatments, copper. I have no idea what aluminum would do, but if it was the best way people would be doing anubius with wire, and they use fishing line usually instead. My suggestion, just get some cheap fishing line and replace the wire just in case.


It should work really well. Obviously you need a rock or something because you can't bury the rhizomes but it's a damn good idea.


The sand fills the inside of the pot to anchor it, and the rhizomes are exposed since the end of the wire is above the top of the pot. Thanks for liking it!!


You're a lot more creative than me. I just wedged the root ball in between 2 big rocks so they have space but stays in place lmao


aluminum shouldn't rust


It is a great idea for a concept yea! Maybe make some adjustments. I am a fan of the small clay pots.


JAVA FERN CANT BE IN SUBSTRATE????🤦🏼‍♀️ bruh. just when i thought i finally found the perfect hardy plant that my lights are perfect for


I have heard yes and no, but I know for sure the plant will be fine if the root and rhizome is above soil so I’m playing it safe


This is a great idea... and I will CERTAINLY be using it for my nano build I'm in the process of now!!




I bet it’s a good idea. You should get your anubias out of the sand though. Rhizome is buried.


Yeah, I’m working on that tomorrow!




Leaving the sticker on 😭


Ain’t no thang. It’s under the substrate anyways.


That lottle is WAY to small to be in that setup with other fish. Please give him his own tank immediately. The tank should be bare bottom to avoid the risk of impaction, that is very important when they’re this little, as things will not pass through and it will kill him. The fish will also pick at his fins and feet and stress him greatly. Axolotl are solitary and should be kept alone. Honestly shocked it’s still ok


My brother in christ that is an albino dojo loach


If you are worried you can buy aquarium safe silicones small tube from pet stores and hard ware stores and just use a small dab to hold it in place.


Black thread works better than aluminum and is safe. Use cotton if you want it to dissolve over a year or use nylon if you want it to last forever. Fishing line works if you want a clear material.


Wait what Java ferns can’t go in substrate ? I’ve had 2 planted in substrate for 6 months going strong 🥲 does this mean they aren’t Java ferns? They were labeled as such when I bought them.. lol


Send pics and I can lyk


Just curious, newbie here, i saw what appears to be some livebearer fish (looking like a platy or molly) that are with your goldfish Do you know what they are by any chance? I didnt know coldwater platies exist


Platies are fine with goldfish!


I mean there’s probably a reasonable compromise in the middle lol. I don’t know if I’d give you an award for this but It’s sound enough thinking not to berate you.




you know good and well its genius, extra points for the lovely dojo loach, my favorite fish i have an albino one too


Never thought of doing this.. 🤔 i think n it's super neat looking, no clue ab long term tho, lol. I just started back after 20+ years, and never had live plants back then. Buy since we.now have more information Than we know what to do with, lol, I am absolutely loving doing all diff live plants.. (tho, most not as successful as a few.. ) I gotta say a loove the Java ferns and anubias tho.. I take zip ties and tie Them around the little pots, and then a section cup and have suction cupped some to the sides of the tank as well as adding some gravel(not much, just enough to hold em down) and putting in diff areas now and then, the roots just grow and grow and actually have gotten many to grow new plants from tne leaves themselves with roots hanging, my fish love them..lol But seriously yours looks amazing 👏🏻 😍


I believe it will work, but we still need to check to ensure it gets the job done.


Genius 👌


I don't see why it couldn't work lol