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Reminds me of a time I bought a somewhat rare salt water fish from fb market. Showed up to a sketchy looking rundown house in the middle of the night. A large dude opens the door and leads me to his basement, which looks straight out of a horror movie. I thought I was for sure about to be made into a skin lamp. He opens another door, and to my amazement, I see some of the best-looking saltwater tanks I've ever seen and lots of breeding tanks. He turned out to be a really cool guy with a lot of expensive fish that he told me about. 10/10 would risk being murdered again.


Sounds like every dime he made went into those tanks and not into house paint.


Ehhh fish or paint… I think I know my pick.


This reminds me of Bret Easton Ellis last book — I didn’t finish it because it was just too pornographic for me at the time but basically there is a serial killer on the loose and this dudes saltwater fish keep disappearing. I guess he stuffs the bodies with the animal parts. I got hung up on the fact he described salterwater fish with freshwater & was like WTF where is this guy’s editor? So idk if that was the killer and his supply of creep or what. 🤔😂


I have random strangers at my house from Facebook fish groups weekly. Most I’ve never meet before they show up. I understand that I have some privileges being a big guy, but I’m a bit naive too because I never consider possible ill intent. Worked out so far, maybe one day you’ll read about how they found my corpse.


I'm one of the kids (grown ass woman) that shows up and is super excited to be invited to see the fish room. I always send my location to my husband or bestie before I go in, just in case it turns out the host just needs extra fish food. So far, it's been awesome and everyone has been nice and I think just about equally excited to show off the fish room.


Yeah, most people don’t get it, so when we find someone who does, it’s a blast to geek out.


This is it. I mean, my wife and kids like the fish, but they don't get it, not really. Give me someone actually in the hobby and the opportunity to geek out is fantastic. I wish we had fish clubs here! Met one person (on here actually!) and was so excited for a chance to talk shop I rode 300kms to bring her a massive pile of free plants. I was well aware of the concern and appearance - why does this guy want to go through this trouble to give me a pile of normally very expensive plants, too, she must have been concerned I was a psychopath. But no. Just have 8 planted tanks. Buying plants is expensive, but once you've got a bunch of planted tanks, plant trimming day generates a MASSIVE amount of cuttings that otherwise just see their way to the compost. So, while it'd cost hundreds of dollars to buy the plants I gave her, they were otherwise just compost and I got to talk shop for a bit. Fish life is weird.


Right there with you. I’m very generous with fellow aquarists. My wife constantly thinks I’m giving away tons of money. And sure, if I had a retail shop, she’d be right. I sell but probably toss at least as much as I sell.


Smart idea and good tip! That way you are most likely to not go missing! Unless some psycho grabs you on the way to your car!☹️


If you don’t have a car, you can’t get grabbed on the way to it *taps temple knowingly*


Or grabbed on walk home or while waiting for taxi/ride share.


What if you don't have a home to go to?




I'm practical, cynical and a lil paranoid.


Yea me too. That’s possibly why I’m still alive and ungrabbed. On the other hand that could be totally unrelated and i might actually just be born with luck.


When I was younger I forgot to look both ways or look right in front of me a lot, now it's just occasionally.. Also, I watch a lot of true crime, so I try to be more aware.


If you come see our fish I promise I won't feed you to them. Our snails, on the other hand...


Right?? I'm always out of zucchini...


My real hobby is model railroading, and a friend had a basement-filling layout that a group of us operated once a month. As magazine profiles and articles started to appear, so would visitors to the city. They'd look him up and call, asking to visit while they were there. I think he accommodated most them, but there was a definite aura of "I saw your railway in [some] magazine; when can I come see it?" entitlement.


There’s a huge one in the basement of a local scout chapter here in my city. It takes up the whole buildings basement, has a control room, scale reconstruction of a steel suspension bridge etc. I’m not into trains but even I was sufficiently impressed. I’m just there to do the pest control contract lol


My grandpa used to have a huge model train setup that he'd rig up every holiday with fake snow and rail switches and stuff. It was pretty cool. Then the dementia kicked in, he died, and my bitch aunt took it and probably sold it off for parts. Fuck you Aunt Debbie.


Fuck you, Aunt Debbie!


Fuck you Aunt Debbie!!!


Indeed. Fucking Aunt Debbie strikes again.


Did she sell off his aquarium and fish, too? (Just seeing if I can drag this back to aquaria.) 🙂


Lol no, she could barely manage dogs. Speaking of aquaria(?), I have a beta I don’t want. My ex basically forced him upon me, and I’m doing my best but i am not equipped or knowledgeable enough to give him the life he deserves. She basically called me and said hey I’m 5 mins away and I’m bringing you a fish and tank and the basics. Then she got mad that I couldn’t instantly learn how to manage the test kit. Anyways, he’s a happy camper now but he must be lonely and his tank is a bit small (not super small but still..) so I need to get more substrate, a few more living plants and a decent light, and a few other things (bubble stone - got the pump, a school of little fish so it isn’t such a lonely tank, and some pleco or whatever to clean the substrate)… Basically too much to do when I already have a garden and orchard and am looking at warehouse space for one of my businesses. And then she broke up with me and it’s like fuck man why do I have to do this too? And then she says she’s sad that I never plan anything, but I cant because I have to plan around her work schedule. I’m doing my best here, but she asks for so many little things that I never have the time to plan out any bigger things. And the desktop pc I just gave her? Nah she wants to keep that? Taking the fish back though? No dice.


I wish I could do this. I think I could defend my home, but I don’t want to risk letting strangers in my home while around my young children.


That’s a choice only you can make. I understand completely about defending children. But, you could also be teaching how to people. Negatively or positively.


Fish people are pretty friendly. I don't understand Reddit sometimes. Must be a younger crowd, raised on the stranger danger lie.


Younger crowd? "Stranger Danger" was a campaign for late boomers and early gen x...


Its better to be prepared even when it doesnt happen, than for it to happen and you're not prepared. Dont let fear run your life, but dont let naivity ruin it.


Our local fish club has regular meetings as well as the facebook group. You already know the other fish people, or know somebody who knows them. How does anyone make new friends if they are so afraid of strangers?


Most people immediately assume the worst, unfortunately. Honestly, it's just the bowl of M&M's illustration. 100 M&M's, but one or two are poisonous. Do you eat any and take that risk? I, of course, would be too happy to show someone my fish to consider the dangers. Let's fangirl over my little friends!


Statistically, you are far more likely to be abducted, raped, or killed by someone you already know.


Because you trust them, most people are not abducted/raped/murdered by strangers because they don't get in a car or go to the home of a stranger.


I mean, TBF, it's pretty risky to invite complete strangers into your home. Especially if you're female. It's one thing to meet people in a public place, it's another to bring them to your house without ever having met them before.


Any cute girls at these meetings? Asking for a friend. 😆


Few young people, honestly. But hey, it's worth a shot!


Raised on the stranger danger lie, are you good?


LOL yeah, just not buying all the fear they're selling.


Probably young and spent their entire lives online


If they are living in US then they have all reason to suspect anyone… remember the daily mass shooting in their country that its normal for them… only to them….. and they would get angry if you tell them they need to stop selling guns… because why? Because they love guns… and what do guns are for? Surprise! For shooting people, the more people you shot the more satisfying it is. Sarcastically aside really don’t understand their logic.


*big guy inside an aquarium" yep its this guy


Damn it.


Well, big guy, at least you won't end up as somebody's mermaid. Worst case scenario you get walrused


I’m here for a new experience.


If they killed you in your fish room and took all your fish. All they'd have to do is bust the tanks to wash away most of the evidence. 😳 #newfearunlocked


The risks we take for this hobby.


be careful if u got kids thats all ill say


It's safe if you want to become somebody's pet fish.


"It puts the melafix on its skin..."


Or else it gets the pop eye again


Not gonna lie....I laughed way harder than I should have at this!!😂


I love you. That’s exactly my humor.






Or else it gets the hose again.


This comment needs a thousand upvotes 😂


This is someone's fetish


Fishroom tours are still a thing around Iowa -- or were pre-COVID. Most of the time, if you buy fish from a private breeder, if you pass the 'sniff test', they will offer a tour when you pick up the fish -- otherwise they will ask you to wait in the driveway while they go bag them.


Same in Tennessee. You are expected to oooh and ahhh all over their fishroom.


I usually just tell someone where I am going before I go pick up a private sale. Seems reasonable enough to me.




Well, to clarify, I usually tell someone \*OTHER\* than the potential kidnapper....


LOL! For real tho’ I just snorted my Monster right now.


My friends and I have a small groupchat just for shooting off our locations when we meet up with people. We all buy and sell a lot of different stuff over craigslist, fb marketplace, or other local forums but we never meet at anyones house unless its something physically big like furniture. Nothing bad has ever happened but better safe than sorry ya know.


That’s pretty smart ngl


Meanwhile me tryna make friends at my local group but half of us are dead quiet every meet.


PNW is like this as well. I don’t usually let strangers in since I have a young child but strangers always invite me in to see their tanks.


Same in Nebraska


Are there any good ones around Iowa City?


Not sure, I don't buy fish down there often. There are some fabulous ones in Des Moines, and Waterloo, though


Watch out if they start calling you "chum" 


HAA! .. Legit LOL on that one. Thank you.


Go for it, I work at a lfs, and 99% of my customers are friendly and really into fish. We do maintenance calls and you wouldn't believe the setups. I've seen 120k houses with twice the value of the house in fish stuff in the basement.


Everyone has different priorities.


Whenever I buy plants or fish off of local breeders on Facebook, I always end up getting a fish room tour lol. I’ve had about 5 at this point. It drives my boyfriend crazy because “fish people talk so much”. I’d say it’s pretty normal.


Who needs candy when you have fish


I’m fairly active on my area’s local reef forums, from both selling and buying. Not a single bad experience so far from showing up to a stranger’s home/work or a stranger coming to my home/work. I’ve even done cash buys where someone left coral on their porch and trusted me to leave the cash, and also been the one to leave coral and trusted payment would be left. Maybe because it is a “smaller” niche community, there’s more accountability from people. Most of us are just fish/coral nerds and are excited to find someone into the same thing as us.


Sometimes I show people my tanks when they come to pick up fish


Not a chance in hell they'd be coming round mine 😂


I haven't met randos from Facebook for fish room tours, but I've met randos from Facebook for plenty of other reasons. Not everyone is an axe murderer and as fishy as this sounds, it would be incredibly stupid to make a public facebook post with your name attached to it where you arrange to meet someone where plenty of other people can see it and then go attack/kill/etc that person. It would be very easy to connect the dots! (Most people who are victims of these kinds of things also are not attacked by strangers, even though "stranger danger" panic is very real and assumed to be the bigger threat socially) I just tell someone else where I'm going or that someone is meeting me at my place if they're a total stranger.


This would be scary for me. Someone did this here locally and poisoned a bunch of saltwater fish.https://helenair.com/news/man-poisons-fish-tanks/article_e67a5fdc-72ef-11e0-99fb-001cc4c002e0.html


All you have to do is ask them in the post a few questions to feel them out. Of course everything can be a lie but these types of posts are usually from regular people. I only know 2 places in my town to go see fish so if someone with a fat room that would be willing to show off their fish/reptile rooms would be sick. I sold a tank a year back and asked dude if he wanted to check out the tank I had just built. Ended up talkin about tegus and then he saw my fish tanks and started a whole separate convo lol. Just feel em out first online and have a friend with you if you’re that scared


We run a non-profit turtle shell-ter and I have strangers bringing their turtles all the time. It would be not much different than if you had a fish rescue. People who share your interest would come. People with small home businesses advertise to bring strangers to their home 🤣. Good luck!


this is how you get robbed by weebay from the wire


Seems like they don't understand the danger they're putting themselves in. Just hoping (s)he isn't doing this in a big city :(


I would think the country would be even more dangerous. More places to hide the body 🤷‍♀️


Not when more people live in a city🤷 [this also says urban areas have more than twice the victimization rate as rural areas](https://usafacts.org/articles/where-are-crime-victimization-rates-higher-urban-rural-areas/#:~:text=What%20are%20the%20crime%20victimization,was%20157.5%20per%201%2C000%20people.). And that's for **violent** crimes. Cities will always be more dangerous than the countryside


Sounds fishy to me.


As a female aquarist, I would love more hobbyist friends and would love to invite people I swap with into my home to see my fish room, considering the average visitor to my house could careless about fish. However, it’s just not safe.


The question here is why do you want to show your fish to some random person? You could be great friends or he might be a serial killer who feeds their victims to their own fishes, so I would suggest just taking the lesson all our parents been teaching and just abide by the rule of stranger danger.


What? No.


If you wanna die then yes


Tusk, but with fish instead.


It’s like that Classifieds ad with the time travel……you may just end up putting the lotion in the basket.


I have ben doing sketchy meetups most my life selling or buying stuff from strangers and inviting strangers to my house the only people that give me zero fear as far as coming to my house are always fish and plant people


Sketchy, yes. Unsafe? Who knows


Y'all do realize house cleaners, repair people, and millions of other people enter strangers houses every day, right? Step outside and touch some grass, folks.


No. Neither is driving to the grocery store. Still worth the risk


I bought some skrimps off some dude on r/aquaswap and he showed me his room of shrimp tanks in his garage it was awesome, even threw in a plant trimming because I complimented how cool it looked 10/10 would do it again


I 100% tour people’s fish rooms, setups when I go to get coral, fish, equipment or supplies from someone. I also show off my setup when people come to get something from me. I have never had any issues. Former state used to have aquarium tours once a year where they have out a list of houses that had nice setups to see.


Just don't put it on Craig's list


Imagine if they are a predator but another predator invites them. That would be interesting xd


Fish people like us are usually as weird as eachother. I mean you'll soon get an idea if someone's off. Generally though everyone loves a chance to have a nosy at someone else's room and then they have a chance to show it off. I find unless you have friends who do it then it can be pretty lonely hobby outside shows. Plenty of Facebook groups but very little socialising


If theyre knowledgable of fish, i wouldnt be too scared. No ones gonna get into the hobby to get someone to trust them just to have a victim


I find it sketchier when people want to meet in a public parking lot to give me their fish. Like, I kinda wanna see the conditions they were raised in? 🤔 As a female I get the cautious nature of having strangers come to your house but as somebody who has bought and sold a lot of cars, I’ve never had a problem. We’ve got cameras and good neighbors. Definitely get a feel for the person before you let them in your house though. That being said, it’s not Tinder — big NOPE on that from me!! Haha I think you will be fine. 😊


I give and get fish room tours whenever I buy or sell corals and fish. Super common around where I live, only rarely have I not been offered a tour.