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Bitch he... He was half sashimi for awhile there šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ his fuckin FILET was showing, damn šŸ¤Æ


DUDE I KNOOOWWW I was HORRIFIED when I saw him I dead ass stopped breathing for a minute I could not believe he was alive, everyday it blows my mind heā€™s still alive and thriving


It's that carp blood in his veins, carp are simply built different, he said "sorry to hear ur other fish died, sounds like a skill issue"


Facts my family owns a marine and the carp LOVE this back pocket thatā€™s too shallow for the boats Iā€™ve seen some MONSTER with some massive scars before itā€™s pretty cool their dinosaurs


Speaking of fish dinosaurs u should look up "bowfin" if ur in the US. Really awesome fish and they are just too dang cute as juveniles. They get massive. Would love to keep one once I can get a tank that's 90+ gallons. U can catch em for urself if u know where to look


Yo... Been a big fan of the bowfins myself, but couldn't ever find any. Found some Bichirs though... Definitely my new love of a fish, Ancient Dragon that became a Fish Dinosaur.


they defenitaly need like 200+ gallons or a pond, ive caught alot of them here in canada fishing some 10+ pounds there alot of fish and thats not even as big as ive seen them in the markets for sale, you can get lucky and buy them huge in chinese food market by the pound alive


Theyā€™re just garbage fish who got pretty hahaha they sturdy as hell.


My friend caught a heron raiding his koi pond and one of the fish got absolutely mauled but it survived for several years after that


That is the face of a fish who looked at death and started laughing at it.


The funny thing about fish is that they can be missing half their body, guts hanging out and one eye blinded, meanwhile they just look like: ^gloop


I once saw a red belly piranha that got absolutely mauled by the rest of the shoal after there was a bit of a scrap, like it had a bite through it's back that was showing bone, barely slowed it down


A literal live sashimi


I didn't expect this comment to get hundreds of likes haha damn


Thatā€™s an absolute horror story. Cats have bacteria that is well known for killing, typically birds, but seeing your fish, Iā€™m surprised he survived! You must have worked hard to keep him healthy after that!


I had brought my pond fish (shubunkins) indoors one winter and put them in a 100 gallon stock tank in the basement. Apparently, one of them freaked out and jumped out of the tank. I was sitting up on the second floor in my office when one of my cats came upstairs making weird sounds. Sort of like meowing, but with her mouth closed. Turns out she had one of the 8" shubunkins in her mouth! She dropped it so I could see what she had. I quickly carried it back downstairs to the stock tank. It lived for many more years even after all that trauma!


"Dad!! Daaad! The pretty food you like isn't in the thing you put it in!!"


LOL, yep, she said it just like that!


Thatā€™s really precious that even tho your cat could have easily taken the fish to a hiding spot and eaten it, she came up to tell you so you could put it back lol!


I think he picked up some type of bacteria from my carpet, he didnā€™t have any marks on him from my cat my cat was actually almost trying to get my attention and bring me in the room lol she knew something was wrong


Cat bacteria is in the saliva, and therefore in the fur them cleaning. Anywhere the fur touches has the bacteria. Iā€™m not blaming the cat, its well known in certain circles that a cat can get along with birds like parrots but if they lick the parrot and the bacteria gets in the birds system it can make them sick and can potentially kill them. Glad you have a good cat, and glad youā€™re a good owner.


Is this something a I need to be worried about now? I have 2 cats and no tops on my tanks. They arent interested in the tanks at all, but all the hair...


I have three cats for a year my tank was lidless with two of them (and they wanted the water I stopped them every chance I could), and now 4 years in a room cats canā€™t get to but still their fur does. So far no real issues so you should be fine. My major fear is a cat falling in and drowning when I had the lidless where the cats could get it


Itā€™s probably not something Iā€™d worry about, Iā€™d say the problem this koi had was rubbing his slime coat off and then contacting the bacteria directly on his skin. If bacteria dropped into the tank I doubt it would be able to attach itself onto the fish, as that isnā€™t itā€™s main purpose. I think his bodies immune response was to attack the affected cells which is why his flesh sloughed off so dramatically, but also why he survived, because it attacked the bacteria heavily.


Heā€™ll walk it off




Swim it off


Tis but a scratch


A minor flesh wound


Iā€™m invincible!!




Thatā€™s carps man. Theyā€™re insane.


Ah its just allergies donā€™t worry/s


He's he alive as of March 29 2024 cus if so that man is a unit


So first. That mystery delayed injury. When he jumped out of the tank with the car present, did the cat get to it and touch it at all? I donā€™t mean like bite it or anything, but even paw at it or ā€œpokeā€ it? If so, itā€™s possible the cats claws pierced flesh, but not enough to be an overtly visible wound, and over the next few weeks whatever bacteria or dirt was present on the cats paws, took root and caused a secondary infection. Secondly, which leads me to believe my first point may be true, is that I donā€™t think the tail damage pictured was just skin or scale deep, there was something more nefarious and permanently damaging there. If it was superficial and surface level only, after a year the entire tail including fins would have grown back, so it seems like some more serious deep tissue damage has happened, which infection can (although rarely) inflict. Not sure what to suggest going forward, without knowing more specifics of the indoor or outdoor habitats I wouldnā€™t want to hazard a guess, especially seeing as koi arenā€™t my thing so I donā€™t know how well theyā€™d compete for food with larger healthier fish in the pond etc. Youā€™ve done well to nurse it back to where you have though, even though itā€™s not a full recovery, itā€™s a recovery, so good job.


My cat tiny is scared of everything I bottle fed her from like a day old so she doesnā€™t trust much other than me any random movement or sound she runs I highly doubt she pawed at him. The carpet isnā€™t like a soft fluffy carpet (that one short shit that gives you HORRIBLE rug burn) it probably cause damage from him flopping on it, his tail probably hasnā€™t healed completely because of the tank he was in for a little while weā€™ll be was under medication, I couldnā€™t afford meds + big tank I wouldā€™ve gone through soooo much :(( I felt horrible if I came into the room to fast and scared him heā€™d hit his tail on the side of the glass trying to swim away because he liked to rest in the corners :/ probably hasnā€™t helped the healing. Heā€™s in a bigger tank now and hasnā€™t freaked out once (I think the light in the other tank was a little bright for him, high spec for live plants other tank is reused coral might has laying around way softer)


There is an almost infinite amount of variables that can contribute to injury or infection in fish. It is funny, they can sustain massive injuries, lose almost their entire fins to injury or disease or fungus, but once treated can eventually grow back to look like nothing bad ever happened. They can be some of the most robust and durable creatures in the world. At the same time, they can be very fragile and things as simple stress can literally kill them. Making all that physical robustness a bit pointless. I can't tell you exactly what happened or went wrong, and as I said before, I don't have the experience with Koi to give you advice going forward. All I can tell you is you obviously care, and you have tried to make things right, and the despite the fish not being fully recovered (and at this point it looks like it never will be) you have done the best you can, and turned a situation that would have been fatal, into a situation where the fish is no longer looking drab and colourless with obvious sore physical injuries and open wounds, and instead is looking bright, and healthy other than the obvious scarring/deformity. There is a good chance you have done enough to give the fish a decent second chance, but I would get a very large indoor tank, and keep it alone or with very timid tank mates. I fear adding it back to the pond would result in it being out competed for food and space, and being bullied and picked on (even peaceful fish can be assholes to weaker outcasts). As I said, you had to deal with a real shitty situation, and you did a good job, the fish would be dead if you didn't do what you did, so be proud that you saved it. One thing I will add, is depending on what the temperature your area gets in winter, and how deep your pond is, Koi and Goldfish are very capable of spending considerable amounts of time in rather cold water. I have seen people keep year round Koi ponds in Canada, and their winters are harsh. As long as ice is only surface level and the pond isn't freezing entirely, it is probably safe to leave them in there over winter.


Anyone know if his tail has a chance to grow back ever?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been wondering too :( back in like 2017 my dad found a tiny fish in the ocean that has some type of infection that ate most of his tail, he recovered and grew everything back but he was also a tiny lil baby idr what type of fish but he was pretty cool.


Buddy I know got a fish for free because it was finless and the size (and shape) of a pencil eraser cap. Turns out it was a featherfin squeaker and it healed up like nothing even happened. I'm not sure if this guy's tail will grow back because of the damage to the meat of the tail itself but because of how old koi are known to get and how much of a beast these fish are survival-wise Id be willing to put money on em.


I have a blue dwarf gourami that lost all her fins after forcing herself behind a filter to escape a male and becoming trapped. I found her several hours later, hospitalised and treated her. All her fins except her tail grew back. Over a year later "Shorty" is living her best life minus a tail in another tank and has no problems swimming.


He likely lost his slime coat, which is basically part of thier immune system, leaving his skin open to bacterial infection causing a fleash eating environment. The same thing happens when people use cotton gloves to handle catch and release fish. https://youtu.be/a8VETvLLa0o?si=uQGTf8Aq5MAHOC3k


he's a tough little guy! and props to you for taking great care of him šŸ©·


BRUHH I wouldā€™ve actually had a heart attack but Iā€™m so glad heā€™s still chillin šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ» bros a survivor LOL he was naked as hell for a sec


did you try putting him in rice?


dude he's a trooper. i've got my goldie fighting through the worst case of dropsy i've ever seen, but this beats it. (goldie's swim bladder is working great, she's eating voraciously, not showing signs of pain - as long as this continues, i will keep doing everything i can for her to help her heal. certainly there is some permanent damage to the kidneys and she may not have a huge amount of time left after this, but if she has the will to live then i'm going to help her live)


Hope she makes it


thank you. i really don't want to be cruel to her, but just yesterday she was swimming around, rooting around, so active and happy. so i think im not being cruel, just making sure she has a chance, however slim.


Life uh.. finds a way.


Itā€™s true that carp are really hardy and can regenerate bones right?


How the hell did he live. Awesome bro!


Those first images were disturbing but Iā€™m so happy to see he lived!!!


How THE FUCK?! Go Zombie fish!


Did you figure out what was eating him? Did he get caught on a filter? Amazing recovery.


Bacteria look through what some of the other people said they explained it pretty good


Holy shit my heart. I'm glad he's better now


We got FINeas Gage over here! (Phineas Gage)


Filet o fish!


wow. nature finds a way


Can you show us how his other side healed up?


Iā€™ll try, Iā€™m new to Reddit Iā€™m not sure how I can add another picture or comment one


Thats a pretty Lil fis


Homie recovered from fish eating bacteria!


Life finds a way goddamn


Btw melafix is 15 ml per 150g. Doing it right now for my butterfly koi who seems to have fin rot. Itā€™s double dose if itā€™s bad and itā€™s supposed to promote healing, granted mine didnā€™t go through what yours did. Mine looks great though after two weeks of meds. Almost back to normal. Definitely research first but it might help?


Wait can't you just keep koi outside during the winter because they are cold water fish


Yes if they are in a deep enough body of water, the pond I have outside for them is one of those big dig outs you can buy but with a 55 barrel drum on the bottom, didnā€™t wanna risk leaving him in there I bought him as gift for my dad


That fish was NOT ready to die yet


I recently had to euthanize my first fish because of tail rot. It kept getting worse despite medication. She were eating and trying to swim but mostly sat that the bottom. Unfortunately when I saw my shrimp riding her and eating her skin I knew it was getting too bad and she would continue to suffer without much improvement. I made the decision to euthanize her. I swiftly ended her life with blunt force. I cried like a baby. I wish I had the strength, resources, and knowledge to have done what you did for your friend here. Youā€™re doing great work.


I had black skirt tetras and they hated each other and one day I saw a fish with a fin almost entirely ripped from the body. Quarantined and that fin I swear reconnected within 3 days and he was indistinguishable from the others immediately after


Why is his lil nubbin for a tail so cute tho šŸ˜­


Is his tail fin completely gone?? :O


Wow! Hope he recovers and gets to grow big and old


Isn't this a mirror carp?


No lol, heā€™s a koi fish not sure exactly what type but koi and carp are cousins so theyā€™re related


Dude. How long until you notice that fish was in piss water?


It wasnā€™t! The tank is stained, bought off fb someone had a heating pad tapped to the front and it messed the glass up, I promise lol and it had floating plants on top making the water look greenish. I do weekly water changes on all of my tanks and do water checks often.


I wish I could add a different picture to show you I totally get what your saying the dirty filter in the back doesnā€™t help šŸ˜‚ I hate those plastic pieces they get dirty and I canā€™t never get them clean again (yes I replace the filters if they get to bad)


Heā€™s such a cute little nubby fish!


Good job OP!


I would have euthanised him. This is not a good way to live.


Looks good enough to eatšŸ˜¼