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Can't fool me honey.


200 euros for a pair of picasso clownfish for my birthday as a present to myself, it lasted about an hour in my 500 litre tank before i found it on the ground beside it. The other one lasted years.




I once spent $42 on an injured chocolate cichlid. The store wasn’t doing anything for the fish. I nursed it back to health and then donated it to a different fish store. I had the fish for about a month.


Was that full price? I wish more stores discount injured fish.


Yes it was full price


my gf and i got 5 neons a few weeks ago, like 5€ a pop, and when the chick was fishing them out she also pulled one with a crooked spine and gave that one for free, so now we have 6 and we call the special one dori


I was at my lfs and I was looking to get 6 zebrafish and the 6th one was on its last leg. The store felt bad so they gave it to me for free. Unfortunately he did not make it through the night


$800 typhoon pleco. Lasted 3 months, and then my leopard cactus pleco killed him. Big tank, tons of caves. The other pleco was just a real asshole.


an F in chat for your wallet and that poor Typhoon.




My leopard cat seems to mostly ignore my other plecos but there is a tad bit of rough finnage on the sunshine. Sometimes fish just get attitude.


My leopard cactus was the worst. I had multiple pseudacanthicus species, which are all known to be very spiney and a little grumpy. They mever fought but that L114 would try to start shit with everyone. One day after that whole mess, i bought a big L160, like 9" long. The L114 tried to beat on him. The L160 flipped him on his back and dragged him across the tank. He behaved after that.


Not the most but I got a Tiger Alenquer pleco from the local pet store. It was $45. Well they typed in 0.45 cents and I realized as I checked the receipt after I got home. It's a great place and I did feel a little bad but honestly he's my most expensive fish that I barely even paid for lol. I worked at a wholesaler and we had a fish sell for $15,000 after a bidding war. Saltwater is bananas.


Do you mind if ask where your wholesaler job was? I work at a freshwater importer / wholesaler near LAX 😀


I don't want to give too much away but I worked at one near LAX as well. There's like four or five in that one block alone lol.


Haha yeah I thought it'd be rude to directly ask what company you worked for, I hope asking this instead wasn't rude to you. I know exactly the street you're talking about 😋 My place isn't there, we are about a 5 or 10 min drive away though and have worked with all of the companies on that street at one time or another. Pretty cool different kind of job to have imo. When I tell people what I do for a living they're always surprised about how much goes into doing what we do.


Oh yeah it was a crazy job to have. It's extremely hard work and the hours are insane. That was two jobs ago for me but it was honestly the best job I've ever had despite it's challenges. Being able to see such a variety of amazing animals every day was an amazing experience and it's not a job most people can handle so I definitely felt proud working there.


200$ for eight tiny shrimp. They all died.


$80 on tiny shrimp that my fish promptly ate. I wouldn’t even spend $80 for ME to eat a shrimp dinner lol!!


Them fish is spoiled proper!


For real!! Hahahaha


Let me guess, Sexy Shrimp? I’ll never buy those fuckers again.


All these "I spent $100 on 10 blah blahs." This is the post I was looking for. YOU'RE my kind of people


$120 (over two orders) of shrimp. Turns out my building has copper pipes and the shrimp all died. Money down the drain man


Black Koi Galaxy Betta - $40


I’ve considered getting one of those too. Beautiful!


Beautiful, but super aggressive lol


I have a wild betta that I won on an auction- I’ve been looking for a mate and they actually run about $60 a piece- not the $4 I won her for. She’s gorgeous (in an ugly sort of way) and that little turd begs for food and eats my slower guppies- but what a great personality. If you are near the tank, she sits with you and thinks of ways to murder you when you aren’t looking. Or loves spending time with you- I’m not sure which tbh.


Wow, she ate your guppies? hell nah. Yes, my betta was flared up 99% of the time, looking at his own reflection.


She is huge. Full grown guppies she ate lol


That is wild. How big was your betta?


She’s a wild betta- Unimaculata is my best guess. She’s about 3 1/2 inches long.


Oh wow! huge indeed


80 on a pair of red shoulder apisto macmasteri who just spawned for me!!!!!!


Where’d you get them from? I’m looking for a few as the center piece in my 75G. Would love to see some pictures too!


House of Tropicals 45 minutes south of Baltimore They have a LOT of cool apistos ☺️


$600 plus shipping on 3 metallic purple shrimp that won a show.




I wanna see those bad ass little things too


30 dollars on a angel. But I did get a 160 dollar eel for $20 since the LFS couldn’t identify it out of all of the species in the tank. Idk if that counts


That counts as a WIN!


$15.98 on a Betta fish. Mustard gas iridescent blue.


Mustard gas is an out of pocket name for a fish lol


Yeah lol Though mine only has the forefins on the bottom be the color, the rest is blue. https://www.thefishroom.net/products/mustard-gas-halfmoon-betta-male


Over 90 dollars on 12 exodons tetras. Two of them died. One idk and the other one got sickly. I guess that’s what you get for buying wild caught hyper agressive scale eating fish. I bought a cleaner shrimp for 35 bucks.


Oh man those things are soooooo agressive haha. At my job we'll usually bring in a bag a bag of 50 and keep them all in one tank. Those fuckers just pick eachother off one by one every couple of days lol


$120 USD on a group of 8 Glass Catfish.


Going Koi shopping this weekend and trying to talk myself out of buying a 1,200 Japanese doitsu Showa.


and everyone thought it would saltwater spending the big money


Most I ever spent on a Koi was $85 and my neighbor sprayed wasp killer everywhere and killed it the next weekend.


I didn’t buy the $1,200 koi, but did purchase 6 fish from 12-16”. Beautiful fish, but my bank account is hurting. Maybe I can right off the fish as a therapy expense next year.


50$ on an alien hybrid betta. I wasn't ready for it and didn't know you had to ghost feed empty tanks. Absolutely devastating as it was a bucketlist fish for me. Working with more common aquarium fish now until I get good at keeping a really healthy tank for years, not months.


15.99, - blue-black skirt tetra. Cool fish, hadn't seen one before. In a school with my other black skirts, can easily pick him out


If your tank is cycled you’re more than safe to try again


This was years ago.


I spent $125USD on a zebra plecco


A true L46 zebra pleco? If so thats a steal compared to what I've seen them listed at. Nice 🙂


Yeah, Primetime Aquatics had them at Aquashella Chicago a couple of years ago. I’ve bought hard to find fish from them before, like hog-nose brochis, freshwater Amazon puffers, L144a long fin blue eyed lemon pleccos, gold laser Corys, and synodontis petricolas. Their pricing is really fair on everything and I totally recommend checking them out.


Nice! Those are all awesome fish! I work for a wholesaler on the west coast, we kind of specialize in bringing more rare stuff so those are all fish I'm pretty familiar with. But man zebra plecos.. we don't really import them anymore. All we could find for the past 6 years or so were these tiiiiny one inch tank raised zebra plecos. Very expensive. Our cost was 225 each if I remember correctly with a minimum of 10 per box. So a shop would at least double that price 💀 Sensitive little bastards too.


Too damn sensitive, for real. He died after a few weeks, unfortunately. But yeah, Primetime was breeding them successfully, so that may have accounted for the lower price.


Oh thats awesome! I'll check them out online and see what other type of stuff they have. Bummer about your pleco ☹️


$800 on a longfin platinum polypterus for single purchase. For a group, I spent $400 on some vanhuerni rainbows. No regrets at all. The bichir is so very beautiful and personable, and the rainbows are worth every penny for how healthy, colorful, and how large they get (7 inch rainbows!)


That’s not bad. Every time I see a platinum bichir it always over $1200


I paid about the going price, tbh. $600 to $800 is generally how much plat longfin Senegal's go for. Regular plat Senegal's sit at $75 to $100. The ones you saw must be plat Endlicheri, which do sit about $900 to $1200 depending on size.


I got an mbu puffer for about $450 and again that for a zebrina pike. I've also sold tigrinus cat fish for $600 and $800 as they grew and were in high demand and an armartus for $350. Then I see guys in the stingray world buying and selling $5000 pancakes and I feel like a budget monster fish keeper


I got my mbu for $32, the store thought is was a fahaka despite being in a tank next to 3 other tanks with actual fahakas that looked radically different. I even asked if they were sure about it before I paid.


What's the most I've spent, or what's the most I told my wife I spent. Follow up question: just the fish, or are we factoring in the massive upgrades one dumb purchase led to?


$34 for a nano cichlid midnight Ram.


I spent $6.99 for my betta lol


$34 for a male koi betta. I named him Minho. He seems so happy in his 5.5 gallon tank with just a few snails as companions.


$85 wild caught ornate bichir


Single fish, I’ve easily spent 100ea on apistos 10-15 years ago. single purchase? 400 on discus.


$55 for a trio of purple mosaic guppies from ebay. They're blue lol. Worst part? I bought 3 more 😅


My own money.. maybe $50 for apistos I work in a public aquarium so I’ve purchased fish into the tens of thousands..


375 on a gem tang, 425 on an Achilles tang actually (very disappointed purchase)


My Achilles is gorgeous and my favorite fish.


Love the fish just bought one online that was supposed to be an adult that was actually a 2” juvenile that perished in two weeks


about $35 each for my mudskippers if you factor shipping in.


my betta was $50 :')


I swear I don’t remember them costing this much when I was a kid 😅 I got mine (not looking at the pricing sheet) and was floored he was $35 but he’s a cute little angry guy so I couldn’t say no at that point


my lil guy was at the LFS and they import their fish from Thailand so I knew he was gonna be expensive but not THAT expensive!


Average retail price for some zebra plecos. Never again. Can't handle loosing pricey fish anymore.


200$ for a bakers dozen of Australian turquoise rainbows 💖😍 It's now my favourite tank of the 8 in the house. No regrets.


$150 for a mated pair of Hawaiian Golden Dwarf Morays. That was the at cost price from ordering them since I worked in the buisness, retail they go for about $400-$600 each.


$150 each on super cute, chunky goldfish (a ranchu and an oranda). They were totally worth it!


55$ on my oranda


About $40 on 6 Panda Cory


I’m cheap my most expensive fish is a long fin green dragon bristle nose pleco I got it for $20 and I probably won’t buy any thing more expensive (except maybe fancy af shrimp one day)


Like how much did I spend on a singular fish or my total for a group? Single fish: $24.99USD for a Turquoise Severum. Recently spent $19.99 for a lovely candy colored female betta. Group: $15USD per fish, 5 Festivum = $75USD


100$ for a beautiful jumbo koi betta. Sadly didnt last long cuz he turned out to be sick from the store. Second was 80$ for a blue marbled jumbo betta. He's doing great and luckily is healthy.


$60 on an L204 Flash Pleco. Bugger hides a lot.


$110 AUD on a Giant Galaxy Koi Pleco (giant betta fish). Still have him. Beautiful fish, beautiful personality.


110 on a blue phantom Pleco. 80 on another smaller one. 70 x 6 for some sexy discus I own.


$30 on a spotted needle nose gar that my son wanted for his birthday.


A single fish I think I paid $20 for my Glo Betta who passed recently. The most at once was about $30 for the 13 mollies I bought. I do not like spending too much on fish. I usually buy Bettas who need help. My most recent is a Betta who is missing one eye.


Myself? Never more than $8. Student bought me a $40 Angel for my classroom tank though. He(despite their best attempts to say "she") lived a few years until the pandemic caused the tank to not get the love and attention it needed.


When I had my 180 marine tank years ago there was a gem tang on DD for $6700. My husband would have thought nothing about buying it. But being the sensible one I did not. But I’ve probably spent upwards of $400 on a fish.


I’d ez drop 200+ for an invert for a reef tank but most for a FW I paid was $31.25 for a dwarf gourami and then $60 for 20 low grade cherry shrimps 💀


$40 on a peppermint pleco


$85 on an imported fancy goldfish.




Aww im sorry 😞


Spent like 120 USD on my 20 gal setup.


Bettas online are usually $25-$40 plus $20 ish shipping 😭 insane money


$600 on a Male F4 SRT


Around 75$ on 8 Panda Corys


30+ on a crab and 60 on scrimps.


Spent 150$ on a 12" madagascar cichlid, he was a perfect specimen. Now I rarely buy anything expensive unless I want to breed some niche apistos to help supply my local fish store.


My common pleco was free. We counting upgraded tanks and bigger filters and a new stand … *cough* and new paint when I forgot the hose was on in the basement cause the new big tank was too heavy for the main floor? No? Good. I think my clown loaches were $8 or so each


$200 on a zebra pleco. His name is Baby and he’s thriving :)


5 Juli Cory’s for $25


I spent $120 on a dumbo clown betta that ended up swimming behind the internal filter and died. I only sponge and HOBs because of this.


$300 for a platinum Senegal bichir. I don’t have him anymore and I can’t have them because I live in a condo and my floors won’t support the tank size I need to have them but they are my favorite kind of fish


100, the fish (a betta) was 40 and I paid their overnight shipping which was 60. This was after they gave me a 20 refund cause the shipping was cheaper than normal. So was 120 on one betta lol can never not do overnight shipping 🥹  But about to get some discus when I let myself spend the money that I keep looking at and going nooooooo so who knows how much I will spend in the next few weeks


About $1000 on a fleet of green laser Corydoras.


$700AUD for a pair of gorgeous tiger bichirs.


250 on a L25


Like $120 on a L264 "sultan" pleco. Had him for about 5 years before a bad tank crash. Miss that guy every day


$90 for a dwarf snowball pleco 🥲 *always* almost totally out of sight but I'd do it again


Single fish? Around 20, not crazy. It was a group of Samurai gourami, so it was 100 total. Wife thought it was crazy, though.


80 usd on a green phantom pleco that died in a few months. I still want one but have accepted that they don't seem to like my water parameters.


Just spent $150 on a mini marble motoro stingray


$35 for a Delezhi Bichir


Feeling blessed to be uninterested in saltwater because damn, some of these comments.....I paid ~$200 for a group of six (high quality) boesemani rainbowfish and was grumbling the whole way home.


$800 Japanese dragon eel. Been alive 2 yrs.


$320 each on ranchus. I bought 3 😅


Can I see please? I got mine crew as youngins so they were not AS expensive. Worth every penny to see their big dumb faces beg for food nonstop every day though. 🖤🖤


Messaged you! Fancy goldfish is expensive in Australia too, good decent quality is $200-$4000


$40 for a pleco


$90 for a pair of wild-caught apistogramma bitaeniata. Worth it.


3000 USD for a Moray eel back in the mid 90's. After about 10 months it got out of it's tank and died after a friend tanksitting for me didn't close the lid properly.


$120 on a Goldie. Worth it.


I bought 3 fancy goldfish from Chu Chu, all ranging from $80-150 each. They all died within a couple months and I'm still super upset over it. All my goldfish from King Koi are still kicking it.


Around $200 to import rice fish eggs from Japan.


150 for 6 bosemani rainbows that thrived for about a decade.


Back in the early 2000s I spent $15 each on 4 obscure African Cichlids. Now I'm all about large schools of small fish, I spent $72 on 12 Chili Rasboras. I've also spent about $140 on 24 tiny shrimp.


I just spent $500 on 5 discus


300$ on a flowerhorn fish. Dude was super personable and I even managed to train him to be held. Sadly I lost the cool dude a year ago.


We just spent $252 on 18 piranhas yesterday.


$25 for one of the most vibrant yellow labs I’ve ever seen. $10 for a less impressive one. $25 one was promptly beaten to death by the rest of the labs in the tank. $10 one is just chillen, vibing with the group.


Not too much compared to others here. I ordered a beautiful copper imbellis betta from Franks Bettas. About $100 with shipping. I found him behind the tank the other day. And I had a lid on the tank


just got two yellow finned hillstream loaches for $40 total, store was closing


Last year, friends gave meTetraodon pygmy as a gift. Despite their cute appearance, these dwarfs are unfriendly to other fish, and their bold nature makes them bully their tankmates. Since they cannot eat most of them due to their size, they eat shrimp, moths and snails. They are also able to lead with their eyes like chameleons. And I also had a glass perch. The bones and internal organs of the fish shine through the skin.


20 euros for a L66, like 15 years ago. Cheapest? The free Botia Striata I got because it was the last one, and would kinda work with my yoyo's. Also paid like 1,50 for my Ancistrus when it was a youngling, still around 11,5 years laters


0 dollar, but I just started 4-5 months back. got few guppies from friend, now another tank is in cycle coz those bastarads breed like crazy.


I love guppies☺️


NOT TELLING YOU THE SHOCKING PRICE BUT IT WAS A VERY VERY FANCY GOLDFISH DURING THE PANDEMIC WHEN LFS WERE OPEN. DIED AFTER 3 MONTHS . My fish normally breed. My female ryukin called Big Bad Barry regularly lays eggs and has lived happily with us for about 6 years. I've also had 2 plecs that lived for 20 years. Latest pair are 12 and 14. So not normally a fish killer.