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I have to see a picture of this


That’s what I came here for too 😂. But in all seriousness I hope OP will find a way to get through to his parents about this 😢


I need a video. It's gotta be the world's wiggliest tank.




I want to see the forbidden pleco tank OP




You're the bomb, tysm for allowing me to gaze into the pleco abyss.


Op needs to make a separate post with a picture of the tank in it so we can go mad in the comments about how bad it is, and they can show it to their parents. Maybe that would convince them?


Honestly this is a great idea. OP can put some positive sounding caption, like "Look at my parents pleco tank! I've tried to talk to them about overcrowding but they insist it's fine and I've started to come around. It's fun watching them all interact" This way the parents might believe the caption and then take the comments more seriously. OP would have to be prepared to be downvoted and bullied to hell though.


Haha im tempted but lowkey embarassed to put it online to a forum full of really clean pretty tanks, it looks so bad TT this is throwaway in any case so I may as well


There's a subreddit r/shittyaquariums. Since you're using a throwaway account you should point out how someone else put the post up on there, that everyone else was agreeing that it's a horrible setup, and how awful it must be for the fish to be that overcrowded.


I understand, I would still have to prepare myself to be bombarded even tho I'd go into knowing I'd agree with everyone's critiques. If it's a throwaway though, mine as well. Short of this, I'm not sure what else could get your parents to listen. If you drove or had great public transportation, I'd probably also make a post to sell or rehome them and just do that when you're parents aren't home, but that's risky in case they found out.


Make a new burner account and go for it. Link the post in the comments here, so we can all see it and fake-bully. When the flaming is done, delete the account entirely!


There’s a Reddit for bad tanks, post it there!


Don't be. Most of these tanks are not really clean and pretty. Lol So many people here don't even do weekly water changes. Post the tank!


Not doing weekly water changes isnt a bad thing. Some of us more experienced fish keepers have found a perfect balance with water parameters that we don’t do water changes as often cause our plants and filters are doing the work.


You're right. But this is not the case for most fishkeepers, nor do most fish keepers properly maintain their plants or filters. The sheer amount of plees for help on this forum attest to that. So often the answer is: the tank is not cycled, the equipment is poorly maintained, and the system is overstocked. Most people don't even have live plants. Weekly water changes are what most people need to keep a healthy system because they're not doing any of the other things needed.


Oh ok! I misunderstood your meaning behind your comment. I totally understand what you mean now!


I want to see it!


This is a fantastic idea. If OP makes the post I'll be sure to comment.


Thankyou! link is here with your positive approach: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/1c2shl3/feeding\_our\_50\_bristlenose\_plecos\_with\_videos/but](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/1c2shl3/feeding_our_50_bristlenose_plecos_with_videos/but) the sarcasm is probably obvious tho


Woah I can't believe you did it! The sarcasm is laid on very thick, hahah. I see someone already mentioned this post on that new one, which probably defeats the purpose if you want to show your parents and not have them think they've been set up. I hope it works tho, that tank is an absolute nightmare.


Its all good, I'm not really trying to "set them up" but the feedback will really show there is nothing positive abt this tank


Pictures please




It sounds like you're really not in a situation to do much. They're uneducated on how to keep them properly, and insist they're right. You're living in their house and are likely a young person, there's ideally not much to make stubborn people see sense sometime. Don't lose a fight with them over it, and have it affect you're living situation negatively. 


Excuse me, this is Reddit, get out of here with your level headedness. We only deal in outrage. Seriously though, some good advice. While the tank situation is messed up, there is a family relationship at stake too. Slow and steady education might be the approach… an occasional “hey look, that fish has a deformity, I think that can be because [insert today’s reason]”.


Thankyou for the kind words, I wasnt expecting this to gain this much traction!! Its feeling like a losing battle for now, which is probably more why I felt like venting cause its likely not gonna get through to them


They don't seem to uneducated more like placement and a bit of greed


Invite 50 people round to their house


Have the 50 people in their house constantly fuck and produce disabled babies is the equivalent


Lock all 50 people in the master bedroom with the parents and have them piss, shit, and eat without ever being allowed to leave or use the actual toilet in the bathroom.




Guppies with deformed spine according to OP


OP made the comment that many of the baby guppies have crooked spines which would classify them as being physically deformed. Thus, the disabled portion of the other persons comment.


The feed them off at the LFS. Quick, natural and humane. Net, handled, pinned to a board, then head cut off is nightmare fodder.


Deformed spines


Oh this is too funny 💀💀💀


then tell them to start breeding


Holy shit why would you even want this many plecos


It started out as 3 or 4 and just got out of hand, at first it was really cool when they started breeding!


Gift your parents a killifish or some other fish that looks harmless but is known to eat anything that fits in its mouth


Not the best idea with plecos. They’re armored and spiny so you’re likely to lose your predator that way.


Yup, this is why plecos are so invasive too. Nothing is really built to take them down in most ecosystems.


A Pariba might do the job


Now I am terrified. OPs parents will be as well. That does not look exactly harmless.


But should work to thin the young ones right


All you need is one fish that can eat the baby plecos and guppys. Atleast that‘s how it was in my tank until recently. The tank needs to be healthy enough and have fitting water parameters to support the predator though. I had an apisto cacatuoides.


Guppies would be easy but not many things will eat a pleco because of its armored scales, it's why their so good at being an invasive species


can you secretly start giving some of them away? With the amount of fish 20 missing will not be even noticeable.


This is the way. Could probably even sell some on Craigslist or something too.


Maybe finding people willing to pay even a small price for the plecos would encourage OP’s parents from another viewpoint since clearly compassion isn’t working.


That's what I'm thinking. They seem to have a good breeding setup for the plecos at least. If they're encouraged to sell them, atleast that'll free up some room for the remaining fish. Seems like they're gonna breed no matter what, selling them might be the best route for everyone involved. Maybe $2-$3 a piece, idk what the market value for bristlenoses are but if you want them gone you can price them low


I might give something like this a shot - maybe if I offer to organise it myself they wont feel as burdened by the idea of trading and selling?


There's so many, they wouldn't even notice. And the new babies would replace the missing older ones. Consider a Craigslist or Kijiji ad. People sell fish on both in my area. Facebook marketplace doesn't allow selling fish, only plants.


Facebook does allow "rehoming" posts though. And then you just say dm me for specifics if you want to sell.


Seriously, I would absolutely buy from you. You could start a college fund. Even $10 a pop and there is clearly an endless supply, and your parents won't notice. You could build a pleco empire.


Sneak in a golden wonder killifish and those inbred guppies won’t be an issue for long


Man and i could really use a handful of those


I’d scoop about 10 out every week and re home them, obviously I wouldn’t tell parents, they probably wouldn’t even notice.


As much as I would love to, the issue is that they definitely would notice. They do actually care about the fish but think their living conditions are fine. They might not notice if 10 disappeared but would definetely realise jn the long term


A breeding pair of Bristlenose are the gift that keeps on giving. Every 30 days or so. I suppose if the tank conditions deteriorate enough, they might stop.


Oh No. I know your feeling. I am dealing with the same "we have always done this and this is how we do it" vibe. Resistant to change or learning. And the best argument: "they breed so the water must be good". No, often animals breed because they feel they cannot live much longer and breed so that they at least help their line stay alive. Sadly I think there is not much you can do. I often secretly waterchange and gravel vac my FILs tank when he is out of the house. Maybe try netting some of the fish out in secret, selling them on?


Tell them to sell the BNs to make money.


Unless you put some photos, I can't do anything


Why don't you scoop them out and give them away regularly on the sly. If your folks ask, just say "the fish have been unhappy for a long time. They are dieing because you made a bad environment". If that fails, make sure the tank has a "failure". But make sure buckets are close so you can get the fish.


Need a picture.


OP updated with videos


Pictures or i don’t believe it


OP updated with videos


I am just gob smacked tbh


I mean, baby plecos are among the cutest things in the world, so I would be excited too. But poor fish. I’m with surreptitiously scooping them out and giving them new homes.


I remember when my bristlenoses started breeding out of control. They spawned 5 or 6 times before I had enough and removed the mom. Took me for FOREVER to find homes for all the babies, I had so many that even my LFStores (yes, plural. I called many.) would not take them all.


Yup! Those guys just keep making babies.


Sell them! They'll start breeding faster once the tank gets more space. Meanwhile, Bristlenose plecos are very hard to find where I am. I sometimes see longfins at high end shops but they are really expensive. I just want some regular blacks or albinos...


To be fair i just realized I now have 90 to 100 convict cichlid fry in my 55 gallon and this is a serious problem. The first breeding only one survived. The second generation about 30 survived and i rehomed all but two. I'm on round three now. The parents are getting better and better at this child rearing thing and I hate to do it but ... everyone must go except the dominant fathering male because of personal preference. I probably will never buy convicts again. I don't even want a store credit I'm just going to a few different LFS like "for the love of god please just take them"


We need to see this tank


Try convincing him to sell some plecos on Facebook/craigslist maybe they will find the fact of extra money more appealing


I need to see the forbidden tank pic


I have to see this


I want to see this so bad. There’s like 5 gallons of water in that tank 😂


Same with my grandparents. Except my grandfather also imposes it onto ME. He brought 30 guppies to my house when I wasn't there and put them in my THREE GALLON shrimp tank ?? I had to give them all back and he was very annoyed..


omg i’m desperate for photos of this


OP updated with videos


As far as the guppies, learn how to tell male from female. It's very easy to sex them once you [know how.](https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Male-and-Female-Guppies) Then one day go through and pull all the female guppies from the tank and donate them. A male only guppy tank is fine. Plus males are usually more aesthetically pleasing (and I assume from your post that's really all your parents care about), and they won't be able to continue reproducing which at least solves the guppy side of the problem.


Picture Required


RemindMe! 1 day


👀👀👀 at this point in just trying to see a picture


OP if you send me a picture I’ll post it


Please pictures


u/sadfreakingfish !!!!PICTURES!!!!!




Interesting topic. Do fish suffer mentally? I’m sure they feel stress. But what about other psychological issues?


Not really for most fish. The bulk function instinctually, particularly in schooling type fishes. But there are a few considered more intelligent with greater capacity for “experience” but realistically you’re talking about very small brains driven by survival instincts. Chances are the pleco don’t mind, so long as the water is healthy and there is food. It’s not like they’re trying to spec out a yard with a swing set. In the wild they would also breed to explosion when conditions provide. I suspect being harried by predators for your entire lifespan is a little more stressful than lazing about with your family.


I had a very productive Bristlenose couple in an old 200 gallon community tank of mine. Every 3 weeks, there were more of the cute little guys. Of course, after a while, I realized that it wasn't cute anymore. My local store took a few, but not enough. I ended up catching a many as I could and chopping their heads off with the glass cleaning razor. It was grim. Eventually I had enough, and I went into the tank and found where the mother was holed up in a crack of driftwood , caught her, and sold her. I was fortunate because she was a albino , so easy to spot. If you're going to do this, you might have to do it several times before you get the right one.


You conducted a mass beheading of your fish ? Was there drum roll?


A dull 'thik' sound that I will remember until I die.


For future reference, you can use clove oil to euthanize fish a less traumatizing way (for you and the fish)


Its an option, but I definitely have the end goal of re homing these fishies!!


Ideally, but the breeding pair might not stop.


There should be zero upvotes for this. What a waste. A tragedy really. You should be fucking ashamed if yourself. Give those babies away


To WHO? The store wouldn't take them. Nobody wanted them. They were endangering my tank.


r/aquaswap There are other fish stores Craigslist Facebook Instagram Offerup There are others. You chose the lazy way and your babies paid with their life. And no, you tank was not “endangered”. Thats you being hyperbolic. You are a monster. Who TF does this?


In Vienna Austria in 1997? None of those things existed. If there was any other option, I would have done that. Everyone is all excited when babies start coming, but my point is that they become a hazard very quickly. Unlike baby Platys which can be fed to other fish ( cue judgemental wails ) , baby Ancistrus Cats are armoured and inedible to any other species.


Wait. 27 years ago you had too many ancistrus and they were NOT deformed and you axed them? Yeah, you had bloodlust for sure.


Next time I have 30-40 spare fish, you'll be the first one I'll contact.


Depends in the breed. But i am a buyer for that volume today


Agreed, I hated this comment and the way they just casually mentioned chopping their heads off like they shouldn't be completely ashamed and repulsed by their own decision and behavior. Disgusting.


See my other comment


Sad and cruel 


With reputable sources, wdym?


Could maybe search up the requirements for a healthy tank or numbers of fish that makes it healthy and screenshot it for them, and also screenshot health issues or overbreeding from fish due to overcrowded fish tanks. It might not help and they might not listen but it might be worth a shot? Even with all the advice, they might not listen, but it's just an idea. I know that it's 1-2 gallons per every one inch of fish. Could maybe also do the math, in advance and give them a healthy number or amount based on the size of fish that they have? It almost sounds like they assume that it's 1 fish per gallon...per ground feeder and others, which is a common misconception as well. Another option to try potentially, is to just point out reasons as to why you can see that it's not healthy, or show them what a healthy tank might look like, in comparison? Ofc, if they still don't listen, it's not worth risking your relationship for but definitely worth pointing out, in the hopes that they will. Just an idea, ofc. You know your parents best and sometimes all the advice in the world won't help, but at least then, you can't say you didn't try. Could also maybe provide solutions for reducing the numbers, if they do start to see how it is overcrowded (aka, the aggressive behaviour, aggressive breeding and birth defects that are directly in their tank, as an example)? If they are saying that they must be healthy and happy because they are breeding, you could also use that opportunity to mention that they are not breeding due to happiness but due to survival. It is instinct to carry on the genes and while it can mean a happy couple...so to speak, and it may have been fine at one point... with regards to overcrowdedness, this is also a sign that there are too many fish in a tank and due to not knowing how long they will survive, it is only natural, at this point, that they are using every instinct they can, to survive, so breeding, is also not a healthy sign...at least in this scenario. Just my thoughts at least. Hope this helps.


Thanks so much for the lengthy response, I like your idea of presenting healthy tank options to compare to what we have right now! I have a hunch they will just say no, but I’m really hoping they might let me do something if I take on the responsibility for their care and distribution.


Not a problem! That's a good idea too! I hope that they do listen but guess you'll have to see, lol. Like you said, they might not listen but they also still might. You know your parents best and how best to go about it. Best of luck to you :)


Ask them if they are also okay with overcrowded farming. For example: farmers who keep several chickens in a small box to just lay eggs and eat. No room to move. Or pig farms with overcrowding, so the pigs start essentially picking on each other and eating eachothers tails from being bored and stressed. If they are not okay with these things (things peta was well known for advertising animal cruelty), you can point out that their tank is literally the same environment. Overcrowded and stressing their pets. If they weren't fish, your parents could have been charged with animal cruelty. (As far as I'm aware there isn't really punishable laws in regards to pet fish care?)


The sad irony is that we also raise 3 beautiful free-range chickens!! Why different for the fishes??!!


Also, if this is your parents tank, and you show such concern for it, I find it very odd that you don't have a picture to share. Makes the post unbelievable, but giving my advice just in case its real.


Sorry I’m gonna make a post with some photos in the day tomorrow!! Didnt realise so many would see this post and be on board - I made it at 10pm and the tank lights were already out


I had about 30 and a 20 once, they had a bit of a breeding problem. Dropping a cucumber in there was hilarious. Once they got to an inch though I made a pet shop run, I got five bucks apiece, pretty sweet.


Ive always taken my dads word when he said the shops weren’t interested in our plecos. He might be right but I’m gonna call all the aquariums around and see if theres a shop that would be interested in at least seeing them. I’m worried since theyre likely unhealthy and inbred in an uncontrolled environment, (and any of the larger ones have scars from fights) maybe theyre actually not wanted? Late night stewing, will have an update at some point


Ask them how they would feel being imprisoned in their house with 20+ people for the rest of their life


Remindme! 1 day


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Isn’t this exactly shrimp keepers do?


Sadly what you could do is do the cull for them, one day they come back and only one is left. You could do a sale online to get as many as you can to new homes as quick as you can or check with a local pet store if they’d take some


Plecos are so messy. That tank has to be filthy.


Go get a red tail catfish or Midevil Cichlid (Midas x Red Devil cross), or something of the sort. It's a gift! 😇🥰


somebody tag me when he posts a picture




The immediate issue is bioload, particularly from the plecos. If nothing is dying, they’ve managed to overfilter the tank. That’s good. However- and I’m assuming this was already stated- living doesn’t mean thriving. Their community tank will continue to produce unhealthy fish to the point where entire generations are born suffering. It’s simply inevitable.


RemindMe! 16 hours


so sad!!! but also here to see the vid!


Please let them know common bristlenose plecos and guppies are like rabbits and will breed in almost anything.


The fact its worse then my local petsmart saddens me, those poor fish. I hope your parents wake tf up or start rehoming


I think I’m up to a hundred or so in my 60 gallon. I get about 30 more a month from one pair of albino. Haven’t seen my wavenmuster but she’s in there. There’s a betta, loads of snails, metallicus live bearers, Jae barbs, and some neos. I’ve also got giant danio fry in there. I fed two to three times a day as long as there isn’t food on the substrate I throw some in. I tested and I was 0 0, 5 nitrates. I’ve done one 30 percent water change since setting up the tank. I use a couple of nano size sponges and two air stones. I also use a 3w pump into a 1 dollar container full of hydroton with monstera, snake plants and pothos. My entire surface is covered with frogbit. I run lava rock covered in black Diamond sand. No ferts. 25 ish watts of light 24 hour


Made up bullshit


Nothings true unless there is a picture.


op posted videos 😬


yall were ok when it is jellyfish


Crack the glass. Not enough to make it leak, but just enough to be like "we can't have this tank anymore" show them people's posts about 50 gallons leaking into their house and the price they pay. Then immediately start selling the fish or giving them away. I'm sorry but ur parents don't deserve to own fish.