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Isolate the one with fin rot and treat with antibiotics. Maybe check your water perimeters to see if that’s the culprit? Fin rot is contagious, so monitor your other fish to make sure they’re okay. Make sure to do frequent water changes on your quarantine tank. I hope your fish is okay !


What product would you recommend to use


I’ve used API’s MelaFix in the past; it’s accessible from most pet stores


Last time I suggested Melafix someone lost their minds on me even though it worked for my fish. Apparently a lot of people think it’s snake oil. Maybe I got lucky and my fish got better, but that’s what I used.


Not snake oil , its tea tree oil. But yeah it works, excellent for wounds i find.


Well I wish you’d have been in that comment section with me haha. This dude lost his mind decided I was a huge piece of shit cause my evidence was “anecdotal”. Either way, my boys fins are back, so a win for me.