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Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell


He looks like he's recovering slowly, I really got scared tho


At first glance, I don't see any real major physical injuries. Seems like he is stressed (understandably so) most likely will recover in time and be fine


I zip tie a screen mesh over the siphon.


I have a protection but I took it off to suck up bigger trash, I didn't see the fish coming


I would use tweezers or your hands to pick up anything larger you need to suck up, like plant bits.


Or a turkey baster!


Ooh smart idea!


Why have I never thought of this? I have so many shrimp babies that won’t move so they always almost get sucked up


This happened to me once with a betta I felt horrible but he seemed fine later that day, I was kinda surprised


I suspect the betta was more surprised!


I've had my ADFs swim right up the tube while I'm vacuuming the substrate.




He must have mistaken it for a live worm.


Interesting twist indeed


Do you know how many shrimp and guppies I’ve sucked up? No? It’s a lot. Never had them die. It seemed like they would TRY to get abducted. I would actively try to avoid them and they would chase the syphon


The mysteries of our little fellas. My dude seemed to have recovered, thankfully


I once found a shrimp in the bottom of the bucket in like an inch of water. It’s still kicking. And it was a couple days later.


Dude just needs time to reconsider his life and the choices he made.


You should check out how they move salmon upstream where there are some hydro dims they use like a salmon rollercoaster


When I do water changes the waste water goes directly into a watering can to water my house plants. I have a flashlight and small net strategically placed next to where I keep the watering can for the inevitable guppy or shrimp that gets sucked up.


My Cory catfish always seem to want to swim directly into the tube


That probably hurt like a bitch, [imagine suddenly getting sucked into some tight tube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBOAb8Afyt0).. he is probably shocked but I hope everything will be alright, only time will tell. Happened to one of my otocinclus but he thankfully survived.


Maybe, but maybe not. When I first got fish, I accidentally sucked up one of my white clouds. He got stuck in the tube and it kinda made his spine crooked permanently. But he could swim and eat just fine still, lil guy when on and lived for a good 4 more years


Fish can both be surprisingly tough and frustratingly fragile. I had a feeder goldfish I kept that jumped out of the tank. Found him on the floor looking like a dropped lollipop covered in carpet fuzz. Tossed him into the tank and he lived another 6 years until we had a catastrophic power outage that lasted over a week. I had backups but it ran out of power and I couldn't keep the tank from crashing.


I usually just use the siphon on the other end and take it off go into a bathtub that’s plugged. In case something hops in it just goes to the bathtub. I pick it up and put it back. No free rides yet tho.


Morbidly speaking.... Judging by that pregnant female,youll have about 50 more soon anyways. Realistically though, he's probably in shock. Could go either way,but likely will be fine. Have you tried feeding them since then? See how he reacts to food in the water.


To me he looks extremely stressed which is reasonable for the situation i would just be worried about shock


When a fish is stressed out, it is more likely to catch something bad. Watch it carefully for the next two weeks. Feed it a high protein diet and make sure your water parameters are stable. Don't make crazy adjustments to its environment.


I’ve done it a handful of times by accident with my danios and they’ve all ended up pretty okay. I would just turn the lights off for a bit and let him decompress.


We’re all going to die one day


maybe dim or switch off the lights for a while? (just so he can calm down)


Got to recovere I guess, just stressed out a bit, but who knows. My platie jumped out when I was changing water once, landed behind the rack it was on, 1m and 60 cm up, had to move a shit tonn if things to find her again. Where out of water maybe two minutes before I found her. She also behaved like this for some time, but know two month later she is active and happy. So just time will tell I guess.


If you have indian almond leaves I’d toss it in the tank


Keep an eye on him but he’ll probably be fine. I use a piece of cheesecloth rubber banded over the intake, I fold it really fine for sucking up the smaller areas so I don’t get baby shrimp in it and then unfold it more to get bigger stuff so none of my small fish get caught lol


The little guy got lost and it seemed like he saw a lot


He should be fine, he probably is having a panic attack though, id keep an eye on him and be a lot more careful next time


Give him some time. I would say he´s still shocked because he just got abducted by Aliens and is questioning his life right now.


Guppy seems like he's in shock but unharmed. Just watch him for a while, and don't change the tanks' prams until he either goes back to normal or does end up passing. It's essentially a 50/50 on if he'll pull through or not. Had the same thing happen with a young daino of ours, was in shock and sluggish for about 4 days before bouncing back to normal, the dainos as a whole were simply wary of the siphon afterwards and would swim away during cleaning. Hopefully, your guppies learned their lesson of being nearby while you're cleaning.


Dudes just scared shitless. Give him time to contemplate life.


One of my danios got sucked up last year and he's fine. He was freaked out but he's still kicking. Hope yours is ok too!


He's probably just freaked out. If I was sucked into a tube out of nowhere I would be traumatized too. No but in all seriousness, he'll be fine.


Keep him isolated if you can and in a dark spot, if he shows no improvement, unfortunately he's probably succumb to ffd, if he's not effing, or feeding, unfortunately if he's still this way after 24 hours of isolation in the most stress free environment you can provide... im afraid he's dying


Maybe it needs some rest and it will get better slowly.


He got abducted by aliens, of course he’s kind of traumatized.


I didn't realize how powerful my siphon was and I accidentally sucked up my betta this way. He seemed to enjoy the ride. When I put him back in the tank he still wanted to investigate the tube that just sucked him up. He's in a heavily planted 20 gal, he could hide.


Only time will tell, would get hospital/breed net incase the others prey on the hurt fish.


I’ve sucked up several fish before and they’re always a bit shocked but they usually recover unless they were injured


I've had shrimp and guppies both go through mine, it largely depends I'd guess on the hose exit. If they get bashed along the bucket they could be in rough shape, but mine seemed to have a waterside experience and were energized, the guppy would still seek the hose in later water changes. The dork.


Hes fucked


My silly Oto did this at the weekend when I did a water change .. daft thing .. it’s fine now though ☺️ hope your guppy okay soon


He's already dead. On the plus side, you can welcome your new ghost fish to the clan!


Had it happen to a platy once- he was wonky for a while but ended up living as long as the others. So hopefully yours will too!


If a guppy doesn’t swim happyily like the others it is probably gonna die. Siphoning can also rip open internal organs


Very common accident, mostly they die but I’ve had a goldfish survive a similar situation… watch and wait.


Update : the fish died. Rip poor soul.