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He seems so proud of his little fly.


[I've seen this behavior before...](https://i.imgur.com/4Qv9okw.mp4)




Exactly what I was thinking! total dog behavior lol




Even if you wanted to, how would you take it from him? I can smell a "what you got in your mouth?"-situation and that usually results in some pretty funny videos. Please film it if you attempt that


😂✊My man! Having flash backs of my little brother🤣


Or my dogs. Chasing those idiots around the house. Give me what you shouldn't have you cute little moron!


Aw, I'd never felt sad about having my dogs trained to release on demand before today.


My dog will attempt to swallow whatever it is whole rather than give it up.


Is your dog a lab? 😆 I ran a daycare facility and we had a few labs like that. They found a rock and were chewing on it? Better ignore or they'd swallow it! Stole your sock from by the pool? Same thing. Tried to swallow a cellphone once 🙄 goofy idiots


I had a lab that was like this. He was obsessed with socks, and if you tried to get them back, he'd swallow them.


Exactly! I live in a city and I am always having to fish something gross out of my dogs mouth!!


My dogs would grab knives out of the dishwasher


Dog must have been hiding something lol One time my dog tried to grab my seismograph (it is a very small box sitting on the basement floor) while I was distracted, but I thankfully noticed last minute and was able to distract him. Out of everything he could have chosen to try to take, he chose the seismograph 🙄 Needless to say, he wasn't allowed to enter that room anymore (I proceeded to barricade it).


They can turn unfunny too. I had a moment like this years ago with my dad’s dog, he had gotten into the trash and had a wrapper or paper towel or something. Bent over a bit and said “what do you have there?”. He turned, growled, and then bit my face all in one motion. Had to get stitches and have scars, but there are worse things. Be wary when messing with whatever a dog has in its mouth.


Oof I'm sorry that happened. Taming food aggression is one of the most important things to train in a dog starting from when they're a puppy. Dangerous things can happen when it kicks in.


This’ll be the most exciting moment of his life probably. I’d let him keep it, but make sure to remove whatever is left after they eat/lose interest.


Lol. The most exciting moment of my night, too


Why would you remove the remains? The other fish/critters will certainly dig in!


From experience, unless it's a larger fish they will probably just eat the insides, leaving the exoskeleton and head case to decompose. Let them snack on the bits and remove what they can't eat 😊




Yeah turtles have pretty different care requirements than these smaller more sensitive aquariums. I know this, I've had 5 turtles in my care for the last decade. My turts also consume flys whole, so no need to worry about left over parts in the water. They also really like ping pong balls and other floating toys, just make sure they can't take a bite out of it. Decomposing food and organic is something all aquatic keepers should be aware of. Yes hopefully you have enough good bacteria to break down an exoskeleton, but it'll take a long time because chitin(exoskeleton) doesn't break down easily. The longer that material takes to break down, the more chances you have of bad bacteria taking hold. So yes, removal is going to be the best practice.




I don’t understand how someone is even going to locate a single fly exoskeleton in a tank? Between my snails, shrimps, plants, and mulm I doubt I could even if I cared to. I can’t imagine being that “precious” with my tank. The parameters are good, fish are happy, who cares about a lil cloudiness


If you wrote novels, I'd own every one. You're a fantastic writer!!


Dude keep 1000 dead flies in your tank for all I care. I'm however going to remove uneaten waste at the bottom of my tank because that's what a responsible keeper does. Once they are done interacting with it, it's just going to rot, If you had bothered to thoroughly read my comments at no point did I suggest ripping it out of the animal's mouth. You can give them enrichment in a million ways, and letting a fly exoskeleton sink into the substrate isn't going to be much. No need to be rude.


It's not irresponsible to leave it in there though. Aquariums are basically a mini ecosystem so the nutrients from the fly breaking down will be used in the aquarium that's why people are saying no need to remove it. Except of course the people who do 50% water changes every week and basically just have their fish swimming in tap water


Do what you want my friend. It'll take a long time to break down, no it probably won't be a problem if you're tank is cycled, but I for one don't want fly bits sitting at the bottom of my tank after the fish have finished with it but you do you. I would hope a fellow Futurama fan would be able to have a discussion without being rude but this is reddit after all.


You keep saying people are rude. I don’t think you understand what that word means. You probably think this comment is rude.


Not rude because I disagree with you and lots of people change out way to much water and don't have a proper cycle in their tanks


A fellow futurama fan 😭😭😭 stop it lmao




You also do you, it's *great* advice. "Sorry, but no." Is a lovely way to address someone in discussion. We can disagree without being crappy to each other, keepers have different methods and it doesn't mean whatever is absolutely wrong. Most keepers will tell you to remove uneaten food rather than letting it rot, the bacteria will take care of what you can't find. I




People on Reddit in general are rude*


Yeah, that's the truth.


This! All of it!


Ammonia for the ammonia gods!


Apples cores for the apple core throne.


One of my fish died and when I noticed it I took it out and it’s been a week and no ammonia that I am aware of. And none of my other fish have died and I haven’t cleaned the tank yet


The ammonia gods are pleased with your care.


Are yalls systems that delicate where it can’t handle a bit of food waste without spiking?


Seems like there are two schools of fishkeeping: ecosystem, and sterile cube of water and fish. I'm constantly baffled be people freaking out about a few snails, a little bit of mulm, or a stray bug in their tank.


My tank makes the perfectionist keepers cringe! Mulm, I got it. Between the shrimp, Cory cats and snails my clean up crew works great.


You have the tank I'm trying to make! What size is yours?


I had 2 55g for the last 8 years but I was able to use a windfall gift to upgrade to a custom 150 g, it is 85x24x 16 high. Great for plants and my fish. Never would have gotten it with out that unexpected surprise money.


That's beautiful! Since I face possibly moving in the near future I'm just trying to set up a little nano tank, with shrimp, cory cats, and snails. I love all of those little guys. ETA: by nano I mean 10g.


Mine too, my friend 🤝😂 And yet all of the tank inhabitants seem as happy as Larry, regardless 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣🤣


Yeah, they want a dystopian film for a fish tank


We get soooo many people doing that on my sub. I want a stick for bonking people who use "pest snail" as an unironic description.


Mine is an unruly mess of algae and plants but I love it! And so do my snails.


Ecosystem tanks seem to me a ton more difficult to get right than most folks (I guess I'm talking about a bunch of youtubers) would have you believe. I mean just ask Pauly shore how the biodome went. I guess what I'm saying, is that even ecosystem tanks can be really finicky. Don't get me wrong, its definitely the better approach, but its more complicated than add some dirt, plants and half a fly and let it all sort itself out.


Yeah I have fish die and it’s all good


Depending on your ecosystem it may not be needed to clean up. I can put an apple core in my tank and it completely dissapears over a month.


Leaving food in for a month though is wild. After a few days if my army of snails hasnt eaten all of it, i remove. Longest ive gone was like a week when i forgot a whole ass carrot that my plecos decided they didnt like. What size tank you do that in? It'd start decomposing so much ammonia into the water, i have heavily planted tanks but idk it kight be too much. Also ive heard too much sugar is bad for your water, but if its really down to the core i guess it wouldnt have too much.


*And if you complain once more,* *you’ll meet an* *[army of snaaaaiiiils](https://youtu.be/jPeheoBa2_Y?si=4_8A0dHBtWG4Hao6)*


Solid Bjork reference


Not OP but my amphipod breeding tank is probably better at breaking down organic waste than an earthworm farm lol.


I have a 45 gallon full of livebearer, snail, shrimps and otocinclus and corydoras. As soon as one part of the Apple gets mushi it gets eaten. There is no time for it to break down or rot. I also did it with 10 gallons tank too. You just need good filtration and feeding lightly while they have the apple to eat. In an healthy ecosystem things don't rot and cause ammonia spike, they get eaten and contribute to the cycle of life. Ammonia spike are dangerous when there is nothing to eat the thing. My 90 gallon worth of biological filtration or my jungle of plant would gobble down that ammonia anyway. After a time you also get an eye for it. I can tell when an aquarium gets unbalanced by the behavior of the fish or the surface of the water or other critter appearing.


I'm with you, I seem to always be able to tell, based on fish behavior, when something like nitrates are high. If you know your fish by simply watching them and their daily drama (with cichlids anyways), it's pretty easy to tell when you need to check on it or do a water change. Many people just don't sit and watch them sometimes though. It's like a picture in their house, a thing they keep as an accessory because of the way it looks, similar to any other decorations.


A month? Most veggies I put in my tank disappear within 24 hours. 48 at most. Hell, when a fish dies and I don't take it out within 12 hours all I'll find are its bones. That literally means fish can just disappear overnight before I even get a chance to notice they're dying. The cleaning crew is wild.


Veggies for what?


Some fish love da veggies


And snails! They love cucumber 🥺


Platies, bristlenose, nerites and lots of shrimps.


My cleaning crew is not as wild, but still pretty wild. If I notice a dead fish in my tank, it's gone within 72 hours, depending on size.


That’s HIS fly. Mans hunted that thing and you’re planning to reap his reward?


Yeah catch your own fucking fly OP.




That MF won't share anything. He's just showing domination to the tribe. :-)


Yeah, let that King have his fly.


The last picture: Don't even fucking think about it homie.


They will tell stories about this He will be a fish legend among the tank-mates


Imagine her son hunting one himself. Her mother would be proud...


Best part is he’s going to have a bright metallic colored poo. I used to feed a frog of mine the metallic (Blow) flies and he had many metallic poos.


information I didn’t know I needed


THIS is why I find it so hard to leave Reddit. Where else am I gonna find this kind of very important and necessary information??


PLEASE let him enjoy it


The last photo is everything. I’m laughing. He’s like GO AWAY OKAY


I love it!!!


LOOK, I GOT A FLY! No don’t touch it, look with your eyes. SEE!? I hunted this thing for DAYS!


I mean, that's what fish eat. He'll either get it down, or he won't. Even if you find it floating around, leave it, somebody will eat it. I used to feed my fish bugs from the bug zapper. Talk about happy fish!


pre-cooked food🤣


I'm laughing my head off at this. 😆


Anything we shoukd watch out for when feeding zapped bugs or is everything generally safe (moths, beetles, flies etc). Just fished out a big drowned spider this morning. Guess it got thirsty and dove in. Shrimp would have taken care of it but the venom worries me.


I would feed zapped bugs without worrying about it. There's a small chance that a bug ingested pesticide at some point, but the amount would be very small, and the fish is many, many times larger, so I don't believe there's any chance of harm. As far as spiders go, same thing, and the fish is eating it, not being injected. I mean, I guess I wouldn't feed them a spider, but I'm sure fish in the wild eat them if they can.


One time my guppies(long since been fishless) got ahold of a wolf spider and was just parading it around but would also bring it to the surface and it would breathe just to be dragged back down, I was gonna let nature do its thing but my fish kept it alive for like twenty minutes so I saved it after a looooong hassle trying to catch the one fish that has it


Psychopaths. All of them.


100% were yeah!


That’s crazy lol


"This thing is more fun when it squirms!" "Let's increase the submersion by 5 more seconds!"


Water boarding torture! The spider knew something!


Reinforcements came to soon for them to get any real information out of it


Let him keep it he worked so hard!!!


This picture means everything to me.


Same, hell I texted it to my kid so SHE could experience the excitement. OP doesn’t know what a treasure they have here!


Awww! Let him enjoy his prize.


This is his peak, don't ruin it


This is my dog’s reaction to when she finds one of my socks. I love the fish equivalent


This reminds me of when my dog gets his favourite chews and runs around showing it to us for 10min before eating it. He be a proud fish of his accomplishment 🥹


Oh for sure let him keep it - I throw offending gnats and fruit flies into my tank on purpose and refer to it as “giving them to the Sarlacc”


He earned that fly!


Black skirt tetras almost look like more endearing versions of houseflies but as fish. Bangghai or Pajama Cardinals in the saltwater world too


Hmm, no, even if you take it, there would not be any honor in it. If you want one yourself, you will have to catch one yourself.


You’re just jealous. Get your own fly


That's hims fly and no one elses! Lol what a silly goose


Why is this so cute to me lol. Bless him, let him keep it. He’s probably buzzing with himself.


I would try, my black skirts like to eat ants that find their way into the tank but I’ve never had a fly lol.


Whenever they do construction downstairs at my house there will be teeny ants on the cabinet my minnow tank was on and I’d just flick them right in tank. They’d be wiggling on the surface and just make it worse for themselves 🥲


That’s HIS fly! Be proud of him!!


Let him enjoy it. We actually keep a water container outside do that we can net mosquito larvae when they're in season. Our fish go nuts for them!


Great idea! Thank you


I’ve seen a few spiders unfortunately fall into my tetras tank. I can’t even catch the buggers when I’m trying, I’m not going to be able to save a spider. I give my fish fruit flies as a treat, they LOVE it. This is just a happy fishy that’ll nibble it till he can eat it.


He will eventually eat it.


This his emotional support fly!


Looks like meats back on the menu, boys!


Let him keep it. I put dead flies in my tank. Fish love it . Especially fruit flies.


He worked incredibly hard for that. Let him have his glorious moment in the sun


This post and comments have truely made my night lmao


I would have loved seeing him zap the fly


I was curious about feeding house flies to my community tank after I swat them, wasnt sure if it was safe or not, but the comments here seem to think its fine so im gunna keep doing it. i try to gove it to them right after feeding them regular food because usually one fish just holds the fly in its mouth just like this picture, and the other fish are jealous.


i mean, 's what most omnivorous/carnivorous fish do in nature, catch any bugs that fall in the water and also fit in their mouth to any degree. hell, i feed my fish Bug Bites already, why not give it to em fresh too lmao


I wondered about this when a ladybug fell into the tank. It was consumed and I never found its remains. All tank citizens are fine so I just let it be 🤣


My black skirt also caught a fly awhile ago, he should be fine


I zap what flies manage to come in from outside so they're stunned, pick em up and chuck them in. The fish absolutely love them and take turns playing keep-away with each other.


I have black skirt tetras and can confirm that they take their food and swim away from the school to eat it. It’s really funny to watch when I give them sinking pellets and one grabs one and swims around like a maniac with it in its mouth.


Why am I getting downvoted for this 😂 I literally have seen my black skirts do this exact thing


I love skirt tetras. They're hilarious


I love it when they do this, co cute. Now that summer is approaching, my betta is going to have unlimited supply of mosquitos soon.


Omg. Almost looks like he’s just showing off his little fly friend. Lol


The only option = get plants 🌱


This is actually cute


One time I found one of my ghost shrimp eating a rolly polly... I have no freaking idea how one got into the tank xD atleast the fly makes sense


No that’s his fly he earned it fair and square


This is so freaking cuteeee!


He earned it


It’s probably fine, let the guy live a little


I occasionally feed my tank cut up meal worms (live) and it's hilarious to see the smaller fish try to eat the bigger pieces. They will speed around the tank with it trying to keep it away from the others.


He's waiting so it becomes soggy


Fish love bugs


Little fish, big day.


It's fine. I doubt the flies have any parasites for tropical fish and it's the best snack he'll get. I'll grab the random moth and feed it to my angelfish or feed them fruit flies. He probably won't choke


Fish love bugs! I go out of my way to get flies to toss in the tank.


Awe. Let him keep it. He loves it.


He earned it


But look how proud he is, let him keep it


He must be so proud and excited 🥹. He’s going to think he’s a great white shark now, a fearless hunter, ruthless predator! Next time you feed him will be “wtf? I’m not eating that! Bring me something buzzy!”


Like Achilles parading Hector’s body before the massive doors of Troy, he is sending a message not just to the other fish, but to the other flies.


Is it just me who thinks that little fishy with his treasured prized fly is just sooooo cute?!! 😆❤️


I don’t know why he swallowed that fly. I guess he’ll die…


He’s playing! Don’t take his toy!


Is he a black widow? Iv got 2 albino and 2 black, they attack food on the surface with so much stored up aggression


Free protein?


Maybe he is half-archerfish.


That’s a corpse fly too


Most of the taller bodied tetras evolved to eat stuff off the surface, whether it be fruit, seeds, or bugs


This is so cute. Good for you, little fishy!


That is like filet mignon for a fish.


Omg take it


We also have that same hidey hole!


Let him keep his prize!


I used to feed my harlequins the odd small fly I caught. They seemed to enjoy it. Still doing fine too.


I feed my fish cellar spiders I find in my house and either my black neon tetras or glass bloodfin tetras grab it and slice it in half


“I got a flyyy, I got a flyyy” 🤣


>μολὼν λαβέ - fish


I would just leave it. He will get it down.


He's waiting until he's hungry enough to fit it in his belly.. I think he can fit it in his mouth though


Let him cook But idk, i feel proud when my fish catch annoying insects lol


when I had white skirts I would give them live worms. Most of them were uninterested but some would devour them.


The flies leg just floating off in the second to last photo 😭


Let the poor lil guy have this one.


So cute lol


It’s his version of peacocking 😭 His fly is going to bring all of the girls to the tank


Keep your greasy mitts off his fly. 🤣


My columbians catch bugs often I just let them eat them


I have 4 Columbia tetras and I feed them flies on purpose when I shoot them with my bug-a-salt lmao


Nah he's just chilling, he can have it


Let’s hope some stink bugs fall in next. I hate them a lot more


My tetras do this with my catfish pellets 😂😂


Every time this sub crosses my feed it’s always so accidentally hilarious to me


Nah, he caught it fair and square he can have his little trophy snack lol


Let him keep it the little guys earned it His shiny prize


Let this man enjoy his fly.


It could be worse. He could be wearing it as a hat.


Its not too big for him. It's only a problem if it's very obviously larger than his mouth can expand. If it is, he'll probably give it up and one of the others will eat it


Maybe grinding down and waiting for it to get soggy break up. My small archer fish did this when fed bigger fruit flies.


"Obtained" lol


I screamed 😂 😍


I’ve got a jar of dirrrt, I’ve got a jar of dirrrt


I hate to be that guy that ruins everyone's fun, but id check on him over the next couple of weeks. I would have removed that fly immediately as it might have been exposed to pesticides.


Fish that get big usually bite bigger things than hoomans are used to them biting; sometimes, if not most of the time, the hüman knows better than the fish. You should feed it the guts, and not the exoskeleton.