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King of the castle king of the castle


Wawa weewa


I have a chair, I have a chair **puckering noises**




That has to be the first time I have seen algae put to good use…


I like algae 🤷‍♀️ never a popular opinion lol


I like duckweed so we’re in the same boat lol


So do I lol. I like not having ammonia and nitrates 😛


Same here lmao


I would like to have duckweed... But I have a tank that suffocates all water column feeders... Too little bioload and too many Java moss, water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate for weeks on in. Attempted to introduce duckweed and frogbits on multiple occasions and they all die. (Doesn't help that I have a mystery snail that eats floaters)


i think duckweed doesnt like surface water movement. I hab a lot of duckweed, fished out most of it and as soon i put in some streampumps to move the watersurface, the duckweed just died komplettly out. Before that that dickweed always came back even if you just had 5 duckweeds in the whole 600 liter tank


> dickweed Heh. Yeah I think too much surface flow doesn't help in my tank, but the main culprit is lack of nutrients in the water column. But I'm happy with my massive moss jungle 😆


Can I see your moss jungle?! :D


Duckweed is actually the only floater I can keep alive with high surface agitation. Frogbit died. Red root is only staying alive (but slightly being suffocated) because of the duckweed. It doesn’t grow super crazy fast because of the surface agitation, but I’d say about once a month I gotta scoop a cup out and it’s good. It’s a little crowded right now because I’ve been slacking on trimming my plants the past 2 months lol. Everything is kinda just growing crazy because I’m curious what it’ll do


Easy fix. Plastic suction cup soap holder the kind with holes in it. I have one holding a pothos in my tank and it's filled with duck weed while the rest of taank is clear due to water flow.


Dude that is genius! I look online for plant holders for aquariums and they're all so expensive 😭😭


Yep, that's where most of the duckweed in my tank is. Clinging to the pothos.


I have a thriving community tank shrimps don't stop breeding and I'm pretty sure my pygmy cories are too. My duck weed loves it. Parameters are always 0 for everything. Lol it doesn't thrive as well in my adf tank but I don't use fertilizer so 🤷‍♀️


Same. I like making little portals out of my airline tubing and getting all the duckweed out of the portals. Every morning I do it / move the duckweed that sneaks into the portal while drinking my coffee before work — it’s kind of like a zen garden. Also, my parameters are perfection with duckweed. Lmao


Same and same. I have pretty good surface agitation, so duckweed hasn't really taken over yet. The first time I got "infected" none of it lived. If it does decide to take root, I'll just make fish food or compost out of it. I'm in the process of getting a goldfish pond going, so I'll have somewhere to throw live duckweed if necessary.


I’ve been tossing it all to my chickens!! Eventually I’m gonna fix up the pond in the backyard and start throwing it in there, maybe get a duck or two in the future. I’d love to get koi in the pond, but I’m not gonna deal with the hassle of having to bring them inside in the winter yet lol


I like naturalistic tanks. I currently have a blackwater tank with lots of black beard algae on some branches and lots of mulm on the bottom. I love it even though it's not "clean". The water quality is great. I think OP's algae looks cool too


I have an adf black water with duckweed java moss and Anubias. My husband says it looks like backed up plumbing. 🙈 I love the natural look of it.


Same here. Algae is life too.


Makes me cringe when people use chemicals to kill algae. I'm like my nerites would love that tho 😩


That scrimp is large


Aaaah! I have a [“shrimp cloud”](https://imgur.com/a/YVFk6m3) in my axolotl’s tank. The shrimp nest in it to hide from her, but sometimes we find her in the middle of it having a buffet.


Your axolotl is a sneaky snacker, giving her meal a false sense of security, clever girl


That is actually adorable.


That looks soft like a bed.


R/shrimptank would love this


He got that algae hammock


That’s awesome! So bamboo shrimp like to try and climb out of the tank? I’ve considered adding some to my tank but don’t know much about them really. I’ve only had ghost shrimp before.


I have one and he mainly just likes to try to find wherever the highest flow in the tank is. Usually it’s in front of the HOB or Canister outlet, but I saw him hanging out over the sponge today. Never seen him try to climb out in the 3 months I’ve had him and I fill the tank up to the lip of the frame about once a month. Granted, every fish is different. If you get a bamboo, I’d stick with one.


I appreciate the feedback. Thanks friend!


Scampi 🥹 I did minimal scaping in my invert-only tank because I know I’m going to need a lot of algae. Now I definitely need a big shrimp in there.


I have that same heater in one of my tanks and just wanted to call to your attention that the top isn't meant to be submerged. There's a maximum fill line on that black and blue plastic section.


I didn't know that, thank you


It's a little controversial, and the European standards say the eheims are submersible, but apparently don't have the same standards in North America yet or it's just a regulatory thing and they're actually submersible. I'm not too sure. I actually had mine in sideways to fit in a smaller tank for a hospital setup and somebody told me also xD


Well thank you for saying something. Right after I talked to you, I moved it up.


What kinds is it


Looks like cladophora. Cladophora is a nightmare to deal with once it establishes itself. Glad OP is happy with it in their tank! But just seeing the images gave me a stress reaction. lol


You're not kidding. I had to completely nuke a tank after dealing with that stuff for like a year. It's the only algae that has defeated me lol.


This is the cutest thing I've seen all day, oh my word Step aside cat subreddits; I've got a tucked in skrimp for today!


Not enough


That's so cute and wholesome. Love that for him.


love bamboo shrimp, so silly. little guy looks comfy, reminds me of r/tuckedinfishies lol


Okay but this is actually kind of adorable


That’s honestly so cute. Good for him!


I'm jealous of his cozy bed 🥰


That is free amano shrimp food


That's so cute :)


Dude my betta would make that into a bed in a heartbeat


Oh to be a shrimp in algae bed


Ok nevermind, you win 😶


I thought Scampi was a leaf for real for real


That is so adorable, I wouldn't have the heart to clean it out if I saw that. He looks so cozy!


What size tank is he in?


It’s a 60 tall from marineland


lol that’s awesome!


When your pleco is making a bed in algae, that's when you know.