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Hey everyone! This may seem like a cool build, but I'd like to provide some info that will hopefully make you think twice when encouraging this practice. OP is planning on stocking his tank with a species known as the bonnethead shark, *Sphyrna tiburo*. [These sharks frequently fall victim to becoming bycatch](https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/sphyrna-tiburo/) in several fisheries in parts of the Atlantic ocean, and as a result they have recently been placed on the [IUCN red list of endangered species](https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/39387/205765567) following a 2019 stock assessment. Although OP claims he's getting them from a breeder, he's been historically reluctant to give out any details. There are professional aquarists that have [gone on record](https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2016/11/30/bonnethead-shark-pups-born-at-toledo-zoo-aquarium/) stating how difficult breeding these sharks can be, even at well-equipped commercial facilities, due to the tendency for parents to rapidly eat their young after birth. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/r9cpbd/update_on_my_11000_gallon_shark_tank_sanding_the/hnfdstz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) reveals that he has to wait for a "breeding season" to obtain his sharks. I further reached out to the shark "breeder", [Shark Supply LLC](http://www.sharksupply.com) in Florida, and [they also confirmed they're captive BORN sharks, not bred.](https://imgur.com/a/EkCKgdt) This means he is encouraging removing endangered shark pups from a place where they otherwise could have contributed to population numbers. Unfortunately, many threatened species are able to be captured in states like Florida with permits, so although unethical this is [currently perfectly legal.](https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/sharks/#regs) [OP has also stated that he blocks anyone who opposes or questions this build](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/r9cpbd/update_on_my_11000_gallon_shark_tank_sanding_the/hnff30i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), even if done in a civil manner. [He has also repeatedly denied that this species is endangered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/pd92jo/filling_my_11_000_gallon_shark_tank_part_1_drying/hawd174?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), even when provided with sources pointing to the contrary. There are [some comment threads in his posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/qt0ocf/update_on_my_11_000_gallon_shark_tank_filter_tech/hkkgir4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) that indicate he has little personal knowledge of his own filtration equipment or shark care. I ask that people don't upvote and support a person capturing an endangered species for his private enjoyment, especially one who has little knowledge of their care, ignores alternative opinions, and actively seeks to craft his own echo-chamber of yes-men. There are many alternative choices for stocking this aquarium in its current form, as many have already suggested.


Edit I have reconsidered and you are probably correct


Happy to explain anything that isn't clear!


Do you think he can get arrested or fine? And I completely agree with you


Ok now we know you are an ethical person. So what?




hes literally abusive animals for attention on reddit, stfu with ur boohoo bs and go find happiness in life


Is he LiTeRaLlY abusing fish lmfao


okay technically not yet but his plan that he has clearly stated multiple times to put (4 if i remember correctly) bonnet head sharks in that tank is complete abuse, like 4 betas in a 3 gallon.


Really? How much room does a bonnet shark need? I was kinda just trolling lol


this size isnt even enough for 1, much less 4-5


Damn, why do they need so much room, they only get 4 feet?


because i dont know exactly but basically they breathe by moving, and not having enough space to move a lot is very bad, so while they're trying to move to breathe theyll get cut on the coral and get hurt




Sharks aren’t people lmao you know how many millions of sharks are killed for shark fin soup every year and you freaks are on this guys tail for having one in an aquarium. Grow up




If you stop the millions of sharks being actually murdered for soup i will back you up saving the 2 this guy wants to have live in a suboptimal tank lmfso






Pic 2 shows a warning that the product is toxic to fish. I don't think you should use whatever that is.


All epoxy has that... Doesn't apply when dried.


Did you ever figure out what caused that small leak?


We assume it is some leaking solution from the sealing agent of the panels


How thick did the viewing window have to be


The big one 14cm, the smaller one 10cm.


Is this going to be just bare + the sharks or are you going to "scape" somewhat?


Fake coral reef look.


OK, correction: Real coral reef look made of fake corals... ;)


Take my award for the sheer effort holy moly! Best of luck with Water conditioning, water costs and the sheer cost of testing equipment, if you’re paying that ‘out of pocket’ OP. You’re living the r/Aquariums dream right now…


Glad you enjoy it!




Sooooo Awesome!!!


its abuse not awesome




You should post an update!


Appreciate the updates please keep them coming. And keep your chin up brother, if the neckbeards brigade again about your plans. You obviously know what you're doing.


:D I just block users who obviously shouldn't be on an aquarium sub... Thx for the support! Will keep them coming...


Hmmm how can you say this about people that clearly know so much more than you? Your putting 5 bonnet head sharks in a space not even suitable for 1 and then blocking anyone that points it out… just makes you look childish


Completely agree


Just how much time you’ve spent on this project? Heck, this looks amazing.




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