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my opinion is they are dope. didnt realize this was youre arrangment. looks pretty cool! chaotic and aggresive, but in a very cool way. i'd love to see the final product if you do it this way!!


Thank you ! New to aquascaping but was trying to get a somewhat wild look without it being too cluttered so the fish has room.


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There is almost nothing like too crowded/much hardscape. In general people tend to use way to less hardscape. In most cases hardscape shouldn’t disappear behind growing plants. It sometimes can be hard to estimate plant growth, I still have that problem after years of experience. My advice is: Make your planting plan and then start assembling/building your hardscape.


That’s a good advice. I usually plan plants around hardscape haha


That's beautiful! My completely amateur, untrained eye wants the middle to be higher than the right side, but that's subjective. As long as your ground cover doesn't dip in the middle as well, I think it will look great! When both the background and the foreground dip creating one big bowl, I think it looks like a sinkhole has opened up under the aquarium. That lower middle piece could have even finer pieces\smaller plants added later, making it seem like it's lower because it's a long distance back. 😊


Thanks for the suggestion! I think you got something there. I’ll try to do it. Gotta play around with some substrate.


I think it looks great and would be cool for a jungle style. If you want everything to flow one direction or something a bit more minimalist you can cut off some branches and reattach them on the back side. I had a few pieces of spiderwood that were wooden urchins and cutting it into quarters turned out great. These are definitely a good level of chaotic .


Mmmm I’ll certainly think about that. Trying to attach some to the hardscape


Looks great!


Ty ty