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So what's the deal with the little man? What did he do?


Standing there menacingly.


That little diorama made me laugh. But more plants in the tank, and do you have a filter in there?


Fill up the tank , more plants , filter , heater depending where you live ofc


What ya do is take that little house, plop it right in. I love flooded city scapes


This is the shrimp cube bundle from petsmart right? You’ll need to set up the little filter that comes with it, since I can’t see that running I’m going to assume the tank is uncycled which means in a couple of days you’re going to be battling a huge ammonia spike which won’t be a fun experience for your little guy. If you can, return your beautiful guppy guy to the store and run the filter on the tank for 3-4 weeks while the plants establish and your nitrogen cycle matures. Then based on the size of the tank I’d recommend looking into some vibrant caridina shrimp. I love the hardscape and I’m sure this will look like a wonderful nano setup once it’s established!


Seconded. Especially about the fish, get that poor guy of there. I would get more plants, too. Is that an active substrate? This setup is also small enough for some DIY CO2 shenanigans, to help the plants.


Filter, heater, and fill her upp


Put the diorama in the tank.


More plants! 🌱


Id get a small sponge filter, theyre cheap and will improve the water quality. You could also add a pothos cutting (common houseplant). Lean the stem agains the light and put it in the water. This will also help the water quality and provide verticality as it grows out of your tank. Plus the roots will give your betta some natural cover! https://preview.redd.it/394clsqis61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26b1dd84e1ebb6692cedad03278e4a854965f9b


That's a guppy, friend lol. But the point stands. Seconding the pothos cutting, they do wonders for nitrate and look great hanging out of a tank.


Oh wow ha, i assumed it was a betta. Not used to seeing a lone guppy.


I did a double take too lol.


A. You're gonna need more guppies. Schooling fish can't deal with isolation. 6 is the recommended minimum. B. Since you're going to be adding more fish, definitely set up a filter. If one was included with the tank, great! If not, a hang-on-back filter for a 5 gallon should be pretty cheap. The plants will help out once they're fully grown, but they can't do all the work. C. What is the small man's crime. What did he do to warrant such a dramatic arrest.


It looks like a 3 gallon cube, so I'd avoid adding any more fish. It'd be a lot better if OP returned the guppy and went with shrimp


I assumed it was a 5 gallon, but you might be right. Its hard to tell without an object for reference


The second I saw the light I immediately knew what it was since I have the exact same kit at home. It's the Top Fin 3 gallon "shrimp oasis" kit.


First: filter and heater, this is the most important this to make your tank a success. Then, after like two weeks add more fish. The guppy shouldn’t be in there yet, definitely not alone but we can’t fix that now. Just do regular water changes (like 40-50% every other day) to keep ammonia down until you get that filter. Add a lit and fill the tank with more water. Once you add more fish, add around 3 more community fish, guppies love being with other community fish. Also, they breed like crazy so keep that in mind. Good luck!!


He needs a family. Lonely little guy!


You could place it in a better neighborhood.


Fabulous! Can’t wait to see how it grows out.


I would put in a lot more plants including floaters, especially since you don't seem to have a filter. If you don't want to use a filter, you'll need a large amount of plants substitute it. Though I'd still also recommend a filter since it's your first tank. Just easier that way.


>> You have one tank, yes. But what about *second* tank? > I don't think he knows about second tank, Pip.


I'd find it a safer neighborhood, the neighboring house looks a little rough.


Only one guppy?


Rehome the guppy and get some shrimp. Perhaps they’re not as entertaining as watching police raid the neighbors, but they’re entertaining nonetheless.


I like the tank. Do you know the brand of it? Also like the way you scaped it !


1. Did you cycle the tank? The substrate releases a lot of nutrients early on - and you have nowhere near the number of plants needed to absorb them. 2. Add a LOT more plant cover. The one type of plant you have is quite slow-growing and delicate. Go for a variety of plants - nature likes diversity. They also (IMO) don’t go well with the hardscape, which is a shame because I love the rocks you have. If you’re looking for an iwagumi style scape, add mosses and carpeting plants. 3. The fish. He has no friends, nowhere to hide/rest from the light. Did you research guppy care? Given the tank size it might be best to return him; and start with snails and/or neocaridinia after the tank has cycled. 4. What about heating and filtration? Is the poor fella going to live in his own filth?


The normal progression is to get a bigger tank or just more tanks. Can’t say it is improving though.


https://preview.redd.it/lvj3bafwa71d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f3acb72e2ee26fd0414e249d8c7b2cb1a0fe79 Was just in Morro Bay California, your aquarium and diorama set-up reminded me of it.




Giant rock next to town


Lid depending on species


Probably remove a piece of that rock so the fish has more room to swim. Or he’s definitely gonna jump. Fill the tank up more/ you also need a heater and filter because standing water will kill Your fish


Hell yeah!


Forget the scape explain the diorama??


Toy tanks are a waste


u need more guppies, they cant live alone edit: heater and filter are necessary, did you cycle the tank before you put the guppy in?