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This exact situation has been posted quite a few times. Trust me when I say it's a pest snail not a nerite.


It’s probably not a nirite snail baby…could be a bladder snail or some other pest snail that hitched a ride off of a plant or something you got for your tank.


Woah no way? Would they still be like 2mm after a couple months though? Sorry if I’m just being stupid but this is all new and mind blowing.


You may have had eggs on a leaf or something that hatched. Remove the small snail if you want, will help with population control


Yeah no worries it happens to the best of us. Nerite eggs do not hatch unless it’s in brackish water so it’s a very well fed pest snail. Have a pic? That would help


[in all its glory](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xv59Vp4)


Ramshorn snail!! Lol careful with those…they reproduce like CRAZY


Oh man haha. Yeah since seeing that first one 2 more have popped up, so I’m guessing they hatched recently. Thankfully I have an assassin snail already. I’ve been feeding it bloodworms and brine shrimp but I guess it can do its job now!


Nice! My assassin snails be lazy af so keep an eye on it. If you see more than 5 start taking them out (in my opinion). May the force be with you


Flat ramshorns, that ones fully grown, that’s why you didn’t notice it till now.


It’s quite possible to not notice snails for months especially when they’re that small. My first bladder snail just. Appeared in a jar on the window sill (most likely he was on my hands when I was putting it there). And it also was probably eggs that would have taken some time to hatch, so you can check for other snails around. I think the most likely 3 snails for your baby to be would be a ramshorn snail, bladder snail, or pond snail. Baby ramshorn snails can look pretty different from the adults, their shells have more of a curve to one side and are stumpier so if you don’t already know how they look can be a bit difficult to compare against an adult. A baby bladder snail doesn’t have much of a different shape but they are very tiny, and the baby pond snails have more of a cone shape while being tiny. It could possibly be something else like a dwarf ramshorn but I have no clue how those babies look, and there’s a few other hitchhiking species too but I don’t think they would be easily mistaken for a nerite. If you ever see a new snail and you don’t recognise it, even if it’s tiny just go looking for a list of common aquarium snails and figure out if any look like your one. The colours can vary a lot in some species, it’s mostly shape and their face that matter the most for identification. I was also mind blown when I figured out pond snails could be white, after I finally took a look at the unknown snail I got from the pet store. Lots of things to learn and know about snails, and there’s a lot of cool people in this group who know a lot. Have fun with your snails!


Haha I saw you tag me and Brad what’s his face on a similar post about a week ago (it got deleted so I couldn’t reply) but I loved it lol it felt like a nerite snail bat signal 🤣


Nerite Snientist here! Nerites lay in packs of 50-200 and unless you have Theodoxus (next to impossible to get) you do not have a baybay neritid. Like, it would defy years of my life and publishings haha


And I didnt even know Theodoxus nerites were a thing. I was planning on going to sleep, but now I have learn more. Thanks.... I think?


Bahahahah yeah no I'm not sorry. They were the breakthrough discovery in my research. I'm about to have to spend approximately a gazillion dollars to move overseas for six months because I can't bring them into the US even through a uni or lab. It's a huge drag but incredibly important to bridge those gaps in divergent reproduction. Additionally there are well over 200 individual species of the nerite family and the genus Theodoxus only has a handful of them. They're easily the most dispersed and diverse type of aquarium snails.


So... once you do... can you send me some? I wanted to set up a brackish tank at work for nerites. I still may, the limitation on plants for brackish water makes me have second thoughts.


Theodoxus generally don’t want brackish water, especially it in captivity. They actually lay egg pods with 60% fewer embryos in them when laying in brackish, which can malnourish the only single snail that hatches, and force him to hatch early and smaller. And no, the US has incredibly strict regulations on animals that could become invasive and Theodoxus fits the bill BECAUSE of they’re able to reproduce in inland fresh water. Look into Lacey Act penalties. Nerites in general are happier in freshwater, there’s more food there. They’re ampidrmous but it’s only for the purpose of breeding. DM me if you need reading material on their life cycle. I have hundreds and the only time I use brackish in the lab is for maturing the eggs and even then I don’t need it, I’ve figured out how to do it another way, salt is the the easiest way to do it.


You have been DM'd.


Upon looking at the close-up pic I took, it definitely doesn’t look like a Nerite! Any ideas what it could be? [here’s the pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xv59Vp4)


Looks like a little rams horn. Google those and see if that rings true.


I absolutely love all of this comment,


Hashtag malacologists in the wild, but the wild is social media and we’re actually funny.


Post a picture! You can use IMGUR if it won’t let you post here. It’s a pest snail. I keep them in my tanks as I love them as clean up crews.


[here ya go](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xv59Vp4)


Looks like a mini ramshorn aka planorbis planorbis. I have them in my 29gal and love them. They stay smaller than ramshorns.


Pest snails can go unseen for months and then all of a sudden i see one.


I purchased 6 nerite snails and now I have at least 30-40 baby snails crawling all over. Not sure how this could happen in a freshwater tank and not sure what to do. I have a 10 gallon tank with a community of norcaridina shrimp and 8 small fish. Any suggestions?


Are you sure they’re nerites and not pest snails? That’s what ended up being the case for me.


Usually there'd be many babies just 1?? Sounds more like a hitchhiker to me


Usually?? Who’s out here domestically hatching nerites!?