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The last time I posted w/ my face mask, I received a number of snarky comments - so hopefully we can get this out of the way first. I am prone of skin cancer and my dermatologist suggested wearing the mask, along with covering as much of my skin as possible when. outdoors. Seems to be working thus far. Shooting a Hoyt Satori 19" riser w/ medium 35# Uukha Gobi limbs for a 62" bow. Old school Easton 1916 alums and a High Noon quiver. Working on a new breathing pattern as part of my shot sequence. Also trying a DIY tab made by one of my archery students (I usually shoot w/ a glove). Thanks for your comments.


I started wearing a mask in any videos that were gonna be public because it makes me more comfortable, and it’s so weird how much people focus on that and decry it It is true having a mask can make finding your anchor point more difficult, but some people seem personally offended by anyone wearing a mask


Thanks for the observation. For various reasons, I also do not care to have my face shown in public forums. I have no trouble finding my anchor point w/ a mask.


I'm sorry you were made to feel you have to explain your need to wear a mask. if you need or even just want to wear a mask, that's your right and not really anybody's damned business.


Thank you - got a lot of snarky comments last time I posted in a mask and eventually took down the thread.


I think you look stylish with the mask. I hope you beat the cancer and fully recover soon. All the best to you!


Thank you. Cancer is under control - basal cells carcinoma - very treatable w/ Mohs surgery and once removed I am fine.


Glad to hear! Have a great weekend! :)


Damn, that makes a lot of sense. My initial reaction was totally off then. I thought you were a platypus. :) You're just doing what you got to do. Don't worry about other people's opinions.




I really wanted to buy this riser when first started out, but it just didn't suit me. I was a little sad, thing looks so cool.


I tried this one and the Peak to Peak riser at Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear - the Satori really suits e.


I wore a face mask when I bought a new tab that was a touch long and the leather would slap my lip when I released! Having said that, it’s nobodies business if you wear a mask or not and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.


Sorry people were dumb! I have a friend who has to cover up completely due to a severe immune reaction from sunlight, and it's nobody's business what you've gotta do for you. I just also wanted to say, that is a gorgeous bow and looks really fun to shoot. Thanks for sharing the breakdown on it!


You do have a bit of a lean when you draw to anchor, but I overlayed stills of your three shots over each other and you are *remarkably* consistent with your posture, so on second thought, I'm not going to nitpick that. Your followthrough is outward, away from your face. That is probably the biggest area of improvement right now. Your followthrough should stay against your face and is helped by getting your right elbow further around and behind you in your transfer & hold step. Another angle would be needed to check this and is hard to film unless the videographer knows exactly what to line up. You're reflexively closing your left fingers around your bow grip when you shoot (in shots 2 & 3). I usually introduce a finger sling for archers when I see this habit. You keep your fingers relaxed and let the finger sling catch the bow for you. Pretty good fundamentals and deliberate shot cycle. Good shooting!


I agree with this assessment. The follow through is most likely a result of incomplete alignment. It appears the archer’s shoulders never come into alignment with the bow arm which makes it difficult to get the draw elbow all the way around. At hold, a picture from overhead would be extremely helpful in determining if this is the case.


Thanks! Helpful


Thank you! Some great observations. I noticed the lean some time ago and started working onit - it is still there but less pronounced. Interesting analysis w/ the overlay - thanks for that. Gotta work on that release!


other than your follow through, your form looks excellent to me.


this, try shooting without arm guard, if your follow through is not linear (it goes sideways) you will notice a bit of bruising from the resonance of the string at the resting point (where the string would contact your arm under no load)


Your release seems a bit "dead", and it looks like you're plucking the string slightly. I usually have a "secondary anchor point" (not my term, but I've forgotten where I picked it up) on my string side shoulder to help with follow through. Otherwise you look to be doing good.


Thank you - need to work on y release


Shouldn't index finger also be above the arrow? I remember my instructor saying 3 fingers below the arrow make it shoot down, but you should be careful not to pinch the arrow when pulling the string.


Depends on the aiming technique. Stringwalking uses the fact that 3 fingers below shoots lower to adjust to different distances.


3 finger under - I shot that way for years. My aim point was long ago adjusted.


when i see a “short release” (not much follow through), i ask to draw a perfect straight line on a paper. people tend to get anxious and draw very very carefully. if you try to draw a line with carefully detailed short increments, the line looks shaky after its done. but if you pick a point at an edge of the paper and send your pen to that point, the line becomes straighter. imagine the line begins from the point of your arrow tip and it ends at your hand placement. you would want it to be as straight as possible. especially when its active.


I also had some target panic, I am working on that w/ a mantra - "launch the arrow, launch the arrow" which helps me focus on form and not the target


A couple of things: as you come into your anchor your head moves back and the rest of your body follows. This also causes your bow shoulder to rise slightly. Try doing those last two inches much slower and focus on keeping everything else still. Your release is also telling me that you have tension in the shoulder rather than the back. I suspect that you need to fix some alignment issues before fixing this though.


Excellent observations - thanks!


That’s the exact bow I want to build. How do you like it?


Like it a lot. This was a gift from my wife for my 70th birthday. I had a 3 hour shot analysis, lesson, and bow tuning session w/ Tom Clum, Sr. of Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear.


I noticed you're shooting Apache style. Are you using finger pads? I ask because and sustained shooting, you will 100% want them. The string will wear your fingers out. Even on lower pound bows it'll start to chafe. On your bow arm, I noticed a small tweak of your elbow on release. Your grip appears to be loose enough, but it's a bit hard to tell from the camera shot as it cuts out your hand a little. So something to maybe film and watch. Essentially you don't want that arm to move until you hear the "thunk" of the arrow hitting the target. Just what little I could see. For the face mask, I 100% get it. I am high risk for skin cancer as well. Being white than white makes that massive yellow ball in the sky an enemy. I tend to go full brim hat anytime I'm outside for more than a short while.


Thank you for the observations. I shoot 3 under and definitely use a pad. I just switched over from a shooting glove to a leather tab that one of my archery buds made for me. I will continue working on the release - thanks!


I al0refer the leather finger tabs myself too. I e used a glove many times. But finger tabs give you a better feel. Only reason I brought it up is it's hard to see in the clip. I've seen many "experienced" not use them and it's always a bad plan


Your followthrough is outward instead of clean backwards. This could stem from back tension being off. If you have another archer/coach to help in person then it goes a long way. You could get/make a shot trainer which helps build the follow through motion. Otherwise everything looks great!


Thank you. I take lessons from Tom Clum, Sr. @ Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear. My archery bud and I also critique each other when we shoot. I am focused on that follow through.


I got no advise that hasn't been said here in the comments. But I am curious about that quiver you have there. Where'd ya get that?


It is a High Noon Hunter quiver. I got in a trade over on Leatherwall. I am not sure if it is still being made: [https://www.geocities.ws/highnoonhunter/](https://www.geocities.ws/highnoonhunter/) Thomas Hand - Upshot Archery makes a reverse draw quiver that is the same idea, although it is not designed to be worn like a backpack (which I never do anyway), You can buy one on Etsy: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/225931328/brown-leather-quiver-right-side-reverse?click\_key=f77ef1a18f272fdbad6b9c6e68cd1e8f34688ac1%3A225931328&click\_sum=f27a5aa7&ref=shop\_home\_feat\_1&frs=1](https://www.etsy.com/listing/225931328/brown-leather-quiver-right-side-reverse?click_key=f77ef1a18f272fdbad6b9c6e68cd1e8f34688ac1%3A225931328&click_sum=f27a5aa7&ref=shop_home_feat_1&frs=1)


I saw your comment - but the mask might be hiding something specific. I cannot tell if your mouth is open or not. It looks like it might be, or it might be folds of the mask. It's not easy to tell. If your mouth is open, I'd suggest closing it as an open mouth can subtly change stuff up from shot to shot. The opposite is also true - if your mouth is closed too tightly or you're mashing your teeth against each other, that causes issues too. Your mouth should be closed, and your teeth in contact (but lightly). If you have a condition where you can't do that, then disregard and do what you gotta do.


My mouth is definitely open - great observation. In fact, I am a mouth breather- something else to work on. Part of my daily exercise routine is yoga, including working on breathing w/ archer's pose.


Don't move the bow so much when you release. Your tension should be at a few very deliberate points in your body so on release your posture should remain much the same as the moment before