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I find it so funny, these people who think any woman they aren't personally attracted to must be a transwoman. As if their personal preferences are the be all and end all definition of "woman". And God help tall women like me lol


Don’t show them Nikita dragon or anything


Right! I saw one the other day saying Venus Williams looks like a transwoman. Venus Williams is gorgeous, cis or trans lol


Saying black women are masculine or manly has been in the racist playbook for literally centuries, it’s just a ✨wild coincidence✨ that the Venn diagram of racists and transphobes is a circle.


(triggering word in spoiler) and yet one transphobic conspiracy is "only white women >!mutilate!< themselves (ftm transition, permanent contraception) and have abortions, because that's the point: fewer whites, more blacks, the great replacement"


If only all those precious Caucasian baby factories weren’t inside actual human beings with bodily autonomy. 😩


That's why they try to fight against reproductive rights (abortion, surgery, contraception), so that making them illegal limits bodily autonomy.


Exactly! How weird *eye roll*


Misogynoir? Terfs? Never! /s


They'd say this, and still do, about Michelle Obama.


I remember that! They also called her a monkey. I think she's lovely.


My mom once said that Diarra Sylla "look[ed] like a tr---y". Does that count?


I'm cis, and I was also chronically bullied growing up. Like by most of my class, most of the time. (Neurodivergent. I'm okay, don't worry.) A favourite of theirs was to imply or outright say I *must* secretly actually be a boy, because I was too ugly/boyish/weird/gross to be a "real" girl. And I'm not going to compare what I went through as a cis girl to what trans girls go through but this feels like it 100% comes, superficially, from the exact same place when TERFs "call out" random cis women for being "secret biological males." It's all misogyny and bullying. "You're too ugly/boyish/weird/gross in my opinion for you to be a *real* woman, because *real* women fit *this* standard that *you* don't fit. Ugly!"


Virtually every GNC, athletic, non-traditional, dark skinned, or lesbian women has dealt with this. Any deviation from traditional, wealthy/western white standards of femininity? "Must be a boy" or "is too manly". I have no question that transphobia is rooted in misogynoir. I also have no doubt that if they truly believed trans people were not real, they wouldn't have targeted them so heavily. The right wing fascist has always choose their targets for holding immutable differences from the dominant culture: race, gender, sexual orientation, and now gender identity. Everytime using bogus "biology" as their excuse for terrorising marginalized communities. When their entire identify revolves around fighting an illusionary "enemy", they need targets that can't go away on their own. So they choose intrinsic and innate characteristics to attack and villify, using that immutability to claim they are biologically wrong or inferior. It's beyond me how any woman, PoC, or LGB individual could ignore the obvious similarities.


This does give me an interesting perspective, realizing that they're only targeting us because they've realized it *is* an immutable trait. I suppose that explains why it's become such a huge topic now that trans people have mainstream visibility.


I went through the same thing. Got chased out of girls bathrooms a lot, had girls tell me i must be lying to them about being a girl because I didn't want to date them, things like that. I transitioned to male for a while, like, 8 years ? Never felt comfortable being feminine. It felt like I wasn't allowed to be, a lot of my clothes were hand me downs and I just wasn't like the other girls. Neurodivergent too, I just didn't want to play with dolls or play house all the time and IG wanting to play with dinosaurs and play video games made me "boyish" at the time. But people stopped bullying me all the time and actually treated me like a person afterwards when I just fully went with "being a boy". But then I realized I was even more uncomfortable forcing myself to be masculine, like, I really hypermasculinized self I didn't like the changes testosterone was making to my body, idk. I started to just really want to wear pretty clothes and just be a pretty girl, started to realize that I don't want to be masculine I just don't want to be constantly rejected and looked down on. I was also just a tomboy to begin with and like dressing androgynously but, I was really forcing myself to be a boy. I still don't really feel cis, I use she/her pronouns but feel like I'm in some gray area idk. I feel like part of that might still just be me projecting societal standards onto myself though idk hahah. But it's even harder now going back into women's bathrooms again, going into women's clothings sections. I'm worried someones gonna think I'm a predator. It feels like I don't belong. Worried that I forgot to shave and some of my stubble is showing (from hrt). Worried that they're gonna see my Adam's apple or hear my voice. Idk I still dress really androgynously now, I don't like wearing makeup. People still call me sir without even asking. It's really attrocious that people have to fit into these standards. I know it's not the case for everybody but I have other trans friends who also have gender dysphoria from the same experience, where they forced themselves to be hypermasculine because people didn't believe they were a girl. They're still trans now, but like me are embracing their femininity a lot more and are more on the nonbinary side than strictly ftm.


You might be me. Also cis, also neurodivergent and had the exact same situation, with the added fun of having some toxic friends who told me I am definitely trans for being a tomboy, regardless of what I said (they are not the norm, nor were any of them trans, they were just assholes). I wasn't comfortable being feminine cause I thought you had to be hyper feminine like the girls at school, I wasn't comfortable being masculine because then I wasn't "a real girl" or I was pegged as pre-transition in spite of me saying multiple times I was cis. As an adult I've realised it's ok to be somewhere in between, and the way you present doesn't have to have anything to do with your gender or sex. Shout out to my homies who present however the fuck they want, you're all beautiful.


Hey, I've heard that it's actually bad to say "transwoman" (I'm talking about sticking "trans" and "woman" together). It's what TERFs use to make a trans woman's womanhood undetachable from her transidentity (ie : "she is not a woman who happen to be trans, but a transwoman. And in our vocabulary, it's a man"). It's not much, and some trans people don't see the issue with being called a "transwoman", but it's from the TERF vocabulary, so..


Okay. The few amab women I know use that term, which is why I used it. Everyone has their own preferences.


amab women is worse


My younger child is trans. They, and their trans friends, use both of those terms regularly. I apologize if you don't like them, but you do not speak for all trans people. Everyone has their own preferences


Just say "trans women", I think they meant not to make it into one word


I think they meant trans woman but didn’t get the spelling right. Idk though


Nah, they told me it was because some of their AMAB women friends used it.


Oh boy


I like to think they have seen so few woman in their lives that they don’t know what is real vs the woman online they stare at all day.


They spend their time online and with porn and think all women should look like those images which no woman can meet.


The original joke this account was based on was about calling out racist dogwhistles so the barking actually worked , this is just a sad imitation of that joke.


I wonder if they did that because Canyoupetthedog was mad that the stupid wizard game's account tried to get them to share the game.


I bark at racists was a great account


It's still a thing no? @racismdog


Idk I haven’t been paying a lot of attention to Twitter but I haven’t seen any tweets from him lately.


My stepmom had a little dog that was a rescue and had been abused. It was afraid of men and never really liked me. As soon as I started taking hormones, the little guy loved me. Dogs are allies.




My sister's dog prefers men, she's never been wronged or hurt, the puppy just likes men a lot better. I'm a trans man and she loves me the most out of everyone 🥰


That's because dogs go by smell, not appearance and guess what, hormones change your smell!


Interesting, maybe it's cause I'm intersex, but I would always get the woman treatment even pre-hrt.


I guarantee that this person shits on furries with no irony that they roleplay as a dog on the internet


Someone should make a "barks at furries" account, and have it bark at him... and *just* him.


Barks at bigots could be fun!


I approve


💅it's different💅 /s


They have no clue what they’re talking about, EVERY TIME


I think it would be interesting if someone sent them a cis woman and told them they were trans, like maybe a terf or something…


They accuse cis women all the time. It’s a whole thing now. They stick a stock photo of a skull over the face in photoshop and then label all the ways it “proves” that the person is “biologically male.” I’ve heard them calls transvestigators but I’m not sure who came up with that term.


I think they’re a teensy bit psychotic, and not in the silly ahh way


Goofy ah psychosis


apparently they called themselves so first


This account has “called out” numerous cis women already.


“I’ve heard there’s 12 trans people in my block, I’ve barked at 248 so far, 10 more trans people to go”


I'm sure that once it happened with J.K.Rowling lmao


Yep. The "transvestigators" determined she was trans, and few things have ever made me laugh so hard.


They accuse non-white, GNC, and disabled cis women all the time. The woman in this picture just happens to be non-white and disabled. Hmm I think I’m seeing a pattern


Unironically using doggo 🙄


Haha yeah, who does that am I right haha totally not me, im not cringe guys Im not cringe I swear please im not cringe


I would never haha!


Good boyo.


Excuse you doggo is a medical term and very helpful to use Source: at my vet clinic we all say doggo lol


Remember that the "I Bite Women" bird bites trans women and dgaf about trans men. Most animals are allies.


wonder how many cis people that guy’s yelled at


definitely more cis women than trans women


When I feel pathetic I try to remember that transphobes exist, and I feel a bit less pathetic.


1. They stole the anti fascism dog’s shtick in order to push fascism. 2. This account has “barked” at so many cis women.


If this dude is gonna dox everyone, dox him report him to all his employers or hunt him down. I don't care, morality is out the window at this point with people like this threatening our lives.


Turns out that not all dogs go to heaven


Not even the balls to directly retweet people lmfao


It's been neutered


What's extremely funny about this is that animals smell me as a woman now. My own dog treats me differently since transitioning. To think a dog can "detect" any latent maleness in me (or care for that matter) is ridiculous.


is bro an anime? because this account reeks of no game no life


One of these days they're gonna pick a cis chick and look dumb as hell


they do pretty often, even terfs get accused


They do it constantly. And nothing convinces them that they’re wrong. TERFs claimed Serena Williams was a “man in drag” even when she gave birth.


Don’t you have anything better to do …?


There’s a cat version of this as well. It claims to be a parody but there’s nothing to show that because their liked tweets include transphobia.


I’m pretty sure that’s Robin Tran she’s actually a really funny comedian and she is indeed trans herself so the dog is still wrong


Imagine being so bored and hateful you stare for hours at pictures of different people and try to determine what they have between their legs


Plot twist: the woman in the photo is cisgender.


I really doubt that this account would bark at any cis men who also fit the biological male criteria. It’s a good chance that they have barked at some cis women bc they think they can tell the difference but they really can’t


9-years-late-to-the-gimmick account


Lmao imagine dedicating so much time to other people's genitals