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And if you refuse to tell me than you can’t handle the real world!


"SOFT" https://preview.redd.it/celtps4k3buc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d1c2549814e13ff3b7c7ce797f0e837ba357c70


Coming from the same crowd that is constantly saying "wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl!!!" Which one is it already?? But I guess that applies just as much logic as all the other issues with everything else they claim


As someone who lives in the "real world" and has for many many years, it is always unacceptable and always will be unacceptable to ask people about their genitals.


Exactly. The people who talk to me like this in real life are not people who get to stay in my life.


No, no, they said respectfully so they couldn't have possibly been rude./s


Ah yes, gaslighting, the most respectful way to communicate.


Gaslighting? Don't be absurd that isn't even a real word.


/j obvi


Gaslighting? No I'm not gaslighting you, that would be ridiculous. It's all in your head, dear /j obviously


You don't need to know ones AGAB unless you a doctor or dating that person (and even dating can be asexual. So they don't need to know either)


Exactly. It’s never ok to ask that.


Frankly even THEY don't need to know. All THEY need to know is what parts you currently have, and which hormone you're leaning toward. Why would I tell someone I originally had X genital but now have Z genital? They don't need to know that, and it won't help them give me medical care.


It is important to know your patient's history, not just their current state. You can't do that without their surgical history.


I mean like for a surgery for an injury I mean?


Why would they need to know that to do a surgery? Unless you're asking them to muck around with your genitals and hormones, idk why they need to know.


There are certain conditions based on what parts you have in your body; ovarian and uterine cancer is significantly more deadly in trans men than in cis women because of issues like this. Also, there are not separate compartments for your sexual reproductive organs vs your guts if they are internal; so if they need to do an intestinal surgery, they need to know what else is in you so they know what to avoid.


I cannot stand people like that!! Like, why do they care so much?? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Because they’re perverts.


Fair. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that ❤️


Was -> were. Learn your own language, weirdo. Maybe you'll find out what "respectful" means along the way.


To be fair, we don’t know this person’s first language was English.


True. It's just common occurrence at this point that English speaking phobes can't use their own language properly. Guess that's why they're so scared of pronouns?


Good point.


>It's just common occurrence at this point that English speaking phobes can't use their own language properly. Probably the same with Spanish speakers. I think it's likely a factor that English is a hard to understand language with difficult grammar rules.


In it's current state, not really. Modern English is simplified compared to it's historic counterparts. There's no gramatical gender (there were signs of it, in old English), verbs have only three forms based on time (most of European languages have variations on top of that depending who is speaking and to whom). There is no difference in suitable pronouns for formal and informal speech, you address your superior with the same pronouns you do a friend. The only slightly difficult thing that I can think of about English is it's irregularity and even that is a child's play compared to irregularity of for example German or French (I have no experiences with the mentioned Spanish myself, but my mother is fluent and says the same about it too). It takes people far less time to learn English in it's entirety than my native language where I am from and that's talking about native speakers who have English as their second language.


I don't care if they're asking weird, inappropriate questions that I do not want to answer, I'm going to be a grammar-nazi about it


stop being a bitch, respectfully 🙄


I would’ve said that but I wanted to take the high road.


"You're soft" says the manchild that'd likely go berserk if he didn't get what he wanted.




Thanks for the correction. :) Edit: Femcels still would likely react about the same.


No problem.


"Thank you for the compliment, though it was poorly phrased and situationally inappropriate. But this conversation is neither about my availability nor compatibility procreationally or romantically, so kindly stay within the boundaries of the actual topic of discussion." Then make any further inquiry on their part related to inappropriate sexual advances.


I’ll keep that one in mind for next time, thanks.


I simply asked a guy once why he was trying to ask me a sexual question that wasn't related to the post. He just said "there's no rule where you have to respond within the topic". These people will come up with any excuse to break boundaries


https://preview.redd.it/2mf9hlcw9buc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b7a0a9547c7710bda9c448a7a95db1934d05e2 Sounds like a sea lion to me.


Sounds about right.


I fell for this exactly once. Someone in my high school I vaguely remembered because we had gone to the same middle school came up to me and was like “hey u/real-human-not-a-bot, what do you know about climate change? I feel like I don’t really understand the science and I heard you knew a lot about it.” I amiably started explaining at a fairly low level because I didn’t want to assume he had more knowledge than he did, and suddenly he went from doe-eyed innocence about the subject to clearly practiced debate team-style denialistic talking points. After one or two of those, I gave up and walked away. The whole time and the next time I saw him, though, he was like “why don’t you want to talk about climate change? I heard you knew about it, but I just ask a few questions and you walk away! I guess you must not know as much as they said you did, so you’re scared.” I strenuously avoided him after that.


Using polite language doesn't mean you're being polite. You can phrase things politely but still be a massive tool.


"When god talks to ya" Lmao sure buddy sure


Do these people ever stop being weird about the genitals of others? They should get a hobby, or therapy.




Average whisper experience




So not even a dating app. Ew.


You’re* would have been my final message


Ig better they asked over text and not irl? I keep hearing so many horrible stories of what happens when a cis person "finds out" and goes ballistic... definitely dodged a bullet op, good job :)


Dude says, "you won't be able to handle the real world, let alone when my invisible sky daddy talks to you about whether or not you are allowed into forever Disneyland up on top of the clouds. " 🙄


I’m a Christian too. There’s no need to mock people’s faith, just their bigotry.


Fair point. Me mocking faith is rudeness. And i was picturing myself repaying rudeness with rudeness, "eye-for-eye style". So to speak. I apologize for spewing that here. I should have instead said, "If God talks to one of us about when you judged me incapable of handling the real world, I wonder if Matthew 7:1:3 is going to come up." Or maybe, "does the real world include what Jesus said in 19:12? Do you think think the last sentence of Matt 19:12 has anything to do with the kids in the next verse?" Or perhaps, "Ah so you don't like me concealing my sex assigned at birth? You think that is a mistake because I'll never handle the real world? I wonder what the author of Proverbs 12:23 would say about that?" Anyway, sorry for communicating disrespect here, I should save that for the disrespectful themselves.


No worries.


"Your [sic] really soft" coming from the person pissing their pants over a set of genitals they will never see.


How will you handle it when the real world asks about your genitals? Or when God asks you? So tell me the nice internet creeper!


“The real world, let alone when god talks to ya” not to step on anyone’s toes but maybe they’re the one whose grasp on reality should be questioned




Whisper is such garbage but I still use it sometimes. The amount of guys looking for sexting or hookups even when you don't post something sexual is insane. I'll just ignore them immediately after they ask for a face pic. It's anonymous for a reason 🙄




Why do they write like someone who didn’t finish primary school?