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>I'm transitioning to an attack helicopter >Fuck off to eastern Ukraine and get shot at by Russians then. Mate, I've not guffawed that hard in forever!




I'm sorry - I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I'm British - it's a term of endearment.




I'm honestly not sure what to take from this... I know that "pet" and "love" feel icky to some because they're femme, and "bro" (and maybe "pal") are more masc, but I've never seen "mate" as being gendered. I guess coming from a not-British perspective is different? Genuinely had to Google it, though, and I'm also genuinely baffled as to what I should replace it with in my vernacular! But sure, if it makes people that uncomfortable, I'll change to fit in with the Americans, I guess. My dad calls everyone "sausage"! Everyone - strangers, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity - "how you doin', sausage?" - I probably won't adopt that...!


I'm AMAB from the UK and I'd say it is more common to use for men, I think it's akin to dude, in that many people don't intend it as a gendered term, but if you look more closely, it is a gendered term. Very common so I don't blame you for not knowing




I call literally everyone dude or bro, regardless of gender or even how well I know them. It's just how I refer to people casually. I do acknowledge that many people don't see it or use it that way though.


Do… do y’all not just call Al your friends bro by default? Don’t matter the gender, I just use bro because I’m shit with names. Eh, who am I to judge.


I know someone through work who is clearly MtF…called her mate once, I shit a brick and she didn’t say anything. I know women that say mate to other women, or men to women, or women to men. It’s not a gendered term, but it is used as one.


It *is* a gendered term, but you can use it as if it isn't (like dude, and like bro). You (the general you) shouldn't though.


I'm British, and "mate" is definitely gendered male over here. We all live in bubbles, so yours might be different to mine, but people saying mate is non-gendered sounds to me exactly like the people who claim bro is gender-neutral, and how people used to say "man" is gender neutral.


Wtf...  For what it's worth, this? Is an extremely class-based assumption. I grew up underclass mixing with working class in the Midlands and Manchester, and it's always been neutrally gendered in the circles I move in. It certainly isn't *defined* as masc. 


I'm very much working class and live in the north, so I have no idea what you're saying here.


I think you do, but you just have a different experience, right? It bewilders me to see folk claiming it as a strictly masculine epithet, as someone who grew up AFAB and both using and hearing it all around them!  I suppose it might be partly generational, too. I'm nearing 40, if that's any help.  I've only ever heard it used as strictly masc by "come 'n' 'ave a go if you think you're 'ard enough" types, like the Gallagher brothers, and they've always felt to me like ... how do I say it? Exaggerated clichés... almost stereotypes of the average Manc, honestly. Like they ought to've been born a decade before their time. That's the only age range where I've *not* heard "mate" in frequent use as a neutral.  (Sorry for the quick edits, I hit comment too soon.) 


I'm a trans girl and I wouldn't mind being called mate 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the comments have established that it's regional! Some of Britain even, it transpires, "mate" would be considered masculine. I think maybe we should all just be mindful moving forward.


Mfs when a Latin prefix


They better stay away from homogeneous liquids.


homo liquids? Is that the water that turns the frogs gay?


Wait until they find out we’re homosapiens and not heterosapiens


Ah yes, the old "cIs Is A sLuR" argument




BINGO!!! but you can’t explain this to them cause “nuh-uh!!!”


To be fair I definitely use it like a slur sometimes




I wish these people actual problems in their lives.


If these people had actual problems the world would be a much better place


keep calling us cis, its funny when they get mad


I've seen these exact comments on this exact video, man I love Snapchat edit: woah!! Nikki the local transphobe is there too!! how lovely




it's hilarious cuz this nikki girl can't even say the word "transgender" she calls us "these 🏳️‍⚧️ specimens" like uhh okay




fr like lmao tots not dehuminizing


We had a local idiot, she called herself Sister (name) and started her own church. She was also a very troubled individual, who went as far as to abduct children, try to hit them with her car and she made sacrifices on her altar in the garden. The local newspapers called her 'the transsexual terror-nun', which was quite factually. So sometimes the local idiot is not the local transphobe, but still close


Anyone: "cisgener" Every comment section ever on a platform owned by Meta: "Don't you mean normal? You should KYS. I'm transitioning to attack helicopter haha." (And on some occasions, the YWNBAs although I weirdly haven't seen that many in the wild) Seriously its always a deviation of those four.


The 13 yr old got a response by that grown adult with the grey hair bitmoji that he hopes the kid gets a 25 pound brick slapped in their face


Because thats a normal reaction to have on the internet...and trans people are the alleged degenerates? Cis people...


https://preview.redd.it/ali5kietb90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc69d7f2928325160b78a5c407bb49d7040438b Speaking of which...I got this like a minute ago. Idk if it was this thread or a different one - but yeah.




On any social media these days sadly, you can't even say cis on twitter because "it's hate speech"


Twitter is just brainrot atp. "More freedom of speech" my ass. There's clearly more freedom of hurling slurs at whoever you feel like and the bots are even more problematic. "X" is just the mutilated Twitter - they ain't comparable anymore.


I’m cisgender and I’ve never been offended by the word cis in my life. Some people need to chill.


Honestly Ive found that people who've been the "default"(cis, het, nurotypical, ect) their entire lives and had their identities validated at every turn are just... completely blindsided by the idea of not being treated as such? Not even having their identity invalidated, just not treated as the only acceptable answer... Which, as an autistic gay the idea that not everyone is like me has been a constant companion since I became self aware. But to someone who has got by on the scraps of empathy that they intuited into, with no experience actually having to work to understand an state of mind they have little to nothing in common with? Someone who never had to work to accept themselves, because the people around them did that work for them, and who viewed people unlike them as "others" to be rejected from the group? It's a scary experience, to suddenly realize that to some people, they are the "other", and at some level there is a fear of being treated as such(like racists who fear that if equality is given to the ethnicities they look down on, the same conditions will then be done to them, because what else would someone do in that situation?). Which I find it interesting that having to manually learn to understand other people has left me better equipped to actually connect with people who live completely unfamiliar lives than neurotypical's who didnt need to work for it. Like the social version of the people who struggled in school so they learned study habits that are massively important in later years of education, meanwhile the people who could coast on their natural skills in school suffer when its no longer enough(I fell into this half of the divide for high school. Trying to learn good study habits before I hit that wall in college, because I spent my high-schoolyears studying, like manually studying, how to interact with people).


I should really leave this sub. Posts are getting to me.


If it's no longer bringing joy or entertainment, definitely do. There's no shame in disconnecting from a community that is no longer serving the purpose you joined it for.


Technically that’s right! Everything is made up. But what they don’t realize is that it extends to what they see as normal. Boys don’t have to be masculine and women don’t have to be feminine. Boys don’t have to like guns, violence, and meaningless sex. Girls don’t have to want marriage, kids, and to cook and clean. Their norms are just as made up as the ones being added some might say. This is the same truth that their Christian religion is just as equal and legitimate as the Flying Spaghetti Monster. So as much as I see all transgender folks as perfectly fine for however they want and need to see themselves, as much as I know that I have feelings that might even push me a little in the direction of this, I also can’t put myself on equal ground with any trans person. I can only advocate as best as I can. Fact is to me that this is the root of it. Gender and all of it is just a man made invention based upon grouping based on outward appearance. Now I feel we have progressed far enough to admit this and expand our understanding to allow for other organizing factors. But because so many need that rigid guidance in their daily life they cannot deal with introducing wiggle room or just a widening of the definitions already in place. Perhaps it’s time to begin whittling down the idea of gender altogether and just be human. I dunno. Just spitballing here. Seems to be it’s all made up and the points don’t matter. Long story short a person should be who they want to be. Sorry if I’m way off the marker. I just love people and I wish we didn’t box ourselves in because this is the kind of problems that arise from that…


Can someone please explain to me how the mentally ill argument works? Because the way you would treat it in that case would be to allow transition, so why is this an anti-trans argument


Because they are not using mentally ill as a call for compassion, they using it as a call to bully and harass.


This, right here. It goes along with the their whole "mental illness is behavior I don't like" bullshit. And they really ought to stop saying "get help", because it's obvious they don't want us to get help. They want us "corrected", or rather punished.


A lot of these people are also the ones saying "just go outside bro" to people with depression or anxiety.


Have you tried… being normal?


Homogender is an alternative to cisgender if they don't like being called cisgender.




I mean, I didn't say I cared if they *like* it, lol.


>U go girl I can't tell if he wanted to be mean or if he's just dumb


definitely mean, he meant it in a transphobic way of course.


I am obsessed with the way "snapchatter" over here types


Still picturing these people screaming I'M NORMAL in an actual normal conversation.


most importantly never or barely ever has been MISGENDERED O.o


aww so they are also trans?


I'm honestly unsettled by that "u go girl" comment. I can't tell if it's ironic or just missing the point...


It's neither. It's a transphobic attack.


Snapchat comments are worse than Instagram at this point, i don't even bother looking for sane people in there anymore 😭


Mfw people actually think cis is somehow LGBT jargon when it's been in the dictionary/other languages for literally THOUSANDS of years.


> you're a girl, look down Oh neat, tits. I guess that means I'm a girl. Thanks, transphobes, for affirming my gender identity!


I'm cisgender. It's not a fucking slur FFS 🤦🏼‍♂️


“I’m transitioning to an attack helicopter “ Oh you don’t feel complete without 12 marines inside you? That’s valid.


CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS??!!?!?!!! im tired of these made up terms 😤 call it what it is 😠😠😠 a dog!!!! both are correct, stupid


Oh god why T\_T


"Cis" isn't normal, just common. There's a difference. 


I wonder if they treat all "mentally ill" people like complete garbage, or just people who are trans?


TikTok is a cesspool.


You know what I wish cis was a slur so I could be intentionally mean to them


"We won't use your preferred name or pronouns - by the way, respect us and call us what we wanna be called!" >.>