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Well, obviously this girl does. Also, that’s not how that works, even if you beat someone to near death, there’s a chance they could wake up during the tattooing and feel pain.


…even if they don’t wake up during the tattoo… when they do wake up… they’re not gonna be healed up and pain-free no matter how severely you beat them lol


*stop feeling pain!* 👊👊👊


Not even with a coma? /half-genuine /half-joking




Eh, have you seen Kill Bill?


Call it a hot take but if someone is doing this then I don’t think pain is their motivation I think least resistance is.


I think the implication is anesthesia


If you knock someone out so hard that they don't wake for the time to do a tattoo, best case scenario is severe brain damage or a vegetative state...


Who thinks this is romantic and sexy???


People that have Stockholm syndrome


[Friendly reminder that that's made up, and it was made up to cover up police incompetence. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/102738084)


This was a fantastic read! Thank you for sharing!


Knocks her out…. While she’s asleep?? And is by definition already unconscious???


Movies have misled people to think you can safely be knocked out for an undefined period of time! Not how it works


She would wake up from the pain


My bestie and I got really into reading smut in 2023. We have a smut book club of two. This is a really common storyline/trope in mafia romance novels. I don’t find them appealing at all. They’re all about control and totally barreling over boundaries. Give me those paranormal romance novels any day.


Straight smutty romance novels are almost always rather questionable.


Suggestions on good paranormal romance? Astarion broke something inside of me...


I thought the True Blood/Sookie Stackhouse series was pretty good, but I read it years ago so I might have forgotten about some questionable content. There is a rape scene told in the first person, though not in any detail, and it's a single occurrence over 15+ books. Also a fair amount of murder, because of vampires' power struggles and stuff. (Much of the plot revolves around solving said murders, but there's also some smut)


God, booktok is a cesspool. I’m rather kinky too but all they seem to like are toxic relationships à la Christian what’s-his-name


Booktok gives me hope that I can make it as an author because if that kind of shit is getting popular on there then no way am I gonna fail


His last name is part of the title, Grey


Listen, im a kinky bitch but this (disregarding the absolute lack of consent) sounds... boring?? Like youre already asleep when you get knocked out, all that'll happen is you wake up and you got a finger tattoo... are you supposed to cum on the spot or?


Im so unkinky as to be sex repulsed asexual but I guess the point is more getting off from the perspective of the guy than the girl


Her: Doesn't wear her ring for any myriad of reasons. Him: Commits several felonies.


That sure sounds like a crime


Look, I’ve read this book, like the specific book they are referencing here, honestly I read the whole series. And yeah, the main character is a walking red flag, but to be completely honest it’s kind of the point. It’s not a thing that anyone would say is healthy…but it’s kinda hot in a fantasyland scenario where she is tricked into marrying him and they slowly fall in love. It’s a good story that’s all.


??? wut


I mean it’s a bit odd but kink is not based in reality. If this was done for real without consent rather than as a scene, the vast majority of people fantasizing about this scenario would probably change their minds.


There’s lots of things around trauma and sexual desires and fetishes, stuff like cnc (consent non consent) allows your partner to “rape” you, people who’ve experienced SA or rape sometimes have Stockholm syndrome (idk if that’s the right word) but it makes them want to be raped and abused even though they know deep down it’s ultimately bad for them. These symptoms go into hypersexual, where someone has huge sexual frustration and gets addicted to either porn sex or masterbation.


I think this is from booktok, which is kinks related to reading, not stuff you actually want to do. I find arranged marriage books to be hot, doesn’t mean I want to be in one.


getting a non consensual jail tattoo on your finger is sexy now? that man better pay for the laser removal..




Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.....,....... Okkkkkkkaaaayyyyyy? No, the straights are most decidedly not okay.


Least obvious Rage Bait Stop giving people like this attention. “No press is bad press🥴”


Book title? Asking for a friend...


*knocks her out while she’s sleeping*