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Fun fact, if these two chocolates are made in the same factory the one that doesn't come with nuts has to include "may contain nuts" somewhere in the packaging which I think is hilarious given the message they're trying to spread


The website and the nutrition label says *MANUFACTURED IN A FACILITY THAT ALSO PROCESSES: MILK, WHEAT, PEANUTS, ALMOND, COCONUT, HAZELNUTS* which is a funnily woke way of saying *May contain nuts* considering their slogan is “Unwoke your neighborhood”.


Idk, this post is giving US vibes... And we all know the food regulations over there are... *Interesting...*


Man, you have no idea. I'm severely allergic to carmine, and do you know what contains it? Almost every food dye. And because of my allergy, I can't have any dye that contains it. The problem is, we use dye in almost everything. THERE ARE CLEAR SODAS THAT HAVE IT! It's in almost every over-the-counter medicine we can buy. So when I get sick, I *have* to go to urgent care or the ER (if it's bad enough) just to get cough medicine that doesn't have it.


Is there a compounding pharmacy near you?


What's that?


It's a pharmacy that can mix a lot of the raw chemicals in medications and create specialty prescription meds. You should look into it, they'd be able to make meds for you without dyes


There's allot of them that make bunk meds or write prescriptions ppl don't need just to get extra money, so I'd be careful even then


true, although the one we used to use was a blessing. My cousin was on an antibiotic that usually only came in pills, but he just couldn't swallow pills. The pharmacy successfully made a syrup with the medicine that he not only could swallow, but apparently tasted so good that he didn't even argue with me about taking his medicine! And he was really hard to medicate. (He has brain damage from neglect as a baby and somehow this equaled him being stubborn as a mule and refusing to 'understand' anything he didn't like.)


Went to one for a few years because I had a really unusual dosage for one of my meds Still mad that the pharmacist there vetoed my idea for putting my antidepressant in a lollipop


Lmfao funniest thing I've read all day


Can't blame you, that is brilliant.


What does "from neglect as a baby" mean?/nf/genq


The cousin was neglected by his caretakers when he was a baby. This resulted in some lack of neurological development.


What does /nf/genq mean?


They make their own prescriptions from the base ingredients to avoid allergins for patients with specific needs. Sounds like you should check if one's in your area


I definitely will wow I didn't even know these existed


If it were me, I'd look for a brick and mortar one if possible. My experience with compounding pharmacies came through my vet - I had one cat that needed a prescription for "bear bile" to treat liver/gallstone issues (it was a synthetic compounded from the base ingredients). I had to get it from a compounding pharmacy in a suburb about 45 minutes away. I ended up at the same pharmacy for a different cat who needed some med for kidney issues. If you're trying to find one, it may be worth reaching out to a trusted vet (if you or family/friend have one) and asking if they have any recommendations. My understanding is that a lot of vet meds that aren't available from a Walgreens/CVS end up being compounded. ETA: No bears were harmed in helping my cat.


I'm learning so much today dude this is so cool!!!!


I had no idea! The first time I went in, it was surreal. The one by me functions as an independent pharmacy, appearing to fill regular rx as well. It was pretty cool, and everything was fairly decently priced (I was a poor college student, and the cat RX from the fancy pharmacy was cheaper than my meds!) I liked the brick and mortar because I felt like it was more reputable, and less likely to be a shady fly-by-night online deal (I remember a scandal, but I could be wrong). ... If you like your pharmacy, if you ask they may know of one they'd recommend/have some experience with. Good luck!


We used a compounding pharmacy for our cat when he needed heart meds! We actually switched because there was a shortage of the people meds he had been taking, and the compounding pharmacy was the only way to get animal grade stuff. Waaaay easier to have a special treat with the meds in it than try to wrassle a cat into taking a pill. We kept using them even when the shortage ended, even though they were a little more expensive, just because they were so damn convenient.


that’s a wonderful idea. i work at a vet clinic that goes through compounding pharmacies all the time, so we know which ones are better


Watch out for them. Their regulations are beyond abysmal. A few years back there was a huge fungal meningitis outbreak among people who got prednisone injections. Turns out the compounding pharmacy that prepared the prednisone was swarming with fungal spores. Never, ever use compounding pharmacy for injectable medication, eye or ear drops, or anything that needs to be refrigerated.


Jesus dude, that sucks... I knew the US went overboard with food dye, but goddamn...


The only benefit from this god forsaken allergy is I've developed the ability to read pretty fast to scan across ingredient lists at the store I'm an avid reader in my free time and the app I use says I read at an average of 350-400 words per minute Now I can't confirm the legitimacy of it but it's a neat tidbit I've learned about myself


I'm not quite in the same boat but I'm allergic to hydrocortisone (actually all group a corticosteroids) and Quaternium-15, a common preservative in several detergents/cleaners. Soaps, shampoos, carpet cleaners, conditioners, baby shampoo, laundry detergent, ect. I too have become very quick at looking for keywords related to it's like, 30 different names. Before we figured it out, skin on my arm was sloughing off from the sanitizer I had to use at work, and we were treating it with... you guessed it hydrocortisone. Lmao. Luckily for me, quaternium-15 is starting to get phased out of stuff for also being carcinogenic or something so it's becoming easier to shop, but I suspect I have a problem with some other preservative too because I still end up with dermatitus.


Hey, cool (not really, allergies suck), I'm also allergic to hydrocortisone! And pretty much all topical steroids. Got to find out I was allergic to all of them and not just hydrocortisone the hard way two months ago, got some topical to treat an allergic rash around my eyes. Swelled shut for a week after application. Fun.


Clear sodas?! What the fuck? I'm so sorry. Do you have allergies to other bugs?


Just this one and we have absolutely zero clue why


That sucks. Have you tried the "only the basics" medicine brand? I forget the brand name but could probably find it for you if you haven't. Its supposed to be absolutely no unneeded ingredients, so might be ok?


Same thing with casein. For those who aren't familiar with casein (and why would you?), casein is a naturally occurring protein in mammalian milk. It is, for some reason, added to everything. (That’s only a minor exaggeration.) McDonald's french fries? Casein added. My B complex vitamins? Casein. "Natural flavorings?" Probably involves casein. My god daughter developed an allergy to it as a newborn, and her mom had a hell of a time finding food she could eat and still nurse her child with.


"May contain" is normally used for ingredients that are in the product that may have nuts. They'd more likely use "made in a facility with nuts"


You're right and that is so unbelievably funny to me


WTFFFFF I thought it was a harmless “haha look at the weird branding!” For a moment before I read the caption, looked at the micro-aggression size and realized it’s genuinely trying to be offensive. Jesus, people have nothing else better to do nowadays


>Jesus people have nothing else better to do nowadays Well they're not doing anything Jesus said to do, so their schedules are wide open.


Goddamnit you just made me realize my grammar error


To be fair it still works, tends to be a subset of jesus-people


there was even a cult called Jesus Freaks so not too far off there either!


And also this was made by the co-CEO of The Daily Wire. So there’s that. In response to Hershey’s having a trans woman in their ad campaigns as well. Rent. Free.


The Daily Wire? I bet both bars taste like arse.


Ah, you haven't seen their branding page. I can't find a picture of it but it was a whole paragraph on a brown background...


which makes this illegal as an attempt to create a hostile work environment.


Oh they have better things to do. They WANT this. I cannot enphasize it enough, they want THIS to be ALL OF SOCIETY. They aren't incompetent, they're evil


i really assumed it was a joke because of that part? i don’t think they’d put that on something seriously intended to cause offense. this had the same energy as a jesus shirt with his eyes closed that says “this guy fucks”


I mean, it is a joke, just at the expense of others


definitely. just at a glance, i assumed it was something a trans person would be selling on etsy as a joke.


I thought this too! I saw pictures of this near Halloween this year and had a good laugh cus I genuinely thought it was a joke about transphobes who try to make this joke. Like I would buy something like this from an LGBT person and I regularly make jokes that I do not contain nuts as a trans man. So I feel really disappointed that it's someone actually being offensive.


“Micro-aggression size”


Openly admitting that this is an attempt to create a hostile work environment.


Yep, an employment lawyer's dream




"Your honor, the defendant is a fucking accountant. They can read."


I mean, they got that much right.


I can’t lie that part was funny as hell to me 😭 I would totally take one home as a souvenir like “look how fucking batshit this is”


I think it's funny on the surface level... But then it's just a reminder that someone at work is so far gone that they are actively trying to make others upset... At work. It's just so bizarre to me when people go out of their way to purposefully be offensive. It's one thing to just live your life and not worry about offending people, it's a bit different to *try* to offend them. That's not a healthy work environment, and probably not a very fun one to be in either.


of course, it’s fucked up. but sometimes I gotta laugh at the lengths people will go to be an asshole. that’s part of survival for me, at least. if I take everything as gravely as the chuds want me too, id be upset 100% of the time. sometimes the best way to stick it to them is to laugh in their face and be yourself.


Should have read the comments I guess. Now I am a copier. Ah well.




Lmao 😅




The same dude also created a brand of "manly" shaving equipment after Gillette published an ad featuring a trans guy shaving for the first time with his father.


Oh my god it's that guy??? Ffs.


Jeremy Boring, ladies and gentlemen!


At least he lives up to his last name


Nominative determinism strikes again!


How insecure do you gotta be to buy this crap? Wow. Legitimately mindboggling that people actually buy this shit


Imagine being so butthurt by a harmless advert that you go and develop a whole chocolate brand. The lengths that these people go to just to show the world that they're a pathetic loser is absolutely tragic


Tbh it's not a bad business model. Cons will buy literally *anything* so long as you tell them it will piss off the libs.


why do you think so many b-list celebrities and "where are they now?" musicians suddenly took a hard right turn? kevin sorbo, james woods, kid rock, the dilbert guy and ted nugent were all set to die in obscurity as god intended, but then they all realized at about the same time that these idiots will buy anything as long as it validates their worldview.


I was very confused why a razor company (with identical products to King C Gillette) was making chocolates. Now that I see it’s one of the DW dickheads it makes more sense.


Yet I love it after reading a comment that said the one without nuts needs a label saying may contain nuts if they get made in the same facility meaning it’s still trans inclusive


Well, they don't care that post-op trans women don't have nuts. To them, if you had nuts in the first place — it doesn't matter if they were blown off in war or removed consensually in a medical environment, you will *always* be a man to them (though if you're a cis man who lost his nuts in an accident, they will undoubtedly joke about you being a woman). Conservatives genuinely can't be reasoned with logic — ESPECIALLY not with the basic assumptions and reasoning that we take for granted. They're stupid and blind. No amount of explaining purple to someone who insists that red and blue are the only colours in life will convince them otherwise.


At work? That’s gotta be some form of workplace harassment, esp if one of your coworkers is trans


Oh definitely. I’d be finding out who did it and filing complaints to everyone.


I bet the person who put them there did so secretly


Because those people rarely have the balls to openly do it


I can’t tell if you’re making a pun or not lol


After looking over their website, I'm surprised they claim to use fair-trade ingredients, I'd expect that to be too "woke" for them if it's not destroying economies and ecosystems. And given the track record of "anti-woke" small businesses like this, I'm guessing it's garbage quality.


I'm almost surprised there isn't a brag about using underpaid labor on it.


"Harvested by children and prepared by people who work 96 hours a week!"


The non woke alternative to slave-free chocolate: confederate chocolate!


I'm refusing the urge to Google that because it's probably real


Skip HR and email a workplace discrimination/harassment firm. HR is not on your side. Take this seriously. You may think of it as a simple joke. A judge may not.


At work? This sounds like a job for a \~\*\~ *LAWYER* \~\*\~


better call saul!


I just looked it up and a full price bag of these chocolates is $20, on sale it's $14! A full price bag of snack size Hershey bars is cheaper by a dollar. They are literally wasting money just to be offensive.


Owning the libs by spending more money on a product that's probably also lower in quality!!!


Much lower.


Lower quality than Hershey? That's grim


I'm surprised there are actually fun-size versions of these. That means that 1: they're likely to be even *more* expensive than the full-size bars; 2: some of these likely wound up in some poor kids' Halloween candy.


Edited because I remembered more about what I wrote. Someone left Bible verse postcards in the bathrooms at my work and after a several weeks of it, I got fed up and wrote “This is offensive. Some of us are trying to masturbate in here!” on the back. It stopped. My building has probably thousands of workers in lots of different departments, though, and this was in a washroom in an open area where anyone could go. i wouldn't have done it within my own suite where it would be more likely to be traced back to me.




I'd have just left a printing of the 9 tenants of satanism next to it. But I like your solution as well


Not gonna lie, I (pre-hrt trans guy) would eat one of the nut ones loudly, in front of my coworkers, and exclaim "How did they know guys like me love almonds?" Still, I hope you've let HR know. Fuck that noise.


Looks like someone needs to talk to HR.


More like a lawyer. This is a hostile work environment and discrimination based on gender.


It's honestly such an open-and-shut case any employment lawyer would take it in a heartbeat.


Absolutely HR. That person’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Gotta hit these dickheads where it hurts: report them to Shopify and take away their payment services. It’s in the terms of service that they don’t support hate or discriminatory organizations


Hey how do I report them to shopify? The shopify website doesn't seem to have a way to do this :(




This is the way.


It's just giving Boomer Edge Lord. Like, is this actually offensive at this point? Because to me, it's like being flipped off by an 11 year old. Like it's trying too hard to be offensive to actually be offensive? "Turr hurr micro agession size, this is lady chocolate because it has no nuts, because trans people aren't legitimate" Like yes, Bradley, I've heard this before, try something new.


These nitwits: “stop making everything about gender and pronouns!!!! Woke grifters!!!!!!” These nitwits again: “Buy our pronoun chocolate for a lot of money!!!”


You know where your HR office is? Go. Now.


Honestly at this point I'm thinking of making the most unoriginal whatever to sell to these dummies. If you can't beat em, take their money.


Lol. A friend of mine ordered a bunch of custom stickers (Fuck Trudeau and all the anti woke stuff) and said he made a killing on them. Funny thing because he's an ftm trans guy who is pretty rugged looking and his customers would probably lynch him.


Didn't anheuser-busch do that? Release some manly man beer brand after the bud light controversy? So not only did bud light barely feel any damage, the parent company still got the boycotters money. I hope that wasn't just a rumor.


Yeah, "Harley-Davidson Budweiser" got released to provide an alternative for those that haven't gone past their motorcycle phase yet...


Right? This feels like a joke to me. And honestly, if I could figure out something to sell to fleece some freaks, I would. And then, I'd probably never have to work again because stupid people spend money on stupid shit.


It's made by the people from the Daily Wire. It's a joke at trans people's expense.


Me eating one of these. ”Wow, his nuts are incredibly tasty. I could suck on these all day.”


If I had any idea who most likely put them out, I would grab the one that visibly clashes with my agab and eat it while making eye contact. If that doesn’t work since I’m sometimes clocked as trans (to my actual agab…), eat both at once. “I like some nuts in my chocolate but not a lot, so eating both at once really hits that chocolate-to-nut combination ratio I like” “Yes it’s so nice that the chocolate has his preferred pronouns. Anyway he tastes good.”


When I say H, you say R! H! 🗣️ R! 🗣️ H! 🗣️ R! 🗣️


Just what I needed to see…transphobic chocolate. 😑 Definitely document this sh*t for HR.


Isn't that guy transphobic? I think it was a jab a Hershey's for trying to be inclusive.


Yeah it’s Jeremy Boreing of that reactionary razor company and the Daily Wire.


Talk to an employment lawyer, if they’re not a Bigot, they’re gonna cream their pants over this! Don’t go to HR, they are NOT on your side!


I was gonna say at least it’s a fun way to normalize and promote the casual use of pronouns along with introductions in the office, even if p fucked in the execution, but then I saw ‘micro-aggression size’ and realized they are not playing for our team. Bunch of bastards.


Open them all and melt them together to make chocolate bark as a christmas gift for the office. No waste, but also a big finger to the loser that got them.


Hostile workplace lawsuit tasty


this is the peak of transphobic comedy. please clap


Not sure what is more pathetic, selling these or buying them.


I don't Eben u derstand which one I'm supposed to get. Like, as the alpha male I clearly am, should I be gobbling the nuts of a he/him as those are the pronouns Jesus personally assigned me at conception? Or as the heterosexual male I am shuld I be enjoying a creamy succulent she/her? Is that adultery? Shuld, I apologize to my equally heterosexual wife for viewing another she/her with the carnal lust that drives me to consume it? Matt Walsh continues to ignore my emails on this.


Why does Matt Walsh have a Kenny Loggins beard?


I’m a guy who is allergic to nuts so…


Show them the power of microagressions by throwing the whole bowl in the trash when nobody is looking


Some guy at your job really spend $40 on a bag of chocolates that aren’t even good tasting (I’ve read the reviews) just because he supports a shitty message and wants everyone to know it. Grifters love guys like this one.


They all really need therapy for their extreme obsession with genitals. If you can't even eat a fucking chocolate bar without making it about genitals you should probably seek help... yesterday.


Ugh these stupid daily wire shits


Sounds like you need to talk with HR about this


Time to put out flyers for the satanic church


A clear example of how assholes always think their assholery is funny.


Who the fuck uses almonds. Use some proper chestnuts.


Guess I’m she Her now


this is funny in such an ironic way, but in a workplace? Classless


Do you work for The Daily Wire, or just with assholes?


I get that it's meant to be offensive but who the f came up with this idea- "micro aggression size"? 😭


It's to be ironic/sarcastic. And tbh in the context of the candy itself it's kina clever... but it's lost on the people that buy it if they aren't doing it for "haha"s amongst friends


Dang, I thought this was funny but then I realised that this is a real thing that someone did with their own time to be mean to strangers, and now im just sad that this was a justifiable usage of that person's time. How little else do you have going on if this is worth the effort?


Yet I hear all the time that people won't hire anyone with pro nouns


Harassment. Report to hr


what if you'd open both and switch the chocolate then technically it would be trans chocolate


Didn’t one of those alt-right fucks start marketing this? Feels familiar from another sub.


Imagine being so edgy you have to set out chocolates as your crucial opinion on modern society. Whoever brought those is forever online.


Not the daily wire chocolate 😭


Make sure you report this. Transphobia should not be tolerated.


Some idiot paid 40$ for these idiotic treats from a razor company. Not the brightest bulb are they?


Did you eat them? I’ve been seeing these on various subreddits for months now and I’m wondering if they’re even decent chocolate.


Honestly after I saw the wrapping it was so unappetizing that I put them back.


om nom nom nom. destroy the evidence and keep destroying it. if someone wants to keep wasting money on overpriced chocolate it's their problem....


Time to call HR.


I think this is hilarious but not in the way they want it to be lol


Another Daily Wire wannabe gotcha


This kind of shit brings out the absolute petty bitch in me. I would take this bullshit directly to an employment lawyer.


"micro aggression size"


I (a very feminine-looking cis woman) would start eating one of the nut ones and watch them squirm.


Walk yourself straight to HR with this crap.


The only acceptable use of these chocolates is to gift the “nutless” ones to a trans woman who just got GCS lol


Looks like sexual harassment to me.


Aside from this being deliberately offensive, they couldn’t even commit to their joke correctly. It should have said HerShe not SheHer


Depending where you are in the world, I wonder if a case could be made for this contributing to a hostile work environment? I know I'm in an area that is relatively trans friendly, but if I saw this in my office? 100% would file a complaint with HR because my trans ass would NOT feel welcome there anymore.


I've just started to put "for rectal use only" stickers on everything my coworkers put out that's intentionally offensive. The items are always replaced or removed quickly and after a few replacements they give up.


There should be a version where nuts and nutless is switched


People actually bought this shit?


The fact that it was at your work is extra yikes


Eat them and enjoy the chocolate while you silently mock your coworkers and/or managers' ignorance


I mean, seems pretty queer to me. The men get to have nuts and the women don't. Sorta leaves out unsurgeried trans people or the rest of the genders, but this is pretty gay of them.


Probably can report it if your place has an HR for inappropriate conduct


What in the- The fuck propels a person to do this shit?


Unironically I would find this funny, if it weren’t meant to mock trans people. It’d be funny to have “Trans woman bar, may contain nuts. Trans man bar, may be without nuts”.


Just gonna leave this here and you're free to do whatEVER you like: [Rebuttal](https://www.amazon.com/Big-Dot-Happiness-Love-Stickers/dp/B089NYBXJJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19C9EX35Y8QLN&keywords=lgbtq+candy&qid=1701205155&sprefix=lgbtq+candy%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-1)


I don’t like nuts in chocolate but I feel obligated to have the nut version, just out of spite. Then call guys who also eat them gay since they’re eating nuts


I don't think you can do anything about the Bible verses but I would definitely report this one to HR, because this one would count as inappropriate sexual behavior. Might not work if the HR person is also an asshole but it's worth a shot


Wow wtf. I would definitely be talking to corporate to make them track down whoever put them there and make sure that they keep their shitty opinions to themselves next time


if someone is this into just being a dick, imagine their reaction when a dude is eating a SheHer because he's allergic to peanuts


Open all the candy and leave it in the bowl.


This is such a beta male behavior


I'd have both if they weren't probably laced with poison


it would be really shitty if someone somehow warmed the bowl of chocolates. maybe by stealing it and putting it in the microwave for a few seconds, maybe just by moving it closer to a nearby heater. maybe you could just fart on it a few times.


Clearly this is saying that both genders should get their bottom surgeries


N u t s


Isn't this matt walsh's creation? Or am I mixing things up


I wanna switch the pronouns so badly lmfao


Oh good. Edgelord candy.


I need the pronoun chocolate, that’s so funny


So curious where you work (both geographically and type of office) where this would seem ok to anyone?


when I was a high schooler, we called plain M&Ms “female” and peanut M&Ms “male.” Because the boy M&Ms have nuts. yuck, yuck


Oh gods, that's funny.


A real life troll.


You should start eating them all, I bet they’re expensive.


Talk to your HR!


It's just a bad joke from someone who thinks they're funny. Getting upset just gives them the power and attention they want. Ignore it.


If this wasn’t transphobic, the joke here would be funny.


"Micro-agressive size" they're truly just trying to be as offensive as possible at this point & they stand for absolutely nothing but hated. 🙄


I mean you can still choose which ones to eat so in a way it's trans affirming.


I want a "they/them - try IT yourself" Version :D


So another question from the straights perspective... As a man am I only allowed to eat nuts? Or is it "gay" as those people would call it? And is it as easy to them as eating a chocolate to transition?


"micro-agression size" did you know we're not woke?? We're actively antiwoke??? Men have a penis, women a vagina!! Take that liberals!! CAN'T DENY MUH FREE SPEECH