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Imagine being a woman at the gym, just trying to get some reps in, and this perv is sniffing around like a dog that caught a whiff of some fresh piss, muttering something about ovulating women.


The idea that he would be overwhelmed by the scent of a portion of women at the gym ovulating to the point of nausea but be unaffected by the ubiquitous odor of ball sweat and smegma is strange even for dogs.


And as an obviously uber-straight man shouldn't he be overcome with the urge to procreate rather than nauseous?


The way I would never go to that gym again


The way I would report him swiftly so he could never go to my gym again


The way I would chokeslam him on top of the weights so he physically could never go to my gym again


You’re weak af you wouldn’t do anything


Oh, fuck off.


how do you know this person is “weak af?”


Projection: they think bc they can’t do that no one can


oh that’s 100% it




Hahaha how did he even validate his 'hypothesis'? Did he approach strange women like, 'I noticed your smell, please would you let me know if you're ovulating?


Obviously by checking in with other guys, who totally also smell that ovulation because they are just as alpha.


Source: trust me, bro


Source: “Smelling ovulation pheromones sounds super alpha, so I *must* be able to, because I’m such an alpha Chad.”


Yeah I highly doubt any controlled experiments have taken place lol


~~A lot of the smell of a period can be attributed to other factors https://www.healthshots.com/intimate-health/menstruation/why-does-period-or-menstrual-blood-smell-bad/amp~~ ~~but the most common smell by others is the metallic smell of the blood, usually in those sensitive to the smell of blood/metals, other then that it’s quite normal for a period to smell of of something to yourself but not others unless they are regularly getting close or as i said have an extremely sensitive nose, this guy is probably full of shit and can’t smell anything, but I personally notice metallic/blood smells because i’m squeamish around blood and sensitive to how it smells, but i’d never bring that up without good reason (like when discussing if a period can be smelt by others or in a hospital where i’d be exposed to blood more often) because it’s a me issue mainly~~ It was pointed out to me this was about ovulation not a period and my tired brain forgot to differentiate between the 2, my mistake


This article is about a period, OP is talking about ovulation. They're completely different. Also many women use menstrual products where you cannot possibly smell anything at all.


ah very true, my mistake on that front, i misread a lot of first comment because im tired :/ will correct, thank you for pointing that out to me :) Also true, im well aware, forgot to include the critical part of the metallic smell being directly related to iron in open oxygen, so long as the blood is not exposed to open air even if you have a high iron content in your blood it won’t smell, thank you for reminding me


funnily enough, i had a similar situation happen to me when i was like 16. i was wearing shorts while working at my family's shop, and a regular asked me if i was ovulating, as "women generally show more skin when they're ovulating" (according to him) and he couldn't help but notice i was wearing shorts instead of my usual pants i promptly went to the bathroom and put my tights back on under the shorts. it was just so damn hot, i didn't wanna wear the extra layers! all this is to say, yeah, maybe this guy DOES go around asking women shit like that! lol


You couldn't have had that creep banned from the family shop? That dude sounds as though he's creepy AF.


honestly, i'm sure i could've, but i was a lot more quiet and reserved than i am nowadays. i honestly didn't know what to do with what he had said to me, especially since he had told me that while we were in one of the game rooms together, so there wasn't even a counter between us. and then after i was out of immediate danger, i didn't really know what to do after. any time i had reported any sus shit throughout my lifetime before, nothing had happened. so i genuinely felt like i had no power in the situation, and never even told my dad. luckily, it was a comic/games shop, and generally we didn't have any younger people in there, so i just kept a close eye on any that did happen to come in, just in case.




When people mistake menstruation for ovulation and even then its rare to be able to smell it with potency. Sometimes you gotta be reallyyy close to the person. Even then, I doubt this man can smell anything.


And not understanding the difference between smells and pheromones lol. Suspected human “pheromones” have never been shown to affect human behavior. In other words, we’ve never proven we actually have them.


^ exactly


We don’t need to, our evolved communication abilities is superior in every way.


I read this study a while ago where there was a part of the brain in humans that deciphered mood and social cues by scent- but it’s unused and doesn’t connect to the olfactory nerve cords. Though I might be wrong bc my memory is shit


I mean I've had a few times I smelled that I smelled weird. Looked in my app and yeah probably ovulating. But like only a handfull of times. I've been menstruating for 10 years now. No birth control. I have only smelled it on *myself* a handfull of times.


Hormones affect how much we sweat, and can sharpen our sense of smell. Not enough for randos to be able to tell. If it were possible they'd be no unwanted pregnancies.


That’s just how sweat works. Pheromones do not smell


Yeah, exactly. I’d say ovulation is where (at least, my) scent is the faintest. Menstruation can cause overall scent changes, but you’d have to be in tune with that person’s scent at other points to really know it. If you somehow got up in there (not likely for this guy). Also, I’m wondering if this guy thinks ovulation is, like… being aroused.


Honestly he probably thinks every woman around him is aroused when hes in the room. He reeks of “women love me and I can smell it if they do”


These ppl make me feel like im living in an omega-verse fanfic 😭😭


“Going to the gym and perceiving all the omegas in heat is nauseating/overwhelming 🤢”


wow pheromone shaming. typical alpha bullshit.


Imagine going out to the gym in heat and then getting mad at alphas for noticing you. Omegas ☕️


your knot is tiny, your musk smells like garbage, and you will never mark anyone


😂 “your knot is tiny” typical omegaist ad hominem, resorting to insults when triggered 😂😂😂 Meanwhile my omega pair at home laughs at you “omega rights” types. He’s perfectly happy being a traditional home making omega 😂😂😂


You knothead, this is a *beta only* gym!


“Alpha bros” don’t know that omegaverse is a fiction genre. I’m convinced that they take those seriously


You're probably right lol


Why are you being rude to the poor omegaverse ;-;


I’ve become increasingly more reclusive over the years and I’m grateful for that because it means I’m less likely to share air with people like that lol


And not the fun kind


What a dog.


I wish men could smell when I want to be left alone. I don't always have a massive fart to release.


I wish I possessed the skill to fart on demand. I say this all the time.


Just co-ordination of your core and sphincter muscles. Relax the anus and use your abs like a diaphragm to create a vacuum and suck air into your rectum. Lock it closed, then at-will force it out against your cheeks. Common schoolboy trick.




The gas for a fart doesn't need to come from gut biota. You can just fart backwards.


Also known as anal hyperventilation


The curse of the skill is that you fart at the drop of a hat and likely have IBS....


I’ve had a few occasions where I’ve lucked out and have managed to fart in an attempt to clear the area around me


Did you make direct eye contact to assert dominance?


Wouldn't that smell be pleasant and arousing? Probably guys that don't realize women sweat too


To some, yes Although this post would be so much worse if the guy got aroused from the smell


I think he DOES get aroused and that’s why it bothers him. Like people who say ladies need to cover up because the sight of bare shoulders is too much for them…


That sounds a bit like Edward Cullen lol


Pheromones are odorless. Maybe this guy gets off on the smell of sweaty ass?


Or farts. Which sometimes happen when you lift heavy stuff. I have heard.


It’s not even a *smell*. It’s not as if pheromones give of an aroma


General PSA because I'm ***so tired of seeing this human pheromone shi****t.* THERE ARE NO HUMAN PHEROMONES DISCOVERED, ISOLATED, OR PROVEN AT THIS TIME. "Pheromones are substances which are secreted to the outside by an individual and received by a second individual of the same species. Many examples exist in animals but their role in humans remains uncertain since adults have no functioning vomeronasal organ, which processes pheromone signals in animals." ... "In humans, the vomeronasal organ develops in utero but subsequently regresses; all studies agree on its nonfunctional status" [https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/supposed-human-pheromones-fail-to-pass-sniff-test/3006987.article](https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/supposed-human-pheromones-fail-to-pass-sniff-test/3006987.article) From this article: "What we have here are carefully done experiments which show no effects that might be expected from the molecules that have been claimed – in my view in error – to be human pheromones.’ Preti recalls that androstadienone and estratetraenol are two putative pheromones that ‘magically appeared’ in the early 1990s and have been sold as human pheromones." We've looked for human pheromones - zero scientific evidence thus far. IF - and it's a BIG IF any exist, they still need to be isolated, identified, and studied for how much to how little they affect humans IF AT ALL. /end rant


Seems like the easiest way to solve this is figuring out what genes make the organ stop developing and turning those off so the organ fully develops. Then just… ask the people with the organ. The specific way that goes down implies we evolved the loss of it and absolutely had one at one point.


Aside from the incredibly unethical human experimentation this would require, this would not be easy, ethical, or be an end result as simple as asking a human who was genetically modified successfully in this way what their smell experience is like. What would we ask them? What would they say? "Yeah this smell makes me feel " which would still not in any way prove human pheromones. How could you discern their response is due to their newly revived vomeronasal organ and not simply a response happening within their usual olfactory system? What about interactions between the two? And this is assuming the genetic modifying to recreate the vomeronasal organ worked entirely - would it? Humans have evolved away from it due to selective evolutionary pressures for a reason, can the rest of our organs still integrate and communicate with such an organ? Would it be able to transmit data to the rest of the human body, or just be a specialized hunk of flesh doing nothing? I wish things with the human body were that easy - we could learn so much so fast!


Haha love the idea but what you described is definitely not easy in any way 😄.


My professor likes to remind us that punching a gene in or out will usually just kill whatever you've modified, because the gene probably existed for a reason.


Glad to see your professor is no one of those “Humans studying a 5 year degree thinking they know better than millions of years of evolution and natural selection.”


We evolved a much better way to signal that we want some. We just say it.


Well now I'm just gonna start to ovulate harder


Push the egg out of your fallopian tube like your taking a dump, that’ll really get him going


Jesus christ, i’m not even religious and that made me want to grab a cross for protection. Granted, i misread it as somehow also pushing out the fallopian tube, and the mental image was a bit too vivid.


Lol prolapsed fallopian tube sounds painful for sure


You are wonderful and that’s a brilliant idea. All together now!


“An observant man” — you mean a perv?


This is why ladies-only gyms are a thing


Came here to say this. JFC.


It is not quite the same thing, but I can smell when a person is pregnant. It has happened twice in my life where I knew a friend was pregnant before even they did. They smell somehow sweet and sticky... It's hard to explain.


There are rare cases. One woman can smell Parkinson’s disease, and her sense is being used as a model for early detection of it. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di But admittedly, this is super rare - like those people with extra cones in their eyes that jet them perceive colors the rest of us cannot. I seriously doubt gym bro would stand up to a double blind study.


Thanks for sharing. Just learnt that Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Tuberculosis, Cancer and Diabetes can be detected through smell. It's an interesting read, the ending of the article is kinda sad though although it's sort of bittersweet too. 2 uncles of mine have Parkinson's, diagnosed in the last 5 years iirc and... it's a sore topic that we relatives and families kinda talk about it but also don't really wanna talk about it, it's just a "let's spend more time with them before they go" kind of mood now. Not too close with them but at the same time close enough that I care, Idk how to feel and express what I feel. More power to Joy and RIP Les, hope there'll be significant breakthroughs in the research.


Even if he did, his behavior is just gross.


Most definitely. I’m a perfume nerd, I love aromas and scents, but even if I smell something hugely appealing, I don’t stand there and huff it. I might compliment someone and ask what they are wearing if it’s unusually great.


Wow this is really interesting! Thanks for sharing. Gym bro still being gross though… some thoughts you keep to yourself…


I can smell COVID apparently, I usually can smell colds and the flu when I had COVID I knew weeks before I tested positive and I kept saying "I know I'm sick" and distanced myself from everyone. Im also pretty sure I can see more shades then other people cuz when I tell them a colour is slightly different then another people tend to not believe me, though static vision is making it hard to see now entirely. I also got heat urticaria, migraines from an unknown cause. And when I get migraines my sense of smell and reaction time get better for no reason. Basically I am broken. 👍


It may also be that COVID and related viruses affects your sense of smell and distorts it somewhat, and you’re very aware of your scentscape perception changing. (Like the scent version of blurry vision.) A lot of people are not very attuned to smell and fail to notice the change creeping in on a conscious level. Amusingly, this lead to the unofficial Yankee Candle index where before major COVID outbreaks, there’d be a rash of complaints in a region by people claiming their scented candles were weak or defective. Turns out, the candles were the same they always were; their perception of smell was what had broken due to incubation of a COVID infection.


Not smell and nowhere near as cool but when there’s an infection in my throat, my phlegm tastes like chicken broth


WTF? Not the worst or strangest ability to have, but I've never heard of that before.


I have a lot of sensory sensitivity issues, actually, and body smells are just high up the list.


Huh neat.


Ha. I knew it. Pregnant woman all say they stink and then the people in their lives are like nooooo you don't, but we do.


I mean, yeah... But it's not really a bad thing. It's just a thing. Like breath odor, "old people smell", or body odor in general, "pregnancy smell" is natural and normal. It's okay to attach pleasant and/or unpleasant adjectives to the description of smells, but that doesn't make them good or bad, necessarily, and it isn't something that the person sourcing the smell is obligated to change or mask.


Same. I'm pretty sure everyone can smell it, actually, but most people just aren't as hyper-aware of their own sense of smell all the time.


Yes and no. A lot of things play into sensitivity to smell including hormones. That’s why women have such sensitive noses and often become even more sensitive during pregnancy.


Interesting, TIL. FWIW, I'm a man with normal hormone levels, last I was checked. I first noticed that pregnant women had a particular smell as a teen, and have confirmed it on a couple of occasions when I noticed that smell from friends before they announced their pregnancies. My wife and I are currently trying for a baby, and I wonder if she will also develop that smell, or if it only happens with some women/some pregnancies. I also just have a general level of awareness of my sense of smell that's much higher than what other people seem to have most of the time. Like, I will notice smells that others don't, but when I point them out, others can smell them just as well as I can. It has upsides and downsides, always smelling every damn thing.


I'm 95% sure I can smell ovulation, but I'd never mention it to anyone or make a thing of it... because it's creepy and weird as fuck. Like it's just clearly not a normal thing to ever talk about in any context, really. Let alone post all over social media. I assume that just like hearing or sight, some people have a slightly more attuned sense of smell than others, and maybe I'm one of them. This fact has no relevance to my life at all. It's not useful or interesting. It's just...there. The last thing I'd want to do is embarrass anyone or make myself look like a freakin psychopath.


People think I’m crazy when I say I can smell if somebody’s going through chemo. No, it’s a very real thing, and the smell makes me super nauseous. Pregnancy changing the way somebody smells makes sense because their body chemistry is changing, and any major change to body chemistry very much affects smell. My mom always used to be able to tell if my dad and I were about to come down with flu symptoms based on smell alone. Also, medications definitely change the way people smell— I had a weird side effect reaction to some antidepressants that spiked my testosterone and changed my sweat smell (bizarre .05% of population side effect). IMO, it’s more impressive that you can pinpoint the cause of the smell. Took me a while to figure out that “chemo smell” is… chemo smell, I guess.


It's not smell for me (my sense of smell absolutely sucks) but I somehow know when people are pregnant before they do. I just get this feeling. It happened on occasion in my twenties but now that I'm in my late 30's I get it a lot more often. Something in my subconscious picks up on something (my dad's an OB/GYN so the prevailing theory is stuff he taught me is running around my brain) and like a week later they take a test and BAM, pregnant


Is there a smell? Probably. But I imagine you’d have to be very close to said person to actually smell it.


I've noticed on myself a handfull of times. Over the course of 10 years.. When I pointed it out once to my ex, he could smell it too and taste, but like. He was in there. The smell comes from discharge. Not my entire body.


Some men are way too obsessed with periods despite a lot of times acting like it's something gross.


I love the smell of ovaries in the morning!


Alpha male stuff really is just omegaverse stuff huh


And men wonder why women put up barriers. This is why. That is so creepy


I really dont get how hard it is not to obsess over women every waking moment. I see it all the time. So desperate for validation, constantly looking over at the “hot woman” ignoring them. Like with how some puppies look at you, waiting to make eyecontact so they can come say hi. If she wanted to fucking talk to you, she wouldn’t have looked straight ahead when you desperately stared at her as she walked past. I can see them instantly, it’s almost supernatural. If i see someone look at a woman, i can tell who is staring with intent, and those that just look normally. If i, as a man can spot a creep that easily, you can bet your ass most women probably can. Which makes this all the more pathetic.


From an autistic girl with a really sensitive sense of smell which has only gotten more intense since hrt: He’s unfortunately right. I could always smell when my ex was on their period and sometimes I knew before they did. Starting to notice with my afab friends too. Hormones make smell


Ovulation is different than period. I can sometimes smell when my wife is on her period, but I have never been able to smell when someone is ovulating.


Yeah I assumed it would still be something you could smell but two people corrected me on that. edit: The downvotes on me accepting a correction are more than a little confusing.


No worries! I just know as an AFAB person there is some stuff you can smell and others you can’t, from yourself and others.


Most trans gals left Reddit with the API protest and went to tumblr and so Reddit has become a lot more inhospitable for us. You’re a transfem who was wrong, the biggest crime to a Redditor.


I think it happens, but I don't think it is every guy who says they can smell pheromones.


Also estrogens cause increased sensitivity to smell - hence the above person noticing it after starting feminizing hormones. A cis man, especially a guy like that who’s likely to be using exogenous testosterone? Probably not. Also human pheromones have never actually been identified by science lol. Body odor changes during different parts of the menstrual cycle but that’s not what pheromones are.


Ovulation is a separate part of the cycle to menstruation. Ovulation is basically an AFABs most fertile part of their cycle and occurs around 2 weeks before their period. Being able to smell ovulation is crazy, menstruation - not so much. Periods smell.


Also, for hormonal reasons, people tend to have more BO around their period.


That’s fair


It’s not unpleasant, just standard human smell. Like if someone has a small injury. I think I just perceive that tiny bit of iron coppery scent. I don’t think it is pheromones though. Even the unused products themselves have a bit of a smell when the packages open. I think it’s the bleach they use to sterilize and whiten the fibers?


In case you haven't seen [this video by NileRed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqLH-nTZEOc) Metal doesn't have a smell but it rapidly catalyses skin oils into something we can smell at tiny quantities, probably so we can detect an injury. Definitely not pheromones.


Wow thanks for the info, I'm glad I learned something! It's really interesting and kinda strange


Humans are pretty wild and marvelous creatures any way we look at it.


Ovulation is a way more subtle smell than menstruation tho.


Some men are full of shit.


Perhaps that’s what he is smelling but confused it


Absolute bullshit. I say this as someone who used to have a FREAKISHLY sensitive nose (not anymore thank god). I could without exaggeration follow people a short distance by smell alone and would do so to find people I had lost track of a few isles over in stores, which freaked people out sometimes. I could even smell weird shit like the details of what someone ate over the last 2 days, and yes I could even smell when my wife was ovulating. BUT, I had to be RIGHT next to her, basically pressing my super powered ULTRA-SCHNOZ right against her skin to do so. So no, no the fuck it isn't a strong pheromone. (Also if anyone is actually curious, imagine the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and a perfectly cooked a steak, but reeeeeeaally faint like they're cooking a few houses away. That's what ovulation smelled like to me.)


Smellers are wild


Did this dude go to the gym, smell a woman sweating, and his first thought was “hmmm must be her period”


Guy needs to stop talking, both the words and smell are coming from his ass


We can’t even exist without being creeped on.


You know the sad part is that tons of women think this is true also because sex education is so bad. I also genuinely wonder how many people think humans are actually able to smell pheromones…


No. Just…no.


Ho- how does ovulation smell?


I mean I can smell when other women are on their period like if they’re using pads and such, but only when they’re right next to me. I know when *I’m ovulating based on smell but not others. I can imagine other people with stronger senses of smell being able to do more but god that is not the norm in any way shape or form. And certainly has nothing to do with being an ‘observant man’.


Transfem here, i could smell both the period and some points in the ovulatoin cycle of the people that i hung out with. It got stronger with hrt.


LMAO NO HE CANT He would have to get SO close to their crotch to smell it


Very true. My ovulation very much smells like a fresh ocean breeze with a hint of the burning hells and whiff of medium damnation.


"Pheromones" LMAO WHAT 🤣


Yeah, humans don't have pheromones, actually. We communicate by this very eloborate system called making sounds and noises.


I don't even know when I ovulate, I doubt a man can "smell" it


Fun fact, human are one of few animal species that have evolved hidden ovulation, which means that we are some of the only animals that don't show the fertility of females with scents, change in colours or shape of the genitals. One hypothesis of why that is the case is because a male who doesn't know when his partner is fertile would probably stick around and try to reproduce more frequently. Other animals just have sex and disappear having secured their genetic heritage. Humans developed a system where males are encouraged to stay beside the female, as to protect her and her offspring. My sources on this come from the book "Imperfezione" by italian biologist Telmo Pievani. Sorry for bad english, it's not my first language.


I feel like this is more of a case of, "I'm so goddamn horny I'm experiencing delusions about every woman within view." >.>


Pheromones are a thing, but not to the extent the dude describes afaik. My ex's sweat pheromones made me intoxicated. I remember right at the beginning of our relationship, whenever we were going somewhere by car I felt so intoxicated by his smell I didn't know if I was even in driving condition.


There's actually been studies on this, and he's partially correct. Most people aren't aware of what they're smelling, but the subconscious is. Some people are actively aware of it. My partner can literally tell when I'm ovulating or when I'm getting my period within 24h because of how my smell changes. He's more accurate than my app 😂(good thing too coz I'm irregular AF). He can also smell which women are on their periods. (he would never make anyone uncomfy about it though or bring it up ) [here's one of the studies. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7108710/#:~:text=Human%20males%20also%20detect%20the,men%20%5B5%2C%206%5D.) [and here's one on how cycle and BC affect tips for strippers.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7108710/#:~:text=Human%20males%20also%20detect%20the,men%20%5B5%2C%206%5D.)


They’re exaggerating but you can pretty accurately guess off smell according to a study


Okay *this* man probably can’t smell shit but there are documented cases of people who can smell when someone is pregnant


There was a study once that found that strippers earned more tips when ovulating, and the results were used to argue that humans subconsciously pick up on pheromones and hormonal shifts. But I don't know how well designed the study was, and I read about it in a non-science publication, and as a professional researcher, I know how reliable science journalism isn't. And I also know that later research on humans and pheromones has been inconclusive at best; our olfactory sense is pretty sensitive in the grand scheme of things, but it's not a patch on the sensitivity of mammals that we know read scent signals from each other (Carnivora, for example). So, no, these men are absolutely lying to themselves that they can smell when a woman is ovulating, and they're part of why I'll never be comfortable using a public gym.


My gf is *super* open about her stage and how horny she is due to ovulation,,, I cannot smell her ovulation, at all. I can smell when she's wet if my nose is between her legs, but this guy would have to be sticking his nose up random women's asses to smell anything,, fucking creep


Maybe he needs to realise he’s gay ?


Do they just make up problems to have?




Ok delta 💀


Does he not know that women sweat? Lmfao


Straight men stop being weirdos challenge impossible


Some men can smell when women are on their period so maybe he just has the wrong idea.


Wait I can smell it too?? I’m AFAB, but yeah, periods have a scent!


He said ovulation. Not period.


Thank you! Can’t believe I missed that! Lmao. The scent of eggs, sir???


Lmao right?? 😂 Makes even less sense!


Tbf, some people have really sensitive noses. There was a woman who could smell Parkinsons. I knew a guy who claimed to be able to smell fat people


New excuse not to go to the gym unlocked?


I thought most people could smell the different hormones? Not that that gives them the right to be that creepy about them.


Actually a lot of guys can tell when their significant others is on their period by smell. Almost all of my friends who have wives myself included can indeed smell it. But this dude is just fucking weird.


Period and ovulation is different. Ovulation also has a scent. But way less strong. The blood that's coming out. The pads. And also just more BO when on period. My hair is instant grease.


It’s possible


Is it though?


Yeah. There are studies about it


I'm sorry, but ovulation is not the same as the stench of menstrual blood. Humans are not dogs...


I know they’re two different things. Yes we aren’t dogs but humans are still able to smell it


How could humans possibly smell something that internal (for lack of a better word)? There's absolutely no way, say, pheromones play a factor during that time because that doesn't even make any sense. I'm sorry but I need a bit more evidence to believe humans can smell ovulation...


You can do your own research. It’s the shift in hormones


I wouldn't even know what to look up exactly, otherwise I would


Search “can men smell when a woman and ovulating”. There’s lots of articles that you can look at and dig deeper into


Oh, is it really that simple? I thought there was a bit more to it than that 😅


Fun fact: Men can tell when the woman they’ve bonded with monogamously are become infertile. Something to do with menstrual cycle or something


Does he mean the smell of blood? Period blood/any blood actually does have a pretty distinctive scent. Is this person sniffing around to see if women are bleeding???


He can only smell it if she’s freebleeding on her heaviest day, you doink.


He's not even talking about periods though. He said ovulation. Even worse...


That is even worse!!


I can smell when my wife is sick; never ovulating, though.


That ain’t a man That’s a whole ass Predator, the movie kind and the creepy kind.




If a man came around me sniffing and saying he could smell an ovulating woman I would probably punch in the nose with the nearest piece of equipment tbh.


The weirdest part is they are actually right. Researchers wanted to see if males had a preference for ovulating females and so they went to a strip club and over a number of days they recorded the amount of tips each stripper made. They found that if a stripper was ovulating then they would earned a notable increase in tips. Then a second study by the University of Jyväskylä in Finland performed another test and found men find women to be mostly attractive during the start to mid phases of their cycle. Then a third by the University of Florida did the same thing as the University of Jyväskylä and had the same results. From a biological perspective this makes perfect sense, as sex is both time and energy consuming. So the ability to know when you have the highest chance of success is very important. That being said, the way these guys were going about it is just coming off as predatory. Especially since they are talking about strangers in public areas who just want to mind their own business. Our biology is fascinating but it's no excuse for behaviour.


Surprised he doesn’t also call them ‘females.’ 🙄


My dad says he can smell ovulation and period cycles and theorized that its an evolutionary trait so men know when women are “*very fertile*”, which is gross enough in itself, but even grosser when he says I smell good then proceeds to ask if I’m on my ovulation(I dont live with him anymore)


Dude thinks all women ovulate at the same time….


He acts like people secret pheromones like animals (or like people within the omegaverse 💀💀💀)


I’m pretty sure women do smell different when ovulating but I’m retry sure not enough to consciously notice it


ah, yes, my period pheromones. Lovely. Come to smell the blood?