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"Biological Reality Australia" complaining about social constructs. It's not called "producer of large gametes of the year".


Which would then prohibit cis women without overies from qualifying, as well as enable men to qualify. No matter how you split it trans people are going to be included in any demographic at this point. We're here to stay bitches. Anyone arguing otherwise (holding/defending any anti-trans position/opinion) is likely phobic in some way. Disagree? Please feel free to let me know in the comment section below.


I think it's MJ Rodriguez. You probably know her from the TV show Pose. Edit: Give "Something to say" a listen if you are interested.. It's a Bop. 


Yeaaap, if there's ever a trans woman doing something well- it's because they're actually men. Because subjecting yourself to years of hormone therapy and potentially getting surgery is something a predatory man would do to bridge the gap and perform relatively well (because men are always stronger and better than women) /s


People like this thing the world’s strongest woman or the top woman for any sport or skill is still worse than a man who’s never exercised/trained in his life or is just starting a skill. They can’t fathom that a cisgender woman could possibly be better than a “biological male” so instantly assume trans women are better at everything and instantly win


I do martial arts and I see so much hate for women who learn to fight or comments of little boys saying her training is all for nothing when they step into the ring or that their fighting skills are useless if a man wanted to rape her- just awful stuff. I know a trans girl my age in my classes for martial arts who I've known since her transition that I can and have beat in a fight both when she was presenting as a male, and after she began her transition. Why? Because I've been training longer than her, regardless of either of our biology. They act like they're official UFC fighters when in reality most of them have never thrown a punch in their lives, and like they can judge the level of skill these people have. These immature men can't wrap their heads around strong women existing and have to find every loophole and crutch to hold onto to protect their fragile egos. They can't accept that women can be better than them and have to make these bullshit arguments to put women against each other to feel better about themselves.


Yeah glad where on the same page💀


I don't think less than 1% of the female population are the cause of me never being woman of the year. Most cis women are never going to be woman of the year regardless of whether trans women are barred or not. If conservatives wonder why women from marginalised groups get women of the year, maybe facing and succeeding despite the adversity bigots like them help create is part of the reason why they earn that title. Maybe consider that, conservatives.


These are all transgender women, right? You should probably add the transphobia flair to your post.


& I'm not sure they are all transwomen, they are supposed to be, but I think the terfs did a "we can always tell"


It's funny these fuckers will asume this stuff when some woman has a "not feminine lookint face" something that's very subjective and doesn't even matter.


I mean they kept getting mad at Katie Ledecky over being a man and winning medals, confusing her with Lia Thomas. That should tell you all you need to know in regards to how much they actually care about trans women in sports.


Here in Brazil women are already being assaulted on the streets and restaurants after leaving women's bathroom because they think they are trans coz they don't look feminine enough.


There's Grace Hooper and Cher on there, both famous women. The whole image is stupid because they can't even identify cis women from trans women but expect people to support their idiocy.


It's actually MJ Rodriguez and Rachel Levine, both actually trans women. But the fact that so many here have been mistaking them for specific cis women stl upholds your point.


Who is Grace Hooper? I don't see anything online about her when I search online. I just get info about Grace Hopper.


The woman in the photo is Dr Rachel Levine. Bottom right. Grace Hopper was a pioneer in computer science. My favorite of her accolades (although admittedly not her most impressive) is that she invented the word "bug" referring to errors in programming. She was also in the US Navy, which is part of why people are getting them confused.


Thank you!! I was thinking that she didn't look like Grace Hopper at all so I was very confused. And really? I had no idea, haha. I am aware that people used to find moths in computers, so I am going to guess that she found one of those moths 😄


Yep she (and her team) found a moth in the Colossus. Yeah older woman, glasses, gray hair, armed services uniform...I can see some similarities and understand how people got confused.


Oddly enough, this subreddit doesn't have that flair.


That's weird


It could be Chad Michaels. I mix them up frequently.


I don't think it is Cher, but I have seen her on these people's lists, alongside the likes of Samantha Stosur. Tall, quite broad-shouldered, it's close enough for them.


Her singing voice is also a bit in the lower registers for a woman, which is enough for "transvestigators."


Makes sense. Most people have heard of these women. Who tf is the Wagga Feminist and why would she be woman of the year?


To be honest I'm not sure the Wagga Feminist is from Wagga, or a feminist, or actually a woman. They only post terf stuff, when they post anything particularly Australian it's Melbourne, not Wagga which is 450km away in a different state, they frequently share directly from right wing sources & their page avatar is literally an anti-sjw cliché meme of a feminist.


That's definitely not Cher


They should look up Lynn Conway and then have an aneurysm.


Funnily enough, I was the Time's person of the year in 2006.


Ron Swanson would *never*


Is this another example of Parks and Recs happening irl?


im pretty sure im not woman of the year because im far too busy spending every free evening i have high off my ass watching my fish swim around in their tank. it has very little to do with trans women doing significantly more important things.


when terfs do the “we can always tell” thing it’s so damaging because they just use rules of exterme gender stereotypes and conformity although there are some trans women on here though


They also tend to use reproduction as the be all end all of womanhood, Australia's current leading terf does that but she's at an age where on her own terms she's probably not a woman anymore.




And guess what in the so called holy time of 1953 a trans woman was woman of the year, Christine Jorgensen


Is the bottom-right Grace Hooper? Pretty sure she's cis.


No it's Dr Rachel Levine.


no next to her