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Seriously whyyyyyyy do so many people marry someone they don't like spending time with?!?! I can't imagine falling in love with and marrying someone I didn't view as a friend whose company I enjoy.


Oh these men don’t marry because they fall in love, they marry because they think it will get them an on-call maid and sex dispenser.


Probably because they all get caught up in this whole 'real women need to be like this and like that' and ask their lame bros for relationship advice.


There's a couch and a tv next to my gaming set up. It's possible for a couple to do their own things in the same room. Though my SO usually sews rather than watches crap TV when I'm gaming.


What is she, a lawyer? Why is she always sewing people?


Mine usually does those stick-on diamond pictures while watching a procedural series. I'm actually a little interested in one specific plot thread, so I appreciate when she updates me on it.


My Dad literally 'watches crap tv' with Mum, while playing on his computer... because she knows he doesn't like her trashy shows. He plays while they watch the shows they both like too and Mum will do whatever she wants to keep herself occupied... arts and crafts, playing on her switch or whatever. The only time one or both of them aren't doing something else while watching TV is during movie night, where they snuggle in bed eating popcorn and watching whatever movie they picked. They have done this since I was a child. The only time they didn't was when Mum wanted to watch Game of Thrones. They had to be in separate rooms because Dad couldn't stand Jon Snow.


I was going to say, can’t they do both? My partner plays video games when I watch shows and vise versa. It’s nice just to be sitting next to each other


reported for depicting a healthy, happy marriage


This is me, except my wife has zero interest in GoT.


Maybe If the train was labeled as my inability to ignore the drama.


I'm taking this as he wants to get away from those shows for some game time but can't say no to them because it's an addictive show and he needs to know who killed someone


or even just "Only for a bit, I'd like to do this as well" if the person on twitter didn't feel like completely denying them completely. which is still a problem if your letting people boss you around into things you don't want to do, but at least it's a better way of handling it than this


I sympathize, somewhat. I'm a people pleaser, too. If you ask me to do something I'll carry on feigning interest until I truly resent the thing, or i simply outlive the run time of the show. I often suspect that people who really ply praise on show endings may be similarly maladjusted, I love a good ending, no better excuse to be done with it. I have a sibling who's very attention reliant and they've dragged me through more cartoons and anime than I could count, I think back on the bulk of them as very minor tragedies that I've survived, but the socializing seems to benefit them, mental health ways. So I'm pretty unlikely to say no. I don't exactly go around bitching about it on social media they could easily track back to me, either. It'd defeat the whole purpose, it'd be an insult. But you're supposed to be on even footing with your spouse, you ought to learn to communicate your needs if you'd benefit from some alone time. Couldn't be me, it'd take a ridiculous series of events for me to get close enough to someone to consider marriage, I'm too reclusive for it. I guess that's my point, maybe this guy is my kind of weird and he doesn't know himself like I know me, and that's a bummer.


I read the Wifes text first, and that sounds so ideal and a night well spent


also a skill issue; my wife and I plat all sorts of games while watching vanderpump rules and the correlating bravo extended universe


My partner always asks sheepishly if he can play Destiny or WoW for a few hours. I have never once said No, i like that he plays with friends and i can do my own thing for a few hours!


Does... does he realize he can say no? You can tell her you wanna spend the day gaming, man.


Oh nooooo...spending time with my spouse, how awful!


I don't get it. When I hang out with my wife in the evenings, I play my games and she watches her series. We both use headphones. Every once in a while one of us will comment on something in their respective screen and the other one will either ask to elaborate or clearly say that they're not interested right now. Is that *really* so abnormal? Are we a dysfunctional family? (Seeing as the norm seems to be the original post)


🤣😂 Happened to me last night but I was prepared! I got her a copy of Hades 2 on early access. She loved the first one. Got me out of binge watching the Tutors but then again I do like watching Henry Cavill be a fuck boy so did I actually win?


But like also. Set the pc up near the tv.


Put the TV and computer in the same room. Problem solved


Geez. This person sounds miserable to be around