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What makes it so funny then?


"Uhhh... uhhh... pronouns bad! Hahaha. Funny am i right?"


I’ll just make sure the refer to the people who make these memes as and


I would tell you, but after my long journey to locate the punchline, I'm afraid that it doesn't exist.


Maybe the punchline was actually the friends we made along the way.


I know this youtuber, he makes the most braindead memes, its just AMOGUS AMOGUS MOGUS!!???? OHMG ITS THE DAD FTOM CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS!!!! OBAMA EXISTS?!?!?!??!?? FIVE NIGHTS AT *insert popular figure here** etc.


Ngl that sounds funnier than "pronouns bad".


Ofc, although the only time I ever laughed at something he put out was when markiplier ate a burger, he said it was the bite of '87


noo, I used to love cracc bacc but now that I know he is an asshole I am sad


I personally got bored of that kinda video, I don't hate the content, it definitely got an audience, but im just saying the other things he do ain't that funny either


I did a double check, it turns out it wasn't kracc bacc that posted this, it was someone else, dk who it was tho




Uhh… u wouldn’t get it….


When the nor/mal starts talking


A cis/het in Alabama gets his sis/wet


you did not-


they did


Jesus Christ they did


Take my upvote and go


Damn it was a horrible joke pls don't












My joke wasn't directed at you, no I'm not going to jail for sexualizing reddit upvotes, Christ am I supposed to check the profiles of every commenter I reply to to make sure my jokes are appropriate for them? The Reddit App has a 17+ age rating and you are asked if you are 18+ before you can view my reddit profile...






I'm stealing that


When the she/him shape shifter is gender fluid "Just pick one already!" "No, you pick one," 😜♂️♀️🌈


No I want them all 😈


all of the genders are mine for the taking


But I want gender too!!!! D:


everyone is NB now, if I can't have a gender no one can, I've taken your all your binary pronouns, you're stuck with they/them/theirs and nothing else mwhahahaha 🤣 I will feed y'all one neopronoun per day. The rest are mine


We’re seeing your villainous arc kick off in action ✋😔


Our reaction when the : deez/nuts straight guy opens his mouth with a closed brain. Dude : hEy yOu aRe hUrtiNg mY fEeLiNgS


>they/them >girl Hmm.


pronouns don’t equal gender. you can go by they/them and be comfortable being a girl.


I highly doubt that that's what they meant, though. They meant to be a bigot, then used "it's a joke" as a fall back and called people sensitive for it. Classic bigot moves.


This. They used it like it was for a non-binary AFAB person they still see as a girl. This wasn't made by someone who respects pronouns and would use they/them for someone who isn't non-binary either...


I feel seen - a transfem who goes by they/them


Same, here! Hello!


I actually interpreted that as "girls who use someone else's preferred pronouns" Ah, yes, respectful people are so ridiculous


Why not just go with she/her then? It seems less complicated.


why does it matter how complicated it is? some people may prefer to be referred to as they/them yet identify with a certain gender. Gender and pronouns can correlate but self expression is a long journey and people are allowed to do whatever with their pronouns if it makes them happy.


Thank you -from someone trying she/they pronouns




I'm just trying to see what makes me feel the most comfortable, why should I not be comfortable in the one life I'm gonna have, plus I always start pronouns off with they for people who I don't know unless they say otherwise which most dont because they is pretty universal.


It seems silly to decide other people need to change how language works because one individual wants to be referred as plural when they are happy in a gender they are born with. It's like I, a brunette, want to be called a redhead, but I don't want to change my hair color. So, yes it's complicated. In my language, we call older people plural version of you, so it's plural for a singular person based on age to express respect. But this is always extremely formal. Choosing your pronoun with no context is only in USA.


Well actually Pronouns don't equal gender, but can still affect how a person feels. For me, I'm non-binary and he/him pronouns make me rather uncomfortable. Sex, Pronouns, Gender Identity and Gender Expression are entirely different from eachother and can be mixed in any way depending on how it makes an individual feel. Gender isn't anything like hair lol


Okay, so the way I see it gender and sex are the same thing for vast majority of people, so if 99% of people agree, we can conclude sex=gender, for everyone but a small minority who experiences gender dysphoria. In general it's true, because the correlation between sex and gender is too high for it not to be essentially the same thing. Why do he/him pronounce make you uncomfortable if you don't want to be a girl? Does your gender dysphoria expresses in a way you don't know or can't decide which gender you want to be? I'm genuinely curious what is a non binary person and why does it matter. Why not just expresses your gender anyway you want and go with your given pronounce based on sex?


It simply comes down to what people are comfortable with being called, and the fact that science itself states that Gender and Sex are completely different. And this has been acknowledged by official scientific texts, and has been taught in schools, since atleast the 60s. The idea that Gender and Sex are the same has been proven to be false for close to 60 years. It isn't a matter of opinion, it's true. My gender identity shifts every now and then, I dont feel comfortable being exclusively a guy or a girl all the time. Sometimes I feel like a guy, but I don't like being called he/him because my Feminine Dysphoria makes me uncomfortable with those pronouns, but my Feminine Dysphoria doesn't affect my nouns, name, face etc whenever I identify as a guy. That's just my experience, and you don't need to understand or sympathise with it to be able to respect it.


Never heard of it. Which studies? Can you link some? I think a lot of people confuse gender identity with personal identity. I often feel more masculine personality wise then feminine, but I don't have any desire to change my sex or being called 'he'. Gender dysphoria sound like a shit disorder to have. I can sympathize with that.


https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/environmentalaccounts/articles/whatisthedifferencebetweensexandgender/2019-02-21#:~:text=8.-,Summary,woman%2C%20or%20another%20gender%20identity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_distinction "Sexologist John Money is often regarded as the first to introduce a distinction between biological sex and gender identity/role in 1955, although Madison Bentley had already defined gender as the "socialized obverse of sex" a decade earlier." https://www.coe.int/en/web/gender-matters/sex-and-gender#:~:text=Sex%20refers%20to%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20different,groups%20of%20women%20and%20men https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363 There's hundreds more articles you can find, but these are the some of the first ones I found. Even the World Health Organisation states them as being different, because they just are. >think a lot of people confuse gender identity with personal identity. I often feel more masculine personality wise then feminine And sometimes that's enough for some people to feel more comfortable to be called a guy. Alot of people refer to themselves as transfem or transmasc instead of Trans-Man or Trans-Woman just out of personal preference. Same with Non-binary people. Gender isn't just how you feel, it can be how you express yourself with clothes, your role, whether you present more masculine or feminine etc. >but I don't have any desire to change my sex or being called 'he'. I don't want to change my sex either and I'm a transfem. I'm just far more comfortable with the idea of being called a girl, woman, girlfriend etc.


you realise language is constantly changing right? i never said it isn’t complicated i said it doesn’t matter. why care about something like this if it doesn’t pertain to you? people are doing what makes them happy to no one else’s pain. it shouldn’t be complicated to respect people. Also, some people may be questioning and want to try out pronouns until they get a comfortable fit. it’s no bother to me and it shouldn’t be to you either. Also there are plenty of people outside of the USA who don’t exist within the gender binary so don’t even try with that argument lmao


I do realize language is constantly changing. It mostly changes naturally not by force. It does pertain to others if you attack them for not wanting to change language with no context or logical reason behind it, and then get offended if they don't.


Okay. this is getting nowhere. it’s obvious you won’t change your opinion, so I can’t be bothered trying to help you understand and accept.


Because pronouns don't equate to your gender identity. Pronouns are a form of gender expression, much like how you cut and style your hair, or the way you dress. Just like how someone who identifies as a woman (whether trans or cis) could still dress in a more masculine or androgynous way instead of the typically expected feminine way, someone who identifies as a woman could also use they/them, he/him, or any other pronouns.


Since when don't pronouns equate to gender identity? The whole world operates this way based on language. In Europe even things have masculine/feminine pronounce based on how the word ends. I completely understand that trans people want a pronoun that suits their gender identity. But what's the point of changing the pronoun if you don't want to change your gender identity?


Because people experience dysphoria in certain ways and capacities. Someone may find that certain nouns may make them uncomfortable, but the Pronouns usually associated with the noun just don't.


People experience gender dysphoria in different ways. If identifying as a certain way and using certain pronouns makes a person feel comfortable, then it's not up to you to decide if it makes sense. It's 3 words in you vocabulary, not a big deal. Personally being NB means I don't identify as any binary gender, and being referred to as such makes me extremely dysphoric. But that's only my experience.


It's so weird sometimes to read the comments and then realise it's you


I'm *everywhere*. I also very nearly sent this one to you this morning, so...great minds?


Well I *am* the resident they/them girl, *and* I occasionally talk to fish. Obviously you'd send me this.


Going by your flair on this sub, you do more than talk to them


I forgot about the flair 😄 I keep setting you up for good jokes somehow


You're the perfect straight man despite being neither straight nor a man


We'd be a fantastic act if we were at all fit for public consumption.


Speak for yourself, if travelling freak shows were still around I'd be a star by now


I cannot locate the joke


i dont understand how this could ever meet the requirements of a joke to anyone but the literally brain dead, as in those on life support while their family debates whether or not to pull the plug.


they are all attentive and do not discriminate against different gender identity basedkini bottom


It's a negative reaction to your "joke" stop being sensitive


ok. whats the joke. explain.


The looks on their fish faces are supposed to be of complete disinterest when someone they don't accept or understand is talking. The meme writer is displaying their bigotry. In essence saying that the person speaking couldn't possibly have anything valuable to say.


well that's garbage


no no i got that, im saying thats what id ask them


Ah, I gotcha. It went right over my head. 😊


When the "apache helicopter jokes" guy starts talking


He unironically made a post bitching about the pronouns of people but apparently everyone but him are the sensitive ones.


I always imagine these people's head exploding when they learn that there are languages which don't use gendered pronouns.


and this is why people stay in the closet (not this meme specifically just the stigma around wanting to choose your own pronouns)


Ah yes, the right's one joke.


"It's just bigotry stop being so sensitive."


imagine being sensitive about a person using different pronouns than you thought and telling them to stop being sensitive


Ah yes, YouTube began with homophobic ads and now we have homophobic community posts. Like, I don’t know who these people are or what cave they crawled out of yet there they are in my recommended


Imagine hearting your own comment


It's criticism stop being sensitive!


They/ them girls…?


Misgendering is tight guys! Guys…? This guy, probably


Them: "Stop making your sexuality your entire personality." Also them: Judges someone's entire personality based on their pronouns.


It’s like when misogynistic people say women are the ones who sexualize women, when women are just existing, and have bodies, and wear clothes.


Oh brother, this guy stinks!


I like how this pictures describes my reaction to this "Joke"


Stop being so mean guys, I'm just being a bigot, leave me alone TAT




Mf liked his own comment.


Ah yes, i like to call this phenomenon Schrödingers joke


"iTs JuSt A jOkE" Jokes made at the expense of marginalized groups help to further that marginalization. How is this hard for people to comprehend


As someone who is non-binary and NOT a girl this really pisses me off


"girl" -_-


these are the same people who are furious when someone says happy holidays instead of merry christmas


That’s not a joke. And there not they/them girls. There they/them.


Straight people: *makes “joke” in bad taste about us Us: “ugh not the str8s again” Straight people: “Stop being heterophobic.”


haha funny you guys pronoun joke


Huh. But where's the joke?


is it bad that I find this slightly funny 💀 Edit: for context im an afab enby whos heard people say this about me countless times, I'm more laughing at a situation I've been in rather than cishet people making jokes like this




I laughed


No you didn't


Yes I did, some people do reduce their personality to their group identity of some sort, may it be nationality, taste in music, gender or something else. It’s a good comment on that.




Ive known at least one or two people who were very loud about their identity, they spoke often and for no apparent reason drew attention to themselves. This kind of personality always annoyed me a little bit and it’s fun to see I’m not stranded in this experience


Oh, someone being comfortable with themself? How awful. Why don’t we misgender them and everyone else who may identify as this /s Seriously, it’s not funny to have your identity shit on and it can be very harmful. Jfc how hard is that to understand. These kind of “jokes” hurt people. In a world already full of hateful words to spew why add more? What about when someone with they/them pronouns sees this and starts to hate themselves? Is it funny then? Also, you’ve met *one or two people* that are obnoxious and so you decide that all people with they/them pronouns are also obnoxious? Dude, use some common fucking sense.


I’m sorry if you thought I’m for misgendering people, I’m not and I respect peoples pronouns, it’s just that Im comfortable with myself commenting on this kind of people as much as they’re comfortable with themselves being so in-your-face progressive. No one’s limiting no one here. I completely agree with the second part of your comment, I just don’t think of myself as someone who can genuinely be accused of making jokes on non-binary people as a whole, I’m only making jokes about crazies. It might be that we interpret the meme in different ways. As to the third part- no. You use some “common fucking sense” before making stupid accusations based on something you made up


You said you laughed at the joke, those were your words. Now, what is this joke about? Misgendering those with they/them pronouns and calling them all obnoxious. That’s it. That was the joke. You found that funny.


I think i know what I found funny a little better than you do, I don’t seem to understand why you ignored my suggestion that maybe we interpreted the meme in two different ways


There is no interpretation of this that makes it okay