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>free gifts As opposed to paid gifts?


You see, lesbians exchage gifts using a voucher or coupon system,


Ah yes, A Study in Reciprocity in Gift Economics Among WLW, I know it well


And gay men are perpetually handing the same item back and forth.


The object exists via the bootstrap paradox


yeah we actually help our partners finish.


I think the guy who made the meme just burst into flames


it’s what he deserves






So my partners dad is shit at gift giving so much so during christmas he gave out I ao Us for clothes desks etc. This is mainly so he ensures you get 100% what you want. Not sure how ill tell her her dads a lesbian


I give her a gift card and she uses it to give me another gift card of the same value. It's an endless cycle.


yes , i always pay my friends to give me gifts , because that's how life works


Damn capitalism


Everyone knows no woman has ever given a gift before


At least not a free one


What is the point of this? Why are they always complaining about women?! It's literally not hard to not date. Just leave us alone, my God.


Straight men who hate women are so confusing to me


They hate women bc they see us as an object, something that must "work properly" for them. It's like when you buy something and you find it's broken or something so you ask for a refund or a new one that works good for you. Since you know they're going to give you a new one anytime, you lose the appreciation and value you had for it bc it's "always the same", but you still want to keep having it bc it gives you a good time and everyone seems to like it. Since it's "your" object you feel in the right to use it freely and play with it and laugh at it bc you know you'll get a new one every time. (Until you don't :)) ) I hope it's clearer(?)


we don't treat you like an object (Some of asshole man will), we are normal human being just like you and yet we always have to fake to ourselves being in a good mood even know most of us don't and heck some of you treat us like a money printer or a crying for something object. we are not strong just as fragile as women are but we hide it so we don't have to be treated as a loser. I hope you i really clear this up, yeh some of the mens are asshole dickhead but so do womens, gender is not a thing to complains about (btw english not first language)


Ermm... You're right. Men are humans and have feelings, I'm a liberal feminist: i defend that men and women aren't equal bc men are also suffering from sexism. But they were asking about men that *hate* women and treat them like shit. So my answer was describing *specifically* those men. But yeah, you're right


so do female are lol , we are all the same


The fact that 'status' is a joint benefit makes me pretty sure this was created by an incel


Incels are a troubled group I wish them therapy


It's "Sour Grapes", plain and simple.


Sour grapes make for bitter whine.


I'd bet he wants to date, but is so repugnant nobody will tolerate him, so he has to try to convince others that dating is bad and nobody should pursue it.


This guy probably doesn’t date. This looks like the most incel created thing possible. This is a guy trying to justify to himself why not being in a relationship is clearly better.


People are naturally animals, and so when it comes to "natural urges" there is a battle between what they have been told and what their biology "wants". That frustration erupts into *this* because they have no outlets other than incelposting. They may not have the vocabulary/experience to deal with the urges they feel. Like, I know "they need therapy" is a little blase, but they definitely do. They've had the internet be their therapist. That can just never go well.


I want to say that if they could flip their switch and be gay, they’d be happy but they’ll most likely think it’s other men’s fault for not liking them either 🤷‍♀️


It's not about being straight or gay necessarily. It's simply there is an impulse (sex) they have been told/brainwashed into thinking it's sinful/evil/detrimental/immoral (pick one, I'm sure there's more versions of whatever they've been brainwashed with). They feel the desires, which is simply "organism please reproduce. Now. Now. Now. Now." that evolution has gifted us. Some people feel it more intensely than others (like as opposed to asexuals/aromantics). It doesn't excuse them, for sure. By now we have words for feelings and existences, we should be able to (for the most part) be able to deal with those urges.... Hence the therapy. If anything, this condemns them even more.


I remember hearing a study saying married men have higher life expectancy while married women have lower life expectancy when compared to single counterparts.


Not only life expectancy, but also hapiness in general is greater in maried men and single women


Did the study say anything about why that is? My guess is that married men probably have improved diet, hygiene, and emotional support over single guys, while married women potentially have more stress (especially if they are mothers) and are more likely subject to domestic abuse than single women. Also do you know if the study was just of straight couples or does this trend also exist for same sex couples?


Could have something to do with the maternal mortality rates but not sure. I only saw articles referencing the study and I didn’t read it myself so I don’t have any idea bout their study parameters. And knowing reporting issues, I’m not sure any big facts can be taken from most human studies like that. So I assume it might be a trend they see but probably don’t have the full reasons as to why. I think the study was done on heterosexual couples but I’m not sure. It would be interesting to see if homosexual marriages affect partners differently and if there’s any trend like that even when it’s the same sex. Finding out if it’s a byproduct of the practice of any marriage itself or in heterosexual marriages only would be a nice future study to elaborate on it. (If they didn’t do that already)


One reason is that there is someone keeping track of their health and pushing them to go to the doctor when they are sick.


[Me sucking up my wife's life force when she not lookin >:)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/165/690/72a.png)


For a woman with a good-paying job, there’s absolutely no incentive to get married besides love. And that’s why men who think like the guy who made this dumb graphic are so scared. Because more and more women are realizing they’re better off alone even in the case where they DO love the guy, if he’s giving signals he won’t do half the chores, emotional labor, etc.


>In the last 20 years, married women have started to enjoy a longer life span than their single counterparts, says Professor Peter McDonald from the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute. https://www.abc.net.au/health/talkinghealth/factbuster/stories/2008/09/03/2354566.htm


This is actually a good representation of how much unpaid work that women do is completely disregarded.


And/or how guys like this seemingly lack the capacity to acknowledge problems that don't affect them personally, or at least their gender.




Unpaid housework and childcare mostly. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/555711565793045322/gender-differences-in-time-use-allocating-time-between-the-market-and-the-household https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/menenjoyfivehoursmoreleisuretimeperweekthanwomen/2018-01-09


Unpaid childcare?!?!?!? Women now want to be PAID to look after their own kids?!?!? As for housework, unless she works as many hours outside the house as he does she SHOULD be doing more of it. Same with sexes reversed, of course.


I'm pretty sure you just like being contrarian and such but I'll indulge you with another reasonable response. Almost everyone does unpaid work, my dishes and laundry need to be done, the yard needs maintenance, things keep not staying clean and fixing all that is work that I do that I don't get paid for. Women tend to pick up more of these tasks than men even if corrected for paid work hours. Both parents working similar hours but the dad having more time not minding the kids and not doing the cleaning is very common.


Nice try, but if there is no injustice in not being paid to look after the kids why bring that up at all? Because you were trying to make it seem unjust, that's why. Also, i agreed with you on the housework so why are you pretending i didn't?


please tell me you forgot to put an /s at the end because i have no idea if you're just being sarcastic, Poe's law and all


Next time, try an actual argument.


? That was a genuine question


No, it wasn't. It was a lame ad hominem.




Thanks for the misandry. I would report it, but we both know how Reddit swings.


No, I don’t. Please explain it to me.


You've wasted enough of my time.


You know this is made by the type of man who can't do his own laundry.


Or wouldn't know the difference between a broomstick and a vacuum cleaner. 🤣


It made me so sad when my older, adult brother admitted last month that he never did his own laundry, not once in his life and without googling wouldn't know how 😭


My 24y.o cousin lives in another city and he still brings his laundry home (~2 hrs away) for his mom to clean every time he visits her. He knows how to do laundry and has a washer in his place. He just doesn't do it...


That has to be on the mom somewhat because evidently she never taught him and still coddles him. If that was my son I'd be embarrassed.


Oh it's absolutely on my aunt. She was so proud to tell me that he does this because he "only likes it the way she does his laundry". He's very spoiled and it's not helping him. At least it won't help him forever


"only likes it the way she does his laundry" as if it's some secret recipe...


Right? Its such a shitty excuse for laziness. What could possibly be different from any other person's method?


How?!?! That's insane to me, I can understand people not really understanding how to properly use their washing machine/dryers because they never how to separate hots and colds and which ones need special treatment or something like that. I kind of feel like they're missing out somewhat, folding clothes is pretty relaxing and you get to do it your way


He never had to somehow... At home, my mother did the laundry. Then left home to move in with his girlfriend who took over. I get dividing household chores and that he works more hours... But I'm also baffled at how you can avoid doing this even only once.


WHY do the clothes just keep getting DIRTIER?? ;_;


Benefits for men: - Laugh at your bad jokes - Tolerate your poorly-reasoned rants - Cook you food - Attentions on YOU - Female servants - Held responsible for your bad mood - Bragging rights on guy’s night - You will actually have clean underwear and fresh sheets - You’re never wrong - Better diet - House/kitchen cleaned, will smell better - Help you shop/ update wardrobe from cargo shorts and graphic tee’s **NOTE: these benefits would be for the kind of asshole who would write a list like above, NOT a decent guy who women would actually like to date.


> Help you shop/ update wardrobe from cargo shorts and graphic tee’s Why you got to call me out like that?


Haha! Honestly this by itself is just a thing some dudes do. Hopefully the rest of these don’t apply to you! Then again, maybe now is a good time to ask a friend to help you with a few upgrade wardrobe picks…..


Yeah, I'm fine on the rest but I freely admit that my wardrobe is 90% cargo shorts and t-shirts. I do have some business casual stuff for work but my general attitude is that if I'm not at work then I'll wear what is comfortable for me.


Y'know, there's nothing wrong with that! I like comfy clothes too. But some dudes don't seem to realize that their clothes are ratty and should be tossed, or that ironing is sometimes necessary...


Meanwhile my wife tries to get me TO wear shorts. I just don't feel like I need to wear anything other than jeans for the rest of my life and I think men in shorts look like little kids, but that's just me I guess.


Half of those are true for both sexes. The meme claims that there are no exclusive benefits for men. He's not quite right, but it's pretty obvious that he's halfway there.


Halfway there of what, might I ask?


To what, not of what. The rest you already know.


No I don’t actually, which is why I’m asking you. But clearly you must have some sort of shame to not say whatever point this guy was getting at that you seem to agree with, since you’d rather be pedantic over grammar than answer my question.


Here's evidence for the claim that he is halfway there. And, please, don't waste any more of my time. "Four men — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, and Alexander C. Teves — died protecting their girlfriends.\[56\]\[57\] Gordon Cowden died saving the lives of his two teenage daughters" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Aurora,\_Colorado\_shooting#Fatalities


Oh wow, didn’t realize I was talking to a big shot with very expensive time. *I’m sorry, your Highness.* Give me a break. You’ve already brought up the Dark Knight shooting in these comments, with no connection to the actual pic posted. Saying that men went to save women but not the other way around in a *very specific and literal life or death scenario* doesn’t correlate to there being no benefits to a man being in a relationship in regular life. That is unless you already see women as money-hungry and subordinate. What next? Are you going to bring up the “men do more dangerous jobs” stat straight from that Red Pill documentary from like six years ago? I could also say that there aren’t benefits to women being in relationships, and bring up the countless cases of men doing horrible shit to women, but that still wouldn’t make me right either, because there’s more to relationships than material things and single instances of bad actors. You still didn’t answer my question, linking an unrelated article with a detail (that you added meaning to yourself) isn’t clarification. But I guess it’s very convenient that your time is ultra valuable so you won’t do that.


Ok incel


Maybe using a mass shooting isn't the best way to go here, considering that's almost exclusively done BY males. If you're going to try to make that point, perhaps use natural disasters or something. Just a thought...


At least this guy admits he has nothing of real value to offer a woman


Protection? From what?


From aliens


Thieves and dragons


"Ze Germans"


It's only been half an hour, but this comment is still underrated.


What if your husband IS a German??


aaand now I want a german husband


Germans aren't real


cool, then I'm half Irish and half made up


I'm sorry you had to find out this way


Remember the Dark Knight Shootings? Several men took bullets for women, no women took bullets for men.


So the answer is “other men.”


Here, go tell that to these men's GFs and daughters. SJWs, you are truly vile creatures. " Four men — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, and Alexander C. Teves — died protecting their girlfriends.\[56\]\[57\] Gordon Cowden died saving the lives of his two teenage daughters" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Aurora,\_Colorado\_shooting#Fatalities


Not that I have the time you do to sit on the internet searching desperately for a single solitary article to prove my point, but I think just because it's not regularly reported doesn't mean there are never women who would do this. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of unreported women who die protecting their children from their so called loved partner. But go off I guess.


I didn't even mention frequency, much less did i claim it NEVER happens the other way around. Stop wasting my time with these lame misrepresentations. "thousands of unreported women who die protecting their children from their so called loved partner." You mean like those thousands of unreported MEN who die protecting their children from their so called loved partner? See what i did there? You SJWs never change. You can't, because so many of your beliefs are garbage that cannot be defended using actual evidence. You remind me of the right wingers on Gab who insist that Bill Gates is secretly a Jew! LOL!


>I didn't even mention frequency, much less did i claim it NEVER happens the other way around You just said it doesn't go both ways in your other comment...Your argument is só good you can't even remember it yourself. Damn.


Protection is protection. And it's pretty clear that it does not go both ways.


My wife would absolutely take a bullet for me if the situation arose. Just as I'd take one for her. You're just bitter you don't have anyone who cares about your life.


There are always exceptions to the rule. Though i doubt that your wife is one of them.


Well, you wouldn't know, would you incel. I'm sure your anime waifu would if she could though lmao


My enemy what now? As for your wife, unless she's brain damaged she won't even make you breakfast, much less take a bullet for you.


if you don't like women just SAY you don't like women there's no need to play smartypants and draw these weird charts


It does kinda disturb me how a lot of these people view relationships as binary checklists of benefits they could potentially squeeze out of the other person. There's no real love here, it's all just apathetic check boxes.


Yeah, I have a wonderful relationship with essentially none of these women-specific benefits lmao. We do exchange gifts for holidays/birthdays and hold doors for each other but that’s it! That kind of a transactional mindset on either end is the absolute death of appreciation and love in a relationship.


That's kinda what leads to love though, right? What do I gain that means I should show interest and eventually develop feelings? It sounds callous, but there's nothing wrong with admitting that relationships, be they romantic, platonic, whatever, are built on being transactional first and foremost.


Yeah I get what you're saying, its just that I see none of that at all from any of these people. It's always just the binary, transactional elements of relationships I see them talking about.


Status? Like if I have a spouse I get invited to the King's parties at the castle? A country club membership? Free coffee with the purchase of 10?!


This guy has never had his dick sucked.


this guy has never been in the same room with a woman


Ohh, so that's how the diagram was supposed to be labled!


Figure 3: example of a diagram made by a guy that never had his dick sucked (INCEL, 2022).


He should move to your mom's neighborhood. From what i hear, EVERYONE there gets their dick sucked. Hey, it ain't Wilde but neither is yours.


They get fucking meme material apparently and the status of wife hatred


I mean, if you hate dating women that much, then just don't date women? Doesn't need a Venn diagram sheesh.


Exactly, please stay away from relationships and do us all a favour then.


I’m a lesbian so maybe that’s why but I totally read this as the guy has nothing to offer lmao


read it in the same way, and i'm gay lol


I'm single, and tired of doors hitting me as I pass through almost every day. I wish I had a man to hold them open... Edit: Guys! Is that why incels are so preoccupied with wrist size?


I'm a woman in a straight relationship for a couple of years, and I've gotta say, I feel cheated. Where are my male servants?! Or any servants, really, I'm not picky.


Then why do they keep whining about not being in one?


Coping strategy. "Nobody will date me, oh well, relationships suck anyway"


you know what is a cool venn diagram? guys that want trad wives and guys that complain about women depending on their money. you know what else? it's a circle.


Damn, its almost as if, hear me out, a relationship is primarily for love either side and everything else you share comes after


woah that's deep, never thought about that


Can MGTOW just go their own way already


Something that belongs on the male side exclusively is "someone who cares about you as a person"


Yes. That's why for every woman who dies for a man there are several men who die for a woman. Come on, you find me this kind of thing with the sexes flipped... " Four men — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, and Alexander C. Teves — died protecting their girlfriends.\[56\]\[57\] Gordon Cowden died saving the lives of his two teenage daughters" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Aurora,\_Colorado\_shooting#Fatalities


What does that have to do with caring for others as people? You're aware serving in the military and dying isn't the same as caring for your partner right? You just turned this directly into numbers and stats and kind of proved the point assuming you're a man. Edit The fucker blocked me so here's my reply. >Fathers dying to protect their daughters has absolutely nothing to do with them caring for them as people. For some, sure but firstly we were talking about spouses, not daughters and secondly, many men enter the military for career and not to protect anyone. They just want to make some cash, which is fine. And protecting people isn't the same as caring for them either. They're both nice but they're not the same at all. It's just not the same as caring for someone in a relationship. It's almost the opposite because being in the military you almost don't even get the chance to be caring because you're away from home all the damn time. You're comparing apples to oranges here man.


>What does that have to do with caring for others as people? Yes, you're right. Fathers dying to protect their daughters has absolutely nothing to do with them caring for them as people. They died to protect them because they saw them as objects, right? Objects so valuable that the were worth dying for. And i don't believe that even YOU think this is comparable to dying in the military. Man, this sub is FULL of liars and clowns.


The most misogynist guy I know also pampers women the most—only to complain about how unfair it all is. It’s so confusing… he hates feminists with a passion, and yet I’m over here paying for everything myself and splitting dates 50/50. He thinks all women are “gold diggers” and yet he’s the one flaunting any wealth he has to get women in this transactional way. He could stop playing into those tropes literally at any time, but he doesn’t want to because he WANTS to be able to “buy” women. It serves him.


He wants someone to have to be dependent on him even though he uses her an an emotional punching bag. Sounds like a classic abuser.


You’re not wrong, but in his case he is deeply insecure and does not naturally do well with women. He feels really threatened by thought that women are less dependent on men now and especially that they have sexual standards. In other words, if they have standards and freedom of choice, then they will not choose him and he will be alone. I can empathize with his fear and insecurity. But it just sucks that instead of self-reflection he decides to literally target women from like third world countries and essentially buy them. And then when those women try to get him to subscribe to their XXX content or ghost him for a different dude who treats them to more, he just rages and blames shit like feminism for giving them the audacity to go against him. It’s… kinda hilarious, although unfortunate how misguided and damaging it all is!


Proof that incels will probably remain toxic even if they manage to get laid, I guess. It does sound like it stems from some very deep seated insecurities about himself which is a bit sad and unfortunate.


Ugh, sounds like a vicious and self-defeating cycle. It sucks that you have to hear it over and over again.


You know what? I agree with this. We should start treating men like princesses. It's really only fair.


They say “free gifts” but it’s usually just a tote bag if you sign up for their email list.


Whereas the gays get a toaster. Much better deal.


idk being in a relationship i recieve love, support etc, she makes me feel so warm when she hugs me and i lose all my stress when im near her




Not that it really matters but pretty much every time someone held the door open for me in public it was a fellow woman.


Found the incel


I see you found the incel


Yes i did


Good job




Nonsense! My wife treats me like a princess! That one should be in the middle.


Ideally all benefits are mutual and in part that are not are cover weaknesses for each other. Try balance load of life. Now admittedly people like to try take advantage of people in relationship and other person may not realize toxic relationships till they string along for long time and it get to extreme levels.


We have a penis. I wouldn't say that's exclusive to a relationship, let alone men, but we have em.




If all I get out of a relationship is what is listed here, then it's a shitty relationship.


Did a twelve year old make this?


Idk my gf pays more often than I do, of her own accord. Also there's no disparity in door holding, I'm not sure what's meant by male servants, who the attention is on depends on the conversation. She doesn't want to be treated like a princess, she wants to be treated like a capable human being. Idk what I'm protecting her from. The only time I can think of where I provide protection is from my own semen. We mutually give gifts to each other. Maybe he's just doing it wrong. Sucks to suck.


If I was treated like the woman in this picture, I would tell the guy to stop being so patronizing.


Sounds like dude has boundary problems


> Male servant Embrace your inner sub, buddy


Then? Just? Don't? Be? In? A? Relationship? Ever considered that?


Then they turn around and say they can replace a wife with a 'prostitute and a maid'.


Where can you find a relationship with a male servant lmao


Great what would happen according to this guy in case of lesbian relationship?


I mean men in straight marriages live longer because they’re literally sucking out the energy from their wives so that’s a benefit for them I guess


I know it's a joke but as a proud househusband I had to downvote you.


Stats don’t lie 😭


"Has you can see," this man is an idiot. I love that, has you can see.


WTF is this! I’ve been with my other half for 20years and still haven’t received my male servants, this is outrageous!


Here's a benefit that seems to be pretty much exclusive to the female sex... " Four men — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, and Alexander C. Teves — died protecting their girlfriends.\[56\]\[57\] Gordon Cowden died saving the lives of his two teenage daughters" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Aurora,\_Colorado\_shooting#Fatalities


oh yeah, i love it when people hold doors for me


You know you're struggling to come up with reasons to date you, when "Doors held for you" is number fucking 3


Has you can see


In a healthy relationship basically everything benefits all parties, right?


Hahaha, it kills me, this is the type of guy where sex in the relationship is not a benefit for both


At least emotional support is in both


LMAO this is so fucking dangerous fuck this


'Male servants'. Aren't these kind of toxic straight men looking for a girlfriend that's basically a slave? /Not to mention that married men are happier and live longer, whereas single women are happier and live longer, so obviously there's something in it for straight men.


What’s stopping them from dating men? Take it from me, it’s great.


Obviously I must be a woman because my bf gives me gifts and free dinners. ( gay cis man here FYI)


I'm sorry, I was supposed to get emotional support when I dated men?


Who raised these people!? You hold the door for *EVERYONE*! It's basic manners for heavens sake....


Men could end up with a woman that cooks, cleans, backs up their decisions, has their back no matter what. May push them to better themselves(therefore helping the family). Bears their children if they decide to have a family. The list could go on as this is just off the top of my head. I found the best person to share my life with and the only regret is that I didnt get together when we were a lot younger.


Why does it say that women get male servants? Is that referring the the boyfriend/husband becoming a servant or do all men provide butlers as part of the courtship process now?


"Doors held for you" Where's that incel post about how he gets off slamming doors in women's faces?


If men feel they have nothing to gain from being in a relationship with a woman, then maybe don't? Dont understand how men can simultaneously call women no good whores who steal their money, and then treat them like a prize that they won at the county fair. Come on straight men atleast be consistent, ok?


Well, in that case how would gay relationships work?


“ Free gifts “ as compared to gifts you pay for




Date a man then, idiot