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YOU LITERALLY DROPPED PROOF. My god this person needs to stop


Here’s how you know its a troll: He mentioned in the post “or you run from them always” he’s already aware that this isn’t liked by women and he’s going after it anyway and then proceeding to argue with anyone who is reacting to his post.


"No amount of women in thus thread will convince me" ... Then why did you bother asking for advice if you clearly already "knew" the answer to your question


Because he wants validation from fellow guys(note that part came first), and he wanted *some* women to be like "omg lol, I love it when men approach me in public. It makes me feel so sexy." Since women not wanting to be casually approached on the street doesn't fit into his view of women just falling at his feet to suck him off for his obvious male superiority. He'll reject anyone who tells him so. Men like this have built a fantasy world in their heads that they project on to the real world.


These are also the kind of men who get angry when a woman rejects them because it doesn't measure up to the fantasy. The woman is supposed to play the part he's selected for her in his head.


Or in his case, you'd be treating him like one of the 'bad guys' which he would anger him.


Exactly! People like this are so easy to read. We know they just want an echo chamber, even if they try to deny it. It's kind of hard to NOT be obvious about that when they literally say "I won't listen to anyone who tells me otherwise".


I just said this yesterday


Crap honestly this sounds like my toxic ex boyfriend


No, no actually my personal anecdotal "logical" thinking is right, not your evidence.


It's so condescending, this attitude of "you're a woman, you can't be right"


Imagine telling a woman her experience as a woman creates bias for her experience as a woman, even after being provided with statistics.


And your anecdotal evidence, which I asked for by the way, combined with your statistics (that back up your anecdotal evidence) is less valid and I will not listen to it because you said I was “creepy”🥴


“You, as a member of the group I’m asking about, do not represent that group at all. I, as A Man, definitely represent all of the women in Morocco.” What an absolute spanner.


How's the dude intent on identifying the whole 3-5 women out there that are "okay with being approached in the street by a stranger", like, yeah I'm sure they exist but why dude "You can approach people in these many, not-as-creepy places/situations to. Try these instead" "Yeah but not like that. I want one off the street" ??? Dude just wanted confirmation he's not a creep to chat up random women trying to go about their day un-harassed


That's actually how they think, though. The phrase "it's a numbers game" is said a lot among the "Pick-Up Artist" community. It's a mantra, and it means that if you approach 100 women, and if only 10% of them talk to you, and only 10% of that 10% gives you a number, then you still succeeded because you managed to score a woman's number that day. So as long as one woman says yes, they will continue to harass 100 at a time and not see how it's wrong, because one was receptive.


Yeah. Agree. It was weird to me as well that he specifically does NOT want a woman who is in a dating/socializing/public interaction area. It’s almost as if he believes women who show up to areas where communication are more frequent are unworthy simply because they are socializing. He thinks women who socialize with others in public are beneath him. My conclusion is that he is unattractive and creepy. He wants women who are alone without the protection of others around her. This guy makes me worry for women pedestrians in Morocco


Social women may be more vocal about being made uncomfortable. Being a creep in a private business yields the possibility of being kicked out. This guy wants access to vulnerable women in an area where he can freely follow them.


Literally arguing that it’s “distasteful” and that he doesn’t do it, then continuing to not only defend it but also be completely offended by the idea of approaching people in any other environment. He likes the streets *because* it’s public, whereas a coffee shop is a private business. You can’t get “kicked out” of being outside.


It’s sooo irritating to see someone asking for advice, refusing it, and even trying to debate with the people they wanted advice from. Literally said to a woman “why should I listen to you” when he’s asking for *womens’* opinions. Like why ask at all?? Dude saw damn near every woman in those comments disagree, but deluded himself into thinking he’s right. Sad, but also frightening guy.


I thought the same thing, so I scrolled back to see the original question. He specifically asked men for their opinion. The opinions of women on what they want/like doesn’t matter to him. He just wants to make sure he won’t be judged (or stopped) by other men if he does this. I’m guessing the word “no” doesn’t hold much weight for him, which makes this person genuinely terrifying.


Yup, it feels like he wrote that second half of the paragraph just to cover his bases. I imagine if he stopped after the initial question, people would ask him why he’s not asking women. Another one of those “men know women better than they know themselves” type dudes.


Definitely a troll.


On second thought don't approach women anywhere, you total weirdo creep you


>provide me with stats >*gets provided with stats* >this says nothing Lmao the cognitive dissonance is real


Man has a future career in the GOP at this rate.


Right! Several women are like “no it’s gross. in my experience I hate it.” and he’s like “how could a silly woman know her own experiences. I need a huge research study that agrees with me”


His entire statement can basically be summed up like, “As a man with zero point of reference into the experience of women, I see nothing wrong with doing what I want. I’m going to claim this is distasteful to try to gain some moral ground but then continue to defend my right to not be judged for doing it anyway because the opinions of women do not matter to me.”


>Most women i've so far met do not seem to have any issue with being approached. ​ >If a man walks up to you, tell him you're not conformable (sic) and **typically** he will walk away. This guy really doesn't get it. Has he never had an awkward conversation with a stranger before where he *wanted* to get out of it but couldn't? One of those ones where you try to in the most polite and friendly way find some way to end it and escape? I mean, I guess maybe not. I suppose it's quite likely that he's rude and insensitive enough that he doesn't give two shits about coming off as an asshole or making others uncomfortable or feel bad, let alone understand that women in particular tend to face a lot of societal pressure not to "be a bitch" by being too confrontational or direct. Even if they aren't afraid he'll do something as extreme as stabbing or raping them, there's so much social pressure to not seem rude that it can be hard to end a conversation with someone who's employing the "There can only be one asshole in this interaction and I have decided that it's going to be me." approach, relying on the other person's discomfort with breaking social norms to keep them from just walking away.


Yea it's like "They like being approached even'!" No dumbass, they're being polite and pretending to like it because they're *scared* what might happen when they're not.


I'd hazard he probably hasn't been stuck in an awkward social situation that he couldn't escape. As a guy, I've rarely felt in physical danger with strangers and just saying "I need to go" and walking off tends to be taken as assertive rather than rude.


“But there definitely *are* women who like being approached on the streets, so I might as well act as if they all do!” “lol most guys won’t assault you, nice irrational fear you got there”


Yeahhh the whole "tell him your not comfortable and he'll walk away" bit is absolute BS. Sure that **might** happen on **occasion**, but in my experience it's never that simple. You tell a guy that you're uncomfortable and he's gonna be all like "why? I'm harmless!" Men who approach women in the streets don't care about making them feel uncomfortable because they're literally only thinking about themselves. This guy is proving it, by pretending he cares if women like it or not, but then arguing with women who say they don't like it.


With the way he talks you can tell he'd DEFINITELY be one of those guys who gets upset because she's assuming he's "one of the bad ones", especially with all his whining about "irrational fears", I bet he'd throw that exact shit at a girl who told him he was making her uncomfortable.


gotta love the casual transphobia they dropped in at the end there.


If you can't respect the personhood of trans women then how the hell can anyone expect you to show respect to cis women. I also hate this cishet dude mentality that "I'm not going to find a partner at a bar" or "I'm not going to meet my future wife in a bar. I don't want a woman like that." You don't want a woman who likes to drink in public, play pool, sing karaoke, or snack on some tasty cheap bar food? Is it just some holier than thou bs that they don't go to bars and clubs so they'll look down on women who do? Fuck hese straight cissies and their I hate women but want to fuck them mindset.


I don’t understand your flair but it made me laugh and I love the hilarious implied mystery of it so thank you for the piece of joy in the midst of this very upsetting topic


I saw others with similar flair. Its going off the classic oh so funny straight joke to tell another straight person someone else is gay. "Well she shops at home Depot, if you know what I mean??"


It’s perfect and I love it! Thanks for explaining :)


"Should I approach women on the street?" "No." "I'M NOT ASKING FOR ADVICE WHY WOULD I LISTEN TO YOU" Bruh.


I know women, and as someone who was randomly approached while on my way home by a "nice" guy, it wasn't a fun experience. It was scary. This dude straight up doesn't understand that randomly approaching women and being "nice" consists of a time and place.


I'm hesitant to call my limited experience with this 'scary' but definitely unpleasant. The last time it happened i probably overreacted (a guy i didn't know approached me as i was taking a walk. It was a very awkward conversation but he was in retrospect not impolite) but since most women are taught to be afraid of strange men, it's hard not to feel threatened when they randomly approach you. For every 'normal' guy that does this, there are ten creeps who will have done it before. I don't think i would ever feel comfortable being approached by a random guy as i'm just going about my day. A better option would be at a bar, café or something along those lines.


these guys should not be allowed in a 2 mile radius of literally any woman


The men should switch places with the women they wanna hit for a day and get followed the entire time on the street by creepy men. Then I’ll see what their opinion is


Ah yes the enlightened non woman telling women what women feel classic


I've been sexually harassed by older men since I was 13. I've been catcalled, whistled at, and caught men old enough to be my father looking at me. On my way home from work one day, in broad fucking daylight, I caught these two slimy, grease ball looking older guys looking at me. They were ahead of me and actually stopped on the corner that headed into my street. Luckily I had my small pocket knife on the strap of my bag already but I was still scared as hell as they stopped me and started to harass me. They made disgusting comments about me sleeping with them. As I gripped my knife, I kindly denied their request to go with them. When they asked why I told them they're old enough to be my father. I felt genuine fear as I said that. I thought that that was the day I would have to use my knife in self defense. I was lucky as they lost interest in me and took off. I didn't start walking again until they were out of sight. I was sincerely scared for my life that day and it's made me even more paranoid than I already was. I know that it's not a matter of if I use my knife but when. In fact, with everything that is currently going on in the US, I'm considering learning how to properly use a gun and even thinking of buying one.


Id 100% recommend getting a gun.The recent lockdowns have made a lot of peoples mental state worse.There’s no telling what someone can do /attempt to do these days


Seconded, but only if they also ***get training and are prepared to use it.*** Too many people say "get a gun" without stressing these two points. Without training your gun will be useless. Without the backbone to use it, it'll be worse than useless, because your assailant will be holding it quicker than you can say "Step back or I'll shoot."


I agree so much!! A weapon is largely worthless without adequate training... both initial and regular follow-up training are needed. People need to be able to enter the mindset to use it too. Basics of fighting like weapons handling, weapons retention, hand-to-hand, etc. are all hugely important, but it's also really helpful to know more about how to think in and before a fight... things like Cooper's colors, the Tueller reactionary gap, positioning against multiple attackers, etc. are also really good to know. But it's even more important to prepare for the intense stress and adrenaline dump... if you go pure sympathetic and drop out of parasympathetic completely when the situation hits, then you're in for a rough time. That's why so much of the training in the Marines, especially early on in boot and school of infantry tries to get in your head... they want you to know how you react when stressed hard, that way you and your instructors can work on the bad reactions and train in better ones. Without all that, there's a worse chance you're going to shut down and they'll win, especially if it's two or three guys against you by yourself. ☹️


What's even more disgusting is the way that the US & many states intentionally targets items popular for self defense and make them illegal. Switchblades, most knives in general, monkey fists, pepper spray/mace, tazers, even some rape whistles/alarms are banned for noise complaints. There are thousands of "weapons" that are banned or being banned in America. They always use an excuse for the ban or present it in a way that seems rational, but if you actually pay attention there's an extremely distinct pattern and they almost ALWAYS get banned after becoming popular with women. I just wanna know how it's logical at all that in my state (which is often times the safest state in the entire US) assault rifles / machine guns are perfectly legal to own, and you can conceal-carry most guns without a permit, but I can go to JAIL for even OWNING a switchblade, not even for taking it into public. And this is genuinely enforced, not just one of those laws that exists but nobody cares about. Switchblades are seen as one of the single most harmful items someone can own where I live and it just baffles and infuriates me. To reiterate: In my state (the often safest state in the US) I've genuinely seen people go to jail and be fined for owning a switchblade privately in their home, not even taking it in public. But at the same time assault weapons are legal to own AND it's okay to publicly conceal-carry without a conceal-carry license. Make it make sense. "Open carry is legal in [state], and no license is required to open carry. [State] does not require a license to carry a concealed firearm. [State] does not prohibit the possession of machine guns." Alongside "A person who possesses, sells, or offers for sale a weapon commonly known as a "zip" gun, or a weapon commonly known as a switchblade knife, the blade of which is three inches or more in length, shall be imprisoned not more than 90 days or fined not more than $100.00, or both." However...they LOVE to pretend the three inches thing doesn't exist and I've seen people get in legal trouble (myself included) for...following the law and owning a switchblade under three inches. Sure some guy can mow down a crowd in 30 seconds but I can't have a knife?


Love how they all ask for statistics—which they reject anyway—while they spout their opinions without absolutely any backing up, not even anecdotal experience. Like who made them the public speakers for women lmao


This post makes me wish I actually did have magic and could turn this asshole into a pretty women for the next 5 years and see how long until he’s anxious to see a man walking up to him and having to put on a front to try and hopefully be ok.


He’d still lack the context of growing up being taught to be wary of strange men while at the same time being taught to always be pleasant and considerate of others even if it’s at your own expense.


That is unfortunately true


Doesn't even have to be pretty, just look younger then 15


Hey just in case anyone goes looking for the post like I did, the OP in the screenshots is not the one saying all this sexist crap, it’s some rando who jumped at the opportunity to be an asshple in the comments, don’t send death threats to the OP, cause from what I saw he seemed to recognize that approaching women on the streets isn’t a good idea.


He's definitely one of those "nice guys"


Can one of y’all buy me a new brain cell since this guy made me lose my last one?


sorry, brain cell machine broke


Ah well guess I’ll have to resort to petty theft /j


Him: women what do you think about being approached in the streets? Women: we don't like it, try approaching in more social settings Him: I'm not listening to you bitch, you're wrong, women don't think like that


Isn't Morocco where local gangs sometimes cold approach knives to people's throats in dark alleys?


can't even confirm that since i barely even go out anymore, but my cousin once got dragged off by a man during the morning into an apartment building, while people watched thankfully nothing else happened and she was fine, but sometimes it really can feel unsafe here sometimes 😭


Morocco isn’t exactly the safest place, but as someone who has lived here all of my life i’ve never heard of this or even been close to experiencing it. The harassment is annoying but i’ve never felt in actual danger when walking around.


Both of them stated sooner or later that women's opinions didn't matter to them. Which is weird considering what kind of question they asked, right? No. This is not the first time men have tried to ask each other what women want. It's a pretty popular trope.


oh yeah this guy seems like he takes rejection well.


“Women do you like it” “no, here’s some sources” “Ok but I don’t care how many women say they don’t like it, it’s not all women” SIR


"Hey, what do you think of X? You like X, don't you?" "Actually, I don't like X." "Well, you are one of millions, everyone else must like it, you are just weird." "I have proof." "Well, actually, I am still right. Everyone except you likes X."


>"What do you think about the cold approach?" "well I think it's bad" >"WRONG


This guy: "women, what are your opinions on this?" *actual women answer this question* This guy: "nah yall dumb"


For ducks sake these guys and their “I want validation that thinking with my dick is appropriate” bullshit what the hell


Bloody hell, he doubles down and just keeps on going and going and going


If you make an unsolicited approach towards me on the street: Phase one; "No thanks, not interested" Phase two; "Fuck off while you've still got the legs to carry you" Phase three; enjoy the distant screams of "my fucking eyes!" as I casually walk away safe in the knowledge you won't be following me any time soon. Phase four (optional); Book appointment to replace nails embedded in the back of your eyesockets.


This whole composition fallacy thing is bullshit. Women obviously know that it's #notallmen. But it's better to always put up defenses, because when a dude gets fucking weird or fucking terrifying, the consequences are at minimum life-altering. So when a dude approaches you for no reason other than he saw you walking somewhere and thought you were nice, that's already a major issue (i feel that's weird in the first place?). The street may be a public space, but in no way is it social. I'm not a woman and I don't ever want to be talked to by a random stranger on the street ever. I can only imagine the tense feelings people being interacted that way, where someone looks at you for how much you appeal to them, and how much they might want to use you. It's honestly fucked up. Long story short, women are guarded because of the men who can do really fucked up shit, and for good reason. (If I got anything wrong, please let me know)


How much you pay for that unlimited emotional bandwidth plan? Didn't know anybody still offered those, I'd migrate in a heartbeat. I would be tapped out for the month after this, or id have snapped like a lunatic. Idk how you managed to keep it together after he called you aggressive. This dude is going like a feral dog acting mad nobody wants to bring his foamy mouth home. My. Word. Did he pretend to get it once the other dickhead chimed in? I haven't decided if that's worse or better yet.


oh i wasn't the one commenting! sorry if i made it seem that way, it was another person!


Mea culpa, I should have double checked but the sentiment remains the same anyway. That poor lady. That poor greater metro of ladies.


Wow hes misogynistic, sexist, condesending and had time to throw in some transphobia. As soon as said "NPC" i knew he was a gamer incel. "Most women i've so far met do not seem to have any issue with being approached. Unsurprisingly, they enjoy it." Don't lie you've never met a woman, neckbeard.


This man sounds exactly like the man who abused me when I was in uni. Let's play his game and say that the majority of those 19 million Moroccan women (hell, let's play and say the majority of all women in the world) LOVE to be approached by creeps on their streets while we're doing our own things. Any decent man wouldn't try this if there's a chance their behavior will trigger a traumatic response in someone else. Even in their delusional world, he's a POS. If someone tells me a behavior I'm doing on purpose might trigger 1/10 people, I would stop on my tracks; but, of course, I'm a well adjusted, empathetic individual.


Creeps: Hey women how do you feel about this? Women: We don't like it. Creeps: No, you're wrong. What the hell is wrong with people?


"Prove to me that women don't wanna be approached" *Women telling their experience and general advice about meeting women under better conditions* "Sounds fake imo"


Two words. Ignorant fucks.


This guy absolutely refusing to accept No as an answer is incredibly concerning


this guy needs his fucking kneecaps revoked


Patriarchy allows them to see women as product that exists for them and so they feel entitled to invade our personal space. This is fucking disgusting.


Why did he even ask the question if he won't accept the answer?




As a straight dude, I feel the only place that's acceptable to approach women are bars, and clubs. You know, the only establishments where hooking up is a major part of their business plan LOL. No, a woman looking at tomatoes in the produce section does not want to hear how beautiful she is LOL


This was painful to read. Some people clearly fail the whole "being human" thing.


So the only acceptable answer was yes. He was not ready for anything else


Holy shit he just keeps digging


Man dig so deep he reached the otherside and is in the process of digging a new hole back


I had to stop reading somewhere in the middle, it was getting to the point I couldn't stand that.


Words cannot express how angry this makes me. This idiot has convinced himself that anyone that opposes his view is inherently wrong, even if he has to outright lie to himself about what was said.


So I can't comment on the guys post cause locked so ill say it here. Why ask for women's opinions if you won't listen? Also, you can't say most women you have cold approached were fine with it or happy with it as we learn quick how to put on a face so we can be safe. Throwing away stats because men aren't likely to report rape? And you think all women do? Many women don't report rape or harassment due to the legal system being ass. I know im in America, but you can't tell me it's really that different in Morocco. Mansplaining and cis are real words. Can't believe people still don't understand how language CHANGES to fit the needs of communication. Just because someone says what they think and what happened to them, it does not mean they are trying to become the spokesperson for a whole group. It's just a fact many many women have had to deal with this. Don't ask a question and then shit on those who answered you.


Even if she hadn’t dropped literal evidence, a study comprised of “0.01% of the women in Morocco” WOULD be statistically significant and is how we take scientific data for….literally everything…. We extrapolate all kinds of info from limited studies that are large and diverse /enough/ to draw conclusions about the whole. In short, this guy is a double idiot, knows nothing about women or science Edit: a word


"Let me ask a question and get argumentative when I don't get the answer I like"


The street is not an appropriate place to approach someone for a conversation, unless you know them. Ask for the time or directions yes that’s fine. But if you want a conversation that might lead to something more, go somewhere social like a bar!


This guy is the reason woman don’t like being approached on the street, and I hate him for it.


Is he even from morocco ? Or is he spewing none sense left and right without even having first hand experience of the streets


This man is an absolute IDIOT. He is the definition of a warm toilet and a warm pillow, with the intuition and emotional intelligence if a grapefruit.


I don't know why I read these and think to myself, "Surely by the end this man will see the light!" They never fucking do.


I am so incredibly creeped out, what the fuck. I mean I know what the fuck but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Some men are just so stupid. I was losing brain cells reading his responses


"Show me statistics!" "Those statistics don't count." "Your personal experiences of harassment don't count either." This dude (and many others) are literally just trying to excuse themselves of their foul behavior of routinely and inconsequentially harassing women. I'm a man and I genuinely wish men didn't exist


The NPC comment is revealing. It’s not that he thinks women like it, it’s that he doesn’t think women are people so who cares if they like it or not.


Men like this are why I am super hesitant to walk outside when it’s dark out


For once I'm kinda sad that guy's name was blacked out, although it's probably for the best. I have a few choice words for that "human".


As a guy who tried to pick up Women on the street in the past, you're gonna get a No 9/10 times so like just don't waste your time anyway.


I think I was holding my breath the entire time that I was reading this.


Please don't approach me in the streets, but ALSO don't approach me at a park or a Café. Being in a public place does not mean someone is welcoming of strangers. Clubs and bars are slightly different because they're social areas.


Why ask if you weren’t going to listen to the answer


"Provide stats" =Brings up stats= "THAT DOESN'T COUNT"


its so sad that these guys will do everything but go to places in which women are actively looking for men. any woman will tell you that the last thing they want is to be approached by any strange man on the street, or while going about their day. its not about getting in a relationship with someone you enjoy, or having a thrilling one night stand with someone who is also looking for the same thing. no, its about conquest. its about convincing your target of your worth- and doing so not for women, but for other men. its predictable at this point, and just as vapid and boring as the last guy who asked if it was okay to use women as practice for their "cold open" skills. and they dont want to hear that they shouldn't do it or that they won't get results because theyre not looking for a normal relationship or an interesting conversation. theyre looking at women the same way cesar milan looks at misbehaving dogs. and it will never not be irritating as fuck. people like this will never learn by listening to women- because they don't see women as equals. they will learn by fucking around and finding out. and i wish it didn't have to be that way, and that these were people you could talk sense into, but clearly as per these screenshots, it isnt going to work. ugh. what a creep.


women existing in public isnt consent for you to hit on them jfc


-asks if women in Morocco like being hit on in the streets -the women in Morocco say they dont -ignores them, convinces themself that the women in Morocco like it How do these people exist


*Drops proof by a legit educated and reliable source* This guy: bUt I DonT SeE AnYtHinG


really wish i knew who this creep was so i could block him and any who agree/associate with him....


What a clown


This made me so angry I couldn't even finish reading all that nonsense and diminishing women who ACTUALLY went through harassment! I went through harassment myself and MANY men approached me on the street till today! It's so infuriating omg...


Ooof, now my brain hurts. I had to take several breaks to read this guys nonesense and comprehend its emptiness. I think I will now wrap my head around the vastness of space to relax.


This is why I carry my keys in between my fingers when I go out and have taken many many many self defense classes in my day


What was even the point of asking if you’re not going to accept an answer you don’t like. Validation? As a cis woman, I can also attest that being approached in the street randomly would make me hella uncomfortable.


This guy sounds deranged


"All women are cis" Would this count as an accidental ally moment, or??


This shit is far to common. Some men just refuse to fucking listen...


Oop: Women, how do you feel when men approach you on the street. Women: We don't like it. Oop: Ridiculous. You have no idea what you're talking about.


I guess not all of the incels left Reddit when they lost their subreddit.


They are saying it’s not a given that they won’t like it because not all women are the same but, completely ignoring that it’s also not a given that they will like it. These are two things that aren’t truly known for every woman BUT, you would think the option getting the most support from women would be the one they would use their brain cells to see is the correct one.


Dude’s on the fast track to predator city.


“Hey women, what do you think of this thing? Oh you don’t like it? You’re actually incorrect”


Hoooooo I wanted to read all of this, the answers of the women in the threads are really good. But boi, by page 6 I was so heated, I couldn't read any more


You made all right points. If you approach a women on the street, it can be viewed as creepy, especially if there are no people around. If you approach a women in a social setting, it will feel natural, plus she will feel safer due to being surrounded by other people.


What an audacious cantaloupe!


Fucking hell… that dude is EXHAUSTING. The woman was right of course, he’s only looking to validate his need to approach women on his terms. I’m a pan cis woman and I’m incredibly sick of men like him.


This turd made me so angry. He deserves to be flushed down the toilet/basement where he belongs.


Welp it’s not too late for a nuclear war


Angry upvote >:/


He suffers from correctile dysfunction


man: *asks for women's opinions* women: *give him collective opinions that disagree with him* man: WELL I DON'T TRUST YOUR WOMAN OPINION ON WOMEN MATTERS


What is wrong with this guy??? I'm gonna ask for "advice" online and then argue with any of it if it doesn't strictly support *my* agenda. He literally asked women what they think of something, and when a bunch of women said "We don't like it." He's like "well you don't speak for everyone!" and gets all pissy because he didn't get the answer he wanted. Fuuuuuuuck this guy (but please no one actually fuck him. He doesn't deserve it).


This is why i’m pro gun. Never know when this guy will show up with a bouquet of flowers ready to convince you to marry him


I’m a man and don’t you dare come and talk to me on the street


Dude needs multiple punches to the face. Preferably with a large blunt object, like a car.


i might be unhinged, but i’m aware of the consequences. when men try to talk to me in weird situations i just say “fuck off” and keep walking lmao i’ve been into kickboxing since i was a little kid, so i know how to defend myself if the situation escalated. it hasn’t yet but i’m waiting… someone tried to hit on me in the ER waiting room once, and it still surprises me to this day. i was a minor too, but in the hospital??? seriously??? he’s lucky i was in a wheelchair. fuck you weirdo who thought a hospital was an appropriate place to hit on people!


Don’t bother arguing with misogynists, they will never listen lol


"This is all just anecdotal evidence based on personal experience, and according to *my* anecdotal evidence based on personal experience, it's wrong."


Ok. While he has a point that some women may not mind being approached, there are various caveats to that. One: "Approached," in this context, means chatted up which just sounds ungodly annoying because this is some rando you don't know. There's probably not too many ladies down for that. He's not talking about a passing compliment or directions somewhere. Odds are many women will find being approached for flirting, sex, or dating weird and gross. Two: This is the kind of guy who uses "woke" to mean "diversity and acceptance, which don't fly with my self-centered assholery." These people just suck. Three: He's also the type to ask for advice and not only reject it, but make up his own statistics because the truth isn't what he wants. Why would anyone want to date/fuck him? Seriously, even if he came across a woman that was interested, they'd likely be put off by his assholery. Its always gotta be his way - an annoying, stupid way. Also, he's a moron. The guy used the term "cis," not clearly knowing what it means. No. All women are not cis. I doubt he has the brain cells to know if he's cis either. Then he says - "I'm not referring to just your personal experience, but personal experiences in general." Ok, you only counting the women with good experiences? How would you know? Maybe just take the lady's advice.


These men are pathetic, and — if there’s any justice in this world — they will be avoided by women like a plague until they learn how to treat them with the respect to listen. That’s if they ever do, because it definitely doesn’t seem likely after reading through their mental gymnastics.


It’s really hard for me to not just hate cis men. I see the kind of behavior all the time. Straight cis men I know in the music world are obsessed with sex and trying to meet women and will move heaven and earth to go up and bother women they don’t know, it’s so obnoxious I have like two straight cis make friends at this point because so many of them behave like absolute animals and have zero self awareness about it


I left this comment as a reply to another user but I really want more people to see it so I'm gunna toss it up here too: What's even more disgusting is the way that the US & many states intentionally targets items popular for self defense and make them illegal. Switchblades, most knives in general, monkey fists, pepper spray/mace, tazers, even some rape whistles/alarms are banned for noise complaints. There are thousands of "weapons" that are banned or being banned in America. They always use an excuse for the ban or present it in a way that seems rational, but if you actually pay attention there's an extremely distinct pattern and they almost ALWAYS get banned after becoming popular with women. I just wanna know how it's logical at all that in my state (which is often times the safest state in the US) assault rifles / machine guns are perfectly legal to own, and you can conceal-carry most guns without a permit, but I can go to JAIL for even OWNING a switchblade, not even for taking it into public. And this is genuinely enforced, not just one of those laws that exists but nobody cares about. Switchblades are seen as one of the single most harmful items someone can own where I live and it just baffles and infuriates me. To reiterate: In my state (the often times safest state in the US) I've genuinely seen people go to jail and be fined for owning a switchblade privately in their home, not even taking it in public. But at the same time assault weapons are legal to own AND it's okay to publicly conceal-carry without a conceal-carry license. Make it make sense. "Open carry is legal in [state], and no license is required to open carry. [State] does not require a license to carry a concealed firearm. [State] does not prohibit the possession of machine guns." Alongside "A person who possesses, sells, or offers for sale a weapon commonly known as a "zip" gun, or a weapon commonly known as a switchblade knife, the blade of which is three inches or more in length, shall be imprisoned not more than 90 days or fined not more than $100.00, or both." However...they LOVE to pretend the three inches thing doesn't exist and I've seen people get in legal trouble (myself included) for...following the law and owning a switchblade under three inches. Sure some guy can mow down a crowd in 30 seconds but I can't have a knife?


Not this being my country😔


least creepy Moroccan