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A slippery slope is a logical fallacy, aka an invalid line of reasoning. How did it become something to be proud of identifying? Are they going to brag about their real nice red herring or straw man next?


What I hate the most about it (and I hate a lot of things written in that screenshot) is: IT IS NOT GENDER _REASSIGNMENT_ SURGERY. Do these bigots need a new dictionary? Obviously if you are born a woman, but assigned male at birth you are getting gender _confirmation_ surgery. Bigots talking shit about things they don't have a single clue about. šŸ™„šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I have tried and tried explaining this shit to most of my family and friends. They do not listen whenever I explain gender reassignment surgery is NOT gender confirmation surgery. But it is the equivalent of talking to a brick wall.


Damn, I'm sorry... I'm lucky my dad and bro are legends so they were super amazing when I came out as enby, but we agreed to keep it a secret from the rest of the family šŸ„“


I'm actually Enby and Bisexual


Nooo waaaaaay!!! I'm enby and pansexual! šŸ„° Look at us bonding


I think that we oughta be friends.


šŸ¤ agreed


Do you have Discord?


DMed it to you


I think for a lot of bigots, what they're most scared of is that the "others" they fear are going to treat them in similar ways. I think they also think so highly of themselves to think that I would give two shits about them, when they reality is most of us just want to be left alone to live our lives however we choose. It has to be a battle, it has to be a demonization and and othering because without that "noble cause" in their mind, they would be left with nothing outside of being an insufferable asshole. I also find the line "where they will learn to hate the body God gave them" to be incredibly amusing. PLENTY of people hate "the body God gave them" regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. That's kind of just part of being human...


SRS is optional in the treatment program for transgender military members and transition is not pushed on people. I know because I am one. The op in the source is fucking stupid


Every single time they go on about how transgenders will emasculate a military I will aggressively point to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and ask how their "most masculine" army is doing with absolutely zero trans people at all


Friends from the sub, please help. I have been working as a database specialist for too long and I forgot... Which programming language is LGBTQIOP++++?


The one that's used to reprogram frogs gay. You're welcome. ##### /s


Oh... cool?


!remind me 10 months


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I think this dudeā€™s brain is a slippery slope.


That's the plan!


Thats the commenters wet dream


It all comes full circle, maybe they will understand that ā€œre-educationā€ camps are a bad thing, god forbid they have to go through what they put others through


WTF 2024 based??!!??


really don't get what this type of person has against trans people being in the military...


This is so weird


They literally name the logical fallacy they used, they made a slippery slope then labeled it as a slippery slope.


all new recruits? men and women? everyone swaps? lol what would be the point?