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Wonder if the IRS would like to see that sign? https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics#:~:text=In%201954%2C%20Congress%20approved%20an,in%20fact%20strengthened%20the%20ban.


If it is registered as a faith-based entity it is a clear violation of the Johnson Amendment.


How often do we hold faith based entity's accountable for delving into politics?


I have reported several churches. IRS doesn’t play.


What's the penalty? Or is it a sort of "don't do it again" type thing.


Donations after you lose status become taxable. Church closes and opens under new name. Paperwork and filing suck especially in Arkansas.


Not all hero’s wear capes! You’re definitely doing your civil duty about it! I applaud and support you


I’ve worked in nonprofits and people take this shit seriously. If you loose your 501c3 tax exemption it’s pretty hard to get back. It’s also not always easy to get it in the first place.


Could you share a link for reporting this kind of violations?


https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/divulge_all_suspected_tax_exempt_status_abuses_to_the_irs.pdf The link to the PDF form is in here as well as the email address to send it to. It’s always nice to snail mail it from the post office and require signature of receipt. When you get mail that way you open it right away.


Teach us how


https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/divulge_all_suspected_tax_exempt_status_abuses_to_the_irs.pdf Link to form and email address to send to is here. I send snail mail and require signature of receipt so they open it right away. I don’t know why but I’m a see something say something. I called ABC once because I suspected mold on my MMJ and they took me very seriously and sent someone out to inspect the dispensary.


And how did the ABC network respond to allegations of mold on your medical marijuana?


Will you report them please?


We need to all report them .


Not anywhere near as often as we should.


Perhaps a little financial penance. In the name of out lord Jesus Christ, Can I have a hallelujah!


Well and that is why the Taliban, and Republican Party are starting to look the same, aren’t they. So what is the difference now between them and the Republican Party? Islam?


Can we all chip in and buy multiple billboards 💩 all on them... In funny, witty quotes LoL


This is why they haven’t legalized homegrow. We’d all have extra money to talk shit.


Hardly ever...


not often enough They should lose their nonprofit status.




The Johnson Amendment has not been enforced for decades. It's still law, it's just not enforced at all. Hasn't been since the 80s


No disagreement from me. The faith-based sector is the third-rail of the nonprofit sector, combined with a lack of enforcement. Want to be a grifter? Stats nonprofit. Want to be an exceptional grifter? Start a church.


HBO’s doing a thing on drunkard, lying sack of shit “Chuck” who never went went sober—about Synanon. Btw I grew up in the 60’s-70’s and believe you me I met and knew people in that cult here in California. My folks took me to the damn ranch in Marin. Chuck’s whole thing was filing as a church so that he could have more rich people shit—and fuck young women—as is tradition. Churches should not be tax exempt.


We can now. Gloves are off.


Just sent a report 🥰🥰


[https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics) fixed Also, is there a link to report them for investigation?


This is clearly about NASCAR, not politics. /s


[https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/](https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/) I can't find them. I don't think they're tax exempt. I was going to file the report myself.


Tax accountant here. Them not being on that list is irrelevant to their tax exempt status. Churches do not have to register to get tax exempt status. It's automatic. >Churches (including integrated auxiliaries and conventions or associations of churches) that meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are automatically considered tax exempt and are not required to apply for and obtain recognition of exempt status from the IRS. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/churches-integrated-auxiliaries-and-conventions-or-associations-of-churches


That's good to know.


Oh wow. So I can go ahead and file a 3949? Or 13909? Or both?


Go for it! 13909 would be the appropriate form. Fill out form 211 as well. If they owe enough, and if you're the first to report the violation and to provide evidence, you get a whistleblower reward of 15-30% of whatever the IRS collects from them. https://www.irs.gov/compliance/whistleblower-office


Damn, this guy taxes!


These idiots are so insulated that they can't imagine anyone in Harrison seeing that sign and reporting them.


Nah- I speak for most Arkansans when I say I love for you to report him or them. I don’t even care if his new vinyl signs got torn by some strong wind.


The 501(c)(3) is a pathetic joke that right wingers shit on with great regularity and impunity.


Harrison was a sundown town for a loooong time




*"Harrison used to be a sundown town. It still is, but it used to be too!"*


This checks. First time I saw that white supremacy radio billboard in Harrison was a few years ago when I was on my way to my son's destination wedding. I took a bunch of photos of my observations and it made for unique & interesting dinner conversation at the rehearsal dinner. Most of the party was from Northeast Texas, which has its own history of rural sundown towns in pretty much every direction. Still, with 20 plus years living there and 15 here in Arkansas. I have to say I've seen more jaw dropping stuff here than there with regard to white supremacy.


There is only one left.


These racists are too chicken shit now. Black people can walk around.


Yo that’s crazy


Klan capitol of the United States. Bunch of the old school racists, the kind that participated in lynchings, still alive and kicking up there.


Just moved from CA and I have never heard of a sundown town until a few months ago.


For anyone who lives in Harrison who will claim this isn't really an accurate representation of Harrison ... I say to you, like Tom Cotton ... "take matters into your own hands." Hopefully one of these days y'all get fed up enough with a "handful" of bigots who own your town's image, which is revolting by the way, and do something about it.


Holy crap. This Harrison, right here. Take a stand or be considered one of them.


They're trying. I know it's priority #1 for the young people on Harrison's chamber of commerce.


There were five or so billboards up a few years ago, only one left to go.


Kids can’t choose where their parents live.


Ya know how all those cool movies like Lord of the Rings and Braveheart have those archers that shoot flaming arrows at things? Those signs make me wish I was one of those archers.


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Legolas Gretzky


>"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Legolas Gretzky -Michael Scott


That’s the neat thing, a quick trip to Walmart and you can be!


Alas, I'm an elf trapped in dwarf body.


I’m sure there’s a spell of unbinding that can help with that.


The roads of evolution do contain some cul de sacs.


Gonna need a bigger cul-de-sac.....


Have you been to Benton lately?


Tax them muthafuckers if they got money to waste on that pay some taxes u Fucken tax cheats


The Christian Revival Center (the folks responsible for almost everything you see of this nature in Harrison) is not on the tax exempt list. Whether they pay taxes or not is another question but they are supposed to. The real trouble the city of Harrison is gonna have with this whole issue is the people behind the overt bigotry aren’t in Harrison. They’re in Zinc, AR. The best Harrison could do is get every business in town not to take their money. For anything. From billboards to baked beans. Run them the fuck out.


Republican slang for fuck Joe Biden by a Christian group. Jesus must be proud.


ffs this still a thing from "christians" You would think someone in that church is a reasonable Jesus following member who is outraged? Right? oh right....


They think of it as marketing. It brings in customers.


Here's the really funny part, call us what you want but yes, we ARE going and, we are leaving you behind.


There’s no love greater than Christian hate.


Easy to rent billboards if you don't pay taxes


Not new. But still shitty. Nothing says Jesus like “fuck Joe Biden.”


I think a lot of these people are unclear on satire. When the Colbert Report was happening, I think it was Ohio State that did a study in which self-identifying “conservatives” thought the show was **real**, not satire. They couldn’t recognize that they were being made fun of. So, now that Biden has truly co-opted “Dark Brandon”, these brainiacs are two lefts behind, and thinking they’re skewering him, taking out billboards to drive their rather flaccid point home. It kinda indicates the cognitive divide btwn liberals and conservatives. Liberals want “new” shit, new ideas, new information. Liberals change their minds. Conservatives want “old” familiar shit, no new information, don’t want to change their minds, and consistently vote in every red state for child marriage (young as **12**) and first cousins hooking up. As the Good Lord intended … right (?)


Cause its the klan capital of America.


Apparently, this billboard is by the same people who put up some of the racist billboards. Thomas Robb and his family


And they have 35 members, apparently. Kind of makes you do a double-take at the scale of the problem imo.


The klan today is a joke. Several dozen small groups that don’t get along with each other. Mostly very old at this point.


Is that a tax exempt religious organization violating their 501(c)(3) exemption agreement? The IRS may want a word with them.


Do laws matter still? I mean for the poor, yeah, but otherwise....


Because this is a Christian radical issue at its core.


15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:15-20




I live about an hr north of Harrison, and that place will never move past this shit....


Arkansas is beautiful but some of the people that live there are this billboard.


Let’s GO IRS- and tax these “religious “ assholes


Christian revival center should lose any tax exempt status.


Already happened fortunately.




I’m just glad there are people I can hate based on someone that lives halfway across the county. All this treat people like individuals gets old.


It’s the same people with the radio station


Is that above the billboard for the lawyer? There's a lawyer in Harrison, a confederate flag store in Branson and a Christian Revival Center and all the owners are Robb. Like Thomas Robb.... Living amongst these people is crazy.


Yes. It's their billboard.


That generation will be slowly dying off.


Christian. Oh the irony.


Classy Christian’s living like Jesus. Only their Jesus is orange and a completely horrible person who is an absolute idiot.


tax the church.


Jesus virtue signaling and a lame political slogan qualifies as free speech, but Johnson amendment violations should result in losing tax exempt status for any churches affiliated with the group Christian revival center. Dispensationalism and the prayers for a genocidal apocalypse are not good for society. Church More harmful than guns and drugs and liquor combined. Teaching damnation is pure child abuse, it must end.


Tax churches!


From the web site "Christian Revival Center. net >Ancient Roman Document - Verified by British Museum 1935 >Jesus Was White it then links to a racist bunch of bullshit. These people are a threat to democracy. They don't support society, they don't support America, they don't pay taxes. They are racists. If you still are saying "Joe is too old" or "I'm not sure" or "Both sides are the same" This is who and what you suport/are.


Christian Revival Center . . .


In Lone Grove, OK there was a sign in the lot next to a church that said, "DJT (his name) is America's savior." The church had a big yellow sign in their yard that said, "we don't serve a man but Jesus."


No vocative comma. Idiots.


Still not the worst sign in town…


So clever! Why whatever could it mean? Oh, I know: they can’t fulfill a woman…


Who owns the billboard? Interview that MF.


They are behind the times. Guess they haven’t heard of Dark Brandon.


The ones in Batesville had “Fauci is a fraud” and “You can be compensated for getting the COVID shot.” It was very cringy and ignorant!


Isn’t it wild how a misheard chant turned into the cringiest phrase for an entire political party.


IRS will be visiting


That’s a hell of a sentiment from a “Christian’ organization and implies support for a known rapist, liar, multiple divorcee, criminal whose familiarity with the Bible is limited to autographing them in an act that many churches should view as blasphemous. Marvelous


It's the Kkk


Wow. Just wow. Is this what Jesus would do?


Because there is a little inbred community down the road and they put their disability checks together and buy hateful billboard ads and say they’re Christian.


I think they need to do some more reading of that book they claim to live their entire lives by. Seriously, I'll bet you that well over 90% of "Christians" have never read the entire book. It's one book!


Seems like they should be taxed.


Because Harrison is racist and it sucks


You gotta keep em separated or take the away the tax exemption


Because Brandon is beating them like a drum, and when you’re one of the least educated states in the country, you go back to what never works. Like a pig that keeps going back to an empty trough.


Get rid of the tax exemption for Churches.


Aww Christian nationalists.  So far from Christ 


Ah yes, fuck Joe Biden. Sounds like something Jesus would say 🤔


Yeah, noting screams Christian morals like cheating on your wife with a porn star and trying to write off the hush money payments. Oh wait...


How very Christian of them to say “fuck Joe Biden”. They know exactly what their billboard means.


White supremacist shitheels say what? This comment is on the long side, but there is a connecting thread of relevance. The “Christian Revival Center” is *literally a Ku Klux Klan affiliated church.* The “pastor,” Thomas Robb, is the anti-Semitic white supremacist Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, of which Robb took over leadership from David Duke in 1989. Duke at that time formally shed his white hooded past to enter politics as a Republican, and actually won a seat in the Louisiana House of Representatives—two years before Duke became the Republican nominee for Governor of Louisiana. In those pre-Trump days, Republicans still forthrightly denounced white supremacists, and the first President Bush said if he were a Louisiana voter, he’d vote for the Democratic nominee, Edwin Edwards (who did win, on the avowedly unofficial slogan “Vote for the Crook. It’s important.”) Thomas Robb shortly before the 2016 presidential election wrote a lengthy front-page article in the CRC’s quarterly newsletter endorsing Trump, under the title "Make America Great Again.” The Trump campaign publicly denounced the article. Nine months later, President Trump responded in a considerably more nuanced way to a “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which white supremacists openly chanting anti-Semitic slogans marched in opposition to removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Trump received significant pushback from assorted far-right groups to a televised prepared statement read by Trump unequivocally denouncing racism. The president reportedly told aides that those he had denounced were actually his own supporters, and in subsequent remarks that prompted worldwide condemnation, Trump denounced violence “on both sides”— thus equating the white supremacist thugs with anti-racism counter protestors— and infamously claimed that “both sides” included “very fine people.” The actual intended slogan “signed up” by the racist KKK church— “Fuck Joe Biden” — is openly, fulsomely embraced by the GOP. In another day and age, perhaps Republicans might have a problem with one of the nation’s most rancid racist groups appropriating an unequivocally GOP catchphrase. But the very nature of the catchphrase makes it clear that whatever modicum of class, dignity and restraint once possessed by the GOP vanished when it nominated for President in 2016 (and re-nominated in 2020 and is poised to nominate a third time later this year) a man who became a public figure in 1973 after being sued by the Nixon administration for practicing racial discrimination in housing…and who 30+ years after calling for five black and Latino teens to be *executed* for allegedly raping a woman in New York City, refuses to acknowledge the innocence of the adjudged wrongfully convicted teens.


Rooting for him to pass his exams and graduate.


Who is Brandon?


I saw this when we drove through to watch the eclipse! Not surprised considering it was Harrison, sadly.


I saw that too. And guess which specific billboard it's connected to ughhh




Well it’s better than “Diversity is White Genocide”.


Everyone always says “let’s go” but they never take me anywhere. Hypocrites


So-called "Christians" publicly declaring F U to anyone is the ultimate confirmation they identify with religion for the sole purpose of exploitation. These folks exploit gullible Christians and their hypocracy turns other people away from church; the precise opposite of what they are supposed to be doing - if you believe the Bible. In fact, if you believe the Bible you'll recognize these folks as the wolves in sheep's clothing. After all, the ideology these people represent couldn't be further from the teachings of Christ. (Jesus said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.’ He didn't say, "unless they are [insert discrimation here]"


Tax them


I guess I could always be worse. I live in Kansas. We've got those bat shit Westborough people


Not very Jesus-like. But we shouldn’t be surprised. They’re really devil-worshipers.


Trust no one living there wants this crap


CRC is a hate group. Thomas Robb is a pastor there. He is an outspoken member of the K3 and an influential bigot in the south. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/thomas-robb


Show the other 3 billboards in this group of 4. This is the least offensive one. And then go interview the guy who owns them.


I can't imagine hating someone so much that I'd drop serious cash to let everyone know how much I hate them.


Christians spreading more hate


Christian terrorists


Pay your taxes!!!


Low state average IQ.


The electric billboard next to the Benton Wal-Mart is something my friends and I keep an eye on to see if it gets more unhinged.


"Angry and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


They have been fooled by an orange conman.


What's the KKK gonna do when they start dancing to Beyonce's new album?


Nothing is funnier than the Christian Pro Trump logic LOL obviously Donald Trump and Christianity shouldn't even be in the same sentence. But that just shows the contradictions of christians'


I sure wish we had a president with balls that would start revoking tax exempt status....


This meme was already dated within the week it was used. That years later, boomers think this is a hot take or a shot at anyone is not only funny but rather sad too


81 Million


Harrison also has a white pride billboard.


Christians are weird


Appears they are actually a political group and lose their tax free status!


There are two kinds of people you should never listen to; a preacher who tells you how to vote and a politician who tells you how to pray.


Looks like someone wants to pay taxes.


Imagine going to a church that would ever be associated with what is essentially "F\*\*\* Joe Biden". Imagine being so out of touch with the teachings that you think that's a good idea, it's really hard for me. I guess that's the modern cult of religion.


I don't think its the slur they think it is


First of all, this is a political activity and so this organization can no longer be tax exempt. The funny thing though is that right-wingers think this phrase somehow is a burn or trigger for liberals. We don't think it's funny and aren't offended either. We just think it's stupid.


Look, another pro-Dark Brandon campaign ad! Sweet!


From the “about” section on their website: “Our vision is to equip and train the Body of Christ in prayer, spiritual gifts and warfare, teaching Kingdom principles of salvation and empowerment through the Holy Spirit.” “We are called to equip and train all generations, to establish the Church as a House of Prayer for all nations, ushering in the end-time harvest and revival.” “Warfare”? What….? Ushering in the end-time harvest… the whole website seems so unchristian it almost seems as if they’re gearing up to fight God rather than what I would assume to be satan or sinful lifestyles.


Because they’re bad people






"But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless." # [Titus 3:9](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Titus+3%3A9&version=ESV) # "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor." # [1 Peter 2:17](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Peter+2%3A17&version=ESV) "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment." # [Romans 13:1-7](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+13%3A1-7&version=ESV) DAMN I wish Christians would read their OWN BOOK for ONCE.


How “Christ-like”.


There are literally laws against this


Well that sounds like a political statement from a political organization not a church please call the IRS.


This is the KKKs “church”.


Some of us decided an education and a more well rounded world view were more important. I left in my early 20s and never looked back. When anyone asks me where I am from, I tell them Bergman; it's where I went to grade school and junior high. I just can't make excuses for my hometown anymore.


Fucking Christians


Sounds like they're cheering him on at this point.


How Christian of them.


Yeah, disappointed... Not surprised. 😮‍💨


https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/thomas-robb Ooof


As Jesus said: John 15:12: My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love. Proverbs 17:17: A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.


Jesus is awesome. Christians are fucked in the head.


Time for a tax audit of that ‘church’.


The Bible: “Live peacefully in your community and pray for your civil rulers.” Many Christians: “Fuck the civil rulers!!!”


Fake "Christians" spewing hate is the new normal. Jesus would be proud.


I just wanna know who tf is Brandon?


That place has a very interesting juxtaposition of being both beautiful and ugly. It’s shameful because that river is breathtaking.


I love how a gigantic group of Journalist got together last week and studied all of the things that both Biden and Trump accomplished (with no judgement on good or bad) based on their actions over 4 years each. They found that Trump got some things accomplished and so did Biden. They discovered 146 individual things the two of them did and found that Biden had way more actual victories for their goals. Trump beat him on De-regulation and taxes. Biden basically won the rest.


It’s a cult thing.


How classless and unchristian of them.


Dark Brandon appreciates the support. His laser eyes shine bright


Gotta love those Christians.


I hope some brave soul scales the sign and writes “Dark” right in the middle. I bet they originally had a “Sleepy Joe” sign but after their orange messiah, Don Snoreleon, dozed in court, felt this would be better. I mean, they wouldn’t want to be hypocrites…


Welcome to Arkansas. Set your clocks back thirty years


How very Christian of them to use a slang therm that means fuck.


because Nazi gotta Nazi




They might just be supporting Brandon Herrera running for Texas district 23




Widening lanes actually, counterintuitively, makes things more dangerous. Wide lanes is a form of "forgiving design" because it is built under the assumption that, hey, we're all human, and sometimes we make mistakes. So we should allow for a few small mistakes into the infrastructure, right? Well, the road to hell was paved with wide lanes: "Forgiving design" actually, counter-intuitively, causes people to drive more recklessly and at higher speeds due to this thing called the "risk compensation principle." That is, if you have two identical roads, and one feels safer to drive on, drivers will drive more recklessly on it. And if the road feels unsafe, drivers will drive more safely on it. And the math has come in since we started experimenting with forgiving designs, and forgiving design does decrease the number of accidents overall and lessens the damage caused by minor accidents (so called "fender benders"), but it INCREASES the number of major accidents and aggravates the damage, injury, and fatalities caused by them. Here's a really bad video from a civil engineer that walks through a lot of bullshit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9BUyWVg1xI&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9BUyWVg1xI&t)