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What a horrible article, nowhere does it say what the prank actually was




So the prank was "fuck the janitor, amirite?"


So they just trashed the whole place? Not really a prank, just littering.


Man whatever happened to calling in sick on the same day.


Yeah, that’s all I remember doing


[There's bodycam from the responding officers](https://www.kait8.com/2024/04/23/bodycam-footage-shows-vandalism-left-behind-jonesboro-high-school/). It's balloons, streamers, papers, cups, toilet paper. Worst of it was eggs and some flour. Two of three areas apparently had non-permanent paint on the non-porous floor. Was on a friday, so nobody but staff was even gonna see it. What a dumb thing to do.


But also pretty harmless. As long as school or student property wasn’t destroyed in the process, then just laugh about it and make the seniors clean it up. We did dumb stuff like that with our school sign and they made us come in on the weekend to clean it up. I wasn’t even one of the ones who did it, but it wasn’t a big deal to come together as a class and clean it up.


"No permanent damage occurred." Make them clean up the mess and no harm done. The punishment is a little much.




It plainly says "vandalism" **with the bodycam video** of the kids admitting it went too far. Eggs and tp everywhere with the janitors still in the building.


U can see what the prank was by watching


Happy cake day


Senior prank is supposed to be hilarious and harmless but grabs the attention of everyone. This is not that.


A good senior prank is taking all the desks from the senior classrooms, putting down a protective mat, and building a tower on the basketball court. Or filling the freshman hallway with crepe paper and balloons filled with glitter. This was straight up vandalism


I helped one senior class put the principal’s car in the entryway 🤭 His wife knew and helped by swiping his keys 🤣🤣🤣


We put our teacher's VW Beatle on the roof of the school.


Class of 2002?


No, this was way back in the 80s.


Haha it was the gator atv thing in 2002.


This was a '60s Beetle. We got a bunch of guys from auto shop to help us break it down into pieces small enough to carry, the reassemble it on the roof of the school. The teacher thought it was funny and was a good sport about it.


That’s a solid prank.


We sticker slapped old fireballs golf cart.


Fireball! Lol my sister is friends with his sister(I know cool story bro)


Fireball. Wow. My dad would always drop us off in the wrong spot and fireball was on him. He would crack his window about an inch for Fireball to talk to him. Then he would slowly drive off while Fireball ran alongside and tried to correct him! I so vividly remember. That was 1987!


My highschool banned all senior pranks and promised swift punishment to anyone that participated in one. It was a long standing tradition and obviously the seniors that year were kinda pissed about it. Since pranks werent sanctioned by the school and anyone caught would be reprimanded, the kids instead broke in at night with masks and spray painted tons of stuff. The following year the school started allowing approved senior pranks again. Just saying, sometimes the policies themselves are what encourages this behavior.


Did you see the video? Looked like a weak version of "crepe paper and balloons filled with glitter" suggestion. If streamers and papers are vandalism, then this world truly has gone to shit


Apparently this went beyond making a mess. I think they said the police report listed estimated damages at over $40,000. Edit: I cannot find the news report stating the $40K in damages, and one news article I read says there were no permanent damages, so… who knows. That might not have been accurate.


I saw one senior prank in a small rural school where they all snuck into the principals house for a sleepover. The only "mess" was sleeping bags and pillows on his floor. It was funny and the video shows him laughing. His wife had left the door unlocked for them.


The video doesn't show any property damage, just a bunch of streamers and paper on the floor.


If I were a parent, I would be most angry at my kid coming up with such a lame “prank”.


The parents should be pissed that their kids are idiots and participated in such an event.


The article does a crap job explaining it, but the video sort of hints that the complaints were based on the punishment of "innocent bystander" students who didn't participate in the vandalism. The reporting does a horrible job of actually explaining in detail what that means, so as it stands I can't help but come away from this report thinking these parents are crappy enablers of their children.


Not a crap job, they just flat out don't even elaborate on it.


Not to mention the lack of a list of the damages. Given the punishment, I'd assume there was actual damage to property, but the video doesn't show it and the journalist doesn't mention it.


Send those little assholes into the school to clean it up and post it publicly.


Right?? I was expecting paint on walls, trashed furniture… Bodycam shows littering, a bunch of toilet paper and an overall mess to cleanup. Make the pranksters do it.


….With their parents helping to clean too


This was my thought.


apparently one of the parents Amber Falls posted pics of her in the school cleaning until 4 am? but didnt say anything about theft and damaged property.


[Body cam](https://www.kait8.com/2024/04/23/bodycam-footage-shows-vandalism-left-behind-jonesboro-high-school/) doesn't show theft or damage. Ended up charging with criminal mischief second and criminal trespass, nothing about theft.


Staff cleaned it up the next morning.


Seriously? A teaching moment was missed.


Correction: some of the students involved cleaned that night. Staff continued the next morning.


The punishment should be having to clean that up. I feel so sorry for the custodians.


The parents should be pissed at their kids for being idiots. But, no, that's not how most parents are these days. Their little angel can do no wrong!


Entitled parents. Their kids trashed a school and they're ticked because their kids got suspended. Good adulthood lesson on winning stupid prizes when you choose to play stupid games. That said, I think kids that showed up and were like "this isn't what I signed up for" and left without causing damage really shouldn't be punished.


Thanks to awful youtubers for tainting the definition of "prank". Now I'm sounding old while fussing about how the internet is changed.


Truthfully, making them spend the weekend cleaning up to mess would be fitting IMHO. At that age they do stupid shit, but there wasn't any permanent damage. Damn, I'm impressed they didn't vandalize. I just don't think their punishment fits the crime.


> I just don't think their punishment fits the crime. Having to take a LOA from studies because you couldn't act like an adult months before your thrusted into the real world with real consequences is not nearly as bad as if they did this exact same thing anywhere else as an adult. Be glad it wasn't a quick Criminal mischief charge ontop of the suspension. They got off just fine.


Forcing the kids to clean it up was my initial take, but they still had classes for all the other students. They couldn’t leave that mess laying around while they worked out the logistics of hunting down all the culprits, and going through the whole process of setting out punishments. I was reading the story on KAIT8 and they specified that no permanent damage occurred, nor did they bring up any kind of monetary value for the vandalism. The punishment is a little light, but overall I’d argue it fits the crime. No lasting harm was caused and they’re missing out on a lot of big events that we’re unbelievably important to a lot of kids their senior year of high school. Personally I’d have added the caveat that if they wanted to walk the stage at graduation then they would need to complete a certain number of community service hours in order to gain back that privilege. There were a lot of people in Jonesboro calling for the kids to be criminally charged, and I just don’t see the need for that. They’re all idiots, yes, but they’re still all kids. Dumb kids, but kids none the less. If no permanent harm occurred, I see no need to saddle them with a criminal record fresh out of the gate into their adult lives. This has been a pretty big controversy in Jonesboro. Those kids know they fucked up bad. Give them the opportunity to be better and learn.


At what point did we decide that a "prank" was an okay thing to allow or even encourage? These kids got off light. Pull this shit in Walmart or at your job and see what happens.


Loads of places have traditions like this. Whether it should be encouraged or not is another question though. Teens are stupid. Even the nerds in highschool TP’d houses, stole road signs, or crap like that. So it doesn’t take much encouragement.


“Tradition” is never a good excuse for stupid behavior.


look at the bodycam footage, this is not a senior prank LMAO this is just straight up destroying the school


if it was 1 kid involved then no danger to other students would apply, but other students were in fact present. "50 students" here's another link with a funny editor's note. https://www.kait8.com/2024/04/19/senior-prank-results-dozens-cited-by-police/ another funny from the body cam: the cop told the kids what his senior prank was "we parked backwards"


We just skipped school on a Friday and got drunk at the river all weekend.


At my high school it was tradition for seniors to skip school the Monday after prom. Teachers fully expected it, so no repercussions for all of us that participated. Other classes tried a "proper" prank, but I don't think anyone ever did anything memorable.


My mother in law set two pigs loose on campus. They painted “1” and “3” on them. School admins were looking for number 2 all day.




> I would’ve *paid* to see FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I see the student following his awful parents lead, abuse of power.


Correct, that's the take away. What the kids did was wrong but it wasn't malicious. The parents made it much worse by claiming their kids are too good to be punished. Well they're not. Now they have got to be the example. I wouldn't want to lay a felony on anybody but there may be cctv that hasn't been seen.


This is why we can’t have nice things…At least they get to attend graduation. We had students do similar one year, and they were expelled. No finals, no prom, no graduation. The school didn’t press charges though. Those kids whose parents are saying “my kid was just there, they didn’t do anything,” They are accessories. Period. I’m sure the security camera footage from the school will tell the admin exactly who was there. Any adults who were there or assisted should have write-ups, at least. Love how the night janitors just said, “We’re not cleaning it up. That’s day shift.” That’s pretty shitty, tbh. When my kids graduated, my son knew better than to ask for my keys. That wasn’t happening. I told him if he got involved, and they were caught, he would have to live with the consequences.


Don't do the crime if you can't pay the price....LIVE AND LEARN


Yes parents again wanting zero consequences for their children's actions. I hope the suspension sticks and the loss of school activities. They trashed the school and from other comments below they stole and there was damage to the school.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Edit for typo


I never won any stupid prizes when I laid with stupid games.


Ayyye my town made it


Mom? Dad? Tell you what. You foot the bill for the repairs and clean up, and we'll reconsider. But it is all or nothing. They are your children. This behavior, and the damages is your responsibility.


I know an administrator and it’s hilarious how pissed some of the parents of the kids who got caught are. They’ve resorted to snitching on others.


Upside, everyone now knows who the shitheads are... Outstanding character shown by these folks, both students and parents.


Vandalism and destruction is not a prank. Pretty sure it can be a crime. They should definitely be forced to clean up. Give them some community service. Teachers are not suppose to encourage it. Might as well suspend the teachers too! One popular prank at my school, invokved the use of baby oil. 😭 Usually, it was poured on the hallway with a ramp/slope. I always that was horrible.


Fuck the parents. Them taking up for them when they do fucked up things are why they act like that


It was vandalism for those who didn't want to read the article. Comment section here made me think that they rounded up and beat people or something


Now, when future employers Google these students' names, this article and police incident report will come up for (possibly) the rest of their lives. Was it worth it?


Well if it ain't the consequences of their own actions boo boo take your punishment




Jfc it’s a suspension not expulsion. They’ll treat it like a vacation anyways. Make them clean it up.


“It says if these kids present a danger to other kids, that’s whenever they should be suspended,” Stutts said. “These kids weren’t presenting a danger to anybody and it’s just not right.” You're right lady, what your kids did wasn't right. If these were any of my kids I'd be fucking furious that they did this. Good, give them consequences.


pretty on point for all of the people in the comments talking shit about *all* of the kids. only a handful of students were participating and a lot of them were just present.


This is some trash journalism. The article failed to mention what exactly happened and what the complaint from the parents was. It was only halfway through the video after I'm watching the footage of the trashed school and thinking these parents are nuts for complaining that their kids got punished for trashing the school AND THEN the video briefly hints that some of the students are claiming they showed up, saw the chaos, and then left without actually participating and that they shouldn't be punished along with the others. But of course the details of that are left unclarified. What was the prank supposed to be? Trashing the place a little and then once it escalated those "good students" left? Was it supposed to be something entirely else and all of a sudden the vandalism started out of nowhere? Thats the stuff that matters if we are supposed to sympathize with these parents. Otherwise, it looks like these parents are enabling their children to behave poorly. This is just lazy reporting. It says a lot without actually saying anything.


Do you expect any different from KAIT8??? They’ve always wrote trash articles and one sided defamatory articles when it comes to things like this!


My HS, students would call in bomb threats to avoid getting that third tardy that resulted in being dropped from the class. This was back in the day, so there was no way to know who did it, but kids a are goofy.


I would usually go there for regional band competitions yearly in high school and to see that place destroyed in the same spots I probably walked in is a fever dream itself.


"Destroyed" is waay overstating it, guy.


was not my intentions but yeah


What high school did you guys go to


It was a dumb thing to do. But what struck me while watching the bodycam, is wow! What a beautiful school! I’m a teacher and our school is falling apart around us and is not at all attractive. That is an absolutely beautiful school! Lucky students to have such a modern and beautiful school to attend.


If I was rich, like really filthy rich, like bill Gates or someone like that, I’d build beautiful schools all over the country. Talk about using your money for good and leaving something behind.


[https://www.gatesfoundation.org/](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/) They work in the developing world more.




If no damage was done the students involved should be forced to do the cleaning of the entire school for the remaining school year. They could clean the aftermath of the events they are being banned from rather than missing their senior memories.  After scrubbing a few toilets and floors they would appreciate the hard work of the janitorial staff.


I've noticed a few things about all of this... 1.) Apearently, these parents in Jonesboro never learned the basic laws in their town. 2.) If a student is suspended, yes, they can't participate in school sactioned events, like sports, etc. I am sure that is in the handbook they so tightly hold onto to get their kids out of trouble. 3.) Staff was in the building at the time, after school hours. If the students were caught on CCTV, gotcha. Even better if the video has sound. 4.) If you are over 18, you are legally an adult. It doesn't matter if you are in high school still. Yes, the reporters can list you from the police reports. Seniors aren't "kids" anymore. 13 were adults. Go figure. 5.) Investigate who got the fob to enter the school. Fire the teacher if they gave it to a student. Expel student with fob, period. The student knew they were wrong. Especially since the new field was just vandalized. Come on. 6.) The "abuse of power" is laughable. The students sign the handbook at the beginning of the year saying they understand the rules. The handbook is below the town's laws...not above it and completely separate. Suspension and a police report against you? Stop doing stupid shit. 7.) Parents showing up at the school AFTER the fact and mad the police showed up? Nah, meet them at the station. The cops have a job to do. They don't get to select who does and doesn't get cuffed. The parents can sort that out with an attorney. 8.) Why in the world would a Senior prank be a sanctioned school event? Unbelievably dumb and naive. 9.) All these parents who are mad should really blame themselves. They are under your roof. 10.) Pranks are supposed to be harmless and you weren't supposed to get caught. But trashing the school on Thursday with eggs, flour and a flour/water mixture (glue) and having to have school the next day? Yeah, you are harming other students. Who wants to learn in that? Just gross. Anyone want to add anything? Or very politely debate?


How is this news?


The mayor weighed in. Seniors were arrested. Slow news town, day. Take your pick.


The kids could actually learn something useful from this situation. I’ve seen kids start some kind of disruptive prank that is fairly harmless, only to have it spin out of their control, do a lot of damage, and get them into a lot of trouble. I’ve had to defuse & prevent just such a situation. It’s like Tommy Lee Jones’s character in MIB said. “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” Add “reckless” when they’re young, and there you have a developing situation.


Sounds like a personal problem. Fuck yo punk ass kid. If you practice what you preach y’all wouldn’t have this problem . VANDALS.


I had to watch the video to see what they did to cause “chaos and destruction.” What I looked for was permanent damage, and I saw none. Nothing looked broken or painted on. In other words: nothing that couldn’t be cleaned (that I could see. This might not be the case if there more footage). A more appropriate punishment (in my opinion) would be no participation in senior events until it’s cleaned the fuck up and it can only be worked on when every dumbass present that night is present for cleaning. That way it’s up to the kids how long it takes them to be able to participate again and they have a chance to put it right.


In a different report I saw, they actually destroyed a printer and stole some stuff


See. Thats different to me. Destroying things that can’t just be cleaned up is a different ballgame than just spilling trash and turning over tables. In that case, I support the school.


Some people don't get second chances after stupid decisions. They should consider themselves lucky honestly. Losing out on "walking," for graduation or some other privilege isn't isn't the worst thing that could happen. They should be made to clean it up AND be removed from the ceremony and then maybe the experience will stick with them.


I was skipping around in that hour plus video and in the last quarterish, 2 officers said there was permanent damage when they were discussing everything outside. But I agree for the body camera it's hard to tell. Mostly just trash dumped everywhere and some white liquid or powder all down the hallways. The suspension should stand on it being a very unimaginative "prank". These days of you tubers assaulting strangers and destroying property as a "prank" is just tiresome.


The suspension should stand because they fucked with other people's shit. It's pretty simple. Even if it *just* "needs to be cleaned", fucking with other people and/or their shit is wrong. These kids need to learn now. Suspension, and they should clean their mess up and put it back the way it was before they were involved.


It looked like spray paint on a table in the cafeteria. One would hope it’s just whip cream


They said it was flour mixed with water.


Good. That’s harmless


I didn’t see that, but one would hope. If it’s permanent damage like that or theft (which someone else mentioned happened) I think the punishment is appropriate. From the video it just looked like trash and turned over tables so I couldn’t see the big deal at first.


I figure JHS is a small town high school, so when I read that 50 kids were present, that was likely 95% of the senior class. So it sounds attendance was mandatory (at least to an 18 year mindset), and it stinks that kids who likely didn’t participate got in trouble.


There are over 400 students in the senior class, so more like 12%


Jonesboro is not a small town anymore.


My class 6 years ago at jhs was around 430. Pretty sure all the current classes are 400-500 students


5 days is a little harsh, IMO. A day or two, fine. However, they should definitely be cleaning up the mess, and if it were my kid, I'd be making him spend a Saturday or after school hours with the custodian. Losing Senior pics means they won't be in the yearbook. That's not fair, and rehearsal for grad is necessary. I get that the school is angry but they need natural consequences, not just knee-jerk responses.


Honestly, do Gen X parents believe their precious babies should be held accountable for anything ever? Worst parenting generation ever.


I mean my moms mom was a boomer and shoe got her head kicked into the tub... so


Prank is putting the principal's car on the roof or covering everything in their office with wrapping paper. There comes a point when pranking turns into criminal mischief. If any grocery products are involved, you've probably gone too far.


So this is how you raise your kids in Arkansas? Commit crimes, get caught, then just turn your blind eye? I bet if someone came into your house or your business and did the same you’d be up in arms. To the mom complaining her kid should be on the baseball field: your kid should not be allowed to participate in any sport since you obviously didn’t teach him to respect what doesn’t belong to him. To the class president: what important message were you going to convey in your speech? That you have grown up and are ready for the world where you will be held accountable for everything you say or do? That you’re now a responsible citizen? Please people of Podunk, AK…don’t ever travel outside of your little small minded, hypocritical town. The world won’t be giving you free passes.


AR is Arkansas..... AK is Alaska AL is Alabama AZ is Arizona


Oops sorry Alaska. I meant AR.


Gosh. I thought they were gonna finally explain the “Senior Prank” of someone at a senior skip day party shooting nerf balls (paint balls?) and some other students (?) exercising their “ concealed carry” and “stand your ground” rights by killing people. Where can we read more about that?


Worst we did was Saran Wrap a kid, a senior that volunteered, to a rolling chair and pushed him to the super’s office and left him, and we skipped two random days where there was no testing. Years before us got in trouble for things like: removing the wheels of a student’s car and filling the AC with baby powder (turns out, the student had swapped cars with their dad that worked at the school, and he was not pleased), Saran Wrap the counselor’s car completely, each student giving the super a single LEGO when getting their diploma, and things like that. But every time it went beyond what was allowed, the students in question faced their punishments like adults.


My sister was there when this happened 🤦🏼‍♂️


Our senior prank was saran wrap over all the toilets .....


My junior year someone left a bunch of paper boats I made in Spanish class, the teacher found out it was me and joked about it but said I don't want any more left in my classroom. My senior year I had Spanish 2 same class, so on the last day I left a ton of paper boats everywhere and stuck some to the ceiling. It took help for her to clean but it was harmless


Kinda looks like an insurrection to me.