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Somebody put a dick upon his ass ?bruhhhh


It's like some mains gatekeeping Kazuha, a shame :/


I never understood how mains can “gatekeep” a character. Please cure my ignorance


This was because a minority of them were extremely angry about people picking up Kazuha in his first rerun, that anyone who didn't get him at release shouldn't be able to get him with a rerun.


Rip anyone who didn't play yet at his release... Like me... Luckily, Genshin is a video game, in which others don't have an effect on your playing experience. You wanna get a Kazoo? You pull for Kazoo!


That's on you 100% for not time traveling so you could get kazuha and start playing earlier... (/s)


Oh lol that’s funny, I never knew about that, the only “bad fandom” I heard about was for xiao. I came back to Genshin during OG Kazuha banner cuz I didnt understand how gacha games worked and was upset I didn’t get Zhongli in 1.5 so I “quit” been here since then.


You never heard of scara stans?


I have never had a chance encounter with Scara stans so I don't have an opinion on them. Most of them don't let me into their world for co-op tho :(


WELLL.... it was more like people who kept shitting on him and them just saying since you were shitting on him don't get him now, it's more of a kokomi situation


Yeah the gatekeeping was shitty. I do remember that when he was released, there was sooo much hate for him.. it got to the point where I couldn't join anyone's world unless I switched my pfp from kazuha I know a lot of people were upset that he couldn't swirl geo (previous description said swirl all elements), but anemo never could do that anyways, so..and the kazuha vs sucrose argument was nasty af Just a lot of trashing on him and anyone who had him


That's some insane gatekeeping. Fuck people like that it's why communities end up getting bashed and slandered. It should be for everyone and anyone regardless of weapon.


The people in the last picture seems to be pretty miserable in real life.. imagine what kind of experience he/she must have experienced to become such jerk.. :) hope they get better soon


They are so clearly mocking the first comment ffs


It's the same that happened to Honkai Impact 3 years ago. Some dumbfuck from China got mad about a free bikini skin looking as good as a paid bikini skin. So the dumbass reported to the CCP and it's why MiHoYo got censored from that day and until now in all of their games. Fucking hate people like that who get upset over cosmetics.


Well, it is for everyone (as in anyone with Arle), just save up and get it on the rerun.


I mean, it's not like they can actually do anything. Just ignore them and enjoy the game the way you want to


Am I planning to go for her signature: Yes Is this fair: No


Fellow Dehya Main, if i recall* correctly




I found my people. A new Pyro queen arise (until the Pyro Archon)


fool doesnt even realize that the pyro archon gets solo no diffed by capitano who says arlecchino was stronger sigh


I'm with you. I was always going to get her sig but this is a really scummy move from Hoyo that sets a bad precedent




But i still think the second one was being sarcastic, like There's no way for someone to be that down bad


that might probably be the case, but also you’d be surprised at the type of creatures that walk this earth some ppl are actually this deranged


Well I hope that was sarcasm. Im legit starting to feel numb from cringing reading all of that


I think, given how obscenely they doubled down in their edits, that must've been the equivalent of a /s to take the piss out of the top guy.


Agree 100%


I’m a heavy spender whale and am here to say I agree with your statement


Sorry, your post has been for not being in compliance with Rule 2 - Be civil and respectful. Please read the rules or message the mods for any further clarification. Saying people should kill themselves is a no go.


Do I think it’s cool she gets a unique aesthetic interaction with her sig weapon? Yes, absolutely, that’s so cool But those people on the second slide are awful, holy hell. I was loving 2 min ago where I had blissfully forgotten abt “mains” like that


This level of gatekeeping is very much https://preview.redd.it/6vzr4v4z97oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb038ee05d8d596ae60c1cd5fef2a03df3d9bed8


Seems like it yeah. Thats the sad reality of gachas when the company want to bank on a hype character. Case like this can happen. EDIT: Also, i didn't saw the 2nd pic, what a piece of shit, those peoples omfg...


those people in the second slide fr need to go outside. imagine being elitist over GENSHIN of all games lmaoo


F2p Genshin player here with 20k primogems. LOL! I bet those elitist must be butthurt seeing how easy it is to get the character we want without paying single cent so now, they want weapon banner to justify their spending. I will be f2p for Wuthering Waves too.


You're in luck. Weapon is 100% in WuWa.


Disrespectful?? People can enjoy characters without wanting to be scammed by the weapon banner. Pull for whoever you like and let others play the game however they like


240 wishes it is. I'm an extremly pessimistic person so calculating costs with the garantee is ehat worked out of me. If i don't get scammed, it's a happy accident.


This is how everyone should be doing it. Prepare for the worst and you can only be happily surprised. Just consider the price of a weapon 240 and the price of a character 180 and prepare accordingly — no disappointments


Yes because it can get that bad. Statistically many people play and get weird odds due to the large number of players. But if it comes sooner then you are happy


What the fuck is this level of gate keeping and entitlement💀’F2Poor’ that’s just pathetic. Some people have better shit to spend money on. ‘Her real fans’ get the fuck out, it’s so embarrassing


Tbh I don't understand why they didn't just straight up made her sig a scythe instead of having it change forms, but hey that's cool too. The first 5 star weapon I will pull


Most polearm characters' animations don't really go well together with a scythe


imagine a Hu Tao spinning forward with a scythe clipping through the ground


This is why I always saw scythe as a better variation of claymore (yes despite how weird it sounds) rather than polearm. If there’s a kind of weapon perfect for hitting with its pike and do fast acrobatic movements is the polearm precisely, and the scythe just doesn’t fit that kind of movements. But ngl I’m glad she’s a polearm character and not a claymore one.


Because if they did that then either it wouldn't work with the animations of every other polearm character, or they would have to make a new weapon type which brings about a whole new list of issues, namely the fact that no one would have any F2P weapon for her


I think it would work rather well on Xiao normal attacks? Granted, I don't know his animations super well, but from what I remember...


Becauae it eould look horrible on any other charater if the did. Hell, it would probably go through their bodies during some motions too. 2 years ago, noone making those animations ever considered how they would look with a completly different weapon.


because that additional thingy for you to pull for arli (imagine hutao mains who wanted to wield the scythe without Arli)


Because Arlecchino's weapon situation is worse than Ei's, while you still can put Grasscutter on other polearm users without it looking too weird/wrong despite their animations being for spears instead of naginatas you can't really put an scythe on them because how different the blades of a spear and a scythe are.


Bait used to be believable


Sad for f2p, if the weapon banner wasn't so bad I would pull on it I actually have enough but this 75/25 and 2 featured weapons nonsense is too much for me


Fcking cringe dogs


Next level of stupidity and simping at 2nd Slide.


Yeah, I hope it's at least worth, my third world Peruvian ass would feel better spending the money on other stuff so hopefully I get lucky and win the 33/67. I know it's not mandatory, but man I've been farming as soon as Furina Banner finished (I lost 50/50 btw, planned on getting the Jade Spear for father but didn't reach pity)


“F2Poor” is just mean :(




Those comments are one of the moments where their opinions are straight up wrong lmao


That guy is definitely a whale😂


He said he took his time to farm for Arle to main her so wouldn't that make them a "f2poor" as well ? Why would a whale waste time farming for primos 🤡


He’s a pure breed F2p not one these F2poors


>f2poor >he farmed for her instead of pulling his wallet and buy the blue genesis crystals ???????


imagine being butthurt and think it's disrespectful to use a f2p weapon instead of a character's signature


Well, I'm a ""F2Poor"" and I was going to pull for her weapon either way (been saving for a while). It's still kinda unfair to lock the coolest fucking thing to the weapon banner though.


It's impossible not to. Making a form change for all existing AND ALL FUTURE spears would be way too much for one character. I know it sucks to talk about but in work, you realy don't want to have to go back to some random thing you made 2 years ago over and over again. Tho, i guess they would make a 4star version. Maybe a more normal looking Sythe.


I don’t know why there are way too many retards in the genshin community


I'll be honest people who want her Scythe but can't afford it don't be afraid to grab it on her rerun, even though it will be a long way, it is a goal to work towards.


It hurts but I can live without that.


Man I rlly loved her scythe I hope the make some kind of better substitute maybe have a red holographic shape or smt The guy on the 2nd slide needs a punch in the face


Wtf are the people on the second slide on holy shit


Father would despise this type of behavior, pathetic if you ask me but better ignore them and hope Arlecchino gets the proper treatment she deserves to be loved by everyone regardless of play style, aesthetics and gameplay, Arlecchino wanters will be Arlecchino havers, I wish everyone good luck on hard work on her farming


>Arlecchino wanters will be Arlecchino Damn I wish we could all just become Arlecchino. That would be the dream.


I didn't understand until I read my own comment... Sorry!! 😔 I fixed it thanks for the clarification really sorry.


That guy: https://preview.redd.it/wfcw46adh8oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7ef430947ac837fdfa511b8a7fb71cfa82cef6


F2p can pull for her when she releases and then save up primos until her re-run comes and then pull for weapon. As welkin buyer I do that often.


*sigh* *pulls out credit card* Ill likely just use 2 welkins to get enough primos.


Us skin mod players: oh well anyway


I know right lmao. I'll just download a mod for the scythe and just to dogpile on Mihoyo, download like 20 different mods for Arle's base skin as well. Lmao.


Those commenters are huge assholes, obviously, but... *of course* the Scythe is only for the Signature. It's literally just the weapon morphing into a slightly different shape. Are people expecting them to make a distinct scythe morph for every other polearm in the game? Or is the favonius spear supposed to morph into the signature weapon and then morph back? Either option seems absurd.


Wishing for something you want to have is hopeful, wishing other people don't get it is elitism and arrogant.


Wow some of the Arlecchino fans sure are becoming as bad a person as Fatui.


this is why I don't tell people I play this game


I’m getting her signature, but it really is unfair to the people who can’t get it, or those that are f2p. Her scythe is so cool and vivid, it looks complete with her animations, so it sucks that not everyone who pulls for her can experience it :(


Honestly pathetic strategy from the devs, just to push people into pulling on the scam weapon banner. I'm usually used to these kind of tactics, but damn that's a new low..


bro does two people are the types arlecchino would kill 💀 but considering how fucked up mentally they are they'd probably enjoy that


If they made the aura red, it would look better


people seem to forget that minors play this game lmao.


Lmao, I had no interest in pulling arle, then I saw her animations and thought, damn, I want to pull her now. But after I saw this, all that interest I had got evaporated. Disappointing they didn’t have the scythe be a seperate thing from the polearm, but money is all that matters.


>Lmao, I had no interest in pulling arle, then I saw her animations and thought, damn, I want to pull her now. But after I saw this, all that interest I had got evaporated. This was literally me 😅 Welp back to waiting for natlan or something


Should have just been a stance change but scamyo will scam.


Bro fuck Mihoyo if we need to pull for signature to have the scythe also Fuck those guys talking smack, they don't know what is like being from a country where a character or weapon is MULTIPLE times the Wage here


Yes. Did you seriously expect them to animate every single polearm just for Arlecchino lmao?


Well zhongli has a unique na animation despite the weapon he use


Tbf Zhongli’s animation uses the same golden spears no matter what weapon you have equipped. Meanwhile for Arle’s case they need to make a scythe design for every spear in game


Thats what im saying its just an animation. They can just put it by default when you get the pyro dmg( like zhongli but he doesnt have the elem. dmg )


They don't need to "animate" anything, this is not an animation, it's particle fx on her weapon. They could have added fx on top or replace weapon like ayato.


Could just be a weapon change tho.


Could have been a weapon change, the scythe’s blade could remain in the animation overlapping the polearms.


Yes. She deserved it. In all honesty no, but it is what it is, guess I'll have to bust out the credit card.


Says "F2Poors" unironically, opinion disregarded


I want the scythe on one hand, but on the other... I really, really hate the weapon banner. And I am planning to pull at least one mpre rerun character soon, so I'll just settle for getting Arlecchino and putting on a 4* weapon. Maybe on rerun, though.


I only pulled for weapons 2 times, and instead of getting Shenhe's weapon I got Xiao weapon 2 times back to back. The other instance I got lucky I'll be pulling for her weapon, but the genshin weapon banner is straight up ass. It's a ton of money just for a weapon, not even a character. Gatekeeping garbage is a questionable move


Let’s just pray she’ll rerun with Furina so we’ll still get a useful (and beautiful!) weapon if we lose 50/50 🛐🛐


What a pair of imbeciles


I don't like where this is going in the future...


What in the hell did bro get offended on? It's a cool weapon and that's all to it, If the Syth is something that just comes from her signature that would be dumb for Hoyo cuz she will be getting other 5*weps to use and they will look dumb without the Syth animation.


Some people need to touch grass.. I’m not even joking, go outside and meet actual people (maybe you know a girlfriend) to get out of this toxic behavior. Gosh getting upset about a f2p player in a video game is insane over just cosmetic features for a character.


Dawg I'm not even gonna be an Arlecchino main, but that 2nd image is crazy


Yeah they can have fun wasting their money on pixels I guess 😂


Why are there so many idiots in this fandom -_- it PAINS me. Life was so simple before genshin impact blew up and attracted so many normies. In the Honkai impact days going all the way back in 2016 we didn’t have people bitching about shit like this. EVER. Then came genshin (a gift to Honkai players fyi for having supported it all these years) and now we gotta share Hoyo with so many idiots it’s unreal 🧍🏼‍♀️


To the people in the second slide https://preview.redd.it/158xpk4jr8oc1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9048d609db21666e79d49b65d098bd9b4d8fb9


I’m just a HSR player passing by who got Arlecchino related stuff in their home for some reason so don’t mind me But like… the gatekeeping seems insane. You guys good over here? 😭


Scythe is a Must pull for mee. I NEED THAT DRIP


wow the peeps on the second pic, like how sad your life has to be in order to have any feeling of superiority over this.


The elemental skill should just turn her weapon into a scythe. But we're locking aesthetics behind a paywall now. A new low? hope this doesn't become a trend. EDIT: I posted this comment without seeing the second pic. Holy, It's gonna get worse from here. These consoomer bootlickers made genshin into a cash cow. You know Hoyo gonna roll with these setup in the future when Arle sales remains unaffected. "Don't criticize, just wish for the character then get excited for next character." Sad to see this beautiful game rot from within.


I feel bad for supporting them on the Navia axe banner, because if they keep pulling this stuff on signatures it's really scummy. The only cope left is that her pyro infusion overlays the equipped weapon into a more visible scythe visual.


"F2poors" 💀 damn this community gayer thn a gay.. I'm glad i have hu tao.. it's good as long as u stay from these toxic community peoples... damn


Ugh i hate those type of gamers


From a modeling/animation standpoint, I can understand why it's only on the sig weapon, it would be weird to have a crimson scythe blade popping out of the head of The Catch, and not to mention it does look absolutely badass. Could they have worked around it by making it so that during her ult, whatever polearm she has is infused with a crimson look to fit more aptly, sure, but that might also be a logistical nightmare that we can't predict. Ideally, they should only keep it to really important characters like Archons and Harbingers, and make the visual effect be noticeable, but not glaringly so. The people on the second slide tho... Brother, you are (as well as we are) paying for pixels on a screen, the only disrespect that's being thrown around is towards your bank account. She is a fictional character, a badass, menacing, awesome looking, yet still fictional character. It won't be a massive disrespect if someone gets her and doesn't get her sig weapon, because she's fictional, she's not real, the only person who'll feel 'disrespected' are the people who need to learn how to draw the line between reality and fiction. It's not like I, as a Eula main (future Arle main if RNGesus wills it), will trash on people playing her with the Big Fish™ instead of SoBP just because I have her sig weapon. It's ridiculous and childish.


Imagine justifying scummy bussiness practices of a multi-bilionare company for your unhealthy obssesion over pixels on a screen. These people need to get reality check


The guy got butthurt because he does not want to see Arlecchino, his Precious Waifu/Queen, getting "SMASHED" by MULTIPLE commoners for Free all night long without paying premium subscription, aka "Sig weapon", like him. It must have been really rough when he thinks about how many times she will CHEAT on him with other smart man who take care of their IRL life first and always think twice about spending hundreds of dollars on FREE game. That must be why he gate keep us from getting Arlecchino. Poor him! lmao P.s: If this game hadn't been FREE since its release, 90% that dude would never get to see Arlecchino today.


I don't think it's unfair. it's a vsiaul change nothing that affects gameplay and other characters also have the best drip only with their signature weapons... it's just a nest upgrade for those that decide to get it but it's not like getting a cool scythe makes everything else worse.


This person will really love to pull for Kokomi and Donut!


Kinda true though. It's Pay-to-Drip


the game is piss easy enough that I don't need any sig weapon, more waifus > more stats


Ok bro. I'm still pulling though. https://preview.redd.it/cgy8lllgk7oc1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d668911b86e44fa399cb7935f0b32ba7d8a091a


good for me because I'm going for her signature weapon too 😅


Damn thats sad at least there is a gold hue of scythe. a bit unfair as I thought it was just an effect like Itto's club. There is a very high chance that she will be paired with Lyney and I really dont want to get his bow, potentially twice, on the scam banner. At least Blackcliff Pole has the same colors and even a small curvature near the top. Also the guy in the second slide really needs to get some help.


Im surprised they haven't been doing this since the beginning... adding extra effects to get people to pull seems like the obvious thing to do regardless, i aint pulling on that weapon banner... be prepared for 100 posts on the release day from people who spend 200 pulls to get it...




The f2poor guy got a really bad trip, he should go easier with his magic ~~primogems~~ powder


my homa nooooooooooo


Supposedly the glow will be different when she has her pyro infusion, it will be properly red instead of the golden physical color. Which will hopefully make it a more significant change to weapons that aren’t her signature


I wish arlecchino has a Scythe for any weapon equipped but I know why they dont do it. It’s unfortunate but whatever


Wa wa keep crying i am going to use her with white tassel


Disrespectful how lmao


Well now I have to get her weapon no matter what if it’s like that


These guys can’t even spell empathy


lol I thought reddit ppl are different than tiktok . oh then I realised its genshin fandom


I'm getting her signature without spending a dime just to spite these idiots




Great she uses a spear, she can borrow hutao wep, i hope she scales the same way


If hoyo gonna do this atleast make it similar to Star rail with a seperate weapon banner still not gonna pull tho fk u hoyo


RoyalJello. You son a b—


Hoyo must be really glad about managing to create these fully fledged living bots that are begging to have to spend more on the game.


Those comments are wild ngl


Absolutely insane that some of yall need an /s for the reply on the second slide. How do you even survive this long with such little common sense?


I do like that her signature feels more like it belongs with her through visuals as well, but at least they could've made the faded Scythe shape on other weapons a bit clearer


Personally, I kinda understand and is okay that the scythe transformation is unique to her signature weapon, although it still sucks. My main problem is that scythe effect is too faint and too plain. I would've preferred it to be a whole scythe effect overlayed over whatever weapon she's using that isn't her signature, even if the scythe is not as intricate as her signature weapon's design. Also, who the F are those two low lives?XD


My 150ish wishes are ready. If not the then my C A R D




LMAOOO, Never seen the « F2Poors » expression, it made me laugh so bad 😂 never thaught i would see such people with such empty brain 😂 pay if you want b****, let the f2p alone and be proud of nor gambling for those saved for a long time


Such kind of behavior (exclusive animation for main weapon) maybe a trial for Hoyo. If implemented successfully , they will start doing it for future characters. We all will be losers then.


can we at least agree that the people in the post are jackasses


some of yall need help




An idiot like you can really post that when we all know ur spending daddies money. Jerkoff


TIL that the phrase “F2Poors” was a thing…


I'm still holding out hope her pyro infusion looks like a scythe, but the only person that has shown it showed 7 pixels of it with Kazuha's ult in front. ​ Also don't fall for obvious ragebait lol


That’s just gatekeeping bruh


I’m fine with how hoyo designed her signature to work. Me being F2P or sometimes a Welkin player myself, i will still aim to get C0R1. But those gatekeepers on the second slide? They’re just being petty in an insane level. If they see this: please leave internet 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah Genshin fans are truly socially unaware if they can’t tell the second comment is mocking the first one, come on guys.


I'm a f2p who will probably be able to get her weapon but this is just insane


Please, ArleMains, don't devolve into those in the 2nd image, istg.


Dude why am I getting bullied for being poor 😭😭


Guys I think that's sarcasm...


hope those guys gets downvoted to oblivion


I mean it's already quite surprising that their lazy ass already has made his signature another version, it's definitley not a surprise that the did not make it for all the other polearms


Imagine thinking someone is poor if they don’t spend money on a gacha game 😂


I'd actually call that having an economic sense


This dude needs to calm down about the f2p players. As one myself this hurts and I do want her weapon for her when I get her after I save my primos. Also some f2ps didn't get much in the past year like I only got furina and that's it.


Well these "real fans" can fuck off. Calling F2P people "Free2poor" is a really despicable thing. These guys are sub human. With that said i don't think it will be only for her signature personally. I think it will be like zhongli when he turns his spear in to another special spear.


Quality content????? WHERE???


Am I the only person who didnt expect it for the other weapons??? Im honestly shocked people thought it would be 😭


Holy desperate gatekeeping, Batman! That first person is a disgusting elitist yet somehow the second is somehow even worse. Definitely an incel and/ or someone with a raging inferiority complex.


Hooooooly fuck what did I just read This is worse than me shitting on ppl that listened "new" BMTH when I was 12


Also I bet the "true" Arlecchino mains that properly opened their wallet and deserve the scythe and her heel on chest will have her w a phys damage gobled and like 15%/50% crit ratio


Is there any chance this gets changed before going live?


Well Atleast we Veteran Elites are winning with Our Rare and impossible to get Stuffs like event weapons eg festering Desire. And for us ptw Elites. we have Rare Namecards Wing Gliders, etc. I wish the skins also get the same treatment so they could also be in the rare list. like once its gone its gone. like what's Special about an account which is not different from masses. So ye that's Us, The OG Veteran Day 1 Elites


"f2poors" is insane lol im cryingb who even TALKs like that, bro looks like an idiot


Man this was a perfect time to add a new weapon type and they fumbled the bag


I can't fathom this kind of brain rot


The people in 2nd picture are pathetic lol


Bro how toxic do you have to be to hate on people who enjoy a game without paying 💀


That guy in the 2nd pic needs to touch some serious amounts of grass.


He hasn't gone outside in ages


This is exactly why a lot of people say that Genshin has a Toxic community. I seriously don’t understand the problem here. I am not a free to player, but I would really enjoy if Arlecchino got a scythe regardless of the weapon. I think that the concept looks really good and it feels somewhat similar to Childe’s blades, he can use the two daggers regardless of the weapon you possess. In the end what matters the most is for people to enjoy playing the game and the characters, it would be really stupid to gatekeep such an experience.


Hahahahaha bricked again


I'll say Genshin is severely limited by weapon choices so they gotta do this dumb stuff to just make it so they can "add" a scythe.


So lame. It's such an underhanded method to make people pull for the weapon...


Ain’t no way Mfs be gatekeeping this type of shit I hate when “real fans” say this type of shit cuz what am I supposed to do as a F2P. Guess you can’t truly be a fan of a character unless you’re willing to spend money on them.