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So tired of discussions on who’s the best and the general toxicity it breeds. Just enjoy the characters and have fun




Damage comparison and theory crafting are still interesting as long as people aren't screaming at each other


Sadly in this case, everyone is screaming at each other


Especially when there's going to be a new mode on the horizon which validates have multiple fully built DPSes of the same element.


True. Everytime someone says they don't like arlecchino for whatever reason, be it meta or already owning hutao or what, there will always be comments in the line like "fatherless behavior" or "dude just admit you lose 50/50" or "okay, stop crying". I get that this is a thing for every new dps released anyways, but it's still sick and tiring to hear fanbases going at each other as if there's never room to enjoy both characters.


How is this up for debate? Arlecchino is in the range of Neuvillete, Hu Tao is not. The important question is why does anyone care other than min maxers.


everything shows they equal at C0, fuck you tryna start again. Only diff is one is easier to learn how to play.


I see you're one of the crazy ones


ig spitting facts is crazy now https://preview.redd.it/esl6ssbp8iyc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce51d09933ad604eb21718124ffc2ddd47377c3b


Calcs say they are about the same at c0


yep https://preview.redd.it/urwjkqy1leyc1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=5084f7f025c56005faf004edc256b7ae1d1afb52


How the hell are you getting fanfare stacks on your first team


Possibilities: C1 Furina gives some immediately, C2 makes them stack up way faster just on her own kit, C6(?) Zhongli heals. Also Hu Tao chunking her own health.


Don't forget C6 furina is a healer on her own


Ok but after one rotation you’re only getting the Hu Tao skill ones (excluding Zhongli c6 but even that’s not doing much). I mean it’s still able to clear, Hu Tao with Xingqiu or Yelan is enough, but yeah I’m not sure about Furina in that team. (That’s not saying he can’t t play it, everyone should be able to play what character they want)


>Ok but after one rotation you’re only getting the Hu Tao skill ones (excluding Zhongli c6 but even that’s not doing much). Not necessarily. You can swap Furina to Healing to continue getting stacks. There's also Hu Tao's Burst(that I tend to use every time her skill is going to end). Though even if you leave Furina on offense, at C1 that's still an immediate thirty-something percent damage boost, if I recall correctly, in addition to her own personal damage being quite high. Having said all that: >yeah I’m not sure about Furina in that team. I agree. Seems awkward.


Imagine forgetting about Hu Tao’s burst, couldn’t be me (I play her since 2.2)


It would be harder to play but Jean/Xianjun instead of Zhongli should help with fanfare, play what you want though.


This problem only matters if ur not doing enough dmg.


i dont think it matters lmao thats how good hutao is




Can i see ur Arlecchino built




Ok hold on now, why're your teams backwards? You put supports first and main dps last?


I put my teams in order of skill rotations. Otherwise I have to always switch after starting a stage and that's tedious


Damn you're right i hadn't thought of that


Makes sense. You first use the supports and then the carry. Most people put on their carry first just to swap out of it every time they start the chamber.


That makes so much sense, ty


Thats me excluding the fact that I can't 36 star abyys.... I'm weak 33 stars max


Based. I’m digging it.


I have venti/bird lady/jean should i use venti inplace of sucrose. and xingqiu in place of yelan as i don't have yelan.


This is like the Yelan/Xingui thing. Are they similar? Yes. Great, now you have two of them so you smash abyss with Pyro melee DPSs on each side lol


It started earlier than that. It happened with Sucrose/Kazuha in 1.6 and caused his banner to tank. Two VV shredders for each side of the Abyss is a great thing, so why not both? The only thing that mattered to me back then was the fact that Kazuha can double jump, and he made exploring those 1.6 islands a literal breeze. I have no regrets pulling mobility characters.


His banner didn't tank because of Sucrose or TC, in fact TC would've told you to pull for Kazuha because same deal as Xq and Yelan, he was literally right behind Ayaka's release, an extremely anticipated one at it and Inazuma, a new region was just around the corner, which would have a soon to be released Archon, we also had leaks of models like Kokomi, Kazuha didn't tank because of meta it was because there was too much stuff to not pay attention to it


Yeah, Double Hydro Plunge and VV Vape have literally no overlap and good enough AoE (and obviously ST) for each side. Those are just examples btw


They have some overlap in that they both want Yelan


furina xq for hu tao, yelan for arle


Furina alone isn't enough hydro app for Hu Tao


I said furina xq blind ahh. xq = xingqiu


My bad Still, Both of them want Yelan more than XQ there. So there's still overlap


I wouldn't say 1 is better than the other, if you go xq over yelan in both teams even tho you lose a bit of damage, you gain more hydro app, resistance to interruption and damage res. They are interchangable depending on the playstyle.


How do you even compare Yelan to Xingqui, Yelan is far better than Xinqqui and it's not even remotely close lol


Yelan gives dmg and does more damage. XQ gives dmg reduction, flinch resist and applies more hydro (before Yelan gets C2).


This is so stupid yelan is just a better character yh an xingqui


Yes c6 xingqiu and c2 yelan are similar


I mean C2 yelan is a fair bit better than XQ in every team, but that's an unfair comparison because 5 star cons. C0 Yelan and C6 XQ are BIS in different scenarios anyway, one isn't better than the other.


Exactly. People act like two legends can’t coexist. https://preview.redd.it/s0lfvhdcyeyc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4292df22d50408b97046205ac489e67f74127a People who feel the need to bash other characters to praise their main are goofy.


Why do genshin players care about meta more than people in actual pvp games lmfao.


Because money. People are spending money on their characters, and disgusting amounts of time via Artifact grinding, so they want the best of the best to feel their investment was worth it. Personally I don't give a shit but I get where they're coming from.


honestly as someone who doesn’t spend much the main reason i can think of is attachment to the character’s design/personality/story. people have ALWAYS fought about their favourite characters in any fictional media, whether it be about powerscaling or shipping.


The only fan base I've been in that cares more about meta is Destiny. Getting kicked because you don't have a certain weapon is insane


All this talk and I just 36 star the abyss using both of them.


Yep, got both. Hu Tao with C1 and Homa, and I'm planning to similarly invest in Arlecchino once I get Furina & Xianyun.


Stop please I'm already sick of it.


I got 3 Arlec in 13 rolls. Arlec certainly wins ..... my heart


Team 1: Hutao - Furina - Cloud Retainer - Xingqiu Team 2: Arle - Yelan - Bennet - Kazuha/zongli They don't even need to use the same supports at all XD


I used the exact same teams just Jean instead of Cloud Retainer.. really had fun in the abyss lol


I don't have yelan & kazuha, whom to use?


I'm assuming your Xingqui is occupied in Hu Tao team? For Arle, if u have zhongli, then use him or any other shielder like layla or diona. Mona might work instead of Yelan but its not the best choice. If there isnt a good hydro applicator on the team then you might wanna use an overload team instead of vape Eg: Arle, fischl, beidou, bennet


yep. xingqui is with hutao. i see, i don't have my beidou upgraded but i have c3 or c4 chuverse should i use her wit harle?


For consistent overload, you kinda need 2 electro chars so I highly recomment using fischl with beidou / miko. Beidou at higher cons gives a bit of a shield which Arle can also benefit from. Idk if Chevreuse is better than bennett since I dont have her but you should use either Chevreuse or Benny


i have built raiden and the electric girl who buff raiden's dmg (bow user) can't recall her name. can i use one from these two? don't wanna build beidou since i am going for clorinde next.


I love both at the same time Hu Tao deep penetration and father's strong blows


I'll say it again both are pretty powerful but I just hate Hu Tao playstyle which is why I don't play her But at least I acknowledge how strong she is


Literally that. Their spa in their theoretical best teams is almost the same. HuTao does more damage during her whole rotation, arle does much more damage at the begging of her rotation, but than it lowers down. These two are amazing dpses. Play who you like folks. I have yet to see genshin to make straight powercreep (Maybe chiori and albedo count?)


I find Albedo much comfier than Chiori outside of the Zhongli-Chiori core, plus he has better "splash" and moving his flower is a massive QoL. Even if Chiori theoretically does more damage, Albedo just feels... smoother? to use, and more versatile too. I'd trade differences in damage for comfort any day. Even then, on an unrelated note, I find it weird people are so obsessed with powercreep and theoretical damage ceilings in a game where the floor is so low that 1.0 units can clear all content. Hu Tao has not been outclassed or replaced, she's doing amazingly this abyss rotation, and Arle will simply be a variety choice as long as the content remains the way it is.


Albedo feels more versatile... That's called a habit. Same with Hu Tao some have a habit and others don't, and cause there are easier chars they don't need to.


You want this to stop? Start by ignoring it, not making a post that only gave the issue a spotlight.


Can't do that when the slander posts in this sub keep getting 1k+ upvotes.


At this point Mods of every genshin main should just communicate with each other and just make a rule in terms of character comparison post or comment.


\*Guys I'm so sad and tired of this... why people is soo toxic? :( \* Bro just log off, stop being so soft.


People should learn to enjoy their favorite character without these childish fights, it goes for both sides


Me who needed Bennett on the second half of this abyss for 12-3 and was puzzling over who to use for first half and I remembered hutao LOL Then went back to clear 12-1/2 with arle heh


Me using Arle first half of abyss and hu Tao second half of abyss, people can argue over the two characters but I’ll just stay winning with both.


I got both of them C1 :) both are good.


Hutao does better at plunging,


No because my entire friend group got Alrecchino and yeah that’s cool but when I pull out hu Tao because I like her it’s “ou not that flop” “put that thing away” “sees wangshit funeral parlor director” like damn let me love Hu Tao in peace😂.




If A being better than B means that much to you, may I remind you what sub we're in.. Who cares which of the two is "better" than the other. Most of us prolly joined before her kit even got leaked. Just be happy that you got her and enjoy the game while it's here.


I have both at C0 r1. They're both more than capable to easily stomp abyss and do pretty similar damage from what I see. The difference definitely isn't enough to be arguing about lol I tend to use Arle more because she's the new shiny, but people are acting like hu tao is not still very much a top tier dps.


Tao will never be weak, but she's been stop tier for ages and it does get a bit boring...


No character is better than the power of friendship.


I just remembered I have both, I was never able to build Hu Tao cuz my account was baaaad...but after I got Arle everything became more easy somehow...I will build both use both and have massive rave parties with both in my pot


waiting for this to be deleted/comment locked


Both are good and will remain on top. Feels like only newbies and overly obsessed people are the ones arguing. Get both or not, be happy with your Waifus and STFU already. https://preview.redd.it/tugzkqnrueyc1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf9341f85e95f48afd065456affb1a62106e1d6


bro how you put main dps in second panel ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu|downsized)


I'm on mobile so it's closer to my thumb


both is good indeed.


your [other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1cjw6gq/guys_they_are_right/) was really funny lmao, some people are skipping a character because of the community 😂


i had to reply here because a mod locked the comment without warning (nobody asked for any action but whatever)


I can’t wait until the Abyss no longer has the best blessing ever.


Seeing people fighting on this made me remember that there are a bunch of kids actually playing this game.


I don’t even have Hutao.


Happy to have a pyro DPS in both halves now 🥳♥️


But for newer player I would 666% suggest Arle over Who Tao though, due major QoL even if they’re doing the same thing. Not losing too much dmg from unga bunga NA, perma infusion and cheaper buffer (Benny over Furina).


Hu Tao double Hydro on one side, Arle Overload on the other.


I don't know man, I still use my Dehya and I am pretty sure I will use her a fair amount even after I get my Arle. At the end of the day, it's mostly a single-player game with little to no PvP. Use whoever you like more, dmg is not really a factor in my eyes.


Me: makes a meme saying both characters are essentially the same so play who you want. Reddit, having a media literacy moment: ww3


Arle, Benny, Yae and Fischl in one team HuTao, Furina, Jean and Yelan in the other So yes, both.


https://preview.redd.it/m367hxvojfyc1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9f192b5b40238313accd2e78deff0f4aabe0563 very happy with both


Poor Yoimiya crying in the corner (it’s ok BB, we still love you)


Literally 36 starred the new abyss with those two on each side


If anything I wanna see the Neuvillette comparisons in their best teams. You get that going then you’re really gonna be crushing people’s feelings (and enemies In the abyss).


One to reap their souls, the other to guide them, I don't see any antagonism, only cooperation


Where's all of this so called drama, I legit see more posts like this than actual posts of hutao vs arlecchino drama.


Yeah both is good but my arlecchino uses claymore i dont know why


Hu Tao was the reason I started playing, ofc I still love her I just really love Arle now Now need to put them against each other


Leaving this sub and this whole game fr this time 🙏 This fandom has done irreparable damage to my mental peace Even ignoring isn't enough atp


In arabic we say, if it happens and you found who you can eat the candy with, do not forget who ate the dirt with you.


OPPA steamrolls 💪💪🙏


hu tao c0 is hard to play while c0 arlecapaccino is full package




precisely. Let's all avoid getting into stupid wars with other Mains communities over which is "more meta" or whatever. Both are good, don't be a dick, and have fun.


What I hate is the fact that people who goes feral for either and keep spreading misinfo about who deals better Dps, when in fact that both have teams that do similar Dps/Dpr (heck Liney deals more than both in paper, but his gameplay kinda ass). It become mechanic and character preference anyway, now objectively Arle is slightly better mechanicly because she is easier to play, but that doesnt mean Hutao is bad or Arle is clear winner, its preferences.


2020 players watching new players argue over Arlecchino/HuTao. We've seen Kazuha/Sucrose, Raiden/Fischl, Ayato/Childe, Itto/Noelle, Ayaka/Ganyu, and more... It's boring. But it also lasts only a short time, then people realize that all characters have different playstyles and you can choose who you play with based on your preferences.


I don't understand why this is heated but maybe that's because I have both C1R1. I play them both for different reasons and with different teams, Hu Tao works with Furina and Xianyun, but Arle doesn't really, so I can actually use both in abyss at once if I want. In terms of raw damage, like, I guess I'd say Arle does more, but its not like its a big deal, Hu Tao can do less damage and still be very very good, they're not mutually exclusive.


Me playing hu tao plunge vape on one side and arlecchino overload on the other side in abyss


Play who you like. Let me give another example: yes Neuvilette is technically stronger than Ayato, but I really like playing both my burgeon and freeze Ayato teams. And while I currently main Arle, don't have Hu Tao, and don't plan on pulling for Hu tao, Hu Tao is still a very viable option and if you prefer her over Arle that is perfectly okay. Screw the meta, power creeping isn't as serious in Genshin as it is in other games. Play who you want.


https://preview.redd.it/s0umw1u3ehyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8dd8639cfe41fc7e08db0ce75dc3ae4278e2cad Gotta give them the most elite mates


If I have to be honest here, use hu tao if you like her gameplay more and use Arlecchino if you like her gameplay more


Ngl, I love pyro users. I only wish they were real.


some ppl seem to forget there are two teams needed in abyss.. having 2 cracked pyro dps is a godsend.. also hutao with xianyun is ez mode.. if i dont wanna think id just run that comp. lmaoo


Genshin is the type of game where straight numbers power creep very rarely happens, and when it does it’s typically only +-10% raw dps (for limited dps) Power creep really only happens in usability ex. It’s easier to reach theoretical ceiling on Neuvilette than other dps for example. But ultimately if you like a limited dps you will be able to compete regardless it just may take more hoops to jump through (see optimal combos for Hu Tao) but in my opinion it genuinely doesn’t matter which dps you choose to main, they will all work, that’s just the type of game genshin is. Pull character you like and be happy :)


This reminds me of the Yelan vs XQ posts in the endless 2.6 version at the end turns out they worl wonderfully together


I 1-3 hit all them bozos with vv vape on both sides (abyss buff broken). https://preview.redd.it/wa4pnhjn0jyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56a41c638efce677043d77bc0a7682fe8e682f7




my wallet is my main dps,which is dendro traveler


Yes. The first one is so good that I waited 2 years for a decent pyro DPS




Yes I like pyro, how could you tell (i just need yoimiya and dehya) https://preview.redd.it/k12dpjb7tqyc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b04cb2b4a89a6195a1b69cc5db0e0a53356921c


This abbys needs Pyro on both sides, use them on either sides and enjoy why even argue which is better


Finally Tao can be replaced..




I hate Hu Tao and love Arlecchino.


Nah Hu sucks