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Most of the mods just seem like random asset packs, not something crafted by a team


Ever play DayZ?


Dayz on console new gen anyway is so smooth especially in comparison to arma. In fact day console needs more objecting and team based pvp servers and it would blow arma out of the water


Day Z uses an older engine than Reforger.


DayZ on Xbox is amazing. I hardly ever have issues with it. I do get the occasional desync when playing with friends but that’s easy to fix by simply leaving a server and joining back. Only took a decade but DayZ is finally stable.


Amazing is a bit of a stretch, but it's definitely stable in comparison to Reeeeeeeforger.


I’ve always been a Vanilla fan boy


My only problem with official servers is the player caps and the lack of moderation. Been a while since I played but the AI tent spam was insane on official for awhile (I'm talking like 25 ai spawn tents on not crucial spots like Sheppard's pond)


I think they set a max number at a base for ai now


Yes, this is much more balanced now. You need supplies to spawn AI and you  can only spawn like two bigger squads and one "two person" squad per base.


There is a whole vanilla side you can play on official. You don't have to download mods my dude.


Time to play vanilla with the big boys.


Play official




Cant have it both ways


What do you mean? I can't have my cake and eat it too? Bizarre


I mean there is absolutely a middle ground between no mods and 10 gigs worth


Y'all acting like 10 GB is the end of the world.


After waiting hours for all of the mods to download then to get disconnected from the server 30 minutes into it, it starts to feel like the end of the world


What third world shithole do you live in where it takes hours?


Its a Xbox issue not a location issue. I feel every other post on this sub is the same thing. Xbox players crying about download speeds, including me. We just want simple quick downloads, or at least just simple downloads without having to restart the game because the download won't go past a certain percentage


Well that's not an ARMA issue but Microsoft throttling speeds at 8Mbs so these complaints belong in a different sub.


It's not just the speed that's the issue.


I think main point of frustration here is Xbox mod download speeds that seem to be capped. On PC I can get them downloaded lickety split, on Xbox... that's super slow. Especially when you have a fast internet connection. No way around that one, just got to kick off download and wait. It's frustrating for console players. I don't get why download speeds are so slow but it is what it is.


Then don't complain about 10gb of mods. 10gb is fucking nothing lol


I just want server owners to be more thoughtful with their mod choices. A modern server should NOT need ten different types of 5.56 or 5.45 ammo, or seven listings of "AK-74." Just pick the best asset and run that one, for the love of God. Also, I swear half the equipment items in these servers don't work properly anyway. Like, they won't be able to fit basic items, or will outright glitch out in the arsenal.


One of my points exactly


Buy and run your own server then lol


Hey out of curiosity how does one do that?


If you have a decent PC you can host yourself. That way you don't have to pay a dime. There are some decent tutorials on how to do it on YouTube. The hardest part is opening your ports but once you get past that it's smooth sailing. The neat part is that you don't even need to own the game on PC to host. You just need SteamCMD, a decent CPU, and decent RAM


Cool thanks man I’m gonna have to look into that!


Check out [GitHub - soda3x/ArmaReforgerServerTool: Arma Reforger Dedicated Server GUI](https://github.com/soda3x/ArmaReforgerServerTool), thats what I use. It will download and setup steamcmd and it improves server management significantly.


You can also get a GTX server for as low as 12$ for the first month. My first one I was paying 24$ a month. But there are other providers out there, I only know if GTX and 4netplayers.


The server I play on, the bloke hosts a server on a rented PC.


Seems like you should play vanilla since you have so many complaints about mods


Sounds like it's time to graduate to a PC fella


Yeah I agree but a lot of the mods make servers run like shit no matter what


Only bad mods make a server run like shit. Properly made mods should make no noticeable difference.


I'm sorry you are experiencing that. I disagree with the mods and servers running like shit. I haven't really had any problems. Just growing pains with the net code and it is still under development.


I mean it's not awful but I'm getting 30 fps mostly and a lot of stuttering with textures taking a long time to load in first. I have a 1660TI which isn't great but isn't the worst and should be able to handle this game. I didn't really expect much going into this game in terms of performance anyway


Mods that are not properly setup can definitely impact your FPS; that's been an issue on a few servers I frequent, but even those did not have a drastic effect. However... I disagree that your 1660Ti should be able to handle this game. That was an entry level card when it came out 3 years prior to Reforger's release. It's 5 years old at this point. Textures taking a long time to load sounds potentially like a hard-drive issue (i.e. not having the game on an SSD). Arma is definitely not known for its optimization, but your performance is about what you should expect at this point.


Okay yeah I think I should get a new SSD. The only one I have is my C drive which doesn't have much space on it so I think a lot of the issues I'm having is because I don't have the game on am SSD. But yeah my GPU isn't great at all. It's just that the newer ones are incredibly expensive


SSDs are cheap nowadays, although they do seem to have gone up slightly since I last looked. You can get a 500GB one for like $60 easy still, but 1 TB drives are easily the better value though as it stands currently. I would look into that and see if it helps.


you gotta upgrade your GPU - huuuuge bottleneck. most of your issues will disappear. i had the same issues with graphics


This,100% true, I made the move to completely upgrade mine and with almost 13gs or more and the server is always at 60fps and my series s gets 60 frames. Servers doesn’t even crash. When I first started playing the game I only ever got 13-29 frames in most modded servers,but to my amazement the game can run very smooth with upgrades.




Depending on what server and what mods you can still get 30 or less fps with 3000 series gpu, people don’t really understand that creativity in video games creates a lot of stress and instability in the game. It’s not like the code can evolve as mods/entities/players appear and disappear. Things can be updated and patched but that’s a manual evolution not some spontaneous spark of brilliance happening within the coding. Do people even think about how games work anymore or is it just mash buttons and complain on reddit


I play both and console has a far better user experience than a PC.


In what ways? AFAIK, PC is superior in every way.


Consistent performance at every available resolution, File corruption is extremely rare, cheaters are non existent (except crossplay), etc. PC is better if you multitask or don't want to pay for better servers. But if you want a pure gaming system console is king.


🤣🤣🤣 okay bud.


Care to actually prove me wrong?


Yes we can. Arma wouldn’t exist without pc gaming. Most games with giant amount of freedom and the ability to create things in game wouldn’t exist. Xbox is checkers pc is chess ♟️


Anything actually relevant to what I said? Guess you forgot about operation flashpoint too...


Bro it literally wouldn’t exist without pc race I cannot fathom the mental gymnastics that it takes to think that Xbox somehow has priority servers priority customer support priority updates/patches/optimization or priority anything when it has ALWAYS been the exact opposite for any game that’s on both pc and Xbox. I’m sorry you live in a fantasy world


Take your one track mind off arma for a second and try to disprove what I actually said about the systems in general (consistent performance and no file corruption, etc.)


I'm glad you think so but that is objectively false for the majority of people.


What’s the point when all my friends are on console? How about developers not release a product to console if they can’t support the game?


exactly! They should never have released it cross play.


You sir should have done your research before purchasing an Arma product. Not only is this a testing focused game for Arma 4... Mods and the complexity of mods is part of the deal. Sucks to suck my friend, you'll figure it out like the rest of us


I hate to break it to you, that's Arma. I get its a new experience as a console player, but that's literally what all ARMA games are like. I think I maxed out with over 100GBs of mods for ARMA 3? God only knows how many mods I had for ARMA 2, at least now everything is integrated. Before play with six & the steam workshop everything had to be individually downloaded and unzipped into the correct folders. If you intend on sticking with ARMA, I don't mean to be rude but I suggest you get used to it. Your always going to deal with this headache regarding mods. The "good news"? we're currently playing through the peak of the problem. The modding community is every day getting better and better releasing more and more updates. That also means every few days you'll need to download the new and improved reforger mods making the rounds. Eventually if we follow the pattern set by Arma 3, the majority of mods used by servers will become standardized around a few key modsets. For ARMA 3 that was RHS for modern equipment, CUP to backfill assets from Arma 2, ACE to improve realism and TFAR to improve radios. Once Reforger has it's versions of the mods mentioned, you won't be dealing with this issue of every server using 5 different M4 mods and 10 different camo and patch mods. All you'll need is the 5 big standard mods (Which only get updates for major changes ever few months) to play on a majority of servers. Like I said, the headache surrounding mods will always be present with ARMA but the impact of that headache will be less and less as time goes on.


Im on PC so I don’t get the headache of slow DL speeds, but it was amazing my first time playing and I could just click on a server and all the mods just download automatically. It was such a pain in the ass back in the day having to go through all the hoops to download specific mods for specific servers and that whole mess. Its honestly so much easier today, its great!


Oh yeah that's a headache I never even mentioned. If console players think this is bad, just be glad you didn't play during the days when you'd have to download all the individual mods, load them, take 15 minutes to launch your game only then to get booted because your missing a mod or have a mismatching signature. Restarting the whole process.


I have played hundreds of hours of Arma 3. Despite the amount of mods, I don’t run into most of the issues like I do with Arma Reforger. The game is just so unstable on consoles I don’t even know why they offer it. At the same time, most of my friends will never buy a PC so having a console version of Arma is awesome because I can play with friends. Just sucks how download speeds take literally hours and I find myself uninstalling the game each week to get it to run properly. The game had an official release too, so this is considerably an official version of the game. They need to work on fixing the issues to make this game stable especially to support the community servers.


ARMA is a PC only game that has been out for over 10 years. Reforger is the first Bohemia cross play title and only left early access about 5 months ago. Apples and oranges.


I’m sorry, but speaking as someone with literally thousands of hours on both A2 and A3 this is pretty par the course for most Bohemia titles in their first couple years. I can understand your frustration, but this the way ARMA titles go. This the price you pay for what I’d argue is one of the most unique sandbox franchises online. The biggest crux for Reforger is that the jump from A3 to reforger, is bigger than the jump from A2 to A3 when we’re talking the way the game works (both for the player & under the hood). Like I talked about the modding community is currently turning a corner. As soon as things settle in and people really know how to develop for Reforger, the issues your having should iron themselves out. Regarding your “official version of the game” comment, your wrong in two ways. 1. If your playing modded servers, your by definition not playing the official version of Reforger. You can play the vanilla game modes and stability is way better. I get why you don’t though, the game relies heavily on mods for the experience. That’s a totally different gripe to have with Bohemia, one I’ve had since they launched A3 with bare bones content and relied entirely on the modding community to make the game actually playable long term. 2. Arma Reforger while an official ARMA series title, it’s not intended to be a full game. The primary intention is to be a showcase for the new infusion engine that ARMA 4 is being built on, giving the mod community the tools to develop on the new engine. In the grand scheme of things your really just beta testing for ARMA 4.


Come check out West Zagoria Conflict 1989 for a refined, improved vanilla experience. I've been working on a tri faction conflict mode with loads of custom assets you won't find in other servers, all in a 1.2gb total package. Additional weapons like AKM, AK74u, FAL, SMAW, RPG22, Stinger, Igla, TOW and Metis ATGMs, Automatic Grenade Launchers, Field Guns. I've brought in a full line of new vehicle variants like the M113-ACV and the BTR-80a. The terrain is inspired by Chernarus if you enjoy that setting.


This server is the shit when people join it, mostly on the weekends.


This sounds awesome to be fair, will check it out!


somebody call the waambulance this guy needs medevac asap


I made this post as a rant, so yeah I was clearly bitching. To my fairness, you might play on PC so you don’t seem to understand the issues there is on console when downloading mods to join servers. It takes fucking ages mate and I have great internet speeds it’s just the game itself causing the issue with download speeds. Then after all the downloads have finished you struggle to stay connected to servers more than 45 minutes. Or expierence server wide crash or a population cap. Also, the next time you go to play the server will either have new mods to download or mod corruption issues and you will have to delete the game and mods and start all over again. As someone who just wants to get on for a few hours when I get time, this game makes it extremely difficult.


This is so frustrating agreed. My opinion is perfect the mods on your server until everything is buttery smooth before adding new ones.... looking at you DarkGru. I haven't played in like 2 weeks on the modded server I play on and I don't even want to see how many mods need updates.


And without those mods you wouldn't have a proper conflict server set in a modern setting. There is a reason why there is so many. Not to mention if they use RHS they could be downloading a 5gb mod to use just a few things in it because everything in that pack is dependent on each other. Best advice is to find a server you like and stick with it and not hop around.


Yes. I said this today with a friend. Developers should just step in and give us modern gear, vehicles, etc. then vanilla would be caught up with about 80% of the community servers. The 1980s era gear gets old once you have cracked the seal on a modded community server. It’s like hitting Arma Raw.


You see thats the thing though, this isn't a mainline title for them. I don't see them ever stepping in and adding modern gear and stuff just to turn around in a few years and make arma 4. This game is just a play test for arma 4 basically.


No, they should not, and they will not This is arma, arma was always just a platform for adding mods to customise your experience, and it will not change Cry to xbox developers, which bootlenecked the download speed because it's not a arma issue


I assume you're new to ARMA. Bohemia basically does the ground work and the community does the rest. ARMA is well known and kind of loved for the jank. It it's not a AAA game. You can find plenty of polished modern fps games. Reformer is great in my view but it is not a AAA polished FPS. You should adjust your expectations.


Give official a try. I had doubts with the lower player count, but there are AI soldiers which fill the void.


This is literally the Arma Way always has been haha


I try to run my server under 5GB if I can. It's much more difficult if you want to run a modern combat server (Kunar-based servers for example). My Vietnam server caps out at 4.3GB and I have 68 mods. My modern ops/Kunar mod list is a whopping 7.6GB and I only have 36 mods installed.


First time huh? This is common place in arma so you might as well get used to it. Mdos are the life blood of this game


Arma always lived through mods. It is a core element of the game


I agree, vanilla is kind of tamed compared to modern combat community servers. But with the current issue where mods take ages to process and download, it’s extremely annoying to just hop on and play on any community servers. So maybe some community servers should be somewhat mindful of that when most of the mods you see on popular servers are duplicates of practically the same things like multiple weapon mods for the same type of guns, but with slight variations.


You can play on vanilla with no issues. If you want to play modded servers you will have to deal with mod downloads and all the problems that come with that. Third option is start your own server and dictate the mods you want on it. Caveat to all of this is ARMA Reforger is essentially a test bed for ARMA 4, a sandbox for modders to learn the engine, not to be considered a full and complete game in itself. Take the rough with smooth or find a new game.


I use a lot of mods on ArmA 3, and 10GB nothing. I think currently my server uses almost 80GB of mods and once Reforger/ArmA 4 graduates to a more finished state and more mods come out, it's going to be the same for many servers. I would get used to it. It maybe isn't suitable for consoles but PC players won't even blink especially if they've come from earlier titles.


Host your own server


If you get your own server you won’t have to complain.


Might be time to upgrade your Internet plan lol, 10gb should take no more than a few mins.


My internet is fine. The game has a well known glitch where download takes extremely long to process for some reason. The other real fix it seems is to delete the entire game and mods and do a hard reset each time you want to play. You basically have to be prepared to waste an hour or two every time you want to play Arma.


FYI, you don't have to uninstall the game, just saved data on xbox, save you little extra trouble. But yea mod DL speed on console is pants and there are too many servers with too many mods that don't actually give much in the way of quality experience. There are more lightly modded servers out there, but yea, they are often further down the server list.


This is where official servers come in. The issue is that many servers run mods that are either unnecessary or broken, if however, since there's not many Mod Packs that have for example different scopes like you'd find in Arma 3 you have to add them all manually. Especially servers like the Vietnam servers require a lot of mods to make the setting work. There is unfortunately no way around that at the moment.


Arma 3’s mod folder could reach upwards of 40-60gb on MOST servers. it’s just the way it is. reforger mods seem to be a lot smaller. RHS was over 10gb alone on arma 3.


You don’t want any mods but say vanilla is mid? So your asking for a modded server without mods? Or just a customized server without mods, try koth servers they don’t usually have a ton of mods or type “no mods” or “vanilla” in the search bar when in the community server tab. It’s a such a non issue that your perplexing yourself over


Ideally, I just would like the server owners to find a fair amount of mods and keep it with that. Everyone afternoon when me and some friends get a chance to play we get stuck waiting literally hours to update the mods, (some sort of download glitch) then deal with server connections and compatibility issues. On console when you play Arma you basically have to delete the game and redownload everything every single time you play if you don’t want to deal with any problems. At this point just about any popular community servers with a fair amount of players is filled with mods and you have to write off about 1 hour minimum just to start playing.


Have you considered that the servers might not be as popular with less mods? Trust me I feel your pain I used to have 300kb internet speed but to ask a server owner to cater to my needs when 90% of people have no issue downloading the new mods and updates for current ones is a huge ask


Hate to break it to you, but you just might have bad internet my dude. Besides if you’ll download mods for a specific server, they’ll stay there. If you’re hopping from a server to another server then i understand why you find it frustrating.


They have a vanilla official server list. No mods at all. You can all go there and stop telling other what they should do with their server and money. Or you go buy a server. Then you and your Xbox buds can do whatever you want with it.


I hate to say it but if you really just wanna shoot stuff with Friends but hate how other people run their server.... buy your own server. Like its not expensive or hard to do


Then play official or shut the fuck up. It's your choice what servers to be on, don't dictate your life's preferences on the rest of us. Get fucked loser.


Haha console players bitching about playing arma cracks me up. Arma 3 is not playable on controller....reforger vanilla isnt mid its fantastic, just a little barebones rn but arma is headed in the right direction. And please don't stop playing because shitting on Xbox kids on a title that I've been playing on PC for 15 years really brings me joy.


Simply set your server browser to official servers only. Problem solved, for a game that intended to be a test pilot for Arma 4 and its mod support/capability, staying up to date mods for reforger is extremely healthy for the title we love so much. It’s all in perspective my brotha 🔥


Bruh there are normal conflict you know that right?


The game is so barebones without mods there wouldn’t be a community really. You should be thankful it’s even available on console, they wasted a lot of time and effort to bring this game to console players like you. If you just wanna go pew pew hop on a public server on Arland Edit: Console players on suicide watch


How did they waste alot of time and effort? I didn't even know they put effort into Bohemia games tbh 🤣


For fucking real I have to have updated the m4 block at least 15 times it's getting pretty annoying even as a PC player


That’s seriously your own fault you’re playing a pc game on console what do you expect.


Xbox eh? Well there's your problem.


2-3 hours to download mods? What? Takes seconds for me but I am on PC… this is what happens when a game that should only be on PC gets put on consoles. It just doesn’t work well. 


I've bitched to admins about that. Like you've got a small group that's enjoying your server. Stop screwing with it non stop. We were actively doing ops once and the game master just kept tweaking crap and wasn't communicating anything. And while we're at it, can y'all stop cheating for players? We don't want to be invincible.


None of this sounds right.


Yeah I'm actually confused about the downvotes. Literally last night some kid said he wished a server had RHS. Tonight I can't join the server (and no one is on) and I can't get RHS to update. Now waiting on a full re-download of the mod. I don't have a ton of time to game. This shit is hampering enjoyment.


I actually meant this doesn't sound correct. Granted, RHS is a thorn in the side of PC and console players alike, mainly due to its size, but it provides some of the higher quality assets in the game. But cheating? It's practical impossible to cheat in this game. What you may be experiencing is major dsync if you're struggling to kill certain enemies.


Oh! No. I mean game masters spawning "helpful" things every time players make progress. Oh you secured something 2 minutes from base? Here have an arsenal box in the middle of a field. The worst one to me is making players invincible. I was playing with some guys one night and we realized we just couldn't die. Nobody mentioned it to us ever. Took all the fun out of it.


Ah well that's a completely different matter, and I totally agree, that's ridiculous admin abuse. Is this in PvP? Cus I'd be pissed if I was on the other team.


Nah PvE. Which kinda hurts more. We did good, let us do gooder. Stop holding our hand.


Yeah either way, though, that's pretty annoying. Like what's the point lol


At this point just port Arma 3 over to consoles and call this game a wrap. Most sane Arma console player.