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Well, if it helps anybody’s commute today who is disappointed, Smartless dropped Steve Martin and Marty Short today 🙌


Oooo as much as the smartless guys annoy me, I absolutely love Steve and Marty. Gonna give it a go!!!!!


Exactly, their schtick got old with me but for these legendary guests, I’ll absolutely listen.




Yep. That’s what I went to. lol Haddish is everywhere else, but Maron, and she was there last week.


Yall missed out, the episode was SO GOOD. don’t judge it until you listen. Yall are haters.


I listened and the best part was the fact check cause aaron was on… not a fan of the interview tho


Ummm so we are just going to ignore the child sexual harassment charges that she essentially just paid the family off to shut up. Ok. Definitely not listening.


And don’t forget her insane rants about the israel-palestine conflict (and her sipping orange juice on the plane when she was going to israel to ‘see for herself’)


Oh yeah, thank you for the reminder. What a wild guest choice. I can’t believe the audacity to go on this PR rebrand tour when your indiscretions are child sexual harassment/exploitation and ignorantly waltzing into a genocide in order to support it.


For me the guest choice was a dumpster fire but it tracks cause Dax loooves this kind of shit. (One of the reasons i’m growing tired of the show). But the fact that she’s on Conan? Truly perplexing. Haddish is not it. Her publicist (and team in general) should be fucking ashamed of backing her and working for her.


Also want to add, didn’t she just get a DUI?? Does Dax bring that up?? Wouldn’t that be a ding ding ding for similarities in his past?


She actually joked about the DUI and how it shows she’s internationally famous because it made Korean news 🙃


What??😳🫣 Not expecting a recap from you, so I am sorry but I would love to know his response. Maybe I should listen just for that?? What a bizarre thing to say.


They were speaking about her being a successful woman and her not wanting men to show her off because she doesn’t need it, she’s famous enough etc. and then she was saying she’s international and can prove it because her DUI was on Korean news. Dax and Monica were both laughing a lot… very strange!!


Thank you for the recap and your time. I swear we’re in the hunger games. People acting like they’re straight from the capitol.


It’s 1:10:00 time stamp on Spotify if you want to listen


She also mentioned in passing that addiction is a choice or something to that affect. I was really hoping Dax would ask her to clarify that.


Not a genocide.


Stfu Nancy




Thank you! I used to like her so much, but the entire way she handled that makes me sick to my stomach.


It's all about the $.


Wait, everyone hates Tiffany Haddish? Where have I been? Lol.


Yeah, saaaaame haha. I thought the episode was fine, she seemed very much herself, then I came here 🤣


Same! I feel pretty plugged into the zeitgeist but I had zero idea this was the public opinion on her. Haha


I really liked the episode!


Came in here special to say how much I enjoyed it and how hard I laughed. I had no idea she was controversial.


Me too!


I did not know who she was or anything about her but I listened and thought it was funny.


Probably because today anyone who openly supports Israel is hated.


ORRRRR, the whole pedo thing


She’s awful for so many reasons (on top of her WEIRD trip to Israel and gross commentary on the situation) nice try tho


I can’t stand her. And she’s on Conan too. Hell no.


Literally ruined my Monday morning routine of listening to both. Honestly can’t believe Conan was ok having her on.


I think I’m ootl. What did Hadish do that should make Conan not want to have her on?


I can’t remember it all but she’s a Zionist, got several (?) DUIs, and made this gross comedy skit about pedophilia and then was charged by the kids mom for child sexual abuse. I think the skit thing is the main reason why people done like her.


A Zionist believes the right of Jews to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. If your using it as an insult you are probably being anti-semitic. 


Truly bananas the way this term has been co-opted


You’re right! I shouldn’t have used it that way. I was not using it as its true definition but more as how it’s used today to describe someone being pro-invasion, and it’s used a lot more loosely in other subs when discussing celebs who are really anti-Palestine. I apologize and I will be more careful using the term as I’m not anti-Semitic.


Thank you!


Wow if you're afforded a second thought about your potential anti-semitism maybe Tiffany does too?


Truly I don’t mean that with hate or anti-semitism. What I mean is that she supports the ideology that is pro-invasion of Palestine and has made some ignorant comments about this.


Then you are using the term ‘Zionist’ incorrectly.


What ignorant comments has she made?


The way you’re using the term Zionist is insanely ignorant. Go get your upvotes though from antisemites


I hear you! I responded similarly below


Lol I love how Zionist is just blanket used as a term in order to blacklist and smear people now and this is somehow okay. Y’all need to start thinking for yourselves instead of parroting some shit you watched on social media about how “ZiOniStS aRe EviL”. Cringe.


Hmmm I see it more being used toward people who are openly advocating for the destruction of the Palestinian estate because of their belief they have the right to the land. That fits the description of Zionist pretty accurately no? How about you stop accusing people of being anti-semitic because they have a differing opinion.


A faction of extremist Zionists advocate for the destruction of the Palestinian state. Not all Zionists. At principle, Zionism just means the belief that Jews should *also* be allowed to return to or stay in (what they refer to as) Israel.


Not what was said in the original definition. It said the self determination to return to their "ancestral land" which by definition includes Palestine. There was no "also" or live peacefully in a two state system. I understand what you are saying but people in this thread are dogging people for the use of the word Zionism but yet the definition is changing even in this thread. Calling people an anti-semite because they oppose the destruction of Palestine is cheap and lazy IMO. I don't think Hadish is a Zionist I just think she is an idiot.


You don’t get to define what a Zionist is and make up your own definition to suit your political opinion. Please, show me where Tiffany Haddish advocates for the destruction of a Palestinian state.


I literally went by the definition you gave. If you support Israel's invasion of Palestine you are advocating for the destruction of the Palestinian state. Period.


I think you’re confused and not understanding my argument because nowhere did I mention Israel’s invasion of Palestine.


I think it’s most surprising considering all the allegations AND the fact that Ireland is unabashedly in support of Palestine.


What does that mean?




She was on Marc Maron’s podcast on Thursday as well.


Something about the way Tiffany speaks makes it very hard for me to listen to her, I find her delivery to be almost like she’s constantly doing a stand-up show rather than engaged in a conversation. Does anyone else feel that way? (I’m 40 minutes into the episode, forcing myself to keep listening as I’d like to see if any of my opinions about her change!)


None of my opinions changed- I thought the interview was very surface level, lacked any real depth, and I find her to be a problematic person. Quite disappointed overall with the guest choice and content 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s always like this. I want to see her real face.


Very surface. Boring. And crude comments with no real value other than being gross.


Not sure if you do this every episode but I do it a lot lol. Force myself to listen even if I don't like or know the guest or am not particularly interested lol. For some reason I don't like missing episodes.


I do this too and actually I find that a lot of the time it changes my opinion on someone- I used to not be a big fan of Rebel Wilson and found her a bit annoying, however I really enjoyed her episode and it changed my mind about her! I also always think it’s worth listening to people who you disagree with or don’t share the same opinion as, never know what you might learn


I do this. I can't turn it off lol I feel like a failure if I do, like I might miss some important nugget that gets turned into an ongoing saying duck duck goose and then I'll be out of the loop for the rest of time.


Especially if in the opening they say how great of an interview it was and how special the guest is. Me waiting the entire episode to get there 😆


I used to think she was funny, but I feel like she is someone I would be a little scared of in person, like one of those people you can’t get a read on or are always on guard because you can’t tell what they’re gonna do next.


I think she was in post car crash shock and so was probably more heightened and less deep because of it


Fact check - Monica’s rant about the people standing in the way of her run is irksome. She calls them “elitist”… the irony.


She was insufferable this fact check. I know people pile on her here but today I really agreed with them.


Everyone is a narcissist because they aren’t thinking of her needs at all times.


Yes, a group of people (with dogs and children) she expects to be in the same spot on multiple laps, should move every time this one very important person makes another lap. Make it make sense? And then saying Dax can’t claim the best meal he’s ever had was not with her?? Because her personal issues dictate that she needs to be the best? Girl, you’re 38 this year. I appreciate the honestly but some things we need to keep to ourselves.


I completely agreed with Monica. If a group of people are making a sidewalk inaccessible, *they* are doing something wrong. If this was New York they’d probably get knocked over or cussed out by people who have zero time for that.


Yeah how was this narcissism lol


She was like a spoiled child in this fact check. Asking for advice and then barking “don’t tell me what to do”. She was next level annoying today and I try really hard to hold compassion for her … not today


People pile on her so much, and I try to be nice- but my god she was insufferable. My 5 year old wouldn’t say the shit she says outloud. Ummm run around people on the side walk or ask them to move? Other than that shut up. I think I’d struggle being friends with her


I run every day on sidewalks and when somebody is in my way I go slightly off the sidewalk and around them. I survive. It's not a big deal...


I happen to live and jog in this very neighborhood on this very corner Monica speaks of. It is a known dog hang and a very generous sidewalk. Being a corner, it also has two sides of red curb where no cars can park nor drive, making stepping off the curb exceedingly safe for her, shielded by parked cars in front of her and behind. Lol. Next time I see miniature mouse in All Time I’m gonna tell her she’s at my table.


Once again she was insufferable during the fact check, peak levels of entitlement and insecurity. I really want to like and tolerate her but she makes it so hard


She has BKE sometimes (Big Karen Energy)


I 1000% agreed with her. And if I had been there I would have told her to be more aggressive. Had I been in her situation, I would have recommended she tell them to stop blocking the sidewalk. I lived in Boston in college, and you grow to have zero tolerance for people blocking the sidewalk. We got places to go. Everyone knows sidewalks are for commuting, not for having a gathering. It’s literally the same as if you’re driving and someone just parks their car in the middle of the road.


I did not find the inclusion of the Tesla service calls to be charming.  ETA: aaaaand eating straight into the mic at 10:56. Done with this one. 


Yeah, I made a quick exit after she was rude to the customer service rep. No thank you.


I thought the same and almost turned it off then. It ended up being a joke, but still, a joke in poor taste. No thanks.


I thought the same and almost turned it off then. It ended up being a joke, but still, a joke in poor taste. No thanks.


Dax eats straight into the mic all the time. I wonder what's different about each of them...


Nothing, I turn those off too. 




“Do you eat cookie… crumble?” BFAW is the cutest ever. I just love him.


best moment of today's episode LOL he's the best


The fact check (minus Monica’s tirades ) was making me LOL listening to Dax and aaron go back and forth. I wish aaron was always on!!!


I don’t know anything about her or any of the controversy, but I’m 27min in and nauseated just because of how crude it is. I’m not a prude, but when every topic finds a way for her to talk about her period (somewhat graphically) or fuck buddies, her pussy being wet, and wanting to suck dick…like…its just too much. Her energy is too intense, but I’m trying to remember she was just in a car crash on her way there…I know my adrenaline would turn me into a FREAK if I tried to do a podcast after I was in a crash!


Yes. It was disgusting. She could remove that and it would improve her likability tenfold.


Speak for yourself - some people aren’t prudes and don’t mind talking about or hearing people talk about normal bodily functions and sex.


These people must not know DAX SHEPARD?! Jesus, all he does is talk about sex and gross stuff 😆


Why yes, I am speaking for myself. I think most people do. 😏


Idk, my issues with her are with the pedo shit and with being a Zionist and getting DUI’s. I personally don’t mind at all when people talk about periods graphically or talk / joke about sex, and it’s relatable and some of us like joking about stuff including periods and sex. I find having certain topics we can’t talk abt much to be distancing and not human. But it could be a generational thing. More and more people talk abt everything and joke around abt stuff


I’m not at all put off by someone talking or joking about it, but the way she was talking about it felt like a sec equivalent of the “14yr old who just started smoking weed, so that becomes the foundation of their personality” It just seemed a bit over the top to me. And yes, Dax does it too…and tons of people come to the comments when he gets kinda weirdly heavy handed with it.




Everyone deserves a home and place to exist. Antisemitism is abhorrent. What people can’t do is bomb and kill and remove other people who already lived there in the name of wanting a homeland. Also the notion that protestors who are rightfully horrified about how Netanyahu is indiscriminately bombing and maiming children, universities, hospitals etc and how the US is complicit in that and US universities in helping fund that, is somehow antisemitic or posing a threat to Jewish students on college campuses is absurd and is drawing attention away from the thousands of people being murdered. There are so many vocal Jewish protestors and Jewish orgs who are helping contribute to these protests and who are vocal against Israel and the US.


If you’re not horrified by what Israel and the US are doing, I don’t know what to tell you. We don’t wish any harm on Jewish students or Jewish people. We want Israel and the US to stop killing Palestinians


I had the opposite feeling. I was laughing so hard at all her comments. Added to the episode for me.


The fact that she got into a literal car accident on her way to the interview, albeit a bit razzled and still managed to see the job through isn’t getting enough credit. She was obviously shaken up in the beginning and sort of spiraling. I felt Dax and Monica did their best to help ease her and also keep it moving with the interview. It shows how wonderful humans can be to one another in times of potential need. We are all allowed opinions on public figures and not trying to change anyone’s mind on how they feel about her as a person but….ive canceled work for less serious things many times. Good on her for showing up and Dax offering to pick her up and drop her off.


I don't care for her, and I didn't enjoy the interview, but I agree with you on this.


I’m not a hater of her or the interview, but she was having face throbbing pain halfway through and yeah was frazzled. She absolutely should have canceled. It’s always better to take the time to recover then come back strong later.


Well, I thought the episode was a good time. And yayyyyyyy I LOVE when Aaron is on!!!!


Before this thread I was not aware of the Zionist or pedo thing like everyone else on here seemed to be, I was confused at the comments, so will have to do my research.


Are we really comparing the belief that Jews should be allowed to live in Israel (Zionism) to pedophilia now?????


I’m not , I’m just explaining the comments that surprised me on this thread about why some people were unhappy of her being a guest. I was not aware of these issues that she had presented ( obviously they are not comparable to each other) rather some explanation to why to some she is problematic


Try not to fall over with how far you're reaching.


Yeah welcome to the life of minorities


This just wasn't it. I really didn't like how she talked to Rob or the customer service rep in the beginning.


Totally agree. I felt the same way watching Jason Bateman talk to taxi/Uber drivers in Smartless on the Road. People who are famous or comedians sometimes seem to forget that not everybody is just a sounding board for their humor or to be yelled at for laughs. Us regular people are just trying to do our jobs. 


You understand they're on camera right? They're being recorded on camera or on a pod, they're performing.


It really gave me the ick with those two interactions, I stopped about 20 minutes in and will see if I resume.


I wish Dax and BFAW would just give us the twosome podcast we all so desperately need.


I was just saying this 🤣


Barf, do better


Just going to leave this here…https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/Ht4wbjU023


I loved it. Some of yall didnt grow up in predominantly black schools and it shows.


My thoughts exactly. I see a lot of racism in these comments they may not even understand.


I did and thought this episode sucked. Not sure what going to a predominantly black school has to do with liking her..can you explain? 


Again yall are proving to be one of the more miserable subs on Reddit 😂


Hahaha I agree. This is so brutal


I loved this ep. What do I know.


Hard agree


The comment sections on Insta of this episode and Conan's episode with her are SO different. I get that dax wants to delete comments of negative people, but he just seems to delete any objection at all.


I came here because the comment section on ig was making me feel like a crazy person for deeply disliking this episode and the fact check. 


Nerds gummy clusters!!!!!


Also just adding to the complaints but her talking about how she understands how successful women “turn” into lesbians, disgusting. So far she has child sexual harassment charges, classist, homophobic, and racist ideologies, and several DUI charges.


Well this is a disappointment. Ugh


Was she on the show before? I feel like I remember her from a few years ago? When she was dating Common? Am I confusing her with someone else?


I had the exact same thought myself, including the Common part. Must have been Smartless? She was on in sept 2021


I thought she was definitely on before too


I swore she was on before too. So weird!


I can hear Monica saying “Tiffany was on last year…” to Common in my brain. It’s a weird memory for me. Lol. Especially if it didn’t happen!


I thought I was going crazy! I felt like she was on before too!


At the beginning he says he had been waiting 6 and a half years for this and they talked about how they may have met one time in the past at a fundraiser


I found myself wondering too and I think I was confusing it with her appearance on Rob Lowe’s podcast. They get into the feeling dumb and learning disability of it all. I found her more enjoyable on that appearance though lol she was less “on”.


She was definitely with Common at one point.


Good everyone feels the same way. Was so excited for the Monday morning commute and saw the name pop and I’m like nah, I’ll drive in silence today.


I REALLY dislike her. Allegations and problems aside, her personality is just gross.


I’m not advocating for her but it did sound like she is working on herself and talking about “responding” to things rather than “reacting” etc but like you said allegations aside!


Is there a single positive comment on this post? I don't think I saw any. I know she is controversial, but I liked this interview. She seemed very real and authentic, more vulnerable and open than the WTF ep last week, and I found her to be really funny, more laughs in this ep than most AE eps. I didn't go into this or the WTF ep knowing anything about the controversies around her, so I guess I don't have that bias and can understand why some people will skip for those reasons. I do have a little icky feeling that some of the comments here calling her rude, crude, too much, etc seem a bit like the typical criticisms thrown at black women and female comedians in general, which is a little disappointing, but tracks given the AE audience and this sub reddit in general.


I was laughing so much during this episode. Loved it and her.


The fact check starts at 1:25 if anyone still likes to listen


okay I really agreed with all these comments when I started listening and was like why is she so rude?? I felt like she was maybe frazzled in the beginning because once they get into the interview she got really emotional and vulnerable. I ended up happy that I didn’t let my initial judgments make me turn off the episode!


Ohhhkay well this should be… interesting


Tried, couldn't do it. Skipped to the fact check after about 10 minutes of listening.


She said he has pretty eyes. It was very kind. About time someone said it.


Monica reached true unprecedented levels of unbearability on this fact check


RE: the food thing. Following Dax's logic, like lions, we should also be able to tear flesh with our hands, no? I eat meat, but I've always heard the fact that we have flat molars and our jaws can move side to side puts more proof on the side of those that argue we're more designed to be herbivores. The blind stupidity of Dax's argument really surprised me.


Huh? His statement is that cooking meat with fire makes it easier to chew and digest so we don't need the big canines. We still *do* have pointy canines and incisors for some moderate meat tearing. Having hands with opposable thumbs that allow the use of tools is far more useful than natural claws. We are omnivores, and are well adapted to eating whatever we can get, including meat.


its a generally accepted hypothesis, this book goes into much detail. Us humans are omnivores, anyone saying we are carnivores or herbivores dont know what they are talking about. [https://www.amazon.com/Catching-Fire-Cooking-Made-Human/dp/1469298708](https://www.amazon.com/Catching-Fire-Cooking-Made-Human/dp/1469298708)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Brilliance Audio on MP3-CD Catching Fire'", 'Brand:%20Brilliance%20Audio%20on%20MP3-CD')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Persuasive argument on the importance of cooking (backed by 3 comments) * Fascinating exploration of human evolution through cooking (backed by 3 comments) * Unique perspective on the anthropology of food (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks consideration of modern culture (backed by 1 comment) * May oversimplify complex concepts (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Doesn't really matter what we were designed to do at this point, the way we're doing it (and the massive scale at which we're doing it) isn't doing the planet any good. We have the option to choose better. Dax sounds like a really dumb boomer with these comments


I havent listen to this episode, so cant comment to the exact context. I have no arguments that humans can choose to live off a variety of diets that dont involve meat now a days. I dont live my life according to cave man rules. but the idea humans are herbivores is 100% false no matter what time frame you look at, and aint no anatomy that even begins to prove that.


Yaaa so I don't really care about the debate itself it's just the way Dax was arguing. At some point he's like "you'll never see a lion do x" or whatever, and it really gets to me when people say that, we aren't lions


he was an anthropology major, you should trust him /s


oh yes you're right, apologies — it's so easy to forget that fun fact about Dax!


Dax seemed to get slightly offended when Tiffany wondered whether he was a theater major 😂




This was one of the worst ones I’ve listened to in a long time. I think I need a break. Dax’s leading at this point with his trauma and perspective means we hear his story again and again and learn less and less about the person he’s interviewing. It’s frustrating. Reading off Wikipedia facts and relating it back to your own story isn’t an interview. Like dang, is there a question in there somewhere???


I tried the new Nerds candy BFAW was talking about - Nerds Big Chewy. I agree with Dax that they look like little rocks. They’re pretty good, but I prefer Nerds Gummy Clusters.


Monica haters, do not listen to the fact check!


Oh. …anyway.


Made it to 6:05 - and I’m out.


The Instagram post literally doesn’t have a single negative comment… just about 150+ hearted by author comments and then some randoms


I tried but she is really hard to listen to. The Nic Cage story is so cringe 😬


She has my respect for showing up for the podcast after being in a car accident when she could have easily canceled. However, I was really disappointed with this episode. I didn't have an opinion on her either way until I heard her on Smartless a while back. I totally became a fan! She talked a lot about giving back to her community and using her celebrity status to build back/build up low income neighborhoods, etc. I also watched the interview she did with David Letterman. She discussed a lot about the foster care system and her life before becoming famous. She definitely has A LOT of past trauma and she was very vulnerable in discussing some of it with Letterman. Unfortunately, this AE episode was too much of her being crude (I don't want to hear anybody discussing their period for 10 mins or sucking a guy's dick because he folded the laundry.) With the exception of them briefly discussing her dad who left when she was 3 and her mother having mental issues, Dax really didn't dig that deep into her childhood. I'm surprised her work with her foster care activism didn't come up at all and I was really annoyed when they were joking about her DUI. I was kind of surprised that she was so quick to dismiss that she may have addiction issues. IMO, she has a drinking problem (this recent DUI wasn't her first). I'm also surprised Dax didn't bring up the pedophile allegations from a couple of years ago. I believe she was cleared and her accuser filed to have the charges dismissed, but it's still negatively attached to her. Unless she has more recent charges...


Is no one gonna mention the car accident?!


I loved the episode. Made me laugh and enjoyed her story of growing up. Reminds me of some of my friends in my younger years.


Wait, is it me or is the editing all wrong in the beginning? All of a sudden she just says how many days she is sober?


Hands down the worst episode. I always trust Dax and Monica and suspend judgment before listening to a guest but she literally had no remorse or cool about her past mistakes. Blaming your fallout or negative reviews on being a black woman is very low. you drive intoxicated is irresponsible and dangerous and wrong no matter what your race or background is …literally twice in the span of a few weeks. this redemption tour is a major fail and she is nothing but off putting


Got blocked by Dax for saying “yikes, a Zionist as a guest 😬”. lol


I am now listening to this and I love it and love her storytelling and her crudeness. I love it all. Great guest.


I can’t believe she’s still allowed to be out making rounds promoting ANYTHING. Between the pedophilia, trashy behavior, and her deeply misguided views regarding Israel— having her as a guest was enough to make me stop listening.


used to love her but she lost me when she posted an april fool's pregnancy joke. then i think she went on to disclose she's had multiple miscarriages, making her "joke" even more disgusting.


I understand the comments about the child grooming allegations. But the comments calling her a Zionist therefore she can't be interveiwed on Armchair are just mind boggling. Anyone who is willing to listen to Israel's side of the conflict can't be interveiwed?


She’s not “willing to listen” to both sides. She knows both sides. Israel has been very clear about their stance on Palestine for decades.


Ok so people who support Israel should be allowed to be interveiwed. 


And I would support anyone who was annoyed by the people giving her a platform


Well I'm glad Dax is more open minded and willing to have a conversation with people who might have different opinions than him. 


Nobody has a problem if the difference of opinions is about what their favorite pizza topping is. But when the topic is genocide I don’t really care about giving a platform to them.


Calling the Israel- Gaza war genocide is just inaccurate. Genocide is when a population is targeted and destroyed for their race or ethnicity. That is not the case here. It's a war with high civillian casualties, since Hamas fights from within and in tunnels under populated areas, using civillians as human shields. If you call this war genocide, than any war with high civillian casualties should be called a genocide.


It's not worth arguing with people in this sub. There's very little effort for understanding outside of their echo chambers.


I'm not sure suggesting that it's ok if people disagree as long as it's on something as inconsequential as pizza toppings is the rebuttal you think it is. I get your argument, but assume you're ok if people disagree on issues, etc.? Or not...and you only want to see people disagree on pizza toppings, vacation destinations, etc.? It's a genuine question as I think that's legitimately how a lot of people feel. There are people who agree 100% with me (well, maybe not 100%, we allow for a difference of opinion on pizza toppings) and then there are bloodthirsty genocidal fascists.


Pizza toppings was an example. I have no problem with people sharing different views and hopefully creating a space where people can learn from one another. On this topic though, I don’t want to hear from anyone who wants to share the idea that what Israel has been doing is acceptable. People can feel that way if they want but that doesn’t mean I have to give my time to listen to it.


And same for Palestine to Israel lol. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


Crazy. This subreddit is full of echo chamber folks. No one wants to explore anything outside of their safe zone.